Spirit Runner by Leon Southgate - HTML preview

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Chapter Forty - The Storm

The Elif was angry. It was attacking. The great storm it had summoned had appeared from nowhere. Waves pulled themselves up from the ocean bed. The port town of Liverpool was under siege.

Buildings across the country rocked in the aftershocks and tremors that spread out from the north west of England. The ground around the city of Liverpool shook. A strange unworldly roar seemed to tumble upwards out of the Earth. Rain pelted people to the pavements and cars and lorries were swept aside like toys.

The evil weather was searching, looking for the bodies of Danny and his friends. The Elif must have the ruro.

All around Danny’s cottage lightning strikes hit here and there, wrenching the air with their electric screams. The once beautiful garden was in ruins. Thunder boomed overhead. The closest thing Danny had to a family trembled in fear inside the cottage.

The walls of Danny’s Liverpool home stood firm despite the threatening winds.

‘What’s going on? The sky's gone dark. Was that gunfire before?’ gasped Sarah.

‘Don’t worry Sarah, it’ll just have been this storm. Sounds like its right overhead but Danny’ll be fine at the hospital. We’ll ring them as this storm settles down,’ Michael reassured her. She was worried sick about Danny. Why did he have to keep leaving her like this? Nathalie was frightened too but she was too worried about Ben to be concerned for her own self. Ben wouldn’t move from his room. What would happen if they had to escape?

The sky had turned to night. Great winds had arisen, tugging at the building. The radio was down, as was the TV. The lights were out. They could see trees being swept about outside. Tiles and branches flew across the lawn. The walls started to shake.

Michael, Nathalie and Sarah huddled under the tables in the dining room. Nathalie had her arm around Sarah. ‘We’re going to have to grab Ben and head for the basement…’ she said.