The End: The Book: Part One by JL Robb - HTML preview

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“This is what the LORD says: ‘Cries of fear are heard- terror, not peace…’”            Jeremiah 30:5


Chad, The Admiral and Sheryl rushed into the kitchen after Jeff turned the volume up. Chad scratched his head and tried to settle the wild cowlick that adorned his crown, or maybe he was just scratching in wonderment of yet another disaster to hit the United States.

Condi continued.

“Folks, it looks like we lost contac...”

“Condi, are you there? I’m back now, sorry about that. I got unplugged.”

“Go ahead Rich. What can you tell us?”

“Condi, we know there was a tsunami alert issued, just what the people along the Gulf Coast need. As of now, it is not expected to be as large as the Indonesian tsunami of 2004. The anticipation is six feet or less, but six feet along this coast could be devastating, especially economically.”

“Rich, are earthquakes an anomaly in the Gulf? I don’t recall ever hearing about one.”

“Actually Condi, there were many geologists and seismologists against deep oil drilling in the Gulf from the get- go because of the seismic activity. There have been thirteen recorded earthquakes in the past three decades greater than 3.0 on the Richter scale. However, the activity seems to be increasing. Prior to today’s 6.9, on February 10, 2006, there was a 5.2 and then on September 10, 2006, there was a 5.8. Many scientists believe that drilling should only be done on terra firma, good Ole Mother Earth.

“Condi, I know your listeners will find this interesting. The New Horizon oil platform in the Macondo field that collapsed a couple of years ago was the deepest oil well in history. British Petroleum drilled more than 30,000 feet deep into the area referred to as the Sigsbee Deep, a known area of seismic activity. The Sigsbee Deep is part of what is known as the Gulf Coast Stress Province.

“Plenty of people along the Gulf Coast and into the Florida Keys are now wondering, why was this drilling allowed to go forward? Back to you Condi”

“Thanks Rich. I know you have to go, I can see everyone getting in their trucks. Godspeed and be careful, and thanks for sharing your report with FOX. Back in a moment.”

The news station broke for yet another erectile dysfunction advertisement, and Sheryl wondered why it was necessary to have so many of those commercials on TV during the daytime. Things were different during her childhood, and her father would have never had to answer a question about ED from his little girl. Ozzie and Harriet slept in twin beds, but now we have Desperate Housewives and Sex in the City. If there is a God, he can’t be happy she thought, she knew. Television had become a narcissistic cesspool of decadence, promoting adultery, homosexuality and greed. What had been wrong was now right, and what had been right was now wrong. Sheryl thought she remembered reading something about that in the Bible.

Jeff turned the volume down but left the TV on. Refilling the coffee cups, the four friends walked back out to the patio. The hanging plants, waterfalls and pool seemed lost in their world of doom and gloom that seemed to be happening a lot more often.

The Admiral lit a Montecristo cigar, a gift from the new Cuban Ambassador, and began.

“Sheryl and I, and you too Jeff, will be meeting  this afternoon with the CDC about the outbreak of an unknown illness pretty much throughout the world. There is some indication, according to investigators, that the virus is, or is a derivative of, the Spanish Flu virus. God help us all if that’s the case. That flu killed 50 million people between 1918 and 1920. Most of our troops killed in World War I in Europe, died from Spanish Flu. Let’s keep our fingers crossed on this one.

“So far the investigation seems to implicate Samarra Russell, Senator Russell’s wife, and possibly a guy named Russ Ivies, Chief of Security at CDC. The FBI investigation detected a hacking event into the security video feeds that indicated the security cameras on several floors and the surrounding parking lots were tampered with by a Christian militia group, possibly working in conjunction with al-Qaeda, or possibly an unknown jihadist group.

“We think this group is also responsible for the DOT intrusion a few weeks ago, you know, the one when all the traffic signals in five major cities, turned green and stayed green? What a mess that was.”

Jeff remembered that incident, though it had not affected Atlanta. That intrusion into the N.C. Department of Transportation system caused the accident that Audry witnessed on Creedmoor Road.

“The common derivative is that several members of this militia have died, probably from the same illness that’s left Mrs. Russell and Mr. Ivies in a coma. The disease, whatever it is, is spreading. It is not spreading, at least so far, at an epidemic rate. “It appears that Samarra Russell received a package with her young son Thomas’ finger neatly severed and a note to tell no one, including her husband, of their previous conversation, whoever they are. The investigation at the CDC Bio 4 Lab did not turn up any missing Spanish Flu virus, as all vials and storage containers were intact.

“However, considering that Mr. Ivies and Samarra were both at CDC at the same time, something doesn’t look quite kosher. The FBI believes the truck accident down the street from CDC and the following conflagration were simply diversions for the benefit of Samarra during her visit to the Biolab. The Spanish Flu vials in CDC inventory are being tested now to confirm it is the virus and not an impotent imposter.”

Jeff interrupted.

“I have known Samarra Russell and her husband for years. I would be very surprised if she had any nefarious involvement in this matter. For Pete’s sake, she recently invited me to a religious lecture at Emory. I can’t imagine her doing anything terroristic.”

“Jeff, no one has said she is a terrorist; but never underestimate the love a mother feels for her child and the natural, protective instinct. Mothers often risk their lives for their children.”

“I realize that Justin, but we aren’t talking about risking a life, but risking many, maybe millions, of lives.” Jeff could not fathom Samarra’s involvement, under any conditions. She was a very patriotic woman.

“Well, that’s just another of the problems that have lifted their surly heads,” and Sheryl smoothly segued to the next subject, the next catastrophe.

“The bombings. These bombings, here and in Europe, and  the few in Asia have many of the markings of al-Qaeda involvement, especially the large explosions in the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels in New York. The markings that are not al- Qaeda are confusing. The attacks were precisely coordinated; but most of the bombs were small, creating more chaos than damage. People are now avoiding malls and other public events. Parents are afraid to take their kids to a children’s hospital.

“Apparently the new tactic is to just cause as much terror as possible, through any means necessary. The record fires burning in California, Arizona and Tennessee are probably acts of terror, either foreign, or more likely, homegrown. There are so many militant groups right here at home, there could be some teamwork going on.

“Two nights ago in California, witnesses spotted what appeared to be arrows on fire, flying through the air and into Yosemite National Park. That park is now burning out of control, and containment is unlikely with the drought conditions and high winds. No suspects have been caught.” Sheryl took a breath.

“What about all the disappearances?” Jeff asked, again thinking about the rapture phenomenon. The disappearance of Melissa’s new husband was certainly a mystery. If the rapture was true, surely Melissa would’ve enjoyed the experience too. Rob drank alcohol, at least occasionally; but then, so did Jesus, at least according to Jeff’s Gideon Bible. He was sure he remembered something about water to wine. He would have to do more research.

“All the disappearances are a mystery so far; and they are happening without rhyme-or-reason on virtually  every continent, especially among that cult, the one in California and Israel, can’t recall their name at the moment.” Sheryl thought  the disappearances one of the stranger events going on.

“Jews for Jesus,” Chad finally chimed in. “I know some of those people, and they’re not a cult.”

“And what makes you say that Chad?”

“Jeff, a cult has a human leader, not a divine leader. Take for example the Jim Jones story. Remember him? Or the Hale Bopp Cometeers? They worship their human leaders.”

“What about Jehovah’s Witnesses? Surely they’re a cult.” Jeff had Witnesses ringing his doorbell all the time until he moved to a gated community. They got on his nerves.

“Not really, at least not by definition.” Chad continued, and the group seemed surprised that Chad would be so knowledgeable about the topic at hand.

“I thought their leader was Joseph Smith?”

“Wrong religion, Jeff. That would be the Mormons. Jehovah’s Witnesses are actually one of the fastest growing religions, as is Islam. They are also one of the most misunderstood. They believe in Jesus, who they acknowledge as the Messiah. Here is something you probably don’t know. Jehovah’s Witnesses were being killed by Hitler, long before the Jews, gypsies and homosexuals.”

“You’re right. I hadn’t heard that.”

Jeff seemed to be learning more and more about religion every day, and he thought that a might mysterious, even odd. Chad continued.

“Jews for Jesus are Jewish, people who trace their roots to one of the twelve, ancient tribes of Israel. They just believe that Jesus was the Messiah, like he said he was, and that most Jews never got it.

“Jews for Jesus members believe that Israel’s two thousand plus years of exile after Jesus’ crucifixion was Divine Justice, as had been prophesied. They believe the numerous scriptures that told of the coming Messiah, predicted hundreds of years earlier, including the prophesies stating that the Jews would reject him when he came. Even said he would be hung on a tree.”

“They sure aren’t popular with the rabbis!” Sheryl put her two cents worth into the conversation.

“No, they aren’t. But it’s understandable. The rabbis don’t want to think they have been preaching the wrong message for two thousand years. Who would?”

“Guys, let’s take a break and continue later. The Admiral, Jeff and I have to get ready for the CDC meeting. Chad, you can just hang out at the pool.” Sheryl, acting the part of the mother hen, corralled the group.

Before heading to their guestrooms, Sheryl added one more item of concern.

“The weather. As you know, the administration is very keen on global warming, and...”

“You mean man-made global warming, don’t you?”

“That’s correct Chad, man-made. They are working zealously on a carbon tax bill to fund the reversal of the warming trend.”

“What a bunch of bull.”

Global warming was a subject of keen interest to Chad, and he was well aware of all the reports of the “doctoring” of data by some environmentalist researchers.

“I think the glaciers covered most of the northern hemisphere about 13,000 years ago. Are they there now? I don’t think so. It’s been warming up for thousands of years or else the ice would still be here. It will probably continue.”

“Chad, we don’t disagree. Just let me make my point.”

Sheryl knew of Chad’s passion about global warming, and she agreed it wasn’t man-made either. She knew the Bible specifically foretold that the Earth would get warmer, even to the point of scorching men, at least according to Revelation. She knew it was bound to happen. Maybe this was it.

“The biggest concern right now is not the temperature, which is running about ten degrees above average, but the intensity of the hailstorms. China had a hailstorm last week, and witnesses who lived through it said the hailstones were the size of small watermelons. Completely destroyed many villages and thousands of cattle, goats and other wildlife were decimated.

“Let’s talk more about this when we get back. It’s getting late.” Sheryl carried her cup and saucer into the kitchen and checked the news to see if anything new was coming out of the Gulf.

There was a problem with the satellite feed, but the scrolling news trailer along the bottom of the screen told all.

A tsunami warning has been issued and is in effect for the coasts of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Mexico and the Keys. Several waves are expected, some in excess of six feet.