Sensei of Shambala by Anastasia Novykh - HTML preview

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t spiritual lessons, we polished old meditations. Everything was as usual, except that Nikolai Andreevich was absent for

almost a week, which was unusual for him. At last our psychologist appeared in full health and high spirits. He came before the beginning of the training when our merry party was standing in the glade with Sensei, Eugene, and Stas. Nikolai Andreevich's eyes shone with extreme pleasure and delight..

Having greeted everybody quickly, he addressed Sensei and began telling him excitedly, “We finally finished the experiment, everything proved to be true. The results are simply tremendous… This technique of altered state of consciousness that you gave, in fact, it radically changes the picture of our world, the whole conception of our existence… But I will now tell you everything in detail...”

Our guys looked in wide-eyed astonishment at the unusually excited behavior of Nikolai Andreevich. Sensei listened to him attentively while smoking a cigarette.

“…In my opinion, I picked a more or less suitable candidate. One guy, a full-fledged alcoholic, was treated at our clinic. Two years of boarding school was his entire education. He grew up in an orphanage, one of those post-war orphans. Army, then a coal mine, and hopeless alcoholism, that was his life. But when I brought him into the altered state of consciousness, he told me such unusual things. He was also speaking some old Russian language, and all my colleagues who were present during the experiment were just shocked by his answers. We recorded all that he was saying and brought it to a professor, a historian, a great expert in this area. The result surpassed all our expectations. Even the professor was surprised. It appeared that this alcoholic spoke the language of the Drevlian people, who the professor told us were an ancient east Slavic tribe. Our subject regaled us with amazing details and household trifles of the seventh century. Many of them coincided with data from archaeological excavations, but some are still unknown to science. He also mentioned some geographic district and the river Sluch where he said he used to live. And finally he told us about some big conflict with someone from the Dregovich tribe. All this coincides with amazing accuracy with the available data… You can't even imagine what a great achievement in science it is! But it is necessary to confirm these data some more times for the validity of the experiment. We need to prove it scientifically. Look, I have picked up one more candidate…”

“Wait, wait, we agreed that I would give you an opportunity, and you would try. That's all,” Sensei said firmly.

“Just try to understand me. This is so valuable for the world science…”
“I understand everything,” Sensei said calmly. “However, we did not talk about the world science but about you. You wanted to be sure, and now you are sure. It's not the right time for the world science yet.”
Nikolai Andreevich became silent, got calm and uttered, “Sorry… But the experiment was really tremendous. I was such a zealous atheist, but now… It really proves… Why do I say all this, it completely changes most everything.”
“That's good. The main thing is that you understood it.”
“Understood?! You are putting it too mildly… It is a complete revolution in my consciousness, it is a significant revolution of mind. Indeed, I'm not only convinced of the veracity of your words, but I also believe in you with all my heart and soul!”
Sensei smiled and said thoughtfully, “I have heard this before… Ah, yes… exactly. Peter spoke to Jesus the same way before he renounced Him three times.”
Nikolai Andreevich insistently tried to make Sensei change his mind, convincing him with the help of forcible arguments. Sensei only smiled silently, and then changed the topic of conversation to meditation.
