Spirit Runner by Leon Southgate - HTML preview

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Chapter Eleven - Where it Hurtz to Hire-A-Car

‘Demons in my dream,’ hummed Golden Frog singing along to the car radio whilst conducting the music with his left arm. ‘It’s so great having a human body again Goldy Boy,’ he told himself cheerfully. Michael’s mind was completely knocked out. It had been so easy. A child could have done it.

Golden Frog was taking a substantial risk. A mind-entity like him just didn’t have the right amount of energy at the right frequency to run something as power-hungry as a human body.

At best Frog could hope to last out for an hour. If he killed Michael’s body accidentally he would die too. If he left it too long before awakening Michael’s mind Golf could become disabled himself. So he got to do the rally driving personally - but at considerable risk. But being Golden Frog he wasn’t in the least bit ruffled. In fact the next ten minutes or so were going to be decidedly hell-raising.

Michael, being a poorly paid minion of health-care, couldn’t afford a great car. If things didn’t get better financially he might have to start cycling to work soon which would be good news for his belly at least. The means of transport that best reflected his current family situation was a large but aging Peugeot in motorway grey. In other words, dirt coloured - with the left wing mirror hanging at a slight angle. Michael had been promising to fix it for weeks but he never got around to it. However, if one had the reactions of Golden Frog and were telepathic and futurepathic too, a risk or two in terms of mechanical hardware could be afforded.

Golden Frog screeched around the corner into Catharine Street. The back end of the car skidded dangerously knocking out the front bumper of a private cab waiting at the lights. Golden Frog glanced in his rear-view mirror to see an angry, shaven-headed driver getting out the car, ranting and shaking his fists in anger.

Golden Frog smiled an evil smile. He hadn’t had this much fun for ages. Zipping over the amber lights at Myrtle Street Golden Frog was nearly there. He hoped he didn’t kill Michael. That would be such a hassle. He couldn’t be doing with another incarnation - not now when he was having such a good time.

The car wheels screamed as Michael’s body, looking menacingly happy, pulled the steering wheel this way and that. Michael’s vehicle skidded a hand brake turn through the red light and left onto London Road – nearly there. The chassis looking as though it was about to part company with the rest of the car as he screeched down the hill.

Meanwhile, in the hospital at the bottom of that same road, Golden Frog’s frightened prey, namely Danny and Ben, were trying desperately to get out of the hospital foyer.

Golden Frog thought it would be suitably dramatic to manoeuvre the car so its rear end went over the pavement knocking out a bollard or two as he approached the entrance to the hospital. He was building himself up for the grand finale.

He was going to drive straight through the plate glass doors of the hospital entrance. He could then re-enter Danny’s mind whilst Danny was in a state of shock. He had better not hurt him, or the agency would have Golden Frog hung up to dry. With smoke rising up from the rear end of the car and the back bumper and exhaust trailing behind noisily, Golden Frog, and Michael’s body, hurtled toward the hospital foyer. ‘This is going to be fun,’ squealed Golden Frog to no one in particular.

Golden Frog had exceptional time-streaming abilities - although the agency didn't know that yet. Golf could jump through the time-stream by a few hours or even days on occasions. As Golf was using most of his energy to power the human body he had stolen the best he could manage right now was a remote-viewing of the very near future. Golf checked ahead a few minutes. Everything seemed okay, they were nervous but still in the hospital foyer – it was all on course.

Thanks to disturbances in the 'medium' Danny and Ben had been aware of the situation. Danny was already on the counter-attack. The first thing he had done was to shift zones. His body went into a trance. Danny thought that his best chance to crack the devious frog was to get under his skin and unbalance him. Danny had gone into the Earth-realm of thought - the Thought Realm. This was a mirror of our world, but not an exact one. It is like our world but made from more ethereal matter.

Once he was fully in the Thought Realm Danny homed in on Golden Frog’s mind emanations. Danny could do this without being noticed. Danny tampered with Golden Frog’s personal effects. He made the smallest, silkiest adjustment. He lowered the frog’s personal confidence level by the slimmest of touches. Danny also left a small ‘fingerprint’ behind. He gave his work an imaginary, fatherly pat on the head. He rushed back to his body and landed with a thump, nearly bursting out of his own eye sockets.

Back in the more material world some action was needed and quick. Danny’s body couldn’t take many more unpleasant surprises. He felt marginally lighter than a ton of lead. Danny turned to Ben, who was wide-eyed and frightened. His look said it all. They needed action and all he had was syrup-like slowness. Fortunately, Ben always had a unique perspective on things. Danny believed Ben would somehow know what to do.

‘Quick, let’s have attacks! They’ll panic and rush us out of here!’ Ben said telepathically. Danny wasn't sure if this was the right course of action but it was too late. Ben had already started.

They both sat bolt upright in their wheelchairs. They looked like sickly goldfish that had been plucked out of the water and electrocuted. Spontaneous, violent jerking of limbs followed. Their faces gurned hideously. Their facial colour turned a whiter shade of white. Their eyes rolled back in their sockets revealing a bloodshot greyness. Next came the full body convulsions. These could be a bit frightening even for Danny. Cynthia and Trevor were appalled.

Cynthia had never seen such acute epileptic attacks happen so suddenly. Danny and Ben’s convulsions seemed almost synchronised. It struck Cynthia as quite surreal but she didn’t dwell on it. Her reflexes snapped into action. Trevor’s face was twitching with fright but Cynthia’s cutting voice unfroze him.

‘They’re going into status, where’s casualty from here? QUICK! You run with Ben and I’ll push Danny’ said Cynthia. Trevor pointed to the corridor to casualty. He scooped Ben up with one arm. Trevor ran down the corridor with a bag of skin and bones that was still fitting. Danny was much heavier. Cynthia pushed the wheelchair's lever to manual and struggled mightily. The chair with its various attachments banged into legs and walls as she half crashed, half steered her way toward the Accident and Emergency corridor.

Trevor had gone into professional mode and ran straight into the double trolley resuscitation room in the main treatment area. Luckily it was empty. One of the casualty nurses was about to shout at him but he explained breathlessly,

‘We’ve got two epileptic patients not long out of High Dependency. They’ve gone into epileptic status in the lobby.’

The casualty nurse briskly strode off to get the house officer. One of the assistants started preparing syringes and other things that would be needed. Trevor placed Ben on the furthest trolley, pulling up the padded sidebars to protect him and then rushed back to help Cynthia with Danny.