Spy Squad by The_B00kw0rm_ - HTML preview

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Chapter 29 (Epilogue): Far From Over 


The Jester 

It's funny how one day you may think you know someone, then the next, they become a completely different person. As I stood in the darkness, staring at the unconscious boy before me, I couldn't help but contemplate this. After nearly two years of being in stasis, would my dearest disciple be the same? 

Those wretched children have stolen everything from me - my family, my resources, my trust - and left me with barely anything useful. Even my henchmen are gone, but as useless as they could be, they were true. But alas, they sit in pods beneath a building that I built myself; a building that was stolen from me, a building I intend to recover. That Spy Squad will pay for their treason, my vendetta will be sought, and my goal accomplished. And it all begins with the lifeless boy tied to the chair before me. 

As I said before, I'm not sure if he'll be the same, but should he be, those children stand no chance. As soon as I make more serum, I will be unstoppable, my herald will stand victorious, and the world will finally see perfection. 

They call me mad. Mad scientist, mad clown, mad... visionary. Indeed, I am mad. So was Einstein; so was Tesla; so was Frankenstein; so am I. So I may, in fact, be this 'mad scientist', but insanity is a matter of perspective; the willingness to use every available resource to accomplish the impossible. 

Sadly, I'm nearly done with my maniacal monologue, but Preston's eruptive coughing spurred me from the moment, killing my mood - rude as always. The boy's mop of hair flew wildly as he anxiously absorbed what little surroundings he could. A lone bulb hung over his head, like an interrogation from those 60s movies I used to love; need be, I may just succumb to those same tactics, although I do hope it doesn't come to that. He rustled against his bonds, violently struggling in the plastic chair until he tipped over, landing face-down on the cold floor with a heavy thud and a loud grunt. Without being seen, I carefully snuck behind him and picked up his seat, before sinking back into the darkness. 

"Who are you?" he asked in that gravelly voice, so familiar. 

It felt strange to hear that voice again, although not disturbing; more like an abrasive strange, like finding an old friend you haven't thought about in years. 

"What do you want?" he continued, pleading for his unknown captor to reveal herself. 

I tried to think of a reply. But how do I reply to him? More importantly, how do I break the news? Even more importantly, how do I break the news so he doesn't kill me? This like this, words, are normally never this hard to arrange; but given the circumstances, I don't think there's anyway to easily deliver this. 

"Where am I?!" he begged imploringly, rattling the chair in a desperate attempt to escape. 

I couldn't take it anymore. I crept from the shadows, standing behind him as he stared ahead. "Somewhere safe." 

His head whipped around in a panic, trying to catch sight of me. I walked around his trembling body until we stood face to face. 

"You..." he disgustedly noted, recoiling at the sight of me. Not the best reaction, but definitely not the worst. " How long did you leave me? I remember my imprisonment like yesterday; maybe it was? Well, at least for me!" 

"Preston..." I began, but in his fury, he quickly cut me off. 

"You betrayed me! I watched you stare me down as I was frozen in time! Jenna, Mitchell, and Zach not have recognized you, but I did! I knew The Jester, I knew Headmistress, and I saw right through your hideous disguise. And you watched your right hand man be covered in frost forever." He spat despicably. 

"I was trying to protect you!" I interjected, trying to get my explanation in. I stopped, carefully thinking of what to come next. 

"By making me miss how many days of my life?!" He quickly replied. 

Shocked by the sudden outburst as well as my growing aggravation with this child (who is much more gripeful than I previously remember), I threw all preparation out the window. "Son-" I started, before stopping myself, but it was already too late. He stared back at me, startled, while I tried to recover; now crafting my words extremely carefully as Preston had an expression of glass. "This isn't how I wanted you to find out," I said shamefully, bending to his level of eyesight. I watched as his expression changed from horror and anger to disbelief. "Preston, George Lucas may sue me for copyright infringement of this, but, I am your mother." 

It felt like an eternity as he speechlessly stared into my unchanged eyes. Finally, he managed to speak, uttering, " This isn't possible" under his breath. 

" I promise I will explain, " I began, " but we have several... issues... to tend to." 

I flicked on the light switch, showing him the simple basement we now call Headquarters. Still reeling from the shock, he mindlessly glanced at the few computers and weapons I managed to steal from The Academy or that I luckily kept in storage. While he assimilated himself, I undid his bonds, leaving him free to roam and explore his new home; our new home. 

He stood, rubbing his wrists. "What next?" 

I grinned. Next is my favorite part. "Next, we find your brother." 

His jaw dropped as he wobbled from the earth shattering news I kept delivering. " I... where is my brother?" 

"Someplace neither of us and go," I said, sneering as I thought of his name. A mother will love her child unconditionally, even if he has stabbed her in the back. This is Mitchell's last opportunity to come to his senses before I destroy everything he knows and loves and make the world Perfect. "First, we get Mitchell. Then, we get revenge."