Sensei of Shambala by Anastasia Novykh - HTML preview

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fter such a training, our emotions concerning the things we had heard and seen stormed for more than a day.

Thoughts about our abilities did not give us a moment's peace. We wished to reach everything at once. So for the next few days, this optimistic mood came out in assiduous trainings of body and mind. When it came time for the next spiritual lessons, we simply showered Sensei with different questions. Looking at all our excitement, the Teacher said:

“Guys, this distant blow, all the effects of Qi energy, and all those ‘miracles’ that I show you, all of them are trifles not worthy of real attention. True force lies in the soul. This is what is necessary to develop; learn and admire it. Divine love of the soul combined with the mind of the person is a true miracle. All that you saw is only a side-effect of different levels of spiritual development. It is nonsense, you should not pay attention to it.”

“But why is it nonsense?” Nikolai Andreevich said. “In fact, miracles generate belief.”
“Yes, they do. Miracles generate belief. But let's understand what kind of belief. What happens to a person when he sees miracles, that is, those phenomena that are inexplicable for his brain? First of all, it powerfully shakes his mind. The mind simply begins to go beyond the limits as it does not have the proper information to explain the given phenomenon. Our brain has amazing mechanisms of self-preservation and selfdefense, the protective factor of our brain, so its compensatory functions are immediately activated. Using the language of physiology, zones of the brain and groups of nervous cells can't join in mental activity to their fullest extent. And there is an important point. If the animal nature prevails in person, this person internally starts to ignore the existence of such a phenomenon. He shifts the blame for everything to the unreality of an event, to trickery, or he obtains a desire to learn all these unknown things for the sake of his own mercenary interests of megalomania satisfaction. “The person who has balanced these two natures begins to go from one extreme to another. It means that today he blindly trusts all this, but tomorrow he starts to doubt, and the day after tomorrow he starts to doubt his doubts again, and so on. To put it briefly, there is an active struggle between the two natures in the field of his mind.
“Inside a person whose spiritual nature prevails on the basis of belief grows the spirit of research into the given phenomenon, grows the knowledge of his own abilities and the secrets of nature for the sake of this process of knowledge, for the sake of perfection of the soul. His initial fear of the mystery of the phenomenon is muffled and, during the process of learning, it completely disappears and transforms blind belief into knowledge, that is, into true belief.
“In fact, guys, why do you think I show you all this? I do it to observe your thoughts, the level of your animal nature in relation to the spiritual one. The most important question is, why do I spend so much time explaining each phenomenon? I try to give your mind a hint to put away your complex of material life. I try to make you think about the eternal secrets of nature, about your obscure soul, about God. In fact, the more you learn yourselves, the closer you are to God, to those eternal, unshakeable, and everlasting things.
“What is your physical life compared to the Universe? It's nothing. In comparison with the Universe and planets, a human practically does not exist. His life is an unreal reality, just an instant in one of God’s thoughts.”
“How can it be?” Eugene did not understand.
“Well, someday I shall explain it to you in detail. Your bodies exist in a closed time cycle where you, that means your soul, have all the conditions for absolute maturation. You need to realize it with the help of your mind and join your soul in common aspirations to cognize it. Then your life will acquire true sense. Because it is your ripened soul, not those ashes of material bodies changed during development, that is valuable for God, for the Universe as a whole…
“So, true belief arises from knowledge. And knowledge comes through a word, through belief of your mind in the reality of the occurring phenomenon. Miracles, in fact, are only one kind of testing of the internal level of individual development. This method of testing was used in their terrestrial practice by those who possessed factual knowledge of the science of White Lotus. However we have a unique person in Satya Sai Baba, who decided to turn people to God with the help of the permanent demonstration of real miracles.”
Nikolai Andreevich thought a little, “It's a familiar name… Was it he who was shown on TV rubbing Gorbachev’s head with his foot?”
“Right!” Sensei grinned.
“He was called an incarnation of God on Earth… an Avatar.”
“Avatara” Sensei corrected. “But generally ‘avatara’ is translated from Sanskrit as ‘fall’ or ‘descent’.”
“Yes, Avatara. They said Avatara takes a human body to lift the development of the person a step higher, to bring him into a new century.”
“Absolutely right. He likes to say, ‘If you want to rescue a drowning man, you need to jump into water, that is to be incarnated.’”.
“What kind of man is he?” our company asked with curiosity.
“Well, Sai Baba is a great soul. And as human civilization is now at the point of global changes in reassessing its spiritual level of development and the events following these changes, Satya Sai Baba decided to make his contribution. He was going to surprise the world with miracles. Satya Sai Baba was preparing for this mission for a long time, he was developing the theory of the influence of miracles on the spiritual development of people. First, he predicted in the Upanishads his threefold incarnation in the epoch of technics. And then when time came he began to check this theory in practice. So he reincarnated to Sai Baba in the village of Shirdi in 1872 in India. All his life he performed miracles, read thoughts, could overcome distances, take any material form, and so forth. He died in 1918, having informed everyone before his death that he would come back to Earth again in eight years in the south of India.
“And so it happened. Satya Sai Baba was born in 1926 in Puttaparthi, a small remote village in the south of India. In 1940, he was proclaimed Avatara. And he performs miracles up to now. When time comes for him to leave, he will reincarnate again as Prema Sai. He has already predicted not only the exact date and the place of the following incarnation, between the cities of Bangalore and Mysore, but also the names of his future parents.”
“They say on TV that he can levitate, simultaneously appear in different places, and, what is most interesting, he can materialize an enormous quantity of anything you like from a diamond to cookies, is it true? They say he just pulls them out of the air. Or is this merely gossip?” Nikolai Andreevich asked.
“No. It is really so.”
“But it is unreal!”
“It is absolutely real. But his main mistake lies in demonstrating miracles, things that are still mysterious for mankind. Those who saw his miracles are surprised and start to think them over, and those who did not see just laugh at him and consider all this to be a trick. The latter unfortunately belong to the majority. But he certainly carries out his mission honestly, and I wish he could help as many people as possible at least wake up. Nevertheless, the true enlightenment of the soul comes through a word.”
“Is he a real God?” Ruslan asked.
“You know, people ask him this question quite often. The answer is simple enough and true. As Satya Sai Baba used to say, ‘You are God too. The only difference between me and you is that I know that I am God and you do not know it.’”
