The First by Rebekah - HTML preview

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Chapter 21

Upon the Tide that Flows

 He watched her, the First. His flower stood before him silent, not as much as a word escaping her. Something about the look that she tried to hide with a mask of indifference irked him. Her being around the Daughter of Light and the Knights son, was having an effect on her trusting him. He would have none of it; if she was to open the Gate and free him of his bond then she would have to trust or fear him. Turning his back to her he walked away. He knew that now was not the right time to speak with her, but soon very soon they would meet face to face.


 As the sun rose into the sky it chased away all the shadows down below. It was something that intrigued and annoyed Morgan both. Now with the sun in the sky there was no longer a way for him to move quickly in the shadows. Looking up at the trees around him he jumped up catching a higher up branch he pulled himself easily up. Since he could no longer walk the shadows he decided that the next fastest means of travel would be moving through the trees.

 He was half way down to the gorge where they were to regroup at when the wind carried to him the sounds of a battle. He listened to the reverberating sounds, and instantaneously knew who it was. Gazing in the direction that he was supposed to go and then to the direction which was opposite that to where he believed the fight had happened Morgan made a quick decision. Moving back up the incline he followed the sounds that were faded on the breeze.

 Taher stood over his foe; this was the first time that he had done battle with a Shaqar, which are the great serpents of Avarice. Placing his booted foot on the still wiggling thing he waited till the beheaded body finally went limp. Looking up just as Morgan landed before him, having jumped down from his spot in the trees.

 Morgan’s gaze slid from Taher to the beast that his boot still rested on.

 “Is that a…?”

 The older man nodded, “I encountered him in the shadows. He was following you.”

 Morgan locked eyes with his old mentor. “Why did my father send you to find us?”

 “Because I convinced him that it was the wisest thing.” Removing his foot from the filth, Taher cleaned the soul of his shoe by rubbing it on the grassy forest floor.

 “I find that hard to believe.” Morgan mumbled under his breath.

 Sheathing his sword Taher took a step towards Morgan. “Your father has ordered me to bring you and the First back to him.”

 Morgan took a moment before speaking, when he did it was slow and deliberate, “I have known you since I was younger than a youth. We both know that you did not accept this assignment from my father, to take me back to him.”

 Taher smiled. Not denying anything that Morgan had spoken. Turning his observation from Morgan and back to the Shaqar, he bent at the knee. “Where are you taking the First?” Taher asked this without turning his attention away from his examination of it.

 Morgan crossed his arms over his chest, “We are searching for the Book of Naba.”

 His gaze slanted a look at Morgan, with narrowed eyes he watched the prince until Morgan squirmed as he had when he was a young lad under the gaze. Moving his own stare to the ground at the front of his feet Morgan broke the point of contact.

 Turning his focus back to the serpent Taher spotted what it was that he had been searching for. Pulling out his dagger that was bound by a cord to his thigh, he cut into the tough hide of the Shaqar. Carving out the symbol that had been branded into the beast’s skin he wiped the blade on his dew covered grass before putting it away and standing.

 “I know you well Morgan, remember that.” Dark eyes turned on him. Pocketing the item, Taher faced the direction that Morgan had come from. “Where is it that you were to meet your traveling companions?”

 He pointed to where there was a noticeable incline, “We were to meet in the ravine that Dryan had found at the bottom.” Morgan said answering the question.

 With a nod Taher began walking in that direction, “Then we should hurry, they are most likely there by now.”


 Leora looked up the ascent, her worry rising as the time ticked by. Turning to Dryan she moved to where he was laid out resting with one arm thrown over his eyes, to block out the suns light. She shook her head knowing that there was no point in doing so when it came to Aiken’s sun. It illuminated all the dark places and left nowhere to hide. Sitting down beside him she asked her question knowing that he was not asleep.

 “Morgan has not arrived yet. Do you believe that it would be wise for one of us to go and search for him?”

 Dryan remained quiet for a long moment, before a sigh escaped him and he sat up. “Leora, Morgan can care for himself. Plus he isn’t exactly the weakest or easiest person to bring down, I have a strong dislike for his people, and yet I cannot even deny their abilities far exceed most of our own kind.”

 She watched Dryan out of her peripheral sight. ‘That did not mean that he was invincible’, she thought to herself. Also she knew as well as anyone else that the things and creatures that resided in Aiken when awake were a danger to even the greatest warrior. As she was trying to figure out a way to get Dryan to agree with her to him going out to find Morgan when the lightest sounds of footfalls reached their ears. Jumping to his feet Dryan’s body was poised for battle. His stance was intense and on high alert.

 Morgan walked out of the tree covering first knowing that if Taher did Dryan would probably attack the man. With a raised hand he said. “This is Taher my mentor.”

 Leora cocked her head at him, the spot between her eyebrows scrunching together in confusion. He watched her as she studied Taher from head to toe, before her gaze drifted to meet his. He could see the questions there as well as the relief?

 Walking to her for the first time in his life, except when he was talking with his mother and father, Morgan felt a need to explain himself to someone. Standing before her he stared down into her eyes, “I would have been here sooner but I heard a battle, and knew that it was Taher. I decided to see what had transpired, and it took me longer than I had guessed it would.”

 Ryan had to honestly admit to himself that he was somewhat chafed with seeing Leora and Morgan together. For the simple fact that he believe she deserved better than the one that she had been forced into marriage with. Pushing his rising feelings down Ryan made his way over to Taher, who was now standing with Cody and Amori.

 “Prince Dryan.” Taher inclined his head in respect.

 “Taher, I believe we have met before.” Ryan racked his brain but only a faint memory surfaced.

 “You never know.” The eyes that stared back at him saw more than they should, but he didn’t break the exchange his mind still trying to work out where he had first met Taher.

 Amori wanted someone to tell her what was going on. She looked to the new guy yet again; she couldn’t get over how big he was. She was used to being dwarfed at times but for the most part back on Earth she was considered rather tall at her height of five nine. But here she felt very short. Even more so now, because of that the man who was standing about a head taller than Cody, and a good portion thicker, if he was considered average size which he did seem to be by how normal the others were acting around him. She did not want to know what their tall people looked like. And why did it seem that not one of their species had the ability to gain anything but muscle mass and perfectly sculpted bodies?

 A chilled breeze moved through the ravine that they were in, making Amori untie her hoody from its place around her hips and place it on. Her gaze bounced from each of the four males, each of them now had a strained look on their faces. She noticed that even that Taher’s right hand rested on the hilt of his sword.

 “We need to hurry and get the Book of Naba, I have no idea what had just caused that but I have the inclination that I do not want to know what it was.” Morgan stated. Looking to Dryan he nodded getting his point across that they needed to be on their way.

 Having the same inclination as Morgan, Dryan shifted, bending over for the others to gather on his back. Facing Leora he waited for her to do the same but she shook her head no. “You know to where we are going but Morgan and Taher do not, I will stay on the ground with them.” With a final look in her direction, he dipped his head in consent. Shooting into the sky he raised the dirt around them, making it swirl in a cloud.

 Coughing Morgan glared up at the sky where Dryan was now moving in a westward direction. Glancing down at Leora he could see her shoulders shaking in silent laughter, he grimaced.

 “We should be making our way to where the Book is.” With a nod Leora changed to her unbound the sun glinting of it so that the many colors reflected against the red and gray rocks around them. Taking off she went at a pace that she knew she could keep up for a long distance, without tiring easily.


 It moved through Aiken searching, its scouts had alerted it to the intruders presence in its realm. Now he would eradicate them. It smiled as it moved with the tide; it had long since dispersed its followers to find the ones who dare say that they would enter its place of dominion. The tide it rode ebbed for a moment slowing its progress; a growl escaped its mouth it had to get to the intruders before they made it to the mid-plane. A place where it had no power, no forceful will. As the tide picks up again it travels on. One of its followers rushed beside it, excitement emanating from their being. Giving its consent it allowed them to speak.

 “Son of Theron is here, the son of one of the great Knights of Nazarien is here, he is here.”

 A malevolent smile spread across its face. The Son of Theron was here, in its own realm. He was here in Aiken. Wicked was the laugh that exited its mouth. Its chance had come to seek revenge on the Knight who had destroyed its body. By killing Theron’s son, draining the boys’ blood on the Path of Niles. With a new reason to overcome its intruders, Rhuparos moved swiftly upon the tide that flows.