The Feathers by Rcheydn - HTML preview

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Mhhgg. Mhhgg. Ahhhhh!

The growl was almost sensual. Deep and guttural.

At another time it might have signified sexual satisfaction. It indicated satisfaction now, but not sexual.

It was bestial and Grazyna Litavincuk began to sob.

What Grazyna feared most moved outside her vision, behind her or somewhere in what she thought must be a corner of the room. She could not see it but knew what to expect.

She dizzily prayed that this time the lottery being played with her life would give up to her what she wanted.

Please let it be. Please oh please let the feathered note point at my heart.

Crazily she recalled the television advertisements for the national lottery which she gambled on each week.

It could be you.

A win would have solved her problems. Jesus, four numbers would have made most of her difficulties disappear.

From nearby there was a shuffling like a faint rustling of paper, followed shortly by again the sighing.

Grazyna’s sobs became deeper. She thought her chest would cave in completely and her body shrivel up. The tears blinded her and the screaming began in her head, a screeching that had in the beginning burned her scalp and caused her brain to boil. Now it was a silent screaming, a deafening peel of anguish.

Grazyna could see the shape enter into her peripheral vision and then move into range. Through the tears and fear she could not put detail to it, but she felt it as it reached out.

Tentatively at first.

It fingered the nipple.

Then it cupped the breast, weighing it, and caressed it gently.

Mmmmggghhhhhh. Mmmmmgggghhhhhhh.

It was meal time.