The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows by Hussnain Ahmad - HTML preview

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The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows spell "Agnitor Mentis" from behind, causing unbearable pain upon Valken. Orion, driven by the memory of his loved ones taken by Valken's hand, employed "Repulsio" to forcefully hurl Valken from stone to stone, settling the score for the pain he had caused.

Valken, now beaten and unable to flee, found himself at Albert’s & Orion’s mercy. Orion confronted him, the weight of his past misdeeds becoming unavoidable. Albert cast a spell of “Venenum Vox” on Valken after this, Albert's anger became intense as he invoked the darkest spell "Excruciatus Mors," a curse that promised a painful death. As they watched Valken yield to his dark fate, the emotions in the air were a complex blend of suspense, payback, and the weight of past actions.

Albert and Orion stood in the ruins of the castle, the lifeless body of Valken at their feet. They had taken their revenge for the wrongs done to them. But Albert wasn't satisfied. He had learned dark spells and the power they brought began to corrupt him. Albert was consumed with thoughts of becoming the most powerful wizard of all time. His eyes burned with a dark intensity as he stared into the horizon, a plan forming in his mind. Orion, noticing the change in his friend, backed away slowly, not sure what to make of the situation.

The atmosphere in the room became tense

as Albert pointed his wand at Orion. Orion, his friend, looked back at Albert with a trusting gaze. Albert cast the dangerous dark spell

“Mors Instantum” and it hit Orion with deadly force. He didn't have enough time to cast a protective spell. Orion's body was thrown back against the stone and he slumped to the ground, lifeless.

Albert started to shake as he realized what he had done. He had killed the person who trusted him most in the world. He rushed to Orion's side, but it was too late. Orion's face was frozen in a smile, a smile that told Albert that his friend trusted him to the very end.

The tone in the room was heavy with grief and regret. Albert had killed his friend, and the weight of his actions was hard to bear. He 30

The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows had taken away someone's life, and he knew he would never be the same.

The tone of the scene was one of fear and despair, as Albert had become a force of evil that could not be estimated, willing to do whatever it took to achieve his ambitions. He had become the villain of the story, who was supposed to be a hero to end the system of fear and power and he became part of this. Albert, was now one step behind to being most powerful wizard time that world would ever see.

Albert will return for “Someone” to give death.