Sebastian Cupid by J. J. Martin - HTML preview

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They didn’t find Victoria that night. Russell and Sebastian looked all over Temple, visited her apartment, and called her cell phone, which went straight to voicemail. By the time they decided to give up, the hour was late. Sebastian looked at Russell and said, “You and I better just head back. We’ll see her in the morning.”

Russell nodded and turned his car back toward Temple. There was no way Victoria would ever miss the meeting in the morning. They went back to Temple, stumbling to bed.

Sebastian tossed and turned most of the night. He woke early and then walked down to Aspen’s room. She was still asleep when he entered the room, so he stood at the window, watching the sunrise as it colored the room and stung his eyes. The ball of light was well into the horizon before Sebastian heard Aspen shift. Her eyes opened sleepily as he approached the bed. “Oh!” she gasped. “I didn’t see you.”

Sebastian walked to the side of her bed and sat. He let his eyes linger over Aspen’s flushed face and creamy skin before he smiled in reply. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”

She sat up, feeling a little off-balance at knowing Sebastian had been there while she slept. “Not at all. I assume you had a long night.”

Sebastian nodded. “It was one for the books, that’s for sure.”

“Is Alex okay?”

“Much better after Russell and I talked with her and Glen. She’s just confused, which is understandable.”

Aspen sat, slowly, pulling her covers up under her arms to hide her camisole. “How did it happen?”

Sebastian hesitated only a moment, knowing better than to tell secrets, though it surprised him a little that he wanted to. “We don’t know all the details. We do know the immortal blood in her system mutated her genetic makeup. It bonded with her as opposed to killing her, even though it looked like that in the beginning.”

Aspen exhaled heavily. “All from a little splash of blood?”

Sebastian wanted to groan, but, to his credit, he remained quiet. “We’re not really sure of all the details yet, but Psyche is reviewing the situation.”

Aspen nodded. “You don’t have to tell me.”

Sebastian smiled. “It’s worth more than my position or service to the Arrows to talk about it right now.”

Aspen knew a thing or two about loyalty to her god. “Of course.” She stood quickly, moving to her robe which lay at the foot of her bed. Sebastian watched as her arms slid into her sleeves, tucking her Lead Arrow mark on her left shoulder into its soft, white folds. Aspen belted the robe, feeling a little more confident.

Sebastian rose from his seat, watching. “You’re moving a lot better now.”

Aspen nodded. “I didn’t really want the wheelchair last night, but it was the only way Garrett would let me out of the room.”

Sebastian chuckled. “That sounds like Garrett.”

Aspen smiled. “I am just about back to normal. A night’s worth of sleep sure makes all the difference in the world.” She colored prettily as she looked up at Sebastian’s face. “And blood donations. When is the meeting?”

Sebastian looked at his watch. “In about a half an hour.”

Aspen nodded. “Good.” She walked to the bathroom, where Sebastian heard her turn on the shower. When she came back out, she was wiping her face on a hand towel. “I’m just going to grab a quick shower before I go.”

Sebastian smiled. “Is it okay if I wait here?”

Aspen looked up, and a jolt of lightening jumped through her belly. She tossed her head as much to clear it as to look nonchalant about the question. “Of course.” The effect was totally ruined as she almost ran into the door frame on her way back into the bathroom. Sebastian kept a straight face until she shut the door, and then he chuckled softly.

Once Aspen was in the bathroom, she cursed herself for being a stupid, silly woman, and then quickly washed in the shower. The water felt amazing against her recently healed skin and muscles. Her cuts were completely healed over. She wasn’t pale anymore. She felt a bit like she’d been through a blender, but she felt strong again. She wasn’t ready to go on a demon hunt, but she was more than capable of returning to business.

When she came back out to the bedroom, Sebastian was standing at the window, waiting. He turned when the door opened. Aspen looked very clean and fresh in her suit, her hair pulled back tightly from her face in a severe knot. Her face was all business, and it annoyed him. He’d been unable to focus on anything but mental images of her naked body, which was separated from him only by a thin door. He swallowed as he remembered again what her body had looked like in the light of the hotel room. Frustrated, he took several steps until he was right in front of her. Surprised by his sudden approach, Aspen took a hasty step back, bumping into the wall behind her. Before she could think or react, Sebastian’s hands were in her hair. She threw a shocked glance upwards in time to register his intense stare before his dark head lowered and dominated her upturned mouth.

A squeak of surprise slipped out, but it quickly turned to a sigh as Aspen angled her head to deepen the kiss. Sebastian’s hands were rough and hard against the soft skin of her neck. His breath scorched her mouth, and the heartbeats that pounded against her chest could have belonged to either of them, so incredible was the thudding in her ears.

Aspen rose up on her toes to match his height. He threw her arms around his neck, then he slipped his hands around her waist, lifting Aspen up off of the floor to grate against his clothing. Suddenly his uniform felt too tight, his skin itching to be free to taste her and touch her more. His lips slid open as her soft mouth yielded to his tongue. Her breaths were short gasps of excitement. Sebastian’s hands tightened over her clothing, his fingers greedily ripping into her sides. She was completely dominating every sense, every thought in his head. He felt like he was drowning in her. Aspen’s scent filled his nostrils, and every movement she made was amplified, like the tremors of an earthquake through his body. Startled by his own reaction to her, he pulled back with great effort, but it did him no good. Aspen moaned and threw her legs around his waist. He stumbled forward into the wall behind Aspen, thumping her back against it. He groaned in desperation as the solid wall held Aspen’s hard, muscled form against his own. Aspen looked up at Sebastian, her eyes searing his. She smiled slightly as she leaned forward, licking his neck from collarbone to ear.

Groaning, shaking, Sebastian bit into Aspen’s neck, savoring her purr against his open mouth. Her arms wrapped around his back, and Sebastian thrust his hands under the edge of her jacket, pulling at her dress shirt while thrusting against her, pinning her to the wall. Aspen leaned her head back, and her hair slipped from its pins, the long, wet masses spilling over her shoulders. She faintly heard a button pop as her shirt was liberated from her waistband. Sebastian’s hands moved over the skin of her ribs, molding it with his hands. His thumbs dipped below her waistline, teasing. Sebastian looked up into Aspen’s eyes, the fire inside them scorching the air. Aspen smiled, slowly, liquidly. Sebastian was surprised into smiling himself. Aspen started to laugh as they brought their lips together for another lusty, erotic kiss.

A knock sounded at the door. Sebastian jerked his head back, snarling. Aspen hastily lowered her feet and turned into the bathroom, snapping the door shut just as the door to the bedroom swung inward. Russell poked his head in. Sebastian tried not to pout as he angled toward the window, internally growling at the interruption. He turned only slightly as Russell spoke. He didn’t dare turn completely around in his current condition.

“Hey! Where’s Aspen?”

Sebastian motioned toward the bathroom door.

Russell nodded and entered the room, walking slowly to the window where Sebastian stood. “Is she going to the meeting?”

Sebastian nodded. Russell pursed his lips and looked at Sebastian quizzically. “What’s up with you?”

Sebastian scowled. “Nothing’s up with me. What’s up with you?”

Russell just shrugged. The door to the bathroom opened and Aspen emerged, looking as presentable as she had before Sebastian had gone to work on her. His lips curved slightly as he noticed her jacket was closed now, hiding the missing button on her blouse. “Hello, Russell,” she said.

Russell smiled. “You look much better.”

Aspen nodded, smiling. “It was just a matter of blood and rest.” She walked toward the bedroom door, completely composed. The men turned to watch her. “I’m going to go check on Mars and Rogan.” She frowned. “You guys don’t think there’s much more point to them being in Hans’s care now, do you? After yesterday?”

Sebastian shook his head while Russell shrugged. “I don’t know,” Russell said. “I don’t think Mars knows what Auster’s up to, but what happens to Mars will be determined by Dad. He’s on his way here now.”

Aspen nodded, shortly. “All the same, I’m going to go see them. I haven’t seen them since I got back. I’ll see you both at the meeting.”

Sebastian didn’t realize he was holding his breath until Aspen left the room. Russell chuckled. Sebastian scowled and looked over. “What?”

Russell only laughed and walked toward the door. “Nothing.”

Together, the two men left the room, walking toward the lobby where over a hundred other Arrows were gathered for the meeting this morning. As they stepped off the base of the stairs, Sebastian noticed Psyche was deep in conversation with Elaine and Stephan, the Lead Arrow representatives. She looked concerned, but the Lead Arrows looked plain outraged. Sebastian nudged Russell and nodded toward Psyche. Russell’s face went hard as he saw Stephan take a step closer to Psyche. Sebastian took Russell’s arm before he could storm off. “Hang on there, champ. Mom can take care of this.”

Sure enough, a few seconds later, whatever Psyche said made Stephan quickly take a step back. Elaine took his arm and led him to his seat, at the front of the room. Psyche turned and took her seat at the center of the table on the platform at the front of the room next to Venus, waiting for the room to come to order. Venus glanced over and muttered a few words to Psyche as she sat.

Slowly, the room quieted, all of the Arrows waiting for Psyche to speak. The seat next to Psyche was empty, which meant Cupid had not arrived yet. Sebastian noticed Aspen enter the lobby from the stairs right before Psyche stood to speak, accompanied by Victoria. Aspen saw him, and they walked to where Russell and Sebastian stood in the back of the room.

Psyche started into her speech immediately, not giving Sebastian any time to talk with either of them as they approached. “Arrows, thank you for coming. Please join me in welcoming our Lead Arrow allies to our meeting this morning, Elaine and Stephan.”

A flurry of clapping ensued, which stopped quickly. Nothing on the Lead Arrows’ faces indicated that they were honored to be present.

Psyche forced a diplomatic smile as she looked out at the room. “Let us also welcome back Aspen, who assures me she’s almost completely recovered.”

Aspen started in surprise as over a hundred pairs of eyes fell on her, but she smiled and nodded to the applause anyway.

Psyche smiled warmly at her before she continued. “We are here today to discuss two very, very important issues at hand. The first is the issue of Arrow safety. As you know, we’ve had a succession of Arrow attacks in the last week. One of these attacks resulted in a loss of a beloved Golden Arrow brother. Our most recent attack nearly claimed the life of a Lead Arrow sister. I was informed by Elaine and Stephan upon their arrival there have been attacks in other cities as well, and Cupid confirms this.”

Russell and Sebastian glanced at each other. Victoria’s brow furrowed as she listened. Psyche looked across the room as she spoke. “I refuse to see us lose more Arrows to demon activity. Since we are not sure exactly who is sending out demons against our Temple or why, we are forced to pull all Arrows from the streets.”

There was a clamoring outburst at this statement as Arrows bent their heads to whisper and exclaim. One Arrow spoke outright. “But how can we maintain peace among mortals without meeting quota?”

Another Arrow nodded. “It will be chaos and war without the service of Arrows.”

There was a lot of nodding and sounds of agreement to this statement. Psyche nodded as she went on. “I agree. This decision was not easy, but it is very fortunate we have a backup plan.” All of the Arrows stopped talking and waited to hear what Psyche had in mind. “Sebastian Cupid, you have been working on a project for a little while, have you not?”

Sebastian should have been surprised, but ever since he heard where the line of the conversation is going he assumed this would come up. “I have, Mother.”

Psyche nodded. “Please come forward and briefly tell us what you’ve been working on, sparing the technical details.”

Sebastian felt the eyes of his brethren on him as he walked to the front of the crowded room, toward the table at which his mother stood. She sat as he approached, giving him the floor. Sebastian turned to face the eyes of his peers, noting the smiles on the faces of Russell, Aspen, and Victoria at the back of the room. He noticed now Evans wasn’t in the room, but Glen and Alex weren’t either. That’s likely where she was spending her time.

Sebastian cleared his throat. “For some time, I have been researching a way to serve mortals with the gifts of love and war without personal contact. Or, at least, not as personal as we are used to. Earlier this week, I succeeded.”

Murmurs broke out in the room. “This worked on the streets?” one Arrow asked, whom Sebastian recognized from other functions.

Sebastian nodded. “Last Saturday, I managed to serve four mortals.”

Pandemonium broke out. “In one night?” an excited Arrow asked.

“It worked as well as the normal method?” a girl Arrow right beside him asked.

Sebastian nodded as Psyche rose to her feet. Her raised hands quieted the crowd until she could talk above them. “Arrows, I know this is a big change. We’ve been doing everything the same way for thousands of years. Sadly, the world is not the same as it was thousands of years ago. To protect our Temple, we need to consider other methods to care for mortals entrusted to our service. Sebastian has tested this process, and he seems to have found a way to make it work. The reason why we implement this action now is to protect you. We would like for all of you to move back home to Temple until the threat has been eliminated. Hans and the other Guardians can protect you far better here than anywhere else. We would like to have everyone accounted for until further notice.”

Heads bent together throughout the room as faces lit up with worry. Nothing like this had ever been suggested before. An Arrow stood, facing Psyche. “Where is Cupid? What does he say to this?”

At this statement, Elaine rose from the table at the front, looking at Psyche. “My point too, Psyche. You are not the only god in Temple Cupid. Where is the god of love himself?”

Venus’s cold voice quieted the room. “Maybe you think you are better than the word of the gods, Elaine? Lest you forget, I am a goddess too.”

Elaine colored, but stood her ground. “I’m not following you blindly through this. None of us are. What about Mars? And now I hear there is a demigod in your Temple.”

Sebastian glanced worriedly to the back of the room as voices rose around him. Russell met his glance, shaking his head. Sebastian turned to look at his mother. Psyche raised her hands. “Please, quiet yourselves. This shall take much longer if you do not.”

The voices reluctantly dimmed as Psyche turned to gaze coldly at Elaine and Stephan. “Yes, there is the issue with Mars, which is the other topic we need to discuss this morning. Based on the findings from Aspen’s rescue, I’m inclined to drop all charges against Mars and release him and Rogan.”

Several Arrows jumped to their feet. Psyche’s eyes glowed as she commanded, “Silence!”

All discussion stopped with the ringing echo of her voice. The standing Arrows sank reluctantly into their seats, faces creased in worry. “There is no reason to suspect Mars. Aspen was attacked in the very same manner our Jeremy was killed. If Sebastian and Russell had not gone to her aid, we’d be having her funeral right now instead of this meeting.”

Arrows all over the room glanced at Sebastian and dropped their gazes. “Mars is innocent. As soon as the meeting is over, he will be released, and I will be extending my apologies.”

Stephan spoke quietly from his seat at the table. “What about the demigod?”

Faces turned eagerly to Psyche to see what she would have to say. As she opened her mouth to speak, the door to Temple was thrust open, and the mighty form of Cupid entered the lobby. All Arrows, even the Lead Arrows, bowed as he entered and approached the platform. “The demigod has been pardoned, by order of Jupiter,” he said, his rich voice echoing in the hall. No one dared speak against this new information, not even Elaine and Stephan. Cupid moved behind the table, where he bent down to kiss Psyche lightly on the lips. “I’m sorry I’m late.”

Psyche smiled. “You’re never late.”

Cupid turned to face the congregation. Sebastian moved to the side of the room as Cupid untied his cloak, handing it to a Guardian who stood at his side. As the black overcoat was removed, all eyes in the room were riveted to Cupid’s magnificent wings. After thousands of years, the shocking beauty of Cupid’s wings never faded. They were a rich gold color and spanned three inches taller than his head while they were closed. Opened, they extended out ten feet on either side. It was magnificent to behold. Being the only active god with wings, the novelty never faded with time. Standing at over six and half feet, his cherubic face took in the congregation, his eyes tranquil. However, Sebastian knew looks were deceiving. There were few gods who had grown as strong as Cupid since the fall of Rome.

“Elaine, Stephan,” Cupid inclined his head to the table, and was rewarded with inclinations from both of the guests, however reluctant they might have been. “It is good to see all of my Chicago Arrows again. I have missed you while I have been away in Rome. Psyche and I have been talking almost every hour about recent events, and it is from our discussions these decisions have been made.

“The Temple of Auster has been destroyed in every city.” While this came as no shock to Sebastian and his close brethren, everyone else in the room gasped. Stephan almost rose from his seat before stopping himself. “It’s true. I sadly report most of his followers have been slaughtered, the Temples reduced to ruins. Sebastian has seen evidence of this recently while on his rescue mission to retrieve Aspen.”

Again, heads around the room turned to look at Sebastian and Aspen. Sebastian ignored them, waiting for more information. “Every Temple of Auster seems to have been destroyed by demon activity. Two more Arrows have been found dead.” Gasps and cries echoed out. “It is only by sheer luck Sebastian and Russell were able to stop the most recent attempt. Demons destroyed that Temple within the hour after they made their escape. The Guardians that witnessed it are safely with us again.”

Several women in the room lowered their heads and sobbed as Cupid continued. “Nakaya and Halle Cupid have moved on to their rightful places in the Afterworld. Let us take a moment of silence.”

Sebastian’s heart sank as he glanced at Victoria. Tears were running down her face openly, though she remained as steadfast as ever. Nakaya had been one of her roommates when she was stationed in Tokyo.

After a long pause, Cupid raised his head, the glow from the morning light shining through his golden curls which lit up like a halo. “Never before have we been challenged by such a front of evil as this. Auster is missing. Now that we have seen the state of his Temples, we have to believe that, while his power obviously still remains, he is captive somewhere. Demons have been pitted against the holy realm and continue to strike against us. We do not know why our realm is the target, but Psyche and I realize we are in danger of losing our Temples in the same manner if we do not take immediate action.

“Since we do not know where the demon activity is coming from, we’re locking down our Temples. Sebastian’s method is working. It will protect all of you.”

Whispers started as Cupid paused. “As I understand,” he continued, “Sebastian’s new method also reduces some of the more challenging aspects of our service.”

Arrows began to talk excitedly and look about the room as Cupid nodded to Sebastian. “It’s true,” Sebastian confirmed. “I serviced four mortals in five hours last week. They had no idea I was involved.”

Cupid nodded. “I’m deeply grateful for your efforts in our cause, Sebastian. Are these methods available for use now?”

Sebastian considered, nodding. “I will need the blood of Arrows, but not much. If we set up a rotation for donation, we’ll be able to evenly contribute.”

Calamity struck the room as Arrows talked together excitedly. Sebastian allowed his eyes to pass over the back of the room where Aspen stood. She smiled brightly at him, her dark eyes and military stature breaking only slightly as she acknowledged him.

Stephan rose and the speaking came to a halt. “What does Mars have to say to this?”

“I’m sure Cupid thinks it would be a huge benefit to us both.” Mars spoke from the back of the room. The room fell silent as Arrows strained to see Mars walking to the front of the room.

Cupid inclined his head. “Welcome back to us, Mars. Please forgive us.”

Mars chuckled, slightly. “Oh, think nothing of it, brother.”

Sebastian’s lip curled at his tone. Even Aspen was disturbed by his response, which held more than enough malice to start a quarrel. Before that could happen, Psyche cleared her throat and hastily changed the subject. “The demigod, Alex?”

Cupid nodded. “I have spoken to Jupiter about the unusual circumstances surrounding the recent acquisition of the newest member of our Temple, Alex. All of you know she was only just laid to rest last night from her mortal life. It was not known she would rise again as a demigod.” Whispers among the Arrows started before Cupid continued. “The prolonged contact of immortal blood seems to have changed her mortal DNA. Her weakened state enabled a mutation. While the exposure to mortal blood seemed to be killing her, her body accepted the change. She and her mortal brother have been invited to join our Temple. She has accepted.”

The outburst at this statement would have gone to astronomical proportions had Mars not chosen that moment to begin laughing out loud, shocking the hall to silence. Cupid turned his eyes coolly to Mars. “You have something to contribute to this, Mars?”

Mars chuckled in his throat as he responded. “You seem to be able to get everything you need to continue on safely, Cupid, just as you always have. Tell me, what does it feel like to be the Golden Child?”

Cupid’s expression darkened. Sebastian’s breath hissed between his teeth. Cupid stood stonily, resting his eyes on Mars’s impudent form. “I understand if you are upset with us for our hasty decision to hold you captive, Mars. We still need to discuss this matter.”

Mars growled. “There is no discussion. You took the word of a mortal over that of a god who has been in your service for thousands of years. Your ‘loyalty’ is a mar on the family name.”

Cupid roared. “You were seen at the site of a demon attack right before it happened.”

Mars bellowed into the hall. “Right before one of my own Arrows was attacked! Does thousands of years of service to our combined Temples, my guidance over the Lead Arrows to maintain mortal balance amount to nothing? NOTHING?”

Storm clouds billowed in the sky and darkened the room as Mars’s eyes glowed red with dismay. “You are nothing but a pack of corrupted lobbyists, kissing ass to make sure you get your way. I am tired of being subjected to ridicule and speculation because of the nature of the job that you bestowed on me!”

Psyche and Venus rose and stood behind Cupid as the wrath of the war god flickered across the skies in the form of lightning and thunder. The Arrows glanced around the room, dismayed at the sudden turn of events. Cupid stood regally. “We have admitted we have done wrong by keeping you hostage here, and we ask your forgiveness, Mars. We cannot do any more than that.”

Mars glowered at Cupid as he slowly strode up the aisle, ignoring the snarls on either side of him as he passed. “Yes, you can.” Mars stopped twenty feet from Cupid, his face a dark and ugly smear of hatred and pain. “You can keep your Temple away from me. As of now, the Lead Arrows are done serving you.”

Silence was a thick blanket on the room as Cupid evaluated Mars. “You mean this? You would leave union with the Temple? Our alliance? What of your service to the mortals?”

Mars sneered. “Unlike how you have painted me as of late, Cupid, my dedication to my service has never wavered. The mortals are my charge. Since we are the ones taking the hits for our service, we’ll now be the only one reaping the benefits from it. Prayers for revenge and war will come directly to my Temples, not filter through yours.”

Cupid shook his head. “What about the new method? Could you not benefit from Sebastian’s research? Use it for your Temple and the health of your Arrows? What about the protection of the Guardians?”

“We don’t need your shortcuts, Cupid. We’ll manage without your help. We’re strong enough to do our job the real way.”

Sebastian turned to look at Aspen, who was openly staring at Mars, a look of shock on her face. Sebastian remembered how, in her moment of weakness, she’d revealed how horrible her experiences with mortals sometimes were. Sebastian hastily stepped forward. “Mars.” Mars turned to look at Sebastian, surprised at the interruption. “Please reconsider.”

Mars crossed his arms. “Arrow, I have you to thank for returning Aspen to us. Knowing her as I do, she was only trying to clear my name, but don’t meddle in politics you don’t understand.” He turned to take in the room with his red eyes, his long, dark hair billowing in the electrified energy of the storm that was now battering the Temple. “All Arrows need to consider your future. If you come to find you don’t agree with what’s happening here, the dangers you find yourself facing, remember there is more than one way to serve the cause of the Arrows. My door is open to you.”

Cupid took a dangerous step forward, anger warring on his face. “Do you speak of mutiny, Mars? In my Temple?”

Mars turned only slightly, as if Cupid’s anger was of no great consequence to him. “I speak of survival. There are things even you aren’t prepared for, Cupid.”

At that moment, Rogan entered the lobby hastily and approached Mars. “New York has been attacked!”

Mars growled as he strode for the door. Cupid ran behind him. “Mars! Don’t face this alone!”

Mars whirled on Cupid. “I already have been! You have forced it on me!” Mars looked at the faces of Psyche and Venus behind Cupid and snarled. “I’ve been told a great war is coming. I suggest you all make ready. I’m going to go save what’s left of my Temple.”

Mars turned and strode from the lobby. Elaine and Stephan ran to join him. Sebastian rushed to where Aspen had been, but she was already following Mars. “Aspen!” he yelled. She did not slow down as she strode away from him. “Aspen!” This time he grabbed her arm, swinging her about.

“Stop it, Sebastian!”

Sebastian scowled. “It’s just like that, then? You are abandoning us too?”

Aspen’s face was like granite as she replied. “I am following my god, like I should have done the first time. I’d expect you to do the same.”

She attempted to go again, but Sebastian held her fast, not heeding the threat in her eyes. “You know this isn’t right. You know you can’t face this alone.”

Aspen yanked her arm roughly from Sebastian’s grip. “I’m not screwing this up, Sebastian!”

If it hadn’t been for the note of desperation in her voice, he might not have let her go. Since he heard it, he was shocked into standing and watching her leave. He didn’t hear Russell approach until he spoke in Sebastian’s ear, startling him. “She’s making up for not listening to Mars the first time, when he was innocent.”

Sebastian shook his head. “Mars is going to lose his Temple to the demons. The future of all the Arrows will be like the ashes of hell if the Lead Arrows fall.”

Russell and Sebastian looked at each other as the Arrows in the room broke into a panic. Sebastian gazed at the front of the room where Cupid, Psyche, and Venus stood, deep in conversation. Sebastian whirled to the stairs, and Victoria and Russell followed him as he took the steps two at a time. Russell strode with Sebastian to his rooms. Victoria panted from behind. “What are you doing, Sebastian?”

Sebastian shook his head. “I don’t know. I have to find a way to convince Mars we are better in this war if we are united against the demons and whoever else.”

Russell turned to Victoria as they approached the door of Sebastian’s room. “Come clean, Victoria.”

She blinked. “What do you mean?”

Russell snarled. He had never once in his life shown her any anger, and the effect was immediate as she looked at him in shock. “No games! What were you up to in Hans’s corridor the day Sebastian and I went to save Aspen?”

Victoria swallowed. “I was…talking to Rogan.”