The First by Rebekah - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

Thoughts in My Head

 I walk the empty corridors, I have waited for this. I have deceived many; I have convinced them to turn to me. Now all that was left was the girl. I need the girl. A wicked smile tugs at the corners of my mouth, 'My little flower.' Meant to be cared for, and loved, least it be trampled and destroyed.

 I walk to the edge of the bridge Kazab, my gaze turning to the other bridge, to Amadorl.

 It has been many a century since I had last walked that path, that bridge, but soon I shall walk it once more. Though not as a servant, to the Immortal King, no, not that ever again. I shall walk it as His ruler, as His god I allow myself a wry grin, and that pathetic excuse of a Prince will not know what was coming to overtake Him. I turn away heading back to Aion.

 Still, I must first wait till the object of my victory leaves the elfin realm. Then the offering will be made. The First given to me, sacrificed on the Engraved Stone.