Silver's Bane by Ashli & Trisha Edwards - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Battle for Immortal Lives



ules let Luca lead Nick and herself through the house and out the back door where the rest of the group was chattering excitedly.

Eileen must have managed to convince Gabriel to join the rest of them because the two of them approached the commotion seconds later. Gabriel looked awkward and nervous, but his presence was a step in the right direction.

“Hello Mr. Prentiss,” Hayley greeted.

Gabriel’s eyes widened.

“Hayley,” he said stiffly, “you are part of this?”

She nodded. “Wait,” Eileen said. “You took my husband’s English class, didn’t you?” Eileen asked with a smile.

“We all did,” Monica interjected.

“Duh, he is the best teacher at Aboit High,” Hayley said with a smile.

Jules walked over to Gabriel, while Eileen chatted easily with Monica and Hayley. She crooked her arms around his and whispered in his ear, “I’m really glad you’re here.”

Gabriel shrugged, and half smiled. “I’m here for you.”

“I know.”

“Okay, okay, everyone listen up!” Kyle waved his hands and the chatter faded, leaving silence in its wake.

He seems happy. Jules wondered what could have possibly happened to make Kyle forget how angry he was at Carson.

“My wife has an accountment.” Kyle motioned to Hayley.

Jules’s confusion grew. Kyle was glowing and fidgeting with excitement.

“Hayley and I have a surprise,” he said while bouncing on his heels. “Honey, you should tell them.”

Hayley rolled her eyes but smiled and joined him, taking his hand in her own. “I didn’t want to say anything now, but…” She paused, and Kyle squeezed her fingers. “We’re going to have a baby!”

Monica squealed, Luca gave Kyle a high-five, and Jules ran to give Hayley a hug. “Congratulations.”

Gabriel did not join in but stayed rooted in his spot. At first, Nick hung back as well, as if he wasn’t sure if he should be involved or not, but he was soon drawn into the quiet revelry. “I don’t know you but congrats,” Nick said, shaking Kyle’s hand. Laughing, Luca reached out to him and clapped him on the back. Gabriel even cracked a smile.

“There’s more,” Hayley said, her arms still wrapped around Jules. She looked over at Kyle, who nodded. “Kyle and I talked about it and Jules, Luca would you be our baby’s godparents?”

“Of course,” Luca said rushing over to give Kyle a quick hug.

“Me?” Jules asked as Hayley turned to look at her.

“Yes you,” she said quietly in Jules’s ear.

“Jules?” Kyle asked.

“Of course I will,” she said, walking over to Kyle and hugging him as well. For a brief moment the companions had a reason to feel true joy, even if it was fleeting.



By the time all the expected pack members, including Hayley Reynold’s father and oldest brother, had arrived, Carson had gotten his emotions under control. Each of them looked nervous; as if they weren’t sure they wanted to be there. Nonetheless, each was there, faithful to the one who ruled and provided for them.

Carson stood, cleared his throat, and addressed his subordinates. “We’ve found them. It’s time to eliminate this threat and anarchy once and for all.”

Some of their eyes brightened. Some of them shifted uncomfortably.

“Jed, what are we up against?” he asked.

“Va-ampires and were-were…” Jed began to reply.

Carson’s eyes shut aggravatedly and twisted his tense neck. “How many are there?” he asked through gritted teeth.

“Um…well…t-two humans, th-three traitors, and four of… of them.” He meant the vampires.

“Four?” Carson questioned, his eyes opening to look at the tracker.

“Yes, th-there was ah-a fourth,” he stammered and cowered.

“Fine. At least we know going into this.” Carson started to calculate a strategy.

“Who are the traitors?” Ben asked.

“Luca Cain, Kyle Cooper, and Hayley Reynolds-Cooper,” Carson said, staring down her family, daring them to object to his ruling of her traitor status.

More than one wolf looked at them, some with what might have been pity.

Hayley’s father dropped his eyes, defeated, while her brother looked like he wanted to speak against Carson’s words. Carson silenced him with a look laced with his Alpha given authority.

“Reynolds.” He held a UVB light out to Hayley’s father. “You and your son…” He blanked on the boy’s name as he looked at them both.

“Adam,” the boy said, taking the light in place of his father.

“You will depose of the male vampire.”

“Th-he new…”

Carson growled at Jed for interrupting.

“T-two males,” Jed said, cowering.

“The blond male,” Carson clarified.

They both nodded at him.

He put and frim hand on Joe Reynold’s shoulder. “You have no need to go up against your daughter, leave that to another.”

Adam scowled but Joe nodded. He didn’t know if Joe and his son could take down the vampire but if they died in the attempt it was no great loss.

Carson turned his attention toward another. “Max, you will handle the young female vampire,” Carson instructed, handing Max a light as well. “Kip, help him out.”

Kip nodded while Max bounced on his heels excitedly.

“And Ben,” he held out another light.

“You will finish off whoever this new one is.”

Ben took the order and the light submissively. Carson didn’t know anything about this new vampire. Ben had the likeliest chance of defeating him. Besides, if he did lose, his loyalty had been shaky since Carson’s sentencing and execution of the boy.

“And I will defeat the last vampire,” Carson announced. “None of you will interfere. That red-headed-demon is mine,” he growled. It would be a pleasure to bring her existence to its finale and irrevocable end.

Two of the younger wolves were instructed to take care of the humans, while the rest were assigned to handle the rogue wolves and help against the vampires.

“Wolves,” he addressed the gathered pack members, “majestic ones, it is time for this threat to be eliminated. Once and for all.”

Cheers and shouting erupted.

“It is time for the law of the pack to be upheld. The traitors who have thrown away the pride of their pack must answer for their betrayal. And Aboit must be freed from this vampire plague!”

More cheers rose into the air. Several of the followers threw hats and fists upward.

“Wolves, dawn approaches. The plan is set,” he said. Of course, he hoped it would be a bright, sunny day. Making the vampire’s demise easier. But, according to the weather report, this was unlikely. “Who’s with me?” He rallied them. “Who’s with me?” he said again. “Let’s move!”

With this, he stomped toward the front door. Ripping the screen off the hinges, he led the war party down a back street and toward the traitors, the demons, and their retribution.



Gabriel knew he was alienating himself, but he didn’t care. He was hiding in Jules’s living room, putting some much-needed distance between him and the strange group of allies. Hayley Reynolds, now Reynolds-Cooper apparently, complicated his cut and dry thoughts about werewolves. The Reynolds children had always been some of his favorite students, despite their werewolf status.

He opened the blinds to the star-filled sky and then wished he hadn’t. Jules and Luca were lying together in the sand. He had his arms around her and they looked peaceful. Even with all that had happened, they looked happy. Despite himself, Gabriel smiled sadly. That type of happiness was rare and many never found it. Just then, the sound of the sliding door pulled him from his thoughts. Within moments, Eileen entered the living room alone.

“Isn’t it great, Gabriel? About Hayley, I mean?” she asked. He could tell she was genuinely happy for the wolf couple.

“Sure,” he said half-heartedly.

“Seriously?” she asked accusingly. “You’re still holding on to your anti-werewolf prejudice.”

“It’s not a prejudice,” he defended.

“Yes, it is. It’s a hatred based solely on an individual’s race. That is the literal definition of prejudice. You’re stuck in the past Gabriel, you’re…”

“Enough, Eileen” he cut her off harshly. But the hurt in her eyes caused his expression to soften. “You’re right.” Gabriel walked to her side and kissed her on the forehead. “I just need some space to think.” He kissed her on the lips before exiting the office and walking out the back door.

He walked right passed Jules and Luca but didn’t stop, although he heard Jules yell after him. Only when he reached the water did he slow and look around, taking in the beauty he had been refusing to see. I am prejudiced. He knew that now. Since he learned that Hayley Reynolds was one the werewolves Jules was spending time with, this reality had been nagging at his mind. Contemplating this, he began walking down the beach at a leisurely pace.

“Boo,” a voice said from behind him.

He spun, ready for a fight. “Oh, it’s you,” he said to Jules’s twin brother.

“So, why did you decide to get out of the car? What changed your mind?” Nick asked as he stepped up to walk beside him.

“Eileen,” he admitted. “And Jules. I haven’t exactly been agreeable where the werewolves are concerned,” he admitted. “My cooperation means something to them both. I think I am hoping to make up for my bull-headed beliefs somehow. Why are you sticking around?”

“For Jules,” Nick answered. “And penance,” he added after a long pause.

Gabriel considered asking what Nick had to be penitent for but decided that there were likely a great many reasons and made no comment. After a few more long moments, Gabriel spoke again. “Jules and I have been a coven for hundreds of years. I love her like I did my own sister. But I…” Gabriel’s voice faded but then he plunged forward. “That’s part of why watching her fall for… Luca… was so hard for me,” he admitted. “I still don’t think he’s…”

“Luca seems like an okay guy to me,” Nick cut him off.

Gabriel sighed but then admitted, “yes, I believe he is.” No matter how much he still didn’t like it, Jules was with the werewolf now. And, as far as werewolves go, Luca had done nothing to prove he wasn’t a decent human being as well.

“I just want her to be happy, ya know. I mean, I’m sure you feel that way too, being her family for so many years and all,” Nick said with another shrug.

But the problem was, Gabriel didn’t feel that way. Not really. Because of this, and now that Nick was back in Jules’s life, Gabriel had a sinking feeling that it was time for Jules and himself to part ways. “Can I trust you?”

When Nick raised one eyebrow but said nothing, Gabriel elaborated. “Romantic relationships come and go. But Jules needs a constant in her life. I fear that that can no longer be me. But, maybe, it can be you.”

“I literally just found my supposedly dead twin sister. I’m not going anywhere without her for a very, very long time,” he said with a bright, devilish smile. “Where will you go?”

“I think it’s time I take Eileen home.”

Nick nodded. “Then yes, you can trust me. I will take good care of our sister.” He extended his hand.

“Thank you,” Gabriel replied, accepting his handshake.

Gabriel felt peace in leaving Jules with Nick. He would love her and protect her if the need arose. And with Jules and Luca together, there is bound to be trouble.

“Wait,” Gabriel said, throwing out his arm to stop them both.

“What is that?” Nick said, listening beside him.

“Run!” Gabriel said and they both bolted back in the direction of Jules’s house.




Jules heard Gabriel calling her name. His voice was coming from down the beach. She sat up, staring in that direction. Luca, who had fallen asleep, stirred in the sand beside her. Jules could tell the sun was rising, but it was a blessedly overcast day. It even looked like it might be about to rain.

“What’s going on?” Luca mumbled as she stood to her feet.

“Gabriel! Nicholas!” she called as she spotted the two vampires running toward her.

“The werewolves are coming. They are almost here,” Gabriel said calmly.

“And it doesn’t look like they are open to negotiations,” Nick said with a mischievous smile. Then Jules watched as Nick shot over her head and perched on the roof of her house.

“What do you see?” she asked him.

“The ocean,” he said with a devilish grin.

She rolled her eyes and looked up at the roof. It would not be hard to make that jump. She took three steps back and shot into the air. Then, landing on the roof in a crouch, she spun to face the direction her brother was looking. With vampire sight, she saw what she was looking for. “There!” she said, pointing off in the direction of the rock caves.

“I can see them. There is a large group moving toward us,” she called down to Luca. Jules jumped from her perch, landed silently in a crouch, and stood beside the now awake Luca. She turned to Gabriel. She would wager he knew what she was going to say to him. “We need you.”

“Jules, I…”

“Please Gabriel. There are too many of them, I’m not sure we can win this fight without you.”

His jaw twitched but he nodded. A surge of relief swept over her. She nodded back, turned, and ran inside. Luca, Gabriel, and Nick trailed her.

“Seth!” she shouted.

He meandered out of the bedroom. “What?” he asked, his eyes droopy and his hair rumpled.

“Take Monica and get out of here!”

“Wait, what’s going on?” Monica protested appearing next to her boyfriend.

“They’re coming. You need to leave,” Jules said sternly. She would not risk Monica or Seth’s human lives for this fight.

“I’m not going anywhere!” Monica stamped her foot and stormed over to where Jules stood by the back door.

“Yes, you are,” Jules said, hugging her.

“Seth.” Jules handed Monica off to him. “Make sure she stays away.”

He nodded in compliance. Monica protested harder and started to cry.

“You have to go.” Jules stretched up and kissed her friend on the forehead. “Be safe.”

“You guys too,” Seth said as he began to drag Monica toward the door.

“Now, what’s the plan?” asked Kyle.

“Maybe we should leave, too,” Hayley said.

“Run and you can never come back. None of us could,” Gabriel said.

“No. This ends here,” Luca said.

Jules watched as Luca nodded at Gabriel and he nodded back.

“We fight,” Gabriel stated, and Jules knew without a doubt that he was with them now.

For just a moment, no one did or said anything. Jules felt love for everyone in the room. She looked at each of her new and old friends, feeling responsible for the lives of each and every one.

“Don’t worry about us,” Hayley said, walking over to Jules.

“You should leave,” Kyle said to his wife. “The baby.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” She turned to her husband. “You know I’m not leaving you.”

“If we are going to do this, it can’t happen here. My neighbors will be waking up soon. Right now, the pack is just under a mile away. We need to go out and meet them. If we do, that beach is private, and the families that own those houses are only here once or twice a year. The last thing I want is the police getting involved, or worse, killed.”

“Jules is right, we should go now,” Luca said.

“In a moment.” Gabriel took Eileen’s hand and lead her into the kitchen. “Jules,” he called her after him.

“Nick,” she called over her shoulder and he followed them as well.

Gabriel opened her refrigerator.

“This is the last of it,” he said, as Eileen pulled glasses down from the cupboard. He handed each vampire a bag of blood and Eileen handed each one a glass.

Nick stared at it. “But it’s cold.” He grimaced.

“Just drink it,” Eileen commanded.

He shrugged, poured the blood into the glass, and drank. Jules took a deep breath, drank, and felt the red liquid course through her like instant strength. She stood in bliss for a few long seconds until she heard Luca calling her name. Her eyes opened, and she saw his widen. Instinctively, she shut her eyelids over her red eyes.

“Sorry, I…” She hadn’t ever wanted him to see her in her most demon-like form, revealing the monster inside.

“Jules,” he soothed, lifting her chin. “I love every part of you,” he assured, reaching a finger to touch beside her eye. “Even this.”

Jules reopened her red eyes. She let out a long sigh and closed them again as he kissed her.

Nick faked a cough and cleared his throat. This made Jules roll her eyes as she pulled back from Luca.

“We have a battle to win,” Luca said, looking down at her.

As they rejoined Kyle and Hayley in the living room, everyone moved toward the back door. The battle for their immortal lives was about to begin.



The heavens opened. Rain began to pour down, drenching them all. Anticipation and adrenaline made Kyle shift back and forth as he watched their adversaries approaching quickly.

Leading the charge was what was left of the Den members. Ben, Kip and Max, were flanking Carson. Just behind them, Kyle spied his father-in-law and brother-in-law. Adam was carrying one of the UVB lights, not yet flicked on. Then came the rest. Twenty or so wolves, some he knew and some he didn’t, but he recognized all of them.

Kyle glanced past Jules, who was standing next to him, to where Hayley was positioned. She growled, her shoulders hunching over angrily. Obviously, she’d spotted her family as well. Participating in this fight must be part of the actions Carson was requiring so the Reynolds family could prove their loyalty to their Alpha. Apparently, in addition to delivering their eldest, already married, daughter to him as a mate. Hatred toward Carson trickled through Kyle and he growled as well, taking a step forward.

“Kyle hold your ground,” Jules whispered, reaching her hand out toward him, though the distance was too great for her to actually restrain him.

He glanced at her to his right and Eileen to his left. The group stood stretched across the beach in a line, alternating vampire and werewolf. Gabriel had suggested this order. He figured they would have the best chance at staying alive if they helped each other through the battle.

Carson brought his army to a halt. Kyle nursed a glimmer of hope that he would consider negotiating, and there would be no battle. However, before this could even be suggested, Carson gave a growl and the pack began to charge toward them, closing the gap quickly.

Kyle ran at his soon-to-be-attackers. He tried not to register who exactly they were. In his purview, he saw the flash of light as Hayley become the majestic white wolf. She charged the wolves in front of her. Some four-legged, some still running on two legs. Eileen and Jules sped out from either side of him. He picked up the pace, running faster than he ever had before into the fray.

Kyle let his teeth and claws extend but didn’t turn fully yet. He growled and punched a wolf-shaped nose jumping up at him in the furry face.



“Dad, catch!” Adam Reynolds shouted, tossing an illuminated UVB light past Gabriel's shoulder. Gabriel spun just as the light was jammed into his neck. He inhaled as the manufactured sunlight burnt him. He lashed out with his arms and the man fell. Gabriel turned on him, about to lunge for the kill when he heard a crunching sound and then a yelp. Hayley had bitten down on the lighted weapon, rendering it useless.

“Hayley are you okay,” Adam asked her as he ran to her side. This was wrong. It was all wrong. Adam had taken Gabriel’s class only a few years ago. He couldn’t be more than twenty years old, and he was always a good kid. He was a little surly and serious, but Gabriel remembered him as a good student with genuine character. This fight did not seem like something the boy he remembered would choose to be a part of. Unless he was only acting due to the orders of the Alpha. Gabriel’s head cocked to the side in contemplation.

However, in the moment of distraction, the Reynolds father had gotten his feet and Gabriel was hit hard in the gut. Rather than fall, he spun; lifting the werewolf off the ground as he went. His fangs extended, preparing to bite into his neck.

“Mr. Prentiss don’t!” both Hayley and Adam shouted together.

Gabriel’s attention moved to Hayley, now in human form, kneeling on the sand beside her brother.

“He’s our father, please,” she begged.

He looked down at the werewolf man and then at both of the children. He let out a long hiss. This was war. He knew, better than many, that war meant death and sacrifice. One wolf dead would help even the battlefield.

“Please.” Hayley’s plea was barely a whisper. The expectant mother’s eyes were wide and tearful.

After another moment, Gabriel threw the man down on the sand. “Take your father and go,” Gabriel instructed Adam. “If you stay here, I will be forced to kill you both.”

“Dad, get up,” Hayley said, as she ran to their father’s side.

“Carson’s orders are for us to take on the blond, male vampire. Apparently, that’s you,” Adam told him. “We won’t be able to resist a direct order very long.”

Gabriel said nothing but nodded and placed an encouraging hand on the boy’s shoulder. He flinched but didn’t pull away. Just then, their father lunged at him. Both of his children grabbed him by the arms, holding him back.

“Fight it as long as you can,” Hayley told them. “We may have a new Alpha soon.”

“That’s treason,” her father grunted. It seemed as though he might be in pain.

“If fighting for what is right is treason, then I am a traitor.” Breathing heavily, Hayley helped her brother drag their father to the edge of the fray.

“Since when is our English teacher a vampire?” Adam asked his sister almost conversationally.

“Pretty sure the whole time,” Hayley replied.

“So, vampires are not all bad then. I mean, for a teacher, Mr. Prentiss is alright,” Adam said like he was trying to work something out in his mind.

Gabriel almost smiled at this but then he saw it. A wolf collided with the young werewolves. Knocking them both off their feet. Gabriel ran at them and threw the wolf-shaped werewolf at full strength. It landed back into the middle of the battle.

“Adam, get away from here,” Gabriel shouted.

Adam pulled his father to the far end of the fray. It looked as though it was taking all his strength to do it. Gabriel knew that they would be forced to try and kill him again soon, but he certainly hoped they could hold out. Though the father’s resolve seemed faulty at best.

“Thank you Gab…” Hayley let out a cry as she was flung down onto the sand. Gabriel had pushed her out of the way, kicking a wolf who had charged her in the shoulder.

Hayley stood, shook herself off, nodded to Gabriel and resumed the fight as a white wolf once more. Gabriel noticed that she was, in fact, beautiful in this form as well as her human one.

“Gabriel look out!” Gabriel spun at Jules’s shout. A wolf in human form charged forward. The gangly wolf was easily thrown backward when Gabriel kicked him. He sputtered and charged again. This time, changing into a wolf along the way. Anticipating the flash of light, Gabriel covered his eyes and took the wolf’s impact square in the chest. The two fell backward but Gabriel was too strong for his opponent. With a threatening hiss, he lifted the animal up and tossed him so hard that he hit a rock cliff and landed on the sand with a thud.

Gabriel spun, ready to take on the next challenger. To his horror, he saw Eileen across the beach, cowering. A light was laying along her neck like the blade of a deadly knife. He knocked over a few charging wolves in his attempt to get to her. He knew he shouldn’t leave his assigned post, he was leaving Jules and Hayley exposed. This formation was his was his idea, but he couldn’t leave Eileen to die. Before he could reach her, however, he saw Kyle shove the man off Eileen, pulling the light out of his grasp as they fell, the light landing feet from them both.

Luca, in wolf form, took the light in his mouth and bit down. The blub shattered and flickered and Luca shook blood out of his mouth.

Gabriel was knocked sideways again, and again he moved to overpower the attacker.



Luca heard a yelp from behind him, he knew someone was dead by Nick or Eileen’s hand, but he didn’t have time to register who. The cuts in Luca’s mouth began to heal as he sputtered. That would have been easier with hands.

To his right he saw that Carson had left his spot on the sidelines. Carson and Jules seemed to be facing off, but she was holding her own.

Just then, a wolf’s nose and ears barreled into his ribs. Luca rolled out of the impact, turned, growled, and bit down. He felt fur and blood in his mouth and heard a yelp from Kip. Luca had successfully put a gash across his pretty muzzle. The two clashed again, a flurry of bared teeth and sharp claws. As he fought, he couldn’t help but feel it was payback for running him off the road.

Luca bit down again and Kip stumbled backward. Luca took this moment to returned to his human form in a flash of light. He spat out Kip’s blood and whipped his mouth on his arm.

Kip growled.

“Back off,” Luca barked at him.

Kip became human as well. “I’m under orders,” Kip shouted.

“You’ve been ordered to kill me?” Luca circled him.

“Actually, yes. Days ago,” Kip said, panting. “I, personally, have nothing against you or your girlfriend. I really couldn’t care less who you’re banging. But you know I don’t have a choice.”

Luca growled audibly. Carson turned friend against friend and cared for no one but himself.

Luca stopped and gathered what power he carried inside him by his position in the pack. He felt it from his fingers to his chest, drawing on all the wolves around him. Condemned traitor or not, he still held the power of the Beta. Letting out a slow breath, he searched for the hold Carson’s order had in Kip. The roots were deep, he could not erase it but maybe he could manipulate it. “You may carry out your orders after the battle has reached its conclusion. Your Alpha needs you elsewhere.”

Kip stood up a little straighter, some of the burden having lifted. He nodded at Luca, who nodded back.

Of course, Luca was banking on the fact that they would win. If they did not, he would have to run. But for the time being, it had worked. Kip was free from the order’s hold over him.

Luca turned from Kip who limped away from the fight but did not leave. Instead, he plopped himself down on the sidelines, so he could watch how it all turned out. Luca rolled his eyes.

Luca glanced over at Jules again. It seemed as though Carson might lose his life at her hands. Luca smiled. Jules was one tough vampire.

Luca’s attention was pulled away from Jules by a low growl. He kicked the charging wolf. The impact was enough to throw him backward. He flew into Nick, who was holding his hands over his eyes and crushing a light under his boot. The two of them laughed lightly and helped each other up.

Nick turned to finish off a bleeding Ben, but Luca put a restraining hand on his shoulder. Ben had looked out for him when he’d first joined the pack. Luca looked do