The Earth Is My Ant Farm by Allen Cooke - HTML preview

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The world steadily turned on its axis and ate up the hours,

dawn had arrived and Derek found himself feeling rather

uncomfortable, he tossed and turned and was beginning to heat up,

it seemed that Honey had taken pity on him in the night and

removed the pillow allowing him to spoon once more but he

dreamt that his ever loving wife had ballooned in size and started to smell, it was a strange dream but above all he felt hot, really hot like he was sizzling in a giant frying pan.

His dream was shattered in an instant when a large wad of spit

landed on his face followed by a deep rumbling sound. Rubbing

his eyes he couldn’t take in what he saw when all around him a

herd of angry camels came advancing towards him, the one lying

next to him had already got up and begun growling too.

“What the?” cried Derek as he raised his arm to shield himself

from another spit missile. He jumped to his feet and backed away

from the group under the baking sun that had now decided he was

quite cooked but he could be flipped again for an over easy.

He was standing in his favourite pair of well worn light blue

underpants and could see that all around there was nothing but

sand and bloody lots of it too. His hairy companions had stopped

in their tracks and didn’t venture any further, probably because of the underpants.

“Where the bloody hell am I?” he screamed to himself in a

panic, he had heard of stag do’s tying up naked grooms to lamp-

posts or driving them to remote Scottish islands to make their sorry way back but this was taking the biscuit; A. he was already

married and B. this was no Scottish island and there was not a

single lamp-post in sight.

“Honey?” he feebly shouted, what kind of madness was this,

was he still dreaming?

A rather angry looking leather faced Bedouin came running

over to see why his herd were being restless at such an early hour and stopped dead in his tracks to take in a pasty white man dressed in bright blue Mowgli pants. The camel herder took one look at

Derek and came at him with his camel whip, he wasn’t about to be

robbed of his precious cargo before it had even got to market.

Derek could see the Arab meant business and with a wide eyed

stare of fear, he turned heel and ran for his life past the dromedarys and over the sand berm, chased by his pursuer.

He could hear the lashing of a foreign tongue shouting all

manner of obscenities but Derek was of fleet foot as he was

travelling light, it didn’t help that the fierce sun was baking him to a crisp. The irate Bedouin pulled his rifle from his shoulder and

tried to take a steady aim as he fired off a shot at the hapless figure zigzagging down the sand bank. A bullet whizzed past Derek’s ear

as he heard a loud crack like a twig breaking beside him.

The nomad gave up and let him run off as fast as his saggy

blue pants could carry him, at least he still had all of his camels.

Honey had woken up pretty early, she rolled over to see that

Derek was missing on his side of the bed but gave no thought to it as the morning was still dark and Derek must be in his planetary

observation room, she cursed his boring hobby and went back to

sleep, at least she had the whole bed to herself now.

“Oh my God, where the hell am I?” was all he could say as he

eyed what appeared to be a small village in the distance, the

buildings looked like tall rectangles with a multitude of small

windows carved out of them. It was his only hope but he couldn’t

stop in case the man came back to finish him off, the sun was

chasing him now and had already turned up a few more degrees.

God Boy was pleased with his first experiment, his specimen

had survived his first colony encounter but he was heading to a

larger one now, he glanced over at his fellow pupils and saw that

his nemesis had grown quite angry, his multi tentacled Drakapod,

the most feared creature on his selected planet had fallen foul of his initial encounter, although he had slain the zong-tipped

Megadon, there were more of his angry brethren heading his way.

He smiled back, although he was unsure of his own progress as

yet, Derek could well meet his doom as the first experiment played itself out.

Derek was 100 yards off his target but he was unsure of the

reception he would get, he didn’t know where the hell he was for a start and it definitely didn’t feel like a dream now. A young

goatherd saw him approach and cried to anyone that would listen

to come quickly. Derek was tentatively stepping barefoot over the

sharp rocks and had cut his feet as he moved from soft sand to hard shingle.

The boy was wide eyed as he stepped forward and shouted

something to him in an equally mixed up babble, just like the

camel herder earlier.

“Hello little boy, tell me where I am please?” called Derek, he

was sweating a bit now and his back was starting to feel very red


It was impossible to have a normal conversation when you

were dressed in nothing but your underwear, a surprised crowd had

gathered a few yards away from him as he made his way to the

entrance of the town, a group of girls were giggling to themselves at the mere sight of this weedy vagrant, if only he could grab a

towel or a sheet to cover himself then maybe he could get some

sense out of them.

One of the elders reeled off something back at him but he

couldn’t make it out, it sounded Arabic, they definitely looked

Arabic for a start.

Derek received a sharp whack to his posterior as another elder

surprised him with a goat stick, the crowd laughed profusely as

Derek gave a whelp and pushed through them into the main square.

The goat beater was hot on his heels however and kept hitting him

to make him move faster, it was all good entertainment for the


“Stop hitting me with that stick will you, I’m not a bloody

goat!” shouted Derek and he turned around and grabbed the stick

off the toothless grinning native.

At last, one of the more knowledgeable natives stepped

forward and spoke to him.

“Manchastor Uneeted!” came the cry.

Derek smiled and hoped it would be the start of a beautiful

friendship, he covered his walnuts just in case another beater came at him from the front.

“Yes, Manchester United! Nice to meet you, where am I?”

His friend understood him perfectly, “Daved Beekam!”

Derek smiled, “Yes! David Beckham, could you tell me where

I am please?”

“Daved Beekam!”

The growing crowd laughed again and Derek realised he was

in a lot of trouble.

“Daved Beekam!”

Derek ran for his life, with the crowd of stick wielding Arabs

in hot pursuit.

Honey was feeling a little bit guilty for being mean and called

out for her beloved husband to come back to bed, his study room

was only next door so she was sure the young ones wouldn’t wake

up and start rampaging.

There came no reply.

She pulled herself out of her cosy nook and drowsily shuffled

out to see what he playing at, the door creaked open and all she

saw was a number of sad looking telescopes crying out to be used.

She walked downstairs and had a look around but could not

see nor hear her man anywhere, even the car was still parked on

the road outside. Where could he be? she thought; His shoes were

still in the cupboard and there was no sign of him in the garden, the little knockback she gave him last night wasn’t that bad, was it? he sure was sensitive.

She couldn’t phone her mother as it was still too early so she

went back upstairs and climbed into bed, give him a little time,

maybe, she pondered and went back to sleep.

Derek had run to the other end of the village, it was mostly a

dusty square flanked by doorways of every shape imaginable,

outside stood grinning women getting washing ready for hanging,

they liked to start the day early here it seemed. He saw a white

sheet as he was scurrying along, it was still damp and he hastily

grabbed it and pulled it around him like a badly fitted toga. There were screams and laughter behind him as the crowd looked like

they were staging the Arabian marathon. Derek thought of Benny

Hill but he didn’t hear any silly music.

Even out here they were no stranger to technology and

someone had phoned ahead on a mobile; Derek could see in the

distance a military looking jeep, making dust clouds as it jolted

along the beaten track, heading in his direction. He was glad of

their presence as the only reception he could get in this place was a few good whacks with a stick, maybe they would be kinder to him,

maybe they would tell him where he was?

The Grand Visioneer was busy noting the progress that some

of his better students were making and shaking his head at some of the poorer ones.

God Boy’s arch enemy had cried out upon seeing his beloved

Drakapod ripped to pieces by a swarm of angry Megadons.

“It seems your creation failed to grasp the simple benefit of

kindly interaction, did it not?” called the Visioneer, who marked

down a fail in his light scribe.

He turned to another boy who seemed to be pleased with the

fact his Terapid warrior had been greeted with such fanfare by the colony of Onglatads, but his smile was wiped off in an instant

when his victor was pushed without warning into a boiling vat of

death slime ready for the feast later that evening.

He stopped a short while at God Boy’s experiment and shook

his head slightly as the outcome did not look good for his selected specimen, God Boy sighed a little, he was sure his pick was

equally as strong as a Terapid.

The green jeep that came to a screeching halt was occupied by

a couple of serious looking officials; they were dressed in desert camouflage but seemed too old for conscription, maybe they were

senior officer’s, Derek couldn’t tell, he just stood there looking helpless as the crowd behind him had laid down their sticks and

stood staring in a ‘Who Me?’ pose.

The most senior officer approached and was holding a small

handgun that was definitely pointing at Derek, he looked the sorry creature up and down and scratched the top of his forehead to try

and make some kind of sense of what he saw.

Luckily for Derek, his English wasn’t too bad, “Who are you?

What are you doing here?” came the cry.

“Sir, I am Derek Hill from England. Where am I?”

“You are in a village south of Al Hudaydah, What are you

doing here?”

The officer’s tone was slightly more menacing this time, his

companion just sat there, staring straight ahead wearing a pair of Top Gun Aviators, it was obvious the film had only just been

released there, over 20 years too late.

Derek started crying, he was shaking like a leaf, it was obvious

to the man that he was either a spy or an escaped lunatic.

With a smile, the officer gestured Derek to follow him and as

he walked slowly around to get into the back of the Jeep, he was

astonished at what the man said.

“Welcome to Yemen, Derek Hill!”

Derek looked forlornly at the baying crowd who became all

smiles as the Jeep quickly reversed and drove off at high speed

away from the village, all he could hear as he departed were cries of, ‘”Daved Beekam, Daved Beekam”

He was driven sun scorched and baked for about 30km,

bumping and rocking back and forth as the Jeep driver thought he

was the Yemenese rally King. His companion was shouting at him

to keep control and every so often he turned around to make sure

his prisoner was still attached to the back seat.

After a while, the road became easier and turned into tarmac

and for another hour he passed processions of 4x4s travelling in

the opposite direction, the modern day camel of the desert. He saw the occasional goat and plenty of locals who waved at him as he

whizzed by.

How the blazes had he arrived in Yemen? One minute he was

happily sleeping in his bed in Runcorn, the next minute he was

making out with a camel on a desert floor, he would forgive his

wife a thousand knock backs if only he could be back there with

her, even to the point of smiling as he ate swede.

The Jeep rolled along and came upon a magnificent city, which

contained thousands more of the buildings he saw in the village,

only taller.

“Sanaa” shouted his captor and Derek was in no doubt he was

in Yemen this time, he studied the stars and he also took a great

interest in geography but what puzzled him the most was how he

was going to get out of this one, did his wife even know he was


Honey had been cruelly awoken by the kids who knew it was

the weekend with a vengeance, they were busy screaming their

heads off, Jack was playing with a plastic crocodile and was

pushing it in his Mommy’s face as she tried to doze. Ella and

Citron were giggling and screaming in unison as most twins do,

they were clearly hungry for breakfast and it was no use lying


She got up and called out for Derek but again there was no

reply, she quickly looked in all of the rooms and noticed his shoes were still where he had left them.

“How strange.” she mumbled to herself, it was about time she

called the wicked witch and reported him missing, although Gloria

would probably hope it was something more permanent.

A bedraggled and burnt Derek sat on a plastic chair with his

hands tied behind his back, overhead was a dim light which gave

little relief from the dark that enveloped the hot and stuffy

interview room.

A different official to the one that captured him stood in a

corner smoking a cigarette and stared quite intently at the toga clad individual.

“So, Derek Hill, I am Ali Hadad, Chief of Police in Sanaa, I

would like to ask you a few questions.”

He continued to smoke, there was hardly any air in the room as

it was, after a quick puff he began his careful approach, “Do you

realize that you need permission from the Yemen tourist police to

travel outside of Sanaa?”

Derek shook his head, “I shouldn’t be here, I should be in


“Runcorn, what is this?”

“It is where I live, in England.”

The officer eyed him suspiciously, the man wasn’t making any


“Mr. Hill, where are your belongings? were you robbed?”

“No, I found myself lying next to a camel.”

It was getting stranger by the minute.

“What do you do for a living, Mr. Hill?”

Derek wondered where this was going, how could it possibly

help him get back to normality.

“I am a supervisor, I make chemical detergents”

“You supervise the making of chemicals? You mean chemical


He couldn’t believe the line of questioning.

“No officer, I make washing up liquid! Soap, etc etc”

The middle aged serious looking officer came running over

and slapped him hard across the face, Derek let out a huge cry, the pain was immense.

“Liar, you are a spy, you make chemical weapons and you are

intent on hurting the good people of Yemen!”

Derek began sobbing, it seemed he was a master at it, “No,

No! I am Derek Hill of 43 Blossom Meadows, Runcorn, England, I

am a supervisor for the Supersuds Detergent Factory and I don’t

know what I am doing here!”

The officer had heard quite enough, it was plain as day what

Derek was, no papers, no authorization, dubious profession, turns

up miles away from the capital but not too far from a military base, it could only add up to one thing.

He slapped Derek hard again for having the cheek to invent a

silly address called Blossom Meadows and walked out of the room

in a strop.

It was clear he was in big big trouble now, the camel herder

was an amateur compared to this man.

A couple of menacing looking guards appeared and yanked

Derek from his chair, he was manhandled through the door and led

down a narrow corridor which contained a multitude of grey metal

doors, there was less air in this corridor than maybe the moon.

Derek received a strong punch in his gut from one of the

heavies and was thrown headfirst into a windowless cell, he

coughed and spluttered from the shock of the attack and lay there

in a heap of tears and spit. The guards slammed the door shut and

he could hear them reel off a million words a minute in their

mother tongue.

The dark was stifling but not as much as the temperature, as he

felt himself heat up even more, they had given him no water and

the whole episode made him wish he was still a goat being

whipped around the village square; Derek unwillingly passed out.

Honey, sensing the time, had rushed to the phone and dialed

her Mother, this was a matter of the utmost urgency, she had

wished she had phoned earlier, there was no point waiting,

something had to be done now.

She was in a flood of tears, “Mother, you won’t believe what’s


Gloria could tell there was an emergency unfolding, it was a

mother’s instinct, “Calm down, dear, now take it slow, tell me

what has happened?”

“It’s Derek, Mother, he has only decided to go for a long walk

or something equally daft and forgotten that it’s Ella’s Hockey

Semi-final today!”

Beelzebub’s Mom was enraged, “The bloomin nincompoop!

Honey, I always knew he was next to useless, does he even care

about you and the kids?”

Honey was performing her best Norman Collier impression

blurting out words in-between sobs, “I don’t know mother, he

hasn’t fixed the car either, I am so mad with him, Ella will be

distraught, what am I going to do? I can’t drive her there?”

“Never you mind, dear, I’ll be coming round this instant, if

that idiot can’t manage a simple task like this then I surely will!”

Gloria put the phone down and hoped that en route she may

accidently slip the kerb and run over the man she detested the

most, for not being Derek the provider.

A few hours had passed and Derek was feeling as if a giant

hand had wrung all the water out of him, he could hear commotion

outside and was starting to fear what his captors may do to him

next, what could he offer them anyway? the top ten expert tips on spotting misshapen plastic bottles or the difference between an

asteroid and a comet?.

The door was pulled wide open and 3 extras from Chips came

walking in, the aviator sunglass salesman was having a ball here in Yemen. Derek was roughly pulled to his feet while the senior

officer he met earlier grabbed him by his hair and led him back

into the interrogation room.

They placed him back on his chair and another guard appeared

from nowhere with an ice filled jug of water and placed it on the

table. Derek sat there and wished he could dive straight into it but his dream was shattered when the man poured himself a glass and

stood there smiling between sips.

“Please, Sir, can I have some water?” gasped Derek.

“Certainly Mr. Hill, but first you must tell me your mission.”

“I, I don’t have a mission, I watch plastic bottles for a living.”

“Come, come Mr. Hill, we can be good friends, just tell me

why you are here and you can have your own glass, it tastes

wonderful,” he took long sips and exaggerated the pleasure.

It was clear his tormentor was just warming up his routine.

The Grand Visioneer had seen enough, he had made his notes

on each pupil’s performance for the first test and decided some

guidance was needed.

“Class, I did not expect any of you to grasp the fundamentals

of species interaction so soon, as you can see and as some of you

have learned the hard way, it takes co-operation and a common

trade to occur for it to be successful...”

God Boy was intently listening but could also see out of the

corner of his eye his subject slumped back in a chair with a gun

pointed at his head, he was hoping the Visioneer would hurry up

his speech.

“Most interactions are symbiotic, I have cast my marks and

there is no need to play each scenario out, we must make haste for experiment number two!”

A bullet had left the chamber after the Officer grew tired of his

captive’s weak replies, whatever he was protecting at the military base it must have been important.

God Boy quickly willed his intentions and saw the bullet shoot

past the chair and into the wall to the amazement of the three men standing there.

Gloria Weaver was ferrying her Daughter and Grand Kids

back from the Hockey match, it was clear that Ella was distraught, she had hoped Daddy was there to see her shot fly home and

secure the teams run to the finals, it was the proudest day of her life but he had missed it.

Honey was seething, “Derek is in for a right ticking off when I

get hold of him, I don’t know what he is playing at but it had better be good!”

Her mother hadn’t liked Derek from the start, she never

considered he had a backbone, much like a jellyfish, she aimed for tall, dark and handsome but fate had delivered the wrong parcel for her daughter, her precious Honey.

Gloria drove her Mercedes A class down Blossom Meadows

and around Derek’s pitiful Montego before coming to a halt on the

drive, they were about to disembark when Ella suddenly cried



They weren’t expecting anything quite like it. Looking out of

the car window they could have sworn that Gandhi had returned

and was lying face down on their garden with his mouth attached

to the hose sprinkler. It’s not everyday that you see something like that and they remained in the car frozen in time, mouths wide


Derek had drunk his fill of the entire reservoir and peered up to

see his whole world looking down on him; he was sunburnt red

from head to toe, still in his toga and completely soaked by now

but it felt good, his face had been chewing a wasp from the blows

he received earlier and he was exhausted. He didn’t know whether

the man was about to shoot him or play some more games but he

was glad to be home.

The unusual sight still didn’t make up for the fact that he had

missed the hockey match and as a soaking sheet came walking

round to greet Honey, she pushed her arm out to fend him off,

“Derek, how could you miss your daughter’s crowning glory, stay

away from me! Kids, get in the house now!”

“But Honey, you wouldn’t believe where I have just been!”

“I don’t want to know Derek, you have picked a fine time to

go insane! Just leave it but in future if you decide to have any more tantrums be sure to make it a weekday.”

Gloria backed off the drive and drove over Derek’s toes, she

had managed to get part of him that day, he could see her smiling

in the driver’s seat as she was glad her day had turned out just fine, Mother from Hell 1, Derek 0.

He yelped with pain and grabbed his sore foot and began to

hop back into the house to smooth over the trouble, how could he

even tell her where he had been, she would really think he had

gone cuckoo this time.

‘Honey I have just come back from Yemen, I woke up next to

a camel, was beaten with a stick and chased through a village

before being imprisoned by the chief of police, How has your day

been Dear?’

It was no use, his best option was a cold bath and a box of

Milk Tray for later, in his mind though, he knew he couldn’t have

travelled there conventionally, either that or someone had slipped him an acid pill.

God Boy was a little bit disturbed by the near demise of his

selected specimen, the Visioneer had insisted that marks would be

won only if it survived to experiment number two but it wasn’t as