The Feathers by Rcheydn - HTML preview

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There was just the one remaining piece to put in place.

Turing away he reached into the basket and drew out one of the feathers.

Fixed to it was one of the paper squares.

Carefully he picked it off, unfolded it and read what was written on it.

Mhhgg. Mhhgg. Mhhgg.

He was happy with what he had read.

It was just the sort of thing he had prayed for.




Paula was terrified.

What was happening? What was he doing? If he was going to rape her, what was he doing with the basket and notes that he pulled out?

She was lying naked on the bed. She was manacled hand and foot. Her legs were spread wide. Her total vulnerability was clear to see. She was at his complete mercy.

Paula began to sob deeply, so deeply she nearly choked. But he did nothing to help her. Just glanced in her direction fleetingly and then concentrated again on the basket.

He placed the feather and the piece of paper on the floor at his feet and sat on the chair with the basket on his lap.

Casually he reached into the basket again and withdrew the knife.

Oh dear god, Paula screamed in her head. Please god no. Please, please, please.




For a little while he sat still staring at her.

He did not look into her eyes.

Nor did his gaze roam over her naked body.

Her breasts had no interest for him at this time.

Nor did her genitalia.

His eyes were fixed on her feet.




Through her tears Paula could discern where he seemed to be looking.

He appeared to be ignoring the fact that she was naked and defenceless and completely at his mercy.

If he intended to rape or molest her he was not behaving as she might have expected.

This did not mean she did not fear him. She was petrified and if she did not fear he was about to sexually assault her she had no doubt he intended to do something terrible to her.




He rose.

Holding the knife in his right hand he stepped towards the bed.

Mhhgg. Mhhgg.

He stood next to it for a few minutes and then reached down and gently caressed her right foot, rubbing his fingers across her toes one at a time.

His breathing deepened and he felt the arousal coming.

Soon he knew he would have an erection.

Mhhgg. Mhhgg. Mhhgg.

Slowly he bent at the waist and with the thumb and forefinger of his left hand he gripped the little toe on her right foot.

Then he brought the knife in his right hand from behind his back and leaning over began cutting her toe off.




Though she could not see clearly between her tears and with her movements being restricted to a certain extent Paula felt the pain and knew was happening.

Again she screamed in her brain.

And she kept screaming even after he stopped cutting.