The Crazy Helpdesk by Tanja Peikert - HTML preview

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End Sub

She loved to play around first with the relational and absolute references, and finally

assigned the macro to a shortcut key: "Ctrl+y"

Hilde just loved Tina; she always had such nice and interesting requests.

Already to know how to express one’s IT desires is a lot and shows a gift for the

matter. What a user wants, God wants. But all of CHD had counted each of them over

30 days overtime since the coming of the Chaos. But the good news for everyone later

that day was that Yves Longweil and Franca Incubo were to leave the House. Cool!

The two had never been House anyway, and had been put there temporarily in order to

make the point and convey how awful a problem user could be.

An Email popped up, as if by miracle, on their screen at 19h45. Betsy of Personnel

division was doing overtime too and getting used to the job. Welcome to the House


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The Light

Nico had been looking at the VBS-Visual Basic script manual for what was now over

two weeks. Almost three in fact, since he’d had the course about this programming


As always, when he was to use a new programming language, not yet known to him by

practice; he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to master it. The same experience had

taught him that this couldn’t be so, that until now he had always been able to master

any new programming language, but still, he was afraid.

He knew Pascal, FORTRAN, COBOL, RPG, FoxPro (the one which makes coffee), C+,

C++, Visual Basic Short, and Visual Basic for Applications, he had learned all of them,

but still, he was afraid. He always feared that a blockage would suddenly appear,

revealing to everyone that in fact he couldn’t programme at all; that he was just like his users, those who considered that programming was a gift given to only an elite, the

upper few thousand. Users thought programming was a mystery, slightly disgusting,

given to a mind by the gods, like epilepsy to Caesar, a gift that one possessed or not,

like the one of farseeing or telepathy. In a way, many didn’t believe in it and didn’t see it as a reality.

The VBS manual winked at him, accusingly, and Nico felt sick in his stomach.

Would he become a user now? Would he have to realise that he couldn’t programme at

all? Never had? That it had all been an illusion?

Searching for some consolation, he looked at the impressive collection of his holiday

shots on the walls of his office: Brasilia, Argentina, Chile, Niagara and Iguaçu falls,

New York, the Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, South Africa, Kenya, Morocco, Egypt,

Moscow, Tokyo and Kyoto and the Golden Pavilion, Vienna, Prague and Budapest, the

bay of Sidney where he ...

How much he would like to be there now. But he wasn’t. Instead he was in dreary

Bohatia fighting with some dreary code fright.

Users looking at his screen over the back of his shoulders were often bewildered by the

strange hieroglyphs they saw there. They repeatedly called him Genius, and asked him

how he had come to learn this potion making. Nico then laughed and answered that it

was precisely that: he had learned it. At university they had learned the basics of

programming in the first year already, each week a two times two hour course;

followed by at least four hours of exercises. It took its time. Many believed that one

was either capable to programme or not, it was inbuilt, genetic; some very few tried

themselves at it, and gave up after a few hours, being almost glad to have gotten the

proof that they belonged to this vast majority which couldn’t programme and never

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would be able to. Psycho-technical tests wanted to help proving this too, and their

results gladly told most of those who had taken them that it was true:

“You will never be able to programme. You lack the necessary logic.”

But logic is an inborn gift for only even fewer than those who learn to programme.

Logic can be inborn, maybe, but most of all, logic can be learned. The few great

principles of logic in programming can just simply be learned.

There was if-then-else sequence, the loop, the compare next to pervious principle, the Array, but not much more. Like:

Sub OldestUser()

Dim Age(777) As Integer

Dim Oldest As Integer

Oldest = 0

For Count = 1 To 777

If Age(Count) > Oldest Then

Oldest = Age(Count)

End If


MsgBox Oldest & " is the oldest"

End Sub

Nico estimated that there were maybe not more than ten of those principles underlying

programming. He didn’t dare tell this to anyone, afraid he might be laughed at. He’ll

show you some of it later, when he will have mastered his own new challenge.

Nico hadn’t reached that point yet and opened the manual slowly. He needed the new

code to manage the hundreds of user movements in the Active Directory which would contain them. The scripts would add the users, remove them, move them to another

Organisational Unit, add and remove them to and from Groups, like the groups

corresponding to their WG, change their attributes, like office, phone, WG, title (when

one marries), add the logon script.

First of all he wanted to try out a ‘Create user’ script. He surfed on the Internet and

found several sites with sample scripts. Like on Technet. No use to give you the exact

URL, it changes all the time. URL is the Uniform Resource Locator. All of the web

addresses you see in your browser are URL’s. On one, Nico found a script which

would help him take the first steps. He copied it to his own Script Editor and started to do the necessary adaptations for his own environnement. The script used a text file

with the names and other data of a list of new users. He ran the programme. Of course

it didn’t work. It seldom worked the first time. Programming could be quite of a trial. It didn’t happen trough magic, but required patience. It could be hard work and needed a

lot of creativeness and also, mainly: to be left in peace.

He began to concentrate and to put himself it that state of relaxation necessary for

programming. He would have compared it to meditation, had he been a meditative

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person, which he didn’t think he was. Slowly he began to drift off, to some place of his mind. It was not in his brain maybe, but somewhere in a spot above. A little sphere

there, floating above his head.

It could only be true: he couldn’t programme. When he sometimes read his own code

again, he couldn’t believe that it was he himself who had written it. He didn’t

understand a single word of it, until the moment where he needed it again for a new

adaptation of it in a new programme. So how then did he do it? Not with his brains, but

with something somewhere above. With a little globe, a thinking moon circling around

his brain. He was a genius, really. A genius is someone who can do things he can’t do.

The moon was an entity like Freud’s Ego, or rather Conscious and Subconscious, a part

of him unknown to himself. A place Outside of his brain. One of his users had once

found a word for it: It was his ‘Hyperconsciouss’. Not the subconscious, nor the

conscious. He programmed with his hyperconscious. His outer self.

He shoved the code around, helping himself into the required condition. Slowly he

began to see the code more clearly, his condition of meditation intensified and he

plunged into a state of well-being he could compare to the one described by those who

take heroin. However, for this he had no real proof. He had never taken heroin, only

read about it. But the world around him was becoming white, there were no more

waves on the sea, everything was very calm. The white intensified. A state without any

pain at all. A mini Nirvana.

Then he understood. His script couldn’t work because the initial one contained an

error. A ‘logical’ error. It could never have worked like that, nor in any other situation or environnement.

It was the moment of enlightenment every programmer must know. The moment when

on feels the code surrounding oneself like an aura. Slowly he switched two lines in it

and then changed the object setting slightly. He was sure it would now work.

And it did. Nico sighed with relief. Not a user yet.

Feeling in a state of grace he now wrote quickly in within ten minutes or so had

finished the script. 30 lines of code. That was a lot for a single hour. He knew that 30

lines of valid code a day where the average for a programmer. Nico knew he did much


Some VBScript code

' Visual Basic Script Source File - ' AUTHOR: Nico , MOUXII, House

' COMMENT: script to create users

DIM arrRecord

Dim VCount

Set Root = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")

DomainPath = Root.Get("DefaultNamingContext")

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The Crazy HelpDesk

Set MyDomain = GetObject("LDAP://" & DomainPath)

set fso = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set tsTextFile = fso.OpenTextFile ("f:\ADusers\CreateUsers.txt", ForReading, False) Set ou_Current = GetObject("LDAP://OU=users,OU=MOUXII,DC=House,DC=Bohatia")

Set adsUser = ou_Current.Create ("user",”CN=" & vUser 'common name adsuser.put "sAMAccountName", arrRecord (5)

adsuser.put "userPrincipalName", arrRecord (5) 'logon name

adsuser.put "givenName", arrRecord (2) 'first name

adsuser.put "sn", Ucase(arrRecord (3)) 'last name

‘add phone, office, workgroup later

adsuser.SetPassword "Svet8888"

adsuser.AccountDisabled = False 'important otherwise it is!


Set adsUser = Nothing

Wend ' END OF Loop


Chiara, a user who often used his help for the weekly lists of her WG, suddenly bowed

over his shoulder like a dark shadow, drew her breath and almost hissed:

“Wow Nico, when I see this code I almost feel sick with envy. I feel faint. Do you

think you could give me a short briefing, of an hour or so, to teach me to programme? I

really would like to write programmes too. I’m sure if you explained, I could do it.”

The pain of the interruption shot through his neck. He made a fall from a warm sunny

sky into dark cold water. He felt sort of ‘vampirised’.

“I think it needs a bit more than an hour or so”, said Nico. ”It would take a year. At

least. Not non stop, but a bit of it everyday, so that it can settle down.”

He sighed. He knew what would follow. The user would now accuse him of not

wanting to share his secret. The secret of how he did it. She did not believe this would take a year. Nico was just being stingy. If he would only show a bit more of good will,

he surely could convey the whole principle of programming to her just by using

something like wavelength, or a magical formula, so that she could transform into a

programmer, just like the magician could transform a duckling into a swan, by using

some five to ten words, and by waving a ward over her head. Just like it had been done

to him, Nico, by some previous magician, and now he didn’t want to share this with

anyone. Chiara did not know it, but she believed in magicians, and magical thinking,

wishful thinking, just like the children do, when they think very hard in order to get a new CD or an hamburger. Later they will learn that to wish is not enough, well, maybe

some of them will. But with computers many people continue to have wishful thinking.

“But can’t you just give me a hint”, she said, tentatively, not wanting to give up.

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“What hint?”

“Just help me take the first steps.”

“But you took a Visual Basic course last year,” he said, remembering.

“That was only two days. Yes but I really don’t have the time to sit down and try it

out”, she said, really upset now. ”I’m sure if you would only explain it could really be done in an hour. You said yourself it would take me a year otherwise. I need some

human contact to feel this in my bones, flesh, you know. Your genius would help.”

Nico bit his lips as to not become slightly aggressive. On day he would really like to

play a joke on a user and say something like:

Set OU_wish = GetObject (“LDAP//cn=user, y, ou=House, dc=World”)

Set vUser = OU_wish.create (“user”, “CN=You’re now a programmer!”)

A VBScript, sounding like a Cabbalistic or magical formula.

He was sure the user would walk away believing it. But what if it worked!?

Some people really seemed to believe that if he wanted, only wanted he could put his

whole knowledge into a few words only, convey his experience and hard work of years

in only a few seconds. If he and the others of the Helpdesk only wanted. He thought:

‘But we can’t. And maybe Chiara was right on one thing: Even if we could, we would

not. After all it had been hard work to come to this. Why just share it in a single

magical formula? Couldn’t she sit down on her a .. herself?‘

Many users seem to feel that if IT people were not so stingy they could very well

quickly transmit the right attitude underlying their aptitude or ‘gift’. Like via

neurotransmitters or telepathy or some magical word. Abracadabra. But what if it WAS

possible to transmit this knowledge just by some magic?

Ok. Maybe the Software Support people could do it. Nico was feeling slightly superior

to them. Well not only slightly, but quite. Their work was so much easier. Nico

considered that programming was sort of the emblem of being an informatician. The

others, Webmaster and the Soft- and Hardware Helpdesk were not REALLY

informaticians. He knew about Methods, Events, Properties, Keywords, Libraries,

Functions, Operators, Statements, Constants. They were just using some simple mortal

MS Office commands.

Show this folder as an Email address book

How could it be important to know that when he was writing a new mail message, and

clicking on To: or on the Address Book, he was not seeing his Private address book in

the list? He only saw: ‘House’ and ‘Team’, but not ‘Private’. He must remember to ask

Gwendoline or Hilde.

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Myra’s answer (Hilde and Gwendoline were not available) later was:

 Be sure to have the Folder list visible

 If not, choose ‘View - Folder list’ or click on

 Find your ‘Private’ contact book.

 Take your mouse and right-click on ‘Private’

 In the menu that appears, choose Properties.

 Then click on the “Outlook address book” tab

 Then click on: ‘Show this folder as an Email address book’

Myra thought she had already told him this. Three times at least, thought Myra. He

really should have been able to find this out by himself.


Myra is right. Nico really should know how to find out about the above himself.

Because as an IT he should know that when an IT thing doesn’t show up or give you

what you want you have to right-click on it and choose ‘Properties’.

Or that that one can find something like ‘Properties’, ‘Preferences’, ‘Settings’,

‘Options’, ‘Tools’’ in every programme in the world.

Myra knew this, even before she was HelpDesk, Myra just FELT:

If you cannot see, then choose View

If you do not like it, then choose Preferences or Customize

If you do not know what you can do, then right-click

Chiara, not hearing this wise Haiku, was sure of her idea about Nico too. She liked

him, but he was just like the others, a stingy magician. With a superego. Not wanting to share. And lazy. Ok, she knew that programmers were lazy, if they were good. And

Nico was very good. But stingy. And a bit conceited too. Programmers sort of

considered themselves as being the elite of IT. But there was worse. Nico wrote all

those good programmes, but then he didn’t understand them himself! She had had to

explain one of them to her WG, because Nico just hadn’t been able to remember how

his own commands worked. And he had written them! Chiara stopped to admire his

photos, turned on her heals and left.

Nico sort of hated her. Chiara, never disturb a programmer when he is in a state of

enlightenment. Nico didn’t like people so much. They were always bumping into his

concentration, making the whole castle of cards he had build up fall down, and he had

to start again and again. It could transform from a castle of cards to a stable and lasting one only when the last card was set. With each card he added, he trembled to be

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interrupted. An he was. People were not his first priority. Ok he liked ‘girls’ and also to travel far away with them. But probably not with Chiara then.

It’s lunchtime

He looked after her, longing for the light to come back. But too late for that now, he

had fallen back on earth, and that had rather hurt, and anyway it was time for lunch. He was meeting his Spanish crowd; at the Peacock Bar to be precise and called so because

one could always see some peacocks parading there.

Lunch relaxed him a bit. And by the way, he still had to think where to go on holidays

next time and with whom. Maybe this time it would be the right one. Because it was a

common joke that Nico was going to his trips with each time a new girl and then

coming back without her. But maybe this time he would find one with whom he could

come back. Or stay there with her. The light came back to his eyes. But not for long.

He felt very tired suddenly.

It was only 17hoo but he decided to call it a day. As an exception, he wasn’t so much

of a workaholic. Programmers are lazy. It was that his light had been darkened at one

point of the day. In the elevator he met the cause of his distress, Chiara. She gave him a brilliant smile, like if she thought he was the greatest man on earth and had just saved it. Nico mused. After all, when she was not nagging at him so that he would teach her

to programme in two seconds, she was a quite pretty girl. Italian like him, but with kind of Chinese looks. He smiled back.

Chiara’s heart made a jump. She heard a kind of a ‘Pang!’ when it touched the top of

the elevator. She would get him. At whatever cost. She would learn to programme at

any price. She would sell her body and soul. And after all, when she saw Nico’s smile,

she realised it wouldn’t be that difficult. Indeed rather easy. And probably pleasant.


At 17h01 Leo had an experience similar to Nico’s.

He had been blissfully surfing on giant roll-over JavaScript, in the sea of his HTML

codes. The sun shone, the wind was fine, seagulls were flying over him:

Function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.0

var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) {

d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}

if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n]; for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document); if(!x && document.getElementById) x=document.getElementById(n); return x;

Then suddenly he was violently knocked off his surfboard by Cecile Acrot, one of their

problem users. She was phoning him directly instead of going via the CHD main

HelpDesk first:

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“Mr Veneto, would you come by without delay,” she said in her dronish voice, “and

proceed to the installation of a keyboard which has the ‘Any Key’?”

Leo, having landed hard in cold water, couldn’t believe his ears, but, as most HelpDesk

people with the exception of blue blooded programmers he tried to answer. However,

the explanation literally finished him off. How to explain that Any Key was any key?

His nice script stood there, unfinished, rolling his eyes at him. A roll-over script only looks difficult, it isn’t when you just find the ready-made command for it in your web

page design programme. In Dreamweaver, at that time, it was in ‘Insert - Interactive

images’’. Now Cecile Acrot would have asked “And then where? Could you please

come by and show me?”

Leo, having stayed until midnight the day before, completely overworked, and having

barely escaped drowning, was near suffocation. But there was something he had

wanted to do for days now, but had been completely unable to find out, nor had he

been able to find the time to find out. Nor did he remember that there were things like

the HELP, or F1, as they were always telling their users.

As you know CHD shared a common mailbox, Hilde had given the whole CHD team delegate access to it. Which meant they could access the common mailbox via their own mailbox. Every other workgroup in the MOU possessed such a

common mailbox too. Leo still needed to add the CDH mailbox to his own, but

couldn’t remember how to do it. He took the phone again, to ask Myra.

Myra was a bit bewildered. OK if their users didn’t know, but her own HelpDesk?

What was the matter with those guys today? Myra didn’t know about vampires yet.

About people who artfully suck others out. Taking turns, and now it was hers. But

maybe the pasta with garlic she had eaten at noon protected her. She took a deep breath

and said patiently:

 “Leo. You right-click on OUTLOOK TODAY or Mailbox–Leo_Veneto, choose

‘Properties- Advanced-Advanced - then Add’’. Type CHD there.”

“That does not work.”

“What does not work Leo?”

“Today nothing works.”

Boy those guys were having a problem today.

“Not today! OUTLOOK TODAY. In the Window panel to the left. The big Icon at the top.

Or your own name there.”


“Leo, then please go and choose ‘View - Outlook Bar’’ in the menu above. Did you do




“Because all of my toolbars have disappeared. Where is the toolbar with the Send, the

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diskette, the Flag and so, you know?”

“The Standard toolbar?


“No clue. But this manoeuvre of yours for adding the delegate has made it go away.”

Now it was her fault! Was he drunk or what?!

“Leo, the toolbars in Outlook change depending on what you’re doing at the moment.

The toolbar you have when you compose a new message.”

“Ah! But anyway now I have no more toolbars at all!”

Was he near collapse or something?! This wasn’t like Leo.

“Choose ‘View - Toolbar’’ then Standard and Advanced

d.’ OK?”

“Yes ok. But still the whole Outlook is a mess. I don’t see any of my folders anymore.

They have disappeared.”

Should she call an ambulance?!

“Leo. What’s the matter with you? Choose ‘View - Folder List’’ to have them appear.

VIEW! And then go home. How can you keep on working when you’re dead-tired like


“Yes,” he mumbled, or rather slurred. “But I have so much to do. What do you


The whole thing lasted half an hour. Myra almost tore her hair out. Leo had been

working with computers for years now. He was a mighty webmaster. He could

programme. He was writing in HTML and JavaScript, he was using Coldfusion. And

she was just a little novice in a Support Helpdesk. Obviously that didn’t mean a thing.

Only those programmers were la crème de la crème of the IT world. Or felt like it.