The Cruise of the 'Scandal' and other stories
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Author: Victor Bridges
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Pages: 308
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One must never forget, said George solemnly, "that rank has its duties as well as its privileges." I helped myself to another glass of champagne. "What is it you want me to do?" I asked. "I have no wish to dictate to you in any way," he answered. "I am merely offering you my advice. As your elder brother and the head of the family, I naturally take an interest in your career." "Fire ahead," I replied gratefully. "I'm always ready to listen to wisdom, especially from a Cabinet Minister." There was a short pause. "Well, then," said George, taking a thoughtful pull at his cigar, "my advice is that you should accept this invitation from Lady Bulstrode, and make up your mind to settle down." "To do what?" I asked in dismay.