Sensei of Shambala by Anastasia Novykh - HTML preview

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espite the bad weather and traffic problems caused by the year’s first snow, which heaped up like never before,

everybody came to the meditation training on time. Without wasting time, Sensei started discussing our attempts to bring up the flower of lotus. Nikolai Andreevich admired his results, in particular from the psychotherapeutic point of view, as one of the best ways to control thoughts. At the end of his story he said thoughtfully, “I was trying to analyze everything you said in more detail, and a question arose in me. You said that these vibrations of love protect a human from the negative influence of other people. From which one exactly, and how does it manifest?”

“Negative influence can be various. It can be an evil eye and, as people say, bedeviling…”
“An evil eye? Bedeviling?” Nikolai Andreevich was sincerely surprised. “I thought that the evil eye and bedeviling were just folklore, which is profitable enough for some enterprising people.”
“Folklore exists only for the reason that this phenomenon of thought really exists but doesn’t yet have sufficient, steadfast, scientific acknowledgement. But in fact, the manifestation of a negative thought exists. I’ve already said many times that a thought is material. They try to prove it today. Later on they will find more and more scientific proof. A thought is an information wave. Its information is coded on a certain frequency, which is perceived by our material brain, or rather, by its deeper structures. And when someone thinks something bad towards you, it’s natural that it is received by your brain at the subconscious level. During the deciphering of this code, the brain starts to model this negative situation, which is implemented later into life as an unconscious order of the subconscious. That is the bedeviling, which manifests itself in a form of illness or something else. That’s on the one hand. But on the other hand, when an individual creates around himself a wave field with certain frequency characteristics - well, simply saying, an aura of love
- then, by all the laws of physics, negative information won’t be able to penetrate into this power field, not even to reach his brain and to manifest there in the form of a command. Why? Because this power field is much stronger. The human as a social creature is a pretty complex structure. He exchanges information with others not just by means of mimicry, gestures, voice. Do you know what the voice itself is? It’s the same vibration heard by us in the range of the same waves, just at different frequencies than thoughts.” “So it means that our ability to perceive sounds is limited only by the peculiar illusion of the mind?” Nikolai Andreevich enunciated, thinking about something else.
“Of course. For example, science officially proved that a human is limited in frequency range and only hears in the range from 20 hertz to 18 kilohertz. But for some reason, when people discovered the world of ultrasounds, then they learned to communicate with dolphins. It simply proves one more time that a human consciously perceives only a small part of that diverse world that surrounds him. But his subconscious… it records much more from the surrounding world.”
“And does a human somehow feel it?” Stas asked.
“Yes. It’s just that an ordinary human feels it at the intuitive level. In other words, as people say, with a sixth sense, while a more spiritually developed individual perceives more consciously. By forming in himself the power field made of the vibrations of love, he becomes invulnerable to negative informational flows. In other words, to put it more simply, he is impervious to bad thoughts. Consequently, he is not distracted by the struggle inside of himself and doesn’t waste his precious time and power on it.”
“How does it manifest in life? It doesn’t always work so smoothly, sometimes you have good or bad luck,” Victor showed his interest.
“Good or bad luck exists only in your mind; it is you who created it yourself in your imagination. When everything is wonderful in your life, you subconsciously expect something bad and negative. And since you pre-tune yourself to it, finally you get it. It’s we who invented such a game for ourselves, to our own misfortune. It doesn’t exist in nature. Good means good. Bad means you are dumb. No exceptions.”
The guys smiled, having heard this indisputable answer to all objections.
“Can this spiritual practice help us cleanse ourselves from…well…” Eugene faltered a bit looking for the right words, “from a sin, or something? In general, from all the bad that you already managed to commit in life?”
“Of course. A human, as you say, cleanses his sins, because not only does he repent what he has committed in his life, but what’s more important, because he no longer commits and doesn’t want to commit, for him these actions have become alien. He simply casts aside everything negative, forgetting this at the conscious and subconscious levels. If he is oppressed by some past actions that constantly pursue him, he automatically cleanses himself with the help of the growing power of Love, working over the awakening of his soul.”
“Why do they say ‘sin will destroy you’?” Andrew asked.
“Yes, it will destroy. If a human commits a sin, this action doesn’t let him rest at the conscious and subconscious levels, and like a worm it nibbles at his brain. Finally it bursts through in the form of an ulcer or insult, and so forth. In other words, whatever one may say, if nothing is done to stop it, this bad thing destroys the human from inside.”
“And if the human doesn’t understand whether he committed a good or a bad thing?”
“Everybody understands pretty well what he did wrong and what good. No matter how he swaggers, no matter how he shows off in front of others, how tough he is, how good, what a superman he is, in reality, when he is left alone, he is afraid for himself. He is afraid when he goes to bed at night, especially if he is alone or walks along a dark path. He clearly feels that someone is looking at him. He feels this gaze at himself and it oppresses him. He is afraid of death because there will be… Well, to put it mildly, he will have bad time.”
“What happens after death?” asked Stas. “For the one who’s good, let’s say, who’s cleansed, who’s with God inside, for that one there is nothing to be afraid of, it will be good for him there. Even though he didn’t achieve much success in spiritual development, even though he didn’t manage to reach his final freedom of the soul, to unite with eternal love, with God, Nirvana, call it as you wish, or to get to heaven or to the kingdom of God in the interpretation of religions, but he was developing his soul, he was striving for this… Heaven is not a place where you physically hang out with your friends, the ones who, like you, prayed in church, because it’s fashionable and consider themselves enlightened. All that is rubbish, even if you pray like that all your life. The most important thing is not what you show off to the outside world, but what you think and do. The most important thing is who you really are and how you carry yourself, how you devote yourself to your spiritual growth. And if you reach a certain level of freedom, when you come to God as a mature child, then, indeed, it is clear. This is the primary goal that draws you. You left, you are free, the stars are in front of you, and endless perfection await you. But it’s difficult for you to understand this state.
“If you are a bad, negative fellow, if a material nature predominates in you, if you try to obtain material goods for yourself at the expense of oppressing others, that is, by harming them, and at the same time you don’t try to change yourself, then you will be in trouble there.”
“Ah, just bribe priests in the name of God, they will forgive all sins at once,” Eugene tried to joke.
“Priests, maybe, will forgive, but God unlikely. In general, if you try to give a miserable ransom, even by building a church, but don’t repent for what you have perpetrated and won’t make peace with your conscience, then all your recompenses will be senseless and foolish, because God is more interested in the cultivation of your soul, that is, of his own particle, than in recompenses in the form of material goods that were created by His own will for the cultivation and trial of human souls.”
“What does it mean ‘to be in trouble there’?” Andrew asked.
“Well, it is hard to explain for you to understand. But approximately something like this. Imagine the most heinous thing that can happen to you, the most horrible… Imagined?”
“So, this is the best that will be there, and for pretty long… I’m not scaring you; I’m telling you how things are. Every human bears responsibility for his doings. He may not even think of it, although at the subconscious level he is perfectly aware of what he is doing. He is greedy in secret. A material essence predominates in him. He steals, lies, and satisfies his megalomania. He begrudges to donate a penny or he thinks: ‘I have a lot of money, I am a king!’ Tomorrow, though, he’ll croak, and they will look at him, deciding who and what he was... And the most interesting thing is that everybody feels and understands this. That’s why many people rush about all their life, like a pendulum, from one extreme to another, from one religion to another. In reality, nobody except you will ever pray off your sins. What’s needed are your real actions in respect of your internal world. What’s needed is a real maturity of the soul and not some elusive self-delusions and foolish hope that no one will find out about this and you will get away with it. The guard inside of you records all of your thoughts, not even counting your actions. And the destiny of your soul will be determined according to these memory testimonies.”
“Then, it means that it’s bad to be rich,” Slava made his own conclusion.
“No, a rich man, it’s good, it’s wonderful. The fact that we still have poor people, it’s bad, it’s sad. When people are rich it’s wonderful; they have time for themselves, for their development, if they, of course, use it in the right way.”
“Tell me please,” Nikolai Andreevich again joined the conversation, “regarding the Lotus flower, I would like to ask if all people perceive these fibers of love positively?”
“A majority of them, yes. But there are certain individuals who perceive these vibrations extremely negatively. It makes them suspicious and causes antagonism. It means that they possess a defective state of mind. In other words, they are afraid that their soul might awaken by contact with the emanations of the positive person, and therefore their mind is activated and brings to the foreground all the negative. It means that this individual is very bad, rotten, although he might think that he is wonderful, good. He might be extolled by the whole crowd, while in reality he is a scumbag. Why? Because he reacts to all this extremely negatively. In his mind, the animal nature predominates over the soul.”
We kept silent for a while.
“You know, I recently read by chance that Helena Blavatsky mentioned in her manuscripts about some kind of special spiritual practice that she called the Rose of the World, which very distantly reminds me of the Flower of Lotus,” Kostya bragged about his discovery.
“Yes. It’s an echo of the spiritual practice of the Flower of Lotus. However, Blavatsky brought a lot of confusion to it. And that’s not strange because she wrote after hearing from different lamas and not from the genuine source.”
“I also read that the awakening of the lotus is the highest achievement in Buddhism. But before it, one needs to go through numerous initiations, levels and trials.”
“Ah, all that is rubbish. People made up all that stuff in order to create a gratuitous sinecure - religion. In the beginning, Buddha gave this simple practice in a pure form to the majority of people so that everyone would have access to the spiritual practice of the Flower of Lotus for awakening the soul. Everything was very simple.”
“What about for his disciples?”
“At first, he also gave this spiritual practice to his disciples. Then, according to their level of awakening, he gave them more profound knowledge.”
“You said last time that Buddha’s knowledge was partially lost,” Kostya just couldn’t calm down, “and partially distorted. And I read that the Dalai Lama, who in Lamaism, one of the major branches of Buddhism, is the highest being among the reincarnated personalities, an earthly incarnation of highly respected Bodhisattva… Avalokashevara… No, not like that, Avalokite[vara,” Kostya hardly enunciated. “In other words, he is a living god, as they say. There is also written that the death of this living god becomes the beginning of his new earthly incarnation. And a special commission of the highest lamas finds him among infants who were born over a year after the death of the Dalai Lama. So, I think that if this Bodhisattva constantly reincarnates, how can this knowledge be lost?”
“Who?! The Dalai Lama is Bodhisattva?! It’s not even a parody of Bodhisattva. Who is the Dalai Lama by himself? Well, for you to really understand it, I’ll tell you his history. The teaching of Buddha was initially oral. It had great resonance among people because its spiritual practices were simple and easy to understand, especially the Flower of Lotus. His philosophical teaching was written down for the first time from the words of his followers, just think about it, almost 600 years after his death, on palm leaves (Tripitaka) in 29 A.D. This was the most ancient early-Buddhist collection of manuscripts that had been written in a distorted version in relation to the real teachings of Buddha. It was written by people pursuing their personal goals of getting rich due to this knowledge, and in particular, of creating the basis for a religion. Moreover, after the death of Buddha, dissidence happened between his disciples. A part of them adhered to traditional views, the so-called doctrine of Hinayana, which in Sanskrit means ‘the low vehicle,’ or ‘the narrow way’ of salvation. In its initial form, this way was more or less closer to the truth because it emphasized the significance of the personal efforts of the practitioner to liberate himself from the bonds of Samsara (the transition of the soul from one body to another) on the way to final salvation (Nirvana). And still, it was heavily distorted with time by people who turned it into a complicated, fluffy cult.
“Another doctrine, Mahayana, which in Sanskrit means ‘big vehicle’ and ‘wide way of salvation’, is the beginning of our story about the Dalai Lama. The doctrine of Mahayana reformed all sides of Buddhist teaching, turning Buddha from the wise man and the Teacher into a typical deity, and the Bodhisattvas into his emanations. By their understanding, anyone could become a Bodhisattva by reaching the ruling clique of that religion, even though the very word ‘Bodhisattva’ has a completely different meaning. This word originates from Shambala.
“The word Bodhisattva translated from Sanskrit means: ‘The one whose essence is knowledge.’ Buddha introduced this concept among people, taking into account the level of spiritual development at that time. But even in his decoding of that word, its meaning sounded like this: ‘Bodhisattva is the being of Shambala who reached the highest level of perfection and came out of Nirvana having the will again to submerge into it but refused it because of his love and compassion to living creatures and a desire to help them attain perfection.’ So what did these fake Bodhisattvas do? They took out only a few words from Buddha’s definitions: ‘of Shambala,’ ‘came out of Nirvana,’ ‘having will’ and also ‘help them attain perfection’ and changed that to their own interpretation. They changed the entire meaning of the words in such a way that they could benefit from them. They hoped that the world would never find out about this. But this fact points out to their immeasurable stupidity in regard to true knowledge. True spiritual knowledge, no matter how much it is distorted, no matter how much it is hidden, no matter how much it is destroyed, will still be brought by Shambala to people in its pure form because this is the only crystal source of spiritual knowledge on the Earth from which all the teachings of the world originated.
“It is impossible for a person to become a Bodhisattva. Although, in the history of mankind, there were a few unique individuals who were able to grow with their soul to the level of Bodhisattva. But these unique people can be counted on the fingers of one hand for the entire history of the existence of mankind, not just for that tiny period of so-called history known to you. So, the highest level that people can achieve in spiritual practice by working on themselves, I emphasize again, by working on themselves, is to develop their soul through love to such a degree that death won’t be able to rule over them. In other words, they can liberate themselves from the chain of reincarnation and unite with divine love, with Nirvana, call it as you wish. For you it’s hard now even to understand the meaning of this word ‘Nirvana’. But no earthly pleasures can be compared even with a thousandth of this highest state.”
“So, Bodhisattvas are really beings from Shambala?” asked Andrew.
“Yes. They created their small world, known to people as the Abode. From there the world is given knowledge, both scientific and spiritual, so that people can grow spiritually and develop their souls.”
“Are messiahs also Bodhisattvas?” inquired Stas.
“Sometimes, Bodhisattvas, when giving their basic teaching, had to become messiahs. But this is very rare. More often, as a rule, messiahs are their disciples brought up from the ordinary people.”
“In what sense?”
“Well, one day I will tell you about it. Because we deviated from the subject too much… So, Bodhisattva will not prove to anyone who He is, and moreover He won’t create a religion. Bodhisattva may give a teaching about the spiritual essence of the human, how to develop it. But in no way a religion… In fact, any religion is just a show business begotten by the megalomania of the ruling class to fleece money from a crowd of stupid asses.”
“Well, why stupid?” Ruslan said resentfully.
“Because these people become very limited in their knowledge. They are constantly being told that they should listen only to the speeches of their religious leaders, they should read only their literature and stick only to their herd, because all other religions are wrong. For example, let’s not look for something else but return to the subject of our conversation, what did these showmen do with the teaching of Buddha? First, for their convenience and in order to have fewer questions from the crowd, they turned Buddha into a god. Second, they introduced complicated religious ceremonies, worship services, prayers, pointing out to the masses the wide and easy way to salvation, due to their show cult of bodhisattvas-mentors. The ordinary man not only has to perform the rituals, spells, vows and all their multilayered nonsense invented by them but also has to pay them for their lie and obey them implicitly. In fact, these false bodhisattvas, who are actually just sly and clever people, simply created another religion.
“And now we’ll return to the question about the Dalai Lama. So, it was Nagarjuna, who lived in the second century and started all this mess about reforming Buddhism. He was a pretty smart but cunning man with mercenary-minded interests. He was a Hindu philosopher, theologist, poet, and he founded the school of Shunyavada (Madhyamaka). And now the most important part. As Nagarjuna made a complicated thing from a simple one, he greatly distorted and partially pocketed for himself the knowledge given by Buddha for the masses, he turned upside down the essence of the very teaching, and he was severely punished by Rigden Jappo and sentenced to eternal conscious reincarnation.”
“Who is Rigden Jappo?” asked Kostya.
“Rigden Jappo leads a commune of Bodhisattvas in Shambala… So, later Nagarjuna was known under different names. In 1391, his soul was reborn in a man named Gendundub, who became the first Dalai Lama. He wanted to be worshipped, admired for being a great teacher... He was drawn by wealth, luxury, and worship. Now the Dalai Lama has plenty of wealth; he is worshipped by a quarter of the world. But on the other hand, he is not happy and will never be. He is doomed to eternal conscious reincarnation and eternal internal suffering. He cannot leave for Nirvana, cannot liberate himself from the continuous vicious circle of conscious rebirths. Nobody will let him free from this earthly life. Every lifetime, when he is 13 years old, during puberty when the life force begins to awaken and connect the human with the universe, when he begins to awaken as a personality and realizes who he is, for him it’s a big pain for the rest of his life.”
“What kind of pain?!” Kostya blurted out. “He is the Dalai Lama, he has everything! It’s a big joy to have everything and to be reborn constantly. How can he be bored of such a life?!”
The Teacher wearily looked at Kostya and said, “Well, how to explain it to you… Have you seen, for example, the movie ‘White Sun of the Desert’?”
“Do you remember how the customs official, Vereschagin, sat down to dinner and when his wife put before him a whole plate of black caviar, he glanced at it and said, ‘Again this caviar! I just can’t eat it any more, damn it. Can you go and swap it for bread?’ In other words, everything becomes boring very quickly with time. And life becomes boring even much more. If you remembered at least a part of what you experienced in other bodies, you would be fed up with the monotony of bodily forms. To be reborn consciously and to know that this is your eternal destiny is scary, and you can’t even imagine how scary it is. That’s why Jesus punished the Wandering Jew with immortality. Do you remember this story?”
Kostya shook his head in embarrassment, “No.”
“When Jesus was whipped on the way to Golgotha, He felt very bad; He was very thirsty. And when He stopped on the threshold of the house of one of the Jews, whose name was Ahasuerus, and asked for water, he rudely banished Him, being afraid for his life that he would be punished. Jesus said to him: ‘You are afraid for your life; so you will live forever!’ Ahasuerus cannot die and wanders all over the world, no matter how much he’s bored by it.”
“So, will he never be forgiven?” Tatyana asked, feeling pity for him.
“Not until there is overall forgiveness, until the entire world repents. But that’s already another story.”
Sensei glanced at his watch.
“Alright guys, it’s time to begin a meditation, otherwise our conversation might go on for a long time. Today, we will repeat for some of you and some of you will try to work through the chakras of legs and the chakra Hara.”
“Where are they located?” asked Stas.
“The chakras of the legs are located in the center of the feet, and the Hara chakra is three fingers lower than the navel in the point of Dan-tian. Translated from Japanese, Hara means belly. This is a center of the human and it practically coincides with the center of gravity, both in the physical and the geometrical sense. This meditation, just as the previous one, is focused on concentration of attention… And now stand up, relax, put your legs as wide as your shoulders…”
We stood up in a comfortable way, relaxed, and concentrated on performing the meditation.
“Now we’ll breathe in as usual, in other words, voluntary, and breathe out into the bowl-like Hara, as if filling it with Qi energy until you have a feeling of light heaviness. When the Hara fills up, you should let this Qi energy pass through from Hara into the legs through the center of the feet into the earth…”
For some time I drove this energy only with my thought. But then my imagination switched to an evidently real feeling of my belly bursting as if water had been poured into me. Meanwhile Sensei reminded us, “When Hara is filled up, you should pour this energy out through the legs, through the center of your feet into the ground.”
I tried again to do it in my imagination, mentally working on my body. Gradually, I started to feel some kind of warmth, starting with a small streamlet. It wasn’t wholly but only partially felt in the area of my shin and my foot. Even though it was pretty cold outside, my feet in my boots started gradually to warm up. When I noticed that I switched to thinking about how I was able to do it, the feelings somehow disappeared as soon as I gradually deepened my mind into logic. But just as I tried again to concentrate, Sensei notified us that the meditation was over.
“Take two deep breathes in and out. Sharply clench your fists, open up your eyes.”
I looked at my watch; only about ten minutes had passed. To me it had seemed like a lot more. Someone noticed that the snow had melted under us. We looked around with amazement. Under some of the senior guys, the thawed patches were about 40 centimeters in diameter, and under us just ordinary ones.
Eugene glanced at Stas and declared, “You see, and you complained, ‘It’s so cold, it would be good now to be in Africa.’ There’s no need for you to go to Africa. There are already palm trees starting to grow under your legs.”
Addressing Sensei, he added, “I suspected a long time ago that something was not right with his origin; he is always drawn to Papuans.”
After another series of jokes, when everybody calmed down a bit, Sensei said that we could work on this meditation on our own at home.
“And on the Flower of Lotus as well?” asked Kostya.
“Of course. Pay special attention to it and do it every free minute.”
“When will we see results?”
“Don’t worry, if you aren’t lazy, the results won’t make you wait.”
“I’m sorry. I wanted to return a bit to our conversation before the meditation. You said that all scientific knowledge is given to the world by Shambala. I didn’t quite understand how is it given?” Nikolai Andreevich pronounced it with a faint note of arrogance in his voice. “I always thought that a human is a pretty intelligent creature to invent everything on his own, including scientific discoveries.”
“Well, what should I say, in general, a human, undoubtedly, will one day become a perfect creature... But as long as the animal nature prevails in his mind, he won’t even be able to invent an ordinary chair if he were not told how it should be done.”
“How can it be?”
“Well, simply. It’s only now that people are so smart because they use the knowledge of the ancestors. But how did their ancestors find out about that, have you ever thought? Even in the most ancient legends of the Sumerian civilization, written on clay tablets, it is mentioned that people from the sky told them how to organize the household, how to build houses, how to fish, how to cultivate vegetative food for themselves, and so forth. Before that, people lived like a herd of animals... Let’s take for example, the modern world. How do scientists make discoveries?”
“By intensive work on the given subject of research.”
“Certainly, externally this looks exactly this way. But the very instant of discovery, the instant of insight?”
Nikolai Andreevich shrugged his shoulders.
“Recall the history of great discoveries,” continued Sensei. “Take for instance, the well-known periodic system of Dmitriy Ivanovich Mendeleev that came to him in a dream in its final form. He was given only a partial form that can be perceived by mankind at this stage. It’s the same story with the structure of the atom discovered by Niels Bohr, with the formula of Frederick Augustus Kukle, with discoveries of Nikolai Tesla, and many, many others. Practically all the scientific ideas and theories of mankind appeared as a result of insights, intuition, and more often as inspiration from on high. In other words, these discoveries were extracted by scientists from the depths of their subconscious.
“The depths of the subconscious is the chakra called the doors or the gates, call it as you wish, which can open from one side as well as from the other side. It is just a transition to a completely different sphere, a different dimension, a different information field. So, when necessary, a ready answer can be inserted into the brain of a scientist from that side.”
“Who inserts it?” Kostya inquired.
“The One who’s located on that side. Every human perceives Him differently: some take Him for the Absolute, some believe it’s the Collective Intellect, or Shambala, or God…”
“I wonder whether Shambala and God are one and the same?” Ruslan asked, pondering something.
“No. God is God, while Shambala is just one of His creations.”
“And what is Shambala in relation to mankind?” asked Nikolai Andreevich.
“It’s simply a source of knowledge. Speaking with modern language, it is a certain bank of information, the entrance to which exists in the depths of the subconscious of every human.”
“So, it means that one can get into Shambala without leaving the room?” Stas was surprised by his guess.
“Absolutely correct…”
We spoke a little more about the questions worrying us until Sensei once again glanced at his watch. “Alright, guys, it’s already late; it’s time to leave.”
Honestly speaking, I, as well as the others, didn’t want to leave. Eugene precisely expressed our mutual opinion, “The soul demands the continuation of the banquet.” But, alas, we needed to go home so that our relatives would not worry about the long absence of our bodies.
