The Best Scandal Ever Series by Ina Disguise - HTML preview

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Anacreontic for David Avocado Wolfe

I see, delightful creature,

That I will never feature,

No matter how I'm trying

I always end up crying

So now I sit here sewing

Although my time is owing



Blason for David Avocado Wolfe


Darling's hair is the colour of cold farm sludge

His eyes compare somewhat to treacle fudge

In summer, his skin takes an orange hue

His hair becomes red, as if fire has ensued

His feet are so shapely, as if made of marble

His words are contrived as to not be a garble

Who could fail to adore my sweet as he stands

Ladies fall to worship in small giggling bands

T'would be rude to ignore any eloquent speeches

I am quite sure he smells of sweet ripened peaches



Misc. poetry for David Avocado Wolfe


I simply do not care

If people stop and stare

I long since gave up trying

In favour of more crying

It was not your fault

The wound and the salt


They badmouthed me, near

They lied, went too far

Was unable to cope

My only hope

Dashed.  Heart rended

Life and love ended


You did make me laugh

Being slightly daft

Ever the cynic

No need for a clinic

It now seems so sad

No need to be glad


My friends they were right

No need for the light

Used to burn in my eyes

No big surprise

That life is quite boring

Might as well spend it snoring


Who wants to hear

A whimsical seer?

Not you

Then who?

So now I will eat

Grow too big for my seat.



Balliol Rhyme for David Avocado Wolfe

My name is David Avocado Wolfe

There is nothing 'bout you that I do not engulf

I'm the king of all things raw and healthy

And people do say that I'm very wealthy

How do I know?

I suppose she is beautiful

In a non-visual kinda way

But they are all beautiful

So how can I tell?

I have to measure it somehow

So I ask my friends

Is she beautiful?

And when they sneer, I sneer

When they leer, I leer

Their envy tells me

Success or fail?

I was born to sell

Not to tell

If something is good or bad

It all makes me glad

So how do I know?

Some want money

Some want fame

All she wants

Is more than I want

For me