Ode to David Avocado Wolfe
My sugar is as sweet as honey
I hear he has a lot of money
It's not convenient for me
Cos women, at least 33
Stay hanging on his ever mutter
His whispers set their hearts a-flutter
So sweetheart doesn't notice me
I wish I'd found him in a tree
Alas I am but short and fat
I don't think he would go for that
And yet my stubborn heart it waits
Oblivious of its broken state
I do not even look at him
Fingers recall, o'er work they skim
I wonder if I'll ere recover
From my sweet non-existent lover
There is my dear he is so handsome
Seducing him would cost a ransom
Without him life is dark and grey
But there is nothing I can say
He is busy, fighting long
'Gainst bad nutrition, often wrong
You are not right, he is no nancy
The foolish twit that I do fancy
My baby thinks that I'm quite stupid
He knows not that I'm struck by cupid
My lovely gorgeous nice love rocket
I think he needs a camphor locket
I mean nothing to this man
Love is quite cheap, comes in a can
And so it's pointless as you see
Good fortune will not come to me
My story's sad and very lonely
And yet i think of one thing only
I'll make some artwork, stuff my face
Perhaps I'll take up making lace
Because I'm worthless, brain no use
And now my heart's become obtuse
So what's the point, I'm getting older
No reason to become much bolder
He doesn't care, he doesn't speak
So destiny it looks quite bleak
Nonnet for David Avocado Wolfe
My lovely dove, my sweet peace pigeon
Your blender, neat and in the kitchen
Dreams of you go through our heads
Good or bad, in soft beds
Tasty smoothie yeah
No stevia
Beetroot pink
Nice Sink
Not a poem for David Avocado Wolfe
I have tried so hard to think well of you
Tirelessly worked to make silk purses
When the silk was old and tattered
But there is something wrong with the way you see things
All you see is dark
And yet you talk of light
No-one can tell you how you really look
If you have never seen yourself
No-one can make you feel better
If you are determined not to feel at all.