Shady Medicos by TKraghunathan - HTML preview

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It was time to call on Dr.Reddy. Mouli decided to involve a police doctor who had knowledge about organ harvesting and transplantation procedures .He found Dr.Joshi willing to get involved. He was briefed about the objectives of their investigation  and care to be taken by the probing agencies.

Dr Reddy turned out to be a tough customer to deal with. He  agreed that the two wheeler referred by them was purchased by him from Aravind Mehta.It was being used by him for some time till it was stolen from him

The police seized on this opening to question him

POL;Why did you not report the matter?

DR; I had better things to do.

Pol; Don’t you know that it is not advisable  to keep such thefts un reported.  , you are still the  owner  of the vehicle. In case the vehicle is involved in an accident, you are liable.

Dr.  I am a busy man. The vehicle was not worth even 20,000/.Even if I had reported the matter to the police, I would have been subjected to lot of questioning and paper work for which I had no inclination or time., At the end I would not have got back my vehicle. Police are not that efficient.   

Pol; you are entitled to your opinion. Now an accident has occurred and your vehicle is involved. The affected party has made a complaint. We have to take you in. prepare yourself for making compensation

Dr. I was not involved in any accident. I think you are trying to foist something on me. I know how to take care of myself.