Silver's Bane by Ashli & Trisha Edwards - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Dead and Buried



uca could hear Tasha talking to Demetria in the other room. “How the hell would you know that?” Demetria yelled.

“Ricky told me,” Tasha replied.

Luca felt bad for eavesdropping on such a private conversation, but Jules’s house wasn’t big enough for a werewolf to get out of earshot. Monica and Hayley were in the kitchen talking in low whispers, while he and Kyle sat silently enraptured by the conversation happening in the living room.

“He told me Carson was coming for him,” Tasha continued. “He even called Luca for help.”

“How do you know it wasn’t Luca? He consorted with a vampire. He’s a traitor to our pack.” She said the middle part in a very hushed tone like it was almost an unspeakable fact.

“If that makes him a traitor, then so is Ricky,” Tasha said confidently. “He consorted with a vampire too. Jules, the vampire whose house we’re in, our school librarian. he cares about her… for some reason, they’re kinda friends.”

Demetria was silent for many moments. Luca didn’t walk over to see what was happening. He simply waited.

“He said…” Demetria’s voice trailed off a few moments more. “Carson really did this?” Demetria said, her voice sounding miles away.

“I’m sorry Mrs. Harrison,” Tasha replied softly.

“Excuse me. I need a moment,” Demetria said then walked from the living room and out the back door.

Luca went to check on the teenage girl.

“Well, at least now she knows.” Tasha wasn’t talking to Luca, but Ricky. She sat on the floor beside Ricky’s face, holding his limp hand in hers.

“Is he going to be okay?” Tasha asked, without looking up at Luca. Luca walked over and sat on the floor next to her.

Luca could lie and tell the girl he’d be fine. He could send her home and let her find out the truth in a few days, but he didn’t. “No Tasha, he’s not.”

Tasha’s eyes grew wide. She looked up at Luca, tears already forming.


“The silver has made it into his bloodstream. He won’t wake up. His body is shutting down.”

“Is he… in pain?” she asked.

“Not anymore.” Luca reached out and placed one arm around her shoulders.

“Excuse me,” Tasha choked out. Dropped Ricky’s hand, stood shakily, and walked from the room.

Luca heard a door slam.

“Tasha,” Monica called after the girl, and the door slammed again. Then the screaming and crying started, coming from Jules’s bedroom.



Night had fallen, and they’d been on the road for at least an hour. They had been conversing sporadically and had discussed many things, but one thing was obvious to him now. Jules was determined to defend Gabriel’s right to stay out of whatever danger they might currently be driving towards. Nick, however, thought Gabriel was a disloyal prat who had turned his back on his coven leader when she needed him most.

The silence had stretched out between them for several minutes now, and Nick jumped, startled when Jules’s phone began to ring. He picked it up from the center console. “Monica,” he said the name that was displayed on her phone along with a picture of a cute, curly-haired girl.

Jules reached out for it. He slid his finger across the screen, answering the call, and handed her the phone. She tapped the speakerphone symbol.

“Luca?” Jules asked when no one spoke.

A male voice said, “he’s gone Jules.”

Jules’s lost control of her emotions and the vehicle all at once. Her phone dropped to the floor, her hand slipped on the wheel, and the car swerved. Her young friend had died.

Nick grabbed the wheel. She would have raced into oncoming traffic if Nick hadn’t been beside her. “Ease your foot off the gas slowly,” Nick instructed as red tears slid down Jules’s face “Jules?” the voice on the phone questioned.

Nick steered the car to the shoulder and the car rolled to a stop.

“Are you alright?” Luca asked.

He picked up the electronic device and handed it to her. “I’ll be there soon.” Jules choked out. “I love you.” With that, she ended the call. Nick put a hand on hers and wiped her face with his sleeve. “Let me drive,” he suggested.

She nodded. Jules climbed over to the passage seat while Nick walked around the car to take her place. She spent the rest of the way mumbling directions and looking out the passenger window. Nick stayed silent as well, letting her process this sad news in peace. He reached over and squeezed her hand, she didn’t let go.

When they pulled up in front of a small, green house, a tall, tan man was waiting on the driveway for her. He held his arms open and she ran into them. He stumbled backward, losing his footing but remaining upright. Luca bent and kissed Jules softly.

Nick watched the werewolf with his sister for a moment more before he climbed out of the car and approached them both. “Who are you?” Luca asked, noticing him for the first time.



Jules stayed in Luca’s embrace while turning to look at her brother. “I’m Nicholas Bristow.” Nick stuck out his hand toward Luca. “Jules’s twin brother. Like from birth,” he added at Luca’s confused expression. Luca looked at Jules for confirmation. She nodded at him. “Surprise,” Nick added with a hint of his usual sarcasm.

“Hi.” Luca took Nick’s hand a shook it. “But how…?”

“I’ll explain later,” Jules said, putting a hand on Luca’s chest. One of his hands covered her own. “What is Seth doing here?” Jules asked as Monica’s ex-boyfriend pulled onto the street in front of Jules’s house in his father’s rusted pick-up truck.

“I’ll explain later,” Luca said, giving her waist a squeeze. “Do you need me to come inside with you?” he asked while waving at Seth, who waved back.

Jules could see that Luca had something to say to his friend. “No.” She would face this on her own. “Talk to Seth,” Jules said. “I’m okay.”

Luca looked down at her for a moment, kissed her on the side of the lips, and then walked toward the end of the driveway.

Jules turned back to her brother,“Nick?”

“I’ll be out here when you need me.” Nick pointed back to her car. She knew that he was just giving her space to deal with her friends and grieve on her own. She’d always been like that, even when their parents died. He’d needed her with him, and she’d needed to face the pain alone.

She nodded her thanks and then opened her own front door. Monica came rushing toward her, hugging her tightly. Jules hadn’t had a drink in a while but found she didn’t care in this moment. “Seth’s outside?” Jules said, looking at Monica questioningly.

“I know. Luca’s going to tell him everything,” Monica said. Her eyes were red and puffy despite her somewhat cheery voice. “I should probably go outside with him. You know, in case Seth freaks out. Which he probably will.” She kept her voice low so as not to disturb the others.

Jules smiled at her friend and released her.


Monica pointed toward the living room. Jules could hear soft crying coming from that direction. Monica gave her hand a squeeze and then walked around her to go help Luca with Seth. Jules could see Hayley and Kyle through the back sliding door. They were sitting on the back porch, facing the ocean.

She took tentative steps toward the room in which Ricky’s body lay. Soundlessly, she entered. First, she saw Tasha, the source of the crying. Her back was pressed against the far wall, her face covered by her shaking hands. Then she saw the woman kneeling beside the couch, stone-cold and still. Then the blood that had soaked into her white carpet. It trailed up to where the young wolf lay, fur, four paws and all.

Jules knew when a werewolf died the last ounce of magic they possessed returned them to their animal state. The state in which they truly thrived. She’d seen it before, but never a wolf so young.

Ricky was lanky, all legs and large paws. Yesterday she’d seen the same wolf fleeing his new girlfriend’s house. Thinking of their last, lively encounter Jules felt tears fall from her eyes.

At that moment, she was pulled from the memory by a feral growl. Jules saw the woman stand and in one stride she slapped Jules across the face. Jules’s hand rose to her stinging cheek, but she did not move away.

“It’s your fault he’s dead,” Ricky’s mother shouted.



“What am I doing here Luca?” Seth asked, looking over Luca’s shoulder, seemingly worried about who might be inside the house.

“Honestly,” Luca began, “I need the truck and Monica needs you.”

“Monica does not…”

As if on cue, the front door opened and Monica walked out of the house and started toward them. She got half the way until she noticed the vampire lounging against Jules’s car. “Who the hell are you?” she asked.

Nick sat up. “Juliana’s brother.”

“But you’re dead,” Monica stated.

“I am,” Nick said. “But I am also living. I am, like Jules, living while dead.”

Monica narrowed her eyes and looked over at Luca.

Luca nodded and shrugged to indicate that what Nick said was true and yes, he was confused as well.

“What’s he talking about?” Seth asked, looking confused as well as annoyed. “One: Jules doesn’t have a brother, does she?”

“Apparently she does,” Luca told him.

“And two: what does he mean dead? Jules’s isn’t dead? She just walked into the house. I saw her. You saw her. What’s going on?” Seth stammered, looking from Monica and Nick to Luca.

“We’re going to tell you everything,” Luca said.

“Come on long-lost, surprise, twin brother,” Monica said motioning for Nick to follow her. “We’re going to need your help.”

Nick hopped off the car and followed her toward them with an expression that implied that he had nothing better to do anyway.

Luca turned back to Seth. “Monica has been keeping something from you.”

“I know. I’m the one who told you she was hiding something from me. What does that have to do with anything?” Seth asked defensively.

“It has to do with me. Me and Jules. She was hiding what she was hiding from you because it wasn’t her secret to tell,” Luca said.

“Huh?” Seth raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.

Luca took a steadying breath and opened his mouth to speak, but nothing happened.

“Luca, what the hell is going on? You are making absolutely no sense.”

Luca sighed and tried again, but still, nothing came out.

“Let me tell him,” Monica requested, placing a steadying hand on his arm.

Luca nodded. Why not? He wasn’t having any luck.

“You know how I have a crazy obsession for all thing supernatural, yes?”

Seth nodded.

“Well, part of it is because part of it is true.”

“What?” Seth asked.

“I’m a werewolf,” Luca said finally.

“And the reason Jules’s brother here said that Jules is dead is because she’s a vampire,” Monica added.

“Okay,” Seth began. “Very funny guys. Actually, you know what, it’s not funny. It’s ridiculous.”

Nick looked over at Luca who’d taken four steps back. In the same moment that Luca turned from man to wolf, Nick released his fangs and hissed.

Seth jumped and cried out in shock.

“It’s okay Seth.” Monica reached out and took his hand, which he yanked back, glaring at her.

Luca returned to his human form while Nick and Monica shielded their eyes.

“That’s impossible,” Seth stammered.

“Nope. It’s supernatural,” Monica said with a grin and everyone but Seth began to chuckle.



Jules didn’t know how to react. She couldn’t find any words. Not of comfort. Not of guilt. Nothing.

In a matter of moments, Kyle and Hayley were between Jules and the woman who’d slapped her. “Demetria don’t!” Hayley yelled as she put her arms out, blocking Jules from her attacker.

“She did this!” Demetria shouted, pointing toward Jules.

Kyle grabbed her as she moved to attack Jules again.

“No, she didn’t,” Tasha said softly.

All the supernatural beings turned toward the human girl. Tasha stood and walked passed the werewolves. “Ricky would never put this on you.” She addressed Jules alone. “He stood by you and Luca to the end. He chose you over his pack. Don’t let her take that away from you.” Tasha took Jules’s hand and pulled her farther into the room.

Demetria looked stung but, without another word, she stood and left out the sliding, glass door. Hayley and Kyle follow Demetria out of the house. But Jules felt like she couldn’t move as her eyes again fell on Ricky’s body. “I’ll give you a minute,” Tasha said and left the room out the internal door.

Jules sighed deeply and fought back tears as she took in the young boy’s wolf form. “I don’t know how to do this,” she stated aloud as she took Demetria’s spot on the floor. It’d been centuries since someone that she cared about had been taken by death. Especially, someone so young.

She looked down at Ricky’s unmoving face. Gently, she reached forward and caressed one of his velvety ears. She let her hand trail along his neck, over his shoulder, down his leg, to his front paw. She took it in her hand and kissed it. Then the tears started to flow helplessly. One dropped onto his paw. She wiped it clean almost frantically, for no reason other than grief. Her head dropped onto the couch where the blood of her tears added to the trail from the wound that had long ago dried.

“Jules it’s time.”

Jules looked up as Luca spoke to her. Monica had followed him into the room carrying one of Jules’s blankets.

Luca crouched down in front of her. He stared at her for a moment, taking in her blood tears. She thought he might be repulsed by them until he reached up and wiped one away with his thumb. His finger trailed down her cheek. She should have felt embarrassed, or ashamed. He’d never seen the ugliness of her cry, but she didn’t feel either.

“We have to move him now,” he said softly.

Jules looked back at the unmoving form of the boy; wolf. She nodded and allowed Luca to help her stand. He hugged her. She wanted his embrace to make the pain go away. It didn’t, of course. But there, in his arms, she did find some comfort and peace.

With one last look at Ricky, she nodded. “Excuse me.” She stepped around him, his hand falling away from her’s slowly. She touched Monica’s wrist. “Use the blue one.” Jules spoke of a more precious piece of cloth.

“The one from Pelmoore Manor with the silver stitching?” Monica said skeptically.

Jules nodded. “For Ricky.”

Monica turned and went to Jules’s bedroom to retrieve the treasured quilt. Jules left the living room and entered the kitchen. She saw Seth hovering near the front door and saw Hayley’s eyes go wide as she joined them.

“You got a little something on your face,” Kyle said, smiling down at her.

She laughed twice sarcastically but smiled sadly up at him nonetheless.

Then Jules turned, walked back past the stunned-looking Seth. She saw Luca carry the blanket-covered body out of the living room as she shut the bathroom door behind her.



Eileen lasted for about an hour after Jules and Nick had left for Aboit, but then the arguing had started. “Where do you think you are you going?” he asked, as he watched her shove her things unceremoniously into her suitcase.

“Aboit,” she said sternly. She walked past him to get something from the far side of the hotel room. “You’re wrong Gabriel and you know it.”

“I’m protecting us,” he reminded her, pulling a pile of clothes back out of the case.

“By abandoning your oldest friend?” Eileen spat back, replacing the items.

Gabriel put a hand on Eileen’s. “It’s not our fight.” He looked into her eyes, pleading with her to understand. He wouldn’t put them ask risk, not for a bunch of werewolves.

“They killed a boy,” she said, the anger in her voice dropping to sadness. “One of your students. They let their prejudice murder an innocent child.”

Gabriel nodded. On this, they could agree. Ricky Harrison’s murder was unacceptable.

“They killed him because you started a fight with their Alpha. I will not sit here and pretend we’re not involved in this.”

Gabriel didn’t speak, her words stung. Eileen approached him. She placed her hands on either side of his face. “What if she dies Gabriel? What if you sit here and do nothing and Jules gets killed?”

“What if we go to her aid and you get killed?” he asked, gripping her wrists gently.

“I’m going to be in this fight with or without you. Your overreaction started this. I will help Jules end it.”

“Do you truly believe this is my fault?” he asked.

“No. It’s the Alpha’s,” she admitted. “Killing the boy was his choice. However, they may have gone on ignoring us if you hadn’t stepped in when Jules instructed you not too.”

His face fell. The reality of what she said was sinking in.

“It’s not your fault Gabriel, but it is partly your responsibility.”



Jules, Monica, and Tasha arrived at the small, hidden cemetery located a couple hours walk deep in the forest of the preserve. It was farther than most werewolves ever bothered to travel unless they were bidding farewell to a loved one.

“I heard of this place as a child,” Hayley commented quietly as a hush fell over them all.

The werewolf burial grounds were deserted. Jules had been surprised that no one seemed worried about being attacked here. But, when she asked Kyle about it, he’d said not to worry. He explained that the burial grounds were a sacred place. That to disturb the peace in a place like this was considered treason among all werewolf packs. They all knew that they were in danger, but both he and Luca were sure that Carson could never justify an attack of any kind here.

Luca came to stand beside Jules and put an arm around her after they laid Ricky in the hole they’d dug up during the daylight hours. Jules kept her gaze above the still body, instead taking in the view around her once more.

The little group had gathered on the top of a hill. Down one side, was a peaceful stream and the other, dense trees. Fog was rising from the ground in the night air. What Jules saw was painful and beautiful. She could think of no better place to lay this young soul to rest.

Demetria stepped forward, kissed a small wooden box and placed it in the ground beside her son. “Goodbye my loves,” she choked out almost inaudibly.

She stepped back. The silence stretched on as they each said a quiet goodbye.

Demetria began to cry. Hayley joined her, comforting the mother as she mourned the loss of both husband and son.

Jules closed her eyes for a moment and then let them fall on the blanket she’d had for over three hundred years. It was the last piece from her past. She felt that using it was a fitting way to honor the young soul and to say goodbye.

“I’m sorry,” she said, apologizing to the boy for the part she’d played in his death. You deserved more, she thought but couldn’t bring herself to say such a thing aloud.

Luca gave her waist a squeeze. She looked up and spied the tears running down his cheeks. Her instinct was to look away, but she didn’t. Instead, she took his pain into herself and held it in her heart.

Demetria freed a shovel from the soft ground and dropped a pile of earth onto her fallen loved ones. Silently and, to Jules’s surprise, held the shovel out to her.