Serbian Fairy Tales


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Published: 3 years ago

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Book Description HTML

Once upon a time a bear married a woman, and they had one son. When the boy was yet a little fellow he begged very hard to be allowed to leave the bear’s cave, and to go out into the world to see what was in it. His father, the Bear, however, would not consent to this, saying, “You are too young yet, and not strong enough. In the world there are multitudes of wicked beasts called men, who will kill you.” So the boy was quieted for a while, and remained in the cave. But, after some time, the boy prayed so earnestly that the Bear, his father, would let him go into the world, that the Bear brought him into the wood, and showed him a beech-tree, saying, “If you can pull up that beech by the roots, I will let you go; but if you cannot, then this is a proof that you are still too weak, and must remain with me.” The boy tried to pull up the tree, but, after long trying, had to give it up, and go home again to the cave.

Reader Reviews
  • User image  
    25 Jun 2021
    No se puede descargar en español?
  • User image   Chris
    Love it, like all his other books
    01 Jun 2021
    It's, like with all of Michel's books, difficult to stop reading when it's time to go to bed :-)
  • User image   Graham Burgess
    Angel Girl
    20 Apr 2021
    Waiting impatiently for m. poulin's next book. He has never written a dud yet
  • User image   Larry Bailey
    One of my fav authors
    18 Apr 2021
    I will never get enough of his books
  • User image   Reg Beaumont
    Angel Girl
    13 Apr 2021
    I have read all the Time Patrol Books and find that once I start to read one I cannot stop till I finished it MORE PLEASE
  • User image   Mark Belfield
    Excellent book
    09 Apr 2021
    I have read all the books in the series and have enjoyed them all. They are an excellent read.
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