The Dragon in Medieval East Christian and Islamic Art by Sara Kuehn, Sebastian Günther, et al - HTML preview

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The topic of dragon iconography in medieval

in yerevan, Armenia, as well as to the curator Dr

Islamic art was suggested to me for my doctoral

Lilith Zakarian, for their generous help

thesis by my Doktorvater Professor Claus-Peter

I am further indebted to Professor Dr Peter

Haase in 1999 I am immensely grateful to him

Zieme of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akade-

for having given me the opportunity to work on

mie der Wissenschaften for reading the text and

the tremendous and awe-inspiring yet, at the

making valuable comments and suggestions

same time, exceedingly challenging topic that

I owe particular thanks to my editors, espe-

now forms the basis for this book I especially

cially Ms Kathy van Vliet-Leigh and Ms Ellen

valued his continued support and advice while

Girmscheid, for inviting me to submit my text

he was extremely busy as director of the Museum

for publication in this series and for their form-

for Islamic Art in Berlin

ative guidance, patience and support through-

During the years in which I was engaged in

out the publication process For comments and

this research, I regularly worked on the prepara-

criticisms on earlier versions of this work I also

tion of curatorial documentation for the al-Sabāh

thank the anonymous readers for Brill For their

Collection, Kuwait National Museum, in Kuwait

kind assistance in obtaining images and line

This allowed me to gain an insight into one of

drawings, grateful thanks are moreover due

the most outstanding col ections of Islamic works

to Prof James Allan, Ms Katherine Baker, Dr

of art, among whose treasures are many objects

Wolfgang Baum, Dr Sheila Canby, Ms Maria

bearing revealing manifestations of the dragon I

Teresa Fortuna Canivet, Dr Stefano Carboni,

would like to express my gratitude to His High-

Prof Dr Falko Daim, Dr Catherine Depierraz,

ness Shaykh Nasser Sabāh al-Ahmed al-Sabāh and

Mr Alfred Diwersy, Dr Joachim Gierlichs,

his wife Her Highness Shaykha Hussah Sabāh al-

Prof Dr Claus-Peter Haase, Dr Navina Haider,

Salem al-Sabāh for generously granting me per-

Mr Isao Kurita, Dr Sophie Makariou, Ms Armine

mission to publish several objects from their

Melkonyan, Dr Nahla Nassar, Rev Dr Vrej

collection I am much indebted to the curators

Nersessian, Mr Harvey B Plotnick, Dr Christoph

of the collection, Manuel Keene and Sue Kaoukji,

Rauch, Prof Dr Scott Redford, Prof Dr Mehmet

for their long-standing encouragement and help

Öz, Prof Dr yasser Tabbaa, Dr Hratschja

My thanks also extend to my colleagues at the

Tamrasjan, Dr Nicole Thierry, Dr Jean Michel

Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah

Thierry, Dr Lilith Zakarian I am particularly

It took ten years to complete this vast research

indebted to Prof Dr Piotrovsky, Ms Elena

project and put it into writing The text has been

Obuhovich and Prof Dr Alexander Nikitin for

read with keen intelligence and an extraordinary

their tremendous help

editorial eye by Jill Tilden who moreover was a

Above all, my deep gratitude is due to Profes-

valued source of intellectual support and encour-

sor Robert Hil enbrand, Professor Emeritus of the

agement throughout these years I feel profoundly

University of Edinburgh, for his inspired vision

grateful for the privilege of her friendship

and open-hearted generosity of spirit that I will

In addition, I wish to thank Professor Eberhard

not forget His constructive guidance was instru-

König of the Free University of Berlin, second

mental in allowing this work to be successfully

reader of my thesis, for his sympathetic reading

delivered from the dragon’s maw

of my interpretations and his continuous gener-

All errors and inadequacies that remain are, of

ous support

course, to be attributed to me alone

Reverend Dr Vrej Nersessian of the British

Finally, immeasurable thanks are due to my

Library, London, read the sections concerning

parents, Heidi and Michael Kuehn, who gener-

Armenian art, sharing with me some of his pro-

ously helped me emotionally and financially to

found knowledge on Armenian art and offering

complete this project Their manifold support and

additional valuable suggestions For this I am

tolerance have sustained me throughout For all

extremely grateful My thanks also go to Dr

these reasons, the book is dedicated to them as a

Hratschja Tamrasjan, Director of the Matenadaran

small token of my thanks

