The End: The Book: Part One by JL Robb - HTML preview

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Most folks believe that the world had a beginning and that it will have an end. Books have been written and movies made. Nostradamus, the Mayans and the Hopi Indians all indicated that the end would be December 21, 2012, according to their predictions.

There is another story about The End, as we know it, that predates Nostradamus and the Hopis by several thousand years. It did not mention 2012, but it did list many signs that will be present just before, signs that are happening at this very moment for those who care to see.

This book is a fictional account, like the Left Behind series and other apocalyptic novels, that is based on the Books of Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah and other Biblical books of prophecy.

It is interesting that many people believe the Nostradamus stories but not the Bible’s, though Biblical predictions (prophecies) have been tested and determined to be true, over and over and over again.

THE END The Book Series is a thriller and a love story,  about Jeffrey Ross, the main character, who is an atheist and has been most of his life. Jeff always adored his wife, Melissa, and still did. Only now Melissa was the ex-wife who he still adored. He guessed she left because he wouldn’t go to church. He was pretty flawless, he knew.

This novel is written for all adult thinkers, believer or non- believer, a book that may answer some of the questions posed  by the likes of Bill Maher and other celebrities who apparently claim atheism as their belief system, according to the following web site,

One of the things the Bible states in its predictions about The End is that it will be like it was in the days of Noah. People were partying and scoffing at believers, drinking and being merry and trying to make a fool of God. Then it started to rain.

That is happening today. Just as predicted, many people are narcissistic, lovers of themselves, lovers of material things and believe that mankind evolved from the single-celled amoeba,  not created supernaturally.

Then the end will come. That’s what it says, all through the Bible. There will be no laughing in those days. Quite the opposite.

Though this is a fictional account of how it could happen, it  is based on years of research, not just from the Bible and the Quran but also from archeological research and discovery and the vast field of eschatology.

Follow Jeffrey Ross on the seven-year adventure of a life time, as Atlanta burns once again, not by the hands of General William Tecumseh Sherman but by the hands of imported and home-grown terrorists with a cause: Muhammad, The Prophet and the long awaited Twelfth Imam.

As the last days of Jeff’s journey slowly emerge from beyond the horizon, the world will not be a place one would want to exist. It is described as the day of God’s Wrath. You won’t want to be here.