Shady Medicos by TKraghunathan - HTML preview

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While Mouli was arresting Dr Praful Reddy, Dickey was moving against the more powerful Pramod Reddy, chairman of apollo hospital Hyderabad. The security in that hospital was more tight .So Dickey took the elevator exclusively used by the chairman .Doctor was in his chamber, settling down to his routine. He was being briefed by his staff about the review meeting of the last fortnight surgery reports,  mortality figures and occupancy figures for his hospital .Door was pushed open and the doctor came face to face with Dickey and instantly recognised him. he had already received from his friends in the Singapore government  about measures taken by their Attorney general to bring in new legislation to bar Indian doctors from performing surgeries in Singapore.He was also aware that Singapore government had assigned to Hyderabad party investigation of activities of his hospital in organ trafficking.

He was aware that the investigator was Dickey. He pressed the bell and the chief of security stood at attention near his table. He looked at  Dickey  and a spark of recognition  flashed in his eyes and he smiled. The doctor glared at him and demanded, ‘Major Vikram , can you tell me how this person gained entry into my office. ’

Vikram  knew he was in trouble,.politely he said, ‘why Sir, he simply followed you, so I thought you had invited him. I know Major Dickey from my Army days  and  you have nothing to fear from him.’

Doctor blew his top. ’You idiot, he has come here to create trouble. I want you to take him away from my sight and make sure he never comes with in ten miles of our facility  .’

Vikram looked at Dickey and then answered the Doctor. ’Doctor , Let me tell you that if Dickey wants to meet with you , no power on earth can stop him. If you have not done any thing dis honest , you have nothing to fear from him.”

Vikram,  I am not used to getting my work to be judged by two bit officers from Army. You wait here to ensure that he does not touch me. You can use your gun if needed.

Dickey  responded, ‘Vikram , please stay out of this. My advice would be to resign your position and go home. Your boss is going to spend rest of his life

In some infernal jail in India or Singapore. Or he may end his life borrowing your pistol. The choice will be his own.

Vikram said, I would rather stay and watch.  I promise I will not come in your way.

Thank you, Vikram

Dickey stepped forward and slapped the doctor hard. The doctor cried out in pain. “That is for starter and for insulting my Army. I am going to ask questions and you will answer them truthfully. It does not matter to me if you lie. You will earn more slaps that way. At the end of my interrogation, I will hand you over to a gang of Chinese goons who have arrived in Hyderabad with an express purpose of killing you and demolishing this hospital. If you don’t believe what I say, come to this window and see for yourself.”

Doctor did not want to move out of his seat. He simply asked, ”what are you saying?”

‘The Chinese are mad at you because you failed to keep a commitment.’

“What commitment?”

‘Commitment made to Dr.Chen Li’

“Who is Dr Li?”

‘You don’t know?’

“No, I  don’t know any Doctor by that name.”

‘Then please let me jog your memory.’

Dickey went  behind the doctor and grabbed him by his neck and forced him to bend down and look at the Ipad . A picture  of  Dr Pramod Reddy and Dr.Chen li in a deep embrace. The doctor looked at the picture ,squinting  a  little.

“where did you get that picture from?”

‘Why ,I made it myself. Do you know Dr Chen Li ?’


‘Do you remember the secret agreement you two entered into ?’

The doctor was quiet.

‘Answer me man, did you have a secret agreement or not?’

Doctor kept quiet.

‘ Well this is your agreement duly signed by you and your precious son in law.

Doctor, because you failed to keep your part of agreement, Dr Michael Tong Died. A good man died because of you. They want your blood. People of Singapore want your blood.

I have every little information about the agreement. Now tell me about the containers.’

‘’”What containers?”

‘These are the  containers in which you were supposed to despatch the organs.’

“What organs?”

Dickey kicked the doctor from the front. He doubled over in pain

‘You intentionally delayed the despatch to gain a negotiating edge. You wanted more concession for your project.

You played with life of a good man to gain a concession. Is’nt that right?. Answer me .’

Dickey held the doctor by his hair.

You know , the people of Singapore have given me the power to kill you. Kill you any way I want. I too have signed an agreement.

An Agreement to terminate you. And I never go back on my commitment. He took out his kukri and showed it to the doctor. Doctor, this is not as fine as the scalpel you handle so skilfully. This makes a  great  mess of the person. This is designed to savage your body and I am going to use it on you. I will do it in my own way.’

The doctor was trembling.

‘You have sent organs to Singapore before?’


‘And got paid?’

“Yes, they always paid upfront”.

‘How did you get the organs?’

“From local patients.”

‘Were they willing donors?’

“No ,they never knew they were donating.”

‘So you never paid the due rightful compensation. .It did not matter to you what happened to them.’

“They were useless people, scum of society and their organs were used to protect great men of society.”

‘Who gave you the right? who gave you the right to decide who was useful and not useful?

Who gave you the right to play god’

Dickey was shouting. That was the signal. The room was immediately full of Chinese  work men. They simply grabbed the Doctor and threw him out of the window. He tried to grab the rail but could not hold. He plunged down in air from his window, 17 floors above the ground. The men vanished one minute later. They were there in the room and next moment they were away. Vikram stood trembling.

Dickey held him by hand.” Go home vikram . If any body asks,  tell them the doctor jumped .’

Dickey walked out. He remembered that he had shut all the doctor’s staff in their room. He  opened the door and told them.’ The doctor has gone away. He said ,you all can take a day off. He won’t be needing you for the day.

 They did not understand what he was telling.

Dickey shook his head. His job was over.




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