Sensei of Shambala by Anastasia Novykh - HTML preview

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he next day, during our trip to the spiritual training, I was telling the guys the entire way my great news that our Sensei

is the famous chiropractor and what I had heard and seen while visiting him. For them it was also a big surprise. In our secret glade, almost everybody had already gathered. Sensei, having greeted us, politely asked me how my mother was doing.

“Thank you, a little better. She has strong pains still, of course. But at least she slept calmly last night.”
“This is good. That’s all right, she will slowly recover her health.”
I didn’t have a slight doubt about this. For the most part, I was very happy that everything turned out exactly this way. I could not wish a better doctor for my beloved mother. Now my soul was calm.
“And you know,” I continued, “I was so surprised to have seen you. I thought that chiropractic was only practiced by dilapidated old men and women.”
“Many people think this way.”
“Why is that so?”
“Because in chiropractic, real knowledge and experience comes with years, and that’s why most of us are older.”
I noticed that none of the senior guys, including Nikolai Andreevich, was at all surprised by the word “chiropractor.” They had probably known about this for a long time.
“Tell me,” I continued, looking with admiration into his eyes, “Can spinal diseases be cured with the help of faith?”
“Faith is capable of moving mountains, not just curing spinal problems. But few people have true faith.”
“Doubts gnaw, our animal nature suppresses. That’s why it is very hard for a human to acquire true faith. But for a soul dominating in the mind, it is very simple.”
“If a human simply blindly believes in his recovery or in the recovery of those close to him, will treatment be faster?”
“Of course. And not just faster, but a lot lighter and more efficient.”
“I apologize,” Nikolai Andreevich joined the conversation. “I have long wanted to ask you, why exactly did you choose this profession?”
“Well, what can I say?” answered Sensei. “Just like any man, when I needed to choose a profession, I began to think. You will agree with me, what can be better in the world than to restore people’s health, and what can be more complex in a body than the spinal cord, perhaps only the brain… What is the spinal cord? Take a look at a picture of its nerve plexuses - it is a real tree of life that goes with its top to the brain and is connected with roots to every organ of the human body. Figuratively speaking, this tree of life nourishes the entire body with health. And if, God forbid, it has some kind of disorder, this immediately affects the work of organs and the entire body as a whole. Because practically more than ninety percent of all diseases appear as a result of the malfunctioning of the spinal cord, from the most insignificant to those that are fatal. Almost everybody has problems with his spine during his life... The spinal cord, for today, remains the mystery of mysteries in science. And it is, just like the brain, insufficiently explored.”
“In general, yes,” pronounced Nikolai Andreevich. “Honestly saying, I never thought about this... But since it’s such an important and complex organ in the body, one needs to possess considerable knowledge to treat it.”
“That is indeed so. The spine is a very interesting, perfect biomechanical structure. Its treatment is a great responsibility because a doctor has to precisely diagnose the patient, considering information, age, weight, and a whole range of various factors, and then make the right decision and calculate the corresponding power and dose of impact because this is a sort of microsurgery, only without opening. The revitalization in the process of exploitation should be also taken into account. Chiropractic is a very serious profession. One needs to thoroughly know everything: biomechanics, anatomy, pathology, genesis, morphogenesis, physics, and chemistry of the cell. To put it briefly, one should perfectly know vertebrology.”
“What?” Ruslan asked. “What is this for… ‘brology’?” “Not ‘brology,’ but ‘vertebrology,’” Sensei answered with a smile. “It is the science of the spinal column, which includes all those sciences plus specific knowledge about the spinal cord.”
“What kind of specific knowledge?” Nikolai Andreevich got interested.
“You also need to know the details and techniques of different manual ways of treating vertebral pathologies, osteopathy, chiropractic, and so forth. In other words, it’s necessary to know the experiences of previous generations in the area of chiropractic because it is a pretty ancient and interesting profession.” Sensei added, “And, of course, it means communication with a large number of different people.”
I don’t know about the others, but I clearly understood that Sensei’s last words were the main reason for choosing his profession. I was absolutely sure about it.
Meanwhile, Sensei changed the subject of our conversation to meditations. We started discussing our home results and then tried to work intensively on ourselves, approaching with tiny steps our far-away cherished goal: to become human.
