Spy Squad by The_B00kw0rm_ - HTML preview

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Chapter 14: May The Truth Set You Free 



That was by far the best and worst game of Capture the Flag I have ever played. I've studying every play in sports, every trick in the book, and every secret maneuver to winning, but scaring the crap out of the defender, having your teammate steal the flag, and come back to see your team defender being tortured by the other team. The single most surprising thing was that Jenna actually quit the team, because of what? A pair of gloves? That's absolutely absurd! Well, that's coming from the girl that has a panic attack when a book in her library is out of place. I bet you're wondering about the " scaring the crap out of Mitchell part". It's actually pretty funny, but still dangerous. 

I led Zach back to where I was spying on Jenna and Mitchell before. The jungle seemed to be changing, more trees I didn't remember, new paths to follow. Of course, this was completely possible; Coach Harley was sitting in the tech room eating a chocolate bar and designing this course. What was extremely odd was the scorch mark on a tree we passed. 

I turned to Zach, "Hm, this is new. Did you do this?" 

He looked just as confused as I did. "Not that I remember." 

I decided to just ignore it. Whatever it was, I wouldn't kill us. We finally came to the downed tree. 

"Okay, they are camped right behind this tree. How are we going to do this?" I asked Zach. If his video games taught him anything, it strategic capture. 

"Left and right flank maybe? Although that big field is going to make it difficult to sneak up on them." 

He paced back and forth, making loud crunching sounds. I wanted to silence him but pacing helped him think. The kid is brilliant but it’s going to kill him one day. Before Richie, we used to play dodge ball, but 20 times more dangerous of course, and Zach almost got beaned in the head by a ball from Jenna because he stepped out of cover while pacing back and forth. As funny as it would've been, it would be 10 times more painful, no doubt. 

Quite honestly, Zach was taking too long. I looked throughout the trees, looking for a spot to sneak up on Mitchell and snatch the flag. That familiar tree loomed in front of us with the broken branch still bent under my weight. Look Mother Nature, I understand I'm not the best at diets, but I'm trying my best. 

"I have an idea, just follow my lead." 

I looked up at the broken branch again. An idea popped into my head. I thought back to the circus camp my mom sent me to when I did gymnastics. Another nearby branch swept low over the meadow, right over their flag. 

"Zach, I need a distraction." 

"What type of distraction? Wait, what’s the plan?". 

At this point, Zach was thoroughly confused. Perfect! 

"Just be as annoying as you possibly can and keep Mitchell occupied." 

"Okay, that's my expertise, but what are you planning?" 

"Let's just say, I'm gonna get the drop on Mitchell." 


Nearly falling out of a tree probably should've scarred me for life, but alas, I never learn. Hand over hand, foot over foot, I slowly made my way up the trunk. Finally, after what felt like several hours, I made it to the crook of the tree. I could see the whole meadow clearly. Mitchell was walking near the brush, trying to spy, most likely, either Zach or me. There was one branch that stretched into the meadow. Well, there was two, but we know what happened to the other one. Not one word. 

Mitchell was pacing just outside of an area I could get him from. But that was perfect! Mitchell wasn't what I was after. I needed the flag, and I could probably do it if nothing went wrong. That was a long shot though. I heard rustles a little further down the forest (probably Zach's idea of a distraction). Mitchell carefully made his way over to the rustling, a small cove opposite to the flag, leaving it perfectly open for the taking. 

I inched myself slowly on to the branch, praying to every deity in existence that this branch wouldn't break. As quietly and as fast as I could, I made it to the end of the branch just over the flag. I wrapped my legs around the branch and flipped upside down. I wrapped my hand around the steel bar of the flag and yanked with all my power upwards. Only, it wasn't enough. I needed something to push off of the get the power. 

Suddenly, a loud sound of a twig snapping and Mitchell's scream that almost made me fall off my branch. Suddenly several rocks pebbled (sorry for the pun) Mitchell in the face. He backed up to the flag, defending it while every now and again getting a pebble to the face. 

"Crap!" I whispered. 

I missed my chance to snatch the flag. I hovered above Mitchell trying to not make a sound. 

"Come out at fight!" he yelled at the grass. 

He had no idea that I was here! Oh, this could be fun. 

Mitchell inched around the opposite side. I saw Zach hiding behind a tree, rock in hand. I rubbed a finger under my nose: our sign for "okay". He threw the rock at Mitchell, hitting him in the stomach. Mitchell looked at where the rock came from and began to move that way. I suddenly dropped in front of him. 

"Hey!" I screamed. 

Mitchell fell on his butt, obviously surprised by my sudden appearance. I gripped the flag and yanked up with all my might. With a satisfying "shink", the flag rose from the ground. 

"Zach, to me!" I yelled in his general direction. 

To my surprise, he came up behind me. 

"Time to go?" he asked. 

He looked at Mitchell recovering from shock. 

"Yeah, time to go." 

We sprinted through the woods, Mitchell's grenades exploding behind us. I had no idea what types the were and I didn't intend to find out. 

"Follow me! We are almost there!" I yelled to Zach who ran alongside me. 

Jumped over stray logs and dodging trees, we sprinted through the woods. A small black object sailed over my shoulder and hit a tree trunk in front of me. I stood in surprise at the grenade laying below my feet. Out of nowhere, Zach tackled me to the side into a small hole. 

I couldn't hear anything. Zach was above me, waving his hand, trying to get my attention. 

"Astrid? Astrid, we have to move!" Zach suddenly looked behind him. 

"Stay still and don’t make a sound." he said as he covered me with leaves, leaving small holes for me to breathe and see out of. 

I shook my head weakly as he got up. He took out his sword, shouted something unintelligible and ran off towards our base. A tall dark figure came into my vision. Mitchell had grenades at a bat in his hands. He looked around searching for either Zach or me. No doubt I would've knocked him on his butt again but I could speak, much less move. 

He must have spotted Zach because he threw a grenade in the air, smacked it with his bat, and watched it explode in the distance. Mitchell ran after his grenade. I groaned and slowly got to my feet. Every part of my body ached. I knew walking would be terrible but I had to move. With the flag still in my hand, I headed after Mitchell and Zach. 


Mitchell must really like his grenades because they were going to town. Explosions rocked the forest. Every now and then, I passed a fire from one of Mitchell's incendiary grenades which I had to stomp out. This place may be digitally generated, but I'd rather not fight two of the strongest teenagers in the world while a fire rages around us. 

Normally I have to track footprints, with Mitchell, I track detonations and fires. Of course, guys just like destruction, don't they? After stomping out several fires and finding multiple scorch marks, I finally found Mitchell. I ducked behind a tree, peering around the corner. Luckily, Mitchell back was to me, but why was he looking down at a tree. I moved around to the tree to the left of Mitchell, giving me a perfect view of my injured friend. 

Zach lay in the crook of the tree roots, clutching his leg. Mitchell must have gotten him with a grenade. For someone with flawless aim, we could evade his grenades fairly easily, but it was the fact that Mitchell could guess people's movements before they even happened that made him dangerous. He held a grenade marked with a yellow line. 

"Sorry dude but I have to do this. What did Coach say? This will make for a shocking experience? Well, I can assure that." 

Zach didn't say a word. He didn't move didn't even fight. Strangely, he blinked a lot. Zach not really the crying type though, so I don't know what he is doing. Of course, the one time I pay attention in Communications is the time we learn Morse code. Blink after blink, I finally made out the message: Sneak attack. 

Don't worry Zach. I'm coming. 

Thanks to ManHunt for teaching me how to move silently. I stepped out of the shadows and Zach saw me. I rubbed my finger under my nose. Okay? He rubbed his nose back. Almost there. 

"Say hello to move little friend" Mitchell yelled, ripping the pin out of the grenade. 

"Not today Mitchell" Zach said gleefully, noticing me gripping my taser and standing behind Mitchell. 

I jabbed the taser into Mitchell's back. Mitchell spazzed erratically falling to the floor. The grenade rolled out of his hand, falling into the grass. 

"Thanks" said Zach, with a huge smile across his face. 

I stretched out my hand to him, lifting him up of the ground. 

"Time to move" I said. 

We ran into the woods as Mitchell's bomb exploded behind us, making one awesome looking exit. 


It only took us a few minutes to sprint through the woods and arrive at our camp. We crossed the border, the flag billowing behind Zach and me. We cheered, roaring loudly as the bell to signify the end of the game sounded. The flag and Richie were nowhere to be found. 

"What happened? Where's Richie?" Zach asked. Sadly, I was just as puzzled as he was. 

I heard someone talking very low, very quietly, a voice all too familiar. 

I ran around the rock, prepared for the worst. I clearly didn't prepare myself well enough because the sight of Jenna on top of a knocked-out Richie nearly moved me to tears. 

"Jenna! Stop! The game is over!" I yelled. 

She didn't even flinch. She just sat on top of a very dead looking Richie. Quit it Astrid. There is no way Jenna killed Richie. 

I walked towards Jenna, trying to compose myself. 

"Jenna, it's all good. The game is over. It's time for lunch. Do you want to head to Chick-fil-a again?" I asked, trying to get her off Richie. 

This got her attention. There's nothing like food to grab the attention of a warrior, or a hungry teenager. Clearly Jenna wasn't hungry for French fries though, she was hungry for vengeance. 

"If I can't win, he can't either!" She screamed back. 

We always called Jenna anger management, but we had no idea she could get this brutal. She lifted her fist again and again, punch Richie in the face repeatedly. 

"Jenna, stop!" Zach screamed. 

He ran towards her but he tripped falling face first into the mud. He pounded his fist in the dirt. 

"This stupid leg!" Zach yelled. 

I saw what Mitchell did to him, why he was propped against the tree. Zach leg had a huge hole on his calf, his skin bright red. Mitchell must have nailed him with a grenade. 

"It's okay Zach, don't hurt yourself more. I'll deal with Jenna." 

"And what exactly do I do? Watch?" 

"Glad we've met an understanding" I said and marched away. 

No doubt Zach would've followed me but it seemed like Zach couldn't walk all too well. Quite honestly, I don't know how he managed to run through the forest. 


I marched towards Jenna. She finally finished punching Richie. His face was bloodier than Zach leg, with a bright purple broken nose and a stream pouring down the side of his face. 

Nobody hurts my friends. Squad means family; family means no one gets left behind. 

I saw Richie turn his head and a sigh a relief passed through me. At least I know he isn't dead. His eyes were staring at a small black object in the grass, his taser. I knew exactly what I had to do. 

"Jenna, don't do this. Know when to be aggressive!" 

Jenna looked up, clearly displeased. Hopefully it because she was done beating the crap out of Richie. I looked at the Taser lying in the grass and dove to grab it but Jenna was much faster and closer. She ripped the taser away from me as I fell onto my face and slid right next to Richie. 

"You're telling me to stop and you're trying to grab a weapon! I'll say Astrid, you're an okay spy but not that great of a negotiator." 

Jenna uncapped the taser and flicked the switch to turn it on. I knew exactly what she was going to do. That SOB was about to fry my friend. 

"NOOO!" I screamed as Jenna pressed the taser hard against Richie chest. 

He convulsed in grass, even after Jenna pulled it away. Someone was screaming although I'm not sure if it was Richie or me. So, naturally, my training kicked in. I pushed myself to my feet as Jenna slipped her gloves back on. She pounded her fist together. 

"Unarmed, in pain, and without a friend to help. Right Zach?" Jenna teased. 

Zach was still standing in shock next to the rock. Thanks bud. I know hand to hand combat isn't his forte, but he could do something to help. He looked at my pocket, but not looking staring pointedly as if to say Come on girl, I can't do all the work around here. I felt my pocket and gripped the taser that Zach gave me earlier. I flicked open the cap and turned the taser on. 

"Let's dance Donkey Kong." I said. Never before have I been so confident. 

I sprinted directly at her, which, honestly, isn’t my style. Jenna was clearly surprised too because she moved back to Richie rather than towards me. I don't know what came over me but for some reason, I grand jeted over Jenna's head. When I was directly over her, I pointed the taser directly down at her arm. Of course, I missed but it actually turned out better. The instant the tip of the taser hit Jenna's gloves, they exploded in a bright flash of light. 

Naturally, I landed flawless (thanks to 12 years of practice) while Jenna lied in a burned pile of grass. Her gloves were strewn next to her, burnt to a crisp. I couldn't tell Zach's expression but he looked rather happy; that could also be shock which I won't blame him for. 

I ran over to Richie who was sitting up, clearly bewildered to what was happened. I helped him to his feet. 

"How you feel?" I asked, surprised he could even stand after being assaulted by Jenna and zapped by a taser. 

"Surprisingly well." he said back, completely nonchalantly. 

He nearly gets killed by Jenna and he has the guts to brush me off like that; I swear, he's cool but he really knows how to piss a girl off. 

Zach walked over and pounded him on the back. 

"That is how we win capture the flag ladies and gents!" he said joyfully. This clearly was the most exciting game we've had. 

"YOU!" a voice behind us screamed. 

Jenna stormed towards us with Mitchell on her tail. She shoved the burnt carcass of her gloves in my face. 

"LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!" she screamed. 

Richie stepped in front of Me and Zach. 

"Jenna, it okay, maybe we can fix them." he said as calmly as he could. 

"Fuck that! Zappy here is going to pay!" she said, more furious than I have ever seen her. 

Richie tried to calm her down, trying to telling her we could repair her stupid gloves, but Jenna didn't want to hear it. 

"JUST STOP!" screamed and stormed away towards the exit. 

Mitchell sighed and looked at us sadly, "She just needs time guys. Nice win." 

He began to walk away when we heard Jenna's furious mumbling. I had no idea what she was saying, my ears still recovering from the explosion. 

"What?" Richie yelled back. 

Jenna suddenly whipped around and furiously yelled, "I QUIT!" 

We all stopped in our tracks, surprised, not by her anger, but her incredible outburst. 

She stormed out of the door, straight past Coach Harley who held the game flag. 

"Well that went well." She said, happy as ever. 


It was just Richie, Zach and I walking down the corridor to the dorms when I finally made up my mind about Jenna; something was seriously wrong and I was going to find out cause like I said earlier, I hate seeing my friends hurt. 

"I'll see you guys later. I have something I need to do." Richie said as we past her door. 

Zach and I stopped. I stared at him, confused. 

"You know what, so do I. I'll catch up with you guys later. " I said. 

Zach looked at both of us. "Okay, well, if you guys want to join me in Super Smash once you're done, you're welcome to." 

"Maybe." Richie and I said simultaneously. 

We looked at each other and laughed and went our separate ways. I stood in front of Jenna's door. Please, please, please let me not get punched today. I knocked on her door. 

"Who is it?" she yelled. 

"Your number one fan." I responded. Jenna went quiet for a long time. 

"Go away Astrid. I know Headmistress sent you here." 

Honestly, I was never good at listening. I twisted the door handle and it easily unlocked. Jenna stood next to her bed, packing a suitcase full of stuff. 

She looked at me with her infamous death stare. "I said go away. We have nothing to talk about." 

"Clearly we do." I said looking at her half-packed suitcase. 

She let out a deep sigh and sat on her bed. She looked up at me, but rather than her usually angered appearance, she had something completely unexpected: sadness. 

"You wouldn't understand how it feels, Astrid, to let everyone down, to be a complete hypocrite." 

I didn't say anything, not because I wasn't listening this time, but because I didn't know how to respond. 

Jenna carried on. "I just need some fresh air. I need to go back to my regular life. No missions, no training, no reminders." 

"Reminders? Reminders of what?" I asked, carefully prodding the bull. Jenna still sat on her bed, staring at the tile floor. 

I slowly walked over to her and sat next to her. We didn't say anything for a long time and the awkward silence continued to grow. 

"It's something I can't talk about, Astrid. It's a huge mistake, a transgression that can never be fixed." 

"Well that's not dark and mysterious at all. Believe me Jenna, we all have things to hide. Except maybe Richie, but even he's too nice." 

"I know right!" Jenna exclaimed. "Sometimes he is just so annoying!" 

"Sometimes? More like 24/7." I said. That finally broke the ice between us. We launched into fitful laughter for at least 3 minutes. Jenna fell back on her bed at let out the jolliest, most contagious laugh I've ever heard. I was actually shocking to hear the girl whose resting face is a sneer, laugh harder than Headmistress. 

"Do you love someone Astrid?" she asked, just all of the sudden stopping the laughter. 

"Umm..." I said hesitantly. 

"Not having a crush. Actually, being fully in love with someone." 

"I'm not sure." I said, still in shock from her sudden change in tone. 

"Well, it's the most incredible feeling. That is, until you find out the person isn't who they say they are." Jenna looked up at me solemnly. I just stared back, completely speechless. For once, words abandoned me. 

"It's literally Beauty and the Beast except the characters are constantly changing. It's all Preston's fault." 

"Wait? Who's Preston?" 

Jenna looked at a picture sitting on top of her suitcase. " Something that can't be fixed." She said solemnly. 

A tall boy with bright blue eyes and long brown hair stood next to Jenna. He had his arm wrapped around her as they stood in front of the Academy. 

"There are always new beginnings, Jenna. It's obvious Mitchell is crazy about you." 

"Yeah I've noticed." She said laughing. "I'm still deciding on that." 

I tried to grab the picture, but Jenna swatted my hand away. The usual fire in her eyes had returned. 

"Hey!" I screamed as she hit my arm. It wasn't even hard but rather shocking. 

"You have no right! No right to touch my stuff! Especially not this you thief!" 

I must have looked really surprised because Jenna's sneer had returned. 

"That's right Catwoman. I know all about your little excursions you used to take. I must say, some of them were quite impressive. The National Bank was a nice choice, not the smartest, but I have to respect your bravery." 

I slowly backed up towards the door. 

"That's right, I read your file. You're an incredible teenager Astrid Oristano, a thief, a spy, but there's one thing you're too afraid to let everyone else know. You're a murderer Astrid, killing your own teammate in action." 

Jenna stood up from the bed, tears streaming out of her eyes. 

"You have no idea what he did! You could never understand the pain of killing someone you love, especially when you did it yourself, even if they deserve it! That's right, go hide in a book Astrid because that's what you do best!" 

I backed out of the doorway, straight into Mitchell who stood just outside of Jenna's door staring at me in shock. Jenna stomped up to the door. "AND STAY OUT!" she screamed and slammed the door in our face. 

"What happened in there?!" he said, thoroughly confused by Jenna depressed anger. 

"Let's just say a leopard never changes it spots." I said as I stomped away.