The Flower Guarding Bells by Edmundshen - HTML preview

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Nangong Ping was sore in heart for his good friend. He was filled with rage and hatred. With a great shout, he sprang through the air with the ‘Autumn Fallen Leaf’ in his hand, did several somersaults and landed into their midst, with his head down and leg up. This was a stance called the ‘The Descending Rain’. He started to slash them with multiple silver light and splitting images of his sword as he hovered in great haste into their midst!

Without hesitation, Ye Manqing drew her sword too and sprang upon those men in black, all her swords display was fast, furious and vicious!
A tall elderly man who appeared to be the leader of the group began to evade Nangong Ping’s powerful and vicious sword stances while shouting. “Friend! We have no vendetta whatever so. Why did you attack us without a reason and all your attacks are killer strokes!”
Nangong Ping eyes were burning with rage and he followed by three more killer strokes!
The other men in black began to dodge while shouting. “Even if you want to kill, at least give us a reason first…”
Nangong Ping yelled. “Why so much rubbish! After I killed you I will tell you the reason!” And Nangong Ping immediately displayed a stance from the Southern Sea Swordplay that he had picked from the Divine Creator Island.
The men knew that talking to him was futile and they attacked him with whips and other weapons.
A man was fighting Ye Manqing alone. He was already losing strength fighting with her when Nangong Ping suddenly sprang past him and slashed him twice. More confusion occurred and then another two men in black died.
Suddenly there was a shout. “Hold your hands!”
Nangong Ping saw four men standing at the back. One of them was ‘Fragrance of a Thousand Miles’ Ren Fengping. The another two were the Manshan Brothers Startled Soul Twin Sword Wind Chaser Swordsman, Chang Sun Kong and Iron Palm Golden Sword Solitary Swordsman, Chang Sun Dan. The one on the right side was an elder man in black robe.
Ren Fengping smiled and said. “Brother Nangong, how are you?”
When Nangong Ping saw Ren Fengping, he recomposed himself and coldly laughed. “I am lucky not to die therefore I can be considered to have a long life!”
Ren Fengping said. “I heard that those who went to the Divine Creator Temple would never made it back alive. Brother Nangong, you are indeed so lucky!”
Nangong Ping coldly laughed. “If I really die in the Divine Creator Temple, I afraid that Brother Ren will be even happier!”
Ren Fengping said. “I have no such intentions. It is all a misunderstanding. The Fraternity is so chaotic now and I have the intention to asking for your aid to complete our grand plans…”
Nangong Ping interrupted. “I have no worthy deeds to my name and I am too willful. I afraid that you have found the wrong person!”
Ren Fengping laughed. “Brother Nangong you are too humble! Everyone has heard of your heroic deeds. You have fought with the Jaded Hand of the Positive Nirvana at the Eternal Restaurant, barged into the Mulong Manor to retrieve an antidote for Heaven Sword Ding Yang and you can even make it alive from the Divine Creator Island. All these things have already been known throughout the entire Fraternity. With your martial abilities, intellect, guts, you have caused Mister Shuai to admire you greatly. If we can have the aid of Brother Nangong, then I can even wager that within one year, the entire Central Plains Fraternity will be ours!”
Suddenly Ye Manqing grasped. “Where do you think you are going!” She lifted herself and sprang in front.
Nangong Ping turned back and saw that the other two men in black who had been holding Di Yang and his lady hostage were trying to escape. When Ye Manqing was suddenly in front of them, they immediately stood on the same spot and looked at Ren Fengping!
Nangong Ping smiled and asked Ren Fengping. “I wonder if these two men that are holding the Tianshan Divine Sword Di Yang and Yi Luo, are they also your men?” He addressed Di Yang title formally because he wanted to act like a mere acquaintance.
Ren Fengping slowly said. “That is right! They are indeed my men!”
Nangong Ping appeared to be very calm and he sighed. “I didn’t expect that the heroic Tianshan Divine Sword would become so wretched now. On closer inspection, who would believe that he is actually the shining star of the Pugilist that everyone has called the Tianshan Divine sword!”
Even though Ye Manqing was getting impatience but she knew that surely Nangong Ping must have been planning something therefore he was trying to distant himself from Di Yang and his lady. Surely there must be a purpose!
Ren Fengping said. “The Ghastly Beggars have already decided to join Shuai Tianfan. As long as we can bring back Yi Luo to the Poor Ghost Yi Feng, he will agree to further advance our grand plans.”
Nangong Ping cold laughed. “Since Yi Feng has already decided to join the cause of Shuai Tianfan, why then must Brother Ren uses fragrant incense to drug them? It is really hard to comprehend!”
Ren Fengping replied matter of fact. “It is really hard to explain in just a few words. As I am afraid a misunderstanding would occur, therefore I am forced to use this not too brilliant method!”
Nangong Ping coldly hummed and asked. “What has this to do with Di Yang? Why is he being captured?”
Ren Fengping said, “Since they are a husband and wife, naturally they must be together!”
Nangong Ping laughed coldly for awhile. “Did Brother Ren asks Di Yang if he is willing or not?”
Ren Fengping laughed. “Husband and wife should always be together. There is no reason for Di Yang to say no.”
Nangong Ping laughed. “Did Brother Ren forget that last year outside the ancient city of Chang An in the Northwest, Di Yang had thrown away your Fragrant of the Wind and Rain Tablet? Di Yang is haughty and proud. So are you nursing a personal grudge against him?”
Nangong Ping laughed again. “It is all thanks to Brother Ren that Di Yang and Yi Luo can become a couple. Although they have been married for a year but they are deeply in love with one another. Because Di Yang refuses to leave Yi Luo alone, how will she leaves him alone as well!”
Ren Fengping laughed heartily. “Brother Nangong, you only know half the story. Last year when Di Yang was poisoned by the morning stars, Yi Luo is his benefactor who saves his life. Since Yi Feng has thrown his lot with Shuai Tianfan, Yi Luo naturally will not refuse. If Yi Luo will not refuse so how will Di Yang refuse?”
Nangong Ping laughed aloud. “The Ghastly Beggars are a righteous group that dedicated themselves to fight the treacherous and greedy people. Yi Feng himself is a haughty and lonely person. It makes no sense for him to join Shuai Tianfan!”
Ye Manqing knew that the more they argued there would soon be a fight. Worrying for Nangong Ping, she began to walk unconsciously to his side.
Ren Fengping shifted his eyes to look at Ye Manqing and asked. “When Brother Nangong went out to the seas, the Cold Blood Concubine had disappeared at the same time. Everyone had thought she had followed you to the Divine Creator Temple. But now you actually returned with Maiden Ye. Is the Cold Blood Concubine really missing?”
Nangong Ping laughed aloud. “Is Brother Ren very disappointed? Haha! Mei Yinxue is not with me therefore you cannot achieve your aim of netting us together, what a pity!”
Ren Fengping laughed without his expressions changing. “Brother Nangong, you really know how to joke! Even if I have the guts, I will not even dream of that!”
Suddenly Nangong Ping became very solemn and he was enveloped in a malevolent aura. “Ren Fengping! You send five different groups of people with baskets of food that was poisoned to Di Yang! But who knows that Di Yang had already saw through your ruse. Failing once, you try again the second time with a continuous ruse. You even use banknote from different places to reserve the Inn for him but in fact, the entire Inn belongs to you! When Di Yang and his Lady were captured, Maiden Ye and I managed to escape. That is because you did not tell your men about us, that why they did not know about us. Haha! It all because of that useless flower thief that you have sent that all your cunning ruses are exposed by me…”
“Shut up!” Ren Fengping shouted. His expressions had changed now!
But Nangong Ping did not care and stared at him with a malevolent air. “But do you know that Brother Di Yang and I are blood brothers that will even brave life and death together! So why don’t you capture me as well?”
Ren Fengping said. “Brother Nangong Ping, you are too serious. Even if I have the guts, I will not dare to do it!”
But those standing besides him looked indignant now. The elderly man that was standing to his right side solemnly said. “Young man, don’t you think you are too arrogant and rude? Do you really think no one can capture you?”
Nangong Ping stared at him and laughed. “This man must be Shuai Tianfan right hand man, ‘Heavenly Piercing Life Stealing Twin Spears’ Ge Zhonghai, Hero Ge?”
Ren Fengping smiled. “That is right. Indeed he is the Old Hero Ge!”
Nangong Ping laughed aloud. “I have long heard of Hero Ge ‘Heavenly Piercing Life Stealing Twin Spears’ are blah and blah powerful!”
Ge Zhonghai looked at Ren Fengping because before he could act, he must have his approval first! But Ren Fengping remained expressionless!
Nangong Ping laughed. “Why did Brother Ren not nod your head?”
Ge Zhonghai shouted and plunged forward with both his hands.
Nangong Ping was already prepared. He did not move but kick towards his stomach and sent him flying back! His timing was so perfect and his movements so swift!
Ren Fengping was secretly startled. For he had not seen Nangong Ping for one year and his martial abilities had now improved tremendously!
Ge Zhonghai got up without any emotion and deployed a stance ‘The Cloud beneath the Waist’ that was directed towards Nangong Ping’s shoulders Qu Chi accupoints!
Nangong Ping evaded it and counter attack with a stance ‘Behold the Crescent’ that was aimed at his chest!
In the meantime, Ye Manqing was fighting with both the Manshan Brothers!
Ge Zhonghai was surprised at this stance and with a great shout, he summoned all his internal strength to catch Nangong Ping’s technique.
There was a thunderous clapping sound as both hands made contact. Dust and stones flew all around them! Nangong Ping thought that the internal strength of his opponent was coming forth in nonstop and his wrists was hurting a lot. He mustered his strength to free himself from the attraction of the internal force and he was knocked back a yard!
Ge Zhonghai was secretly startled. In this whole wide world, very few people could match him; much less escaped from his internal force once he had used both his hands! Moreover, Nangong Ping looked so weak and young. He could actually headlong with him and not died instantly!
Nangong Ping was very pale now, even green. And he started to vomit blood! It obvious his injuries were not slight. But he bit his teeth and continued on his attacks. Suddenly his stances and strokes changed and he actually used the Eighteen stances of Damo that he learnt at the hut while he was on the Divine Creator Island!
With a stance of ‘Chant of the Suffering Pain’ Nangong Ping had swiftly hit Ge Zhonghai seven times on his chest!
Ge Zhonghai was startled and immediately moved back five steps.
Luckily for him, although Nangong Ping had remembered the Eighteen stances of Damo by heart, he had not the time to think over its intricate complex changes yet. Therefore he could only use one stance at a time instead of mixing the strokes from its various stances. However this powerful technique of the Martial Fraternity even without playing upon its intricacy flexibility had forced Ge Zhonghai to be on the defensive in just ten strokes! And he had already moved more than one yard to the back!
Ren Fengping was watching and pondering at the same time before he grasped out suddenly. “Damo Eighteen Stances!”
Nangong Ping coldly laughed. “That is right! It is indeed the Eighteen Stances of Damo! If you are scared now, quickly release Di Yang and his lady. It is not too late yet!”
Ge Zhonghai was breaking out in sweat and he was still thinking how to break the Eighteen Stances of Damo!
The Manshan Brothers were laughing and jeering Ye Manqing. It seemed like she could not handle their combined attacks and she was using ‘Mighty Echo of the Dragon’ to parry while slowly moving back!
Chang Sundan laughed hilariously. “Let me see how many more stances that you still have remaining!”
The Manshan Brothers were attacking her on her front and the back. Now Ye Manqing felt her vital energies were not as smooth as before and her blood was moving in a furious pace. Suddenly, Chang Sundan sent her long sword flying from her wrist!
At the same time, Chang Sunkong plunged forward and hit her on her Da He and Shang Qu accupoints. Because her two major accupoints were hit and her strength was not enough, Ye Manqing collapsed on the ground and did not move again.
Without hesitations, the Manshan Brothers began to join Ge Zhonghai to fight Nangong Ping!
Nangong Ping had picked Ye Manqing’s long sword ‘Mighty Echo of the Dragon’ and now he had ‘Fallen Autumn Leaf’ as well. He exhibited a stance ‘Light that separate the Heaven and Earth’ as he formed a wave of trembling sword energies around him.
Ge Zhonghai coldly laughed awhile and he drew his golden twin spears to pierce towards him!
The Manshan Brothers were highly skilled in martial, combined with a top exponent such as Ge Zhonghai, Nangong Ping could only parry and there was no room for him to retaliate! After more than ten furious strokes, he began to falter. He knew that it was not impossible for him to escape today. But he had discovered that Chang Sundan was the weaker one among the Manshan Brothers, therefore he decided to focus on him.
Although his vital energies were erratic now but Nangong Ping was not dazed yet. After evading from Ge Zhonghai spears, he saw an opening and pierced Chang Sundan through his chest with the Fallen Autumn Leaf! At the same time, Ge Zhonghai had pieced through his upper right thigh! And at the same time, Chang Sunkong had stabbed him on his back The wounds were so terrifying that even the white of his bones would be seen! Biting his teeth, he forced Chang Sunkong and Ge Zhonghai to back off five steps with a killer stance.
Ge Zhonghai had no time to pull his spear from Nangong Ping’s leg. He was startled and stood on the same spot for quite a while! He had never met someone with such potential!
However Chang Sunkong once again plunged upon Nangong Ping in rage because Nangong Ping had killed his brother!
Nangong Ping shouted aloud even though he was covered with blood now. “The Immortal Divine Dragon, the Immortal Divine Dragon will never die!” And he pulled the spear out without regard to any pain and threw it to towards Chang Sunkong, piercing through his back immediately!
Chang Sunkong enraged over the death of his brother, had thought that Nangong Ping was too weak to retaliate therefore he had made an all out attack and was caught unaware when Nangong Ping threw the spear at him! He really never expected that Nangong Ping would pull the spear from his thigh. Such courage and guts!
Ge Zhonghai shook his head and sighed. “He is indeed the disciple of the Divine Dragon!” And he walked towards Chang Sunkong.
Ren Fengping sighed. “You are indeed the Immortal Divine Dragon the Second. If I can have you to aid me, surely the entire realm will be ours?”
Nangong Ping shouted aloud even though he was bleeding profusely. “You will never dream of that in this life.” But when he had finished, he can cough out blood profusely. And he started to stagger backward and finally collapse onto the ground!
Ren Fengping was now in their midst. He raised his right hand on top of Nangong Ping’s forehead. He was filled with pity that he had to kill some one so talented. But when he was three inches to killing Nangong Ping, some one at the back shouted. “Hold your hand!”
Ren Fengping turned his body around and saw a short man who was in his middle age. His looks were average too.
The man said solemnly. “I must bring this man away!”
Ge Zhonghai had retrieved both his spears and solemnly asked. “Hey you! Who are you?”
The man looked at him for awhile and he simply said. “The Distance Mountains though high!”
Ren Fengping and Ge Zhonghai was startled and immediately replied with. “The Fragrant Wind and Rain!”
The man took a purple tablet and waved it for awhile before adding. “Does the two of you know this tablet?”
Ren Fengping lowered his head and said. “Disciple I recognize it!”
The man said. “Seeing the tablet is the same as seeing the Master! This man I want to bring him away. Do you have any objections?”
Ren Fengping replied. “Disciple I dare not!”
The man coldly hummed and walked to the side of Nangong Ping and lifted him up with both his hands. Without turning his head, he began to walk astride away.
Only when the man had disappeared into the darkness did Ren Fengping shook his head and sighed. “I wonder when did Mister Shuai recruits such an important man. Why did we not know of him?”
Ge Zhonghai said. “We have already been out for half a year now. This is the new blood recruited by Shuai Tianfan, naturally we do not know!”

The mysterious man sprang like he was flying even though he was carrying Nangong Ping. Soon he came to the edge of a forest.
Under the moonlight, besides a huge tree was two horses that were feasting on the wild grasses on the ground. And besides the horses, stood a most gorgeous maiden whose beauty was out of this world with unrivalled grace. But right now, she was looking most worried and anxious!
Who was she? Mei Yinxue!
When the man was near, Mei Yinxue had sprung to him. Looking at Nangong Ping, she asked. “Is his injuries very heavy?”
The middle age man nodded. “All his vital energies are drained and so is his blood. It a good thing I have arrived in a nick of time or else Ren Fengping would have killed him!”
Nangong Ping was very pale. His eyes were closed tightly. His back and his thigh was very bloodied. Except for his slight breathing, he was almost as good as dead!
Mei Yinxue looked at him with her watery eyes and muttered. “His injuries are so heavy. I wonder if he can live till he gets to see his Mentor Master!”
The man sighed as well. “I don’t think he look like someone who is short lived. I am sure there will be a miracle that will happen to save him!”
Mei Yinxue was silence when she took Nangong Ping from him.
The man said. “Please take care maiden. I am going now. As for that tablet…”
Mei Yinxue said. “You can keep that tablet since I have no use for that tablet!”
The man thanked her and left on one of the horses.
Mei Yinxue took the another horse and carried Nangong Ping in her embrace, as she rode off in great haste.
She took the whole night and just before dawn, Mei Yinxue had reached the Sanmen Wan!
She stopped in front of an Inn, only then did she get off from the horse with Nangong Ping.
In great haste, she walked to a room with three beds. On the two other beds, lay the Immortal Divine Dragon Long Bushi and the Lord of the Divine Creator Nangong Yongle!
Both of them were awake. They were startled greatly when they saw Mei Yinxue carrying the dying Nangong Ping inside the room!
Long Bushi was the first to ask. “Pinger is injured?”
Mei Yinxue nodded her head, without a word, she placed Nangong Ping on another bed.
Nangong Yongle was the second to ask. “Who is the one that wounded him so badly?”
Both their voices were weak and it seemed like they were afflicted by a sickness.
Mei Yinxue did not reply and closed her phoenix lids and two crystal tears were seen.
Nangong Yongle struggled to climb up from the bed and to inspect Nangong Ping’s wounds. He took a great effort to say. “His injuries are very serious. But as long as I am here, there shouldn’t be any cause for worry. As long as I use the Transfiguration Art on him, self assure that he will be alright in two days time!”
Long Bushi objected loudly. “No! You are not allowed to touch him!”
Nangong Yongle angrily protested. “What has it to do with you if I touch him! What give you the right to make a fuss?”
Long Bushi yell. “He is my disciple! I just don’t want you to touch him!”
Nangong Yongle yelled back. “He is my nephew! So what if I want to touch him!”
Mei Yinxue’s face by now was covered by tears, lamented in sorrow. “He is now a dying man, why did Old Seniors still want to fight over some useless pride. Do you really want to watch him die right before your eyes?”
Long Bushi and Nangong Yongle stared angrily at one another now, silenced by her outbursts.
After a while, Nangong Yongle turned to face the grieving Mei Yinxue who was full of worries. “These tens of days, I have already taught you all my physician skills, including the Transfiguration Art. I see that you are a very brilliant person, why don’t you have a try?”
Mei Yinxue said. “I only know the intricate formulas and not the practical skill, I afraid…”
Nangong Yongle urged her. “With me around, take the courage and try!”
Mei Yinxue was still hesitating therefore she did not reply!
Nangong Yongle said. “He can die any time soon, you cannot hesitate anymore now.”
Mei Yinxue turned to look at Long Bushi but he was quiet! Finally biting her teeth, she cried out. “Fine! Since it has reached such a stage, I just have to take the risk and try!”
Nangong Yongle smiled and said. “Go and buy a bigger needle, a jar of strong wine and strings then we can start!”

Mei Yinxue hurried left for the streets to buy the necessities items that she was instructed to buy. Soon she was back.
Nangong Yongle said, “First put the needle and the thin strings into the jar of wine. Next use the wine to wash his wounds and hit his Feng Wei accupoint on his chest and then his Qi Kan, Ming Men accupoints. Use your vital energies to protect his last breath of life in his heart.
And then wash my thigh with the strong wine and use your sword to slice a piece of fresh. And use the knowledge of the Transfiguration Arts and then stitch it with the strings. Two days later, he will recover.”
Mei Yinxue was at work immediately while she was listening at the time. In less than four hours, she had successfully accomplished the operation and indeed all had gone well!
Nangong Yongle, who had been sliced by Mei Yinxue, was in great agony and his strength was exhausted by the ordeal. When he saw that Mei Yinxue had finished the task in such a well manner, he closed in eyes and fell into a deep sleep...
Long Bushi sighed and was moved to say. “Forty years ago, you are indeed as crazed as a madman. But after you have left the Divine Creator Temple, I didn’t expect your personality would once again undergo such a dramatic change. Before you have died, you have actually done something humane!”
As Mei Yinxue did not sleep for an entire night, she was feeling fragile and weak now. Only when she had finally finished the operation, did she start to relax herself. All of a sudden, she was overwhelmed by the tiredness and she actually fell asleep soundly besides Nangong Ping’s bed!
When Nangong Ping regained consciousness, he gave a weak moaning sound and tried to move his rigid body, Mei Yinxue was suddenly jolted into waking!
When Nangong Ping opened his eyes and saw the Mei Yinxue that was besides him, he was overwhelmed with an unspeakable joy that he grasped. “Yinxue! Is that you…” But before he could finish what he wanted to say, he was dumbfounded by the extreme pain of his wounds.
Mei Yinxue was heartbroken and felt pity for his condition that she hurriedly said. “Your wounds have no totally heal yet. It is not the time for you to talk now. Hurry and close your eyes to rest!”
But when Nangong Ping had saw Mei Yinxue, he was really so joyous and excited. If not for the fact that he was unable to move his limbs, he would really have hugged Mei Yinxue tightly in his embrace. So how would he want to close his eyes to rest now? He grasped. “Yinxue! This is not a dream right?”
Mei Yinxue forced herself to restrain her burning passion and gently said to him. “Don’t say anymore things now, hurry and get a good rest!”
At the same time Nangong Ping had saw Long Bushi on the other bed and he began to grow even more excited. “Mentor Master is here too! Yinxue, hurry and tell me what is going on here?”
Mei Yinxue replied. “It is difficult to explain now but after you are healed, I will tell you slowly. You have better hurry and get a good rest now!” And she hit him on his sleep accupoint.
Nangong Ping collapsed into a sound sleep.
It was then that Long Bushi finally opened his eyes. He sighed deeply at the sleeping Nangong Ping!
Mei Yinxue asked. “Old Senior, you should be glad when you see him. Why did you…”
Long Bushi sighed. “In that torrential thunderstorm, I fought with that Nangong Freak for a thousand blows. I hit him seven times with my fists and he dealt me with six blows. Both of us were drained of all our vital energies and our life force energies were shattered. Never had we expected we could still come across maiden while we were drifting and you took us back to the Central Plains to save us! Alas! I, the Immortal Divine Dragon, in my entire life, I have undergone countless number of times of life and death and did not expect that this time, I would really gonna to die. It not that I am afraid of death but I still have some unfulfilled things to do that is why I am not willing to die just like this!”
Mei Yinxue said, “There are divine pills in the Pugilist realm that are said to be able to revive the dead and to rejuvenate a person. Senior, your internal injuries, as long as you can have the divine pills, it is not a hard thing for you to fully recover from your injuries!”
Long Bushi sighed. “According to my knowledge, the Saint of Physicians, Life Savior Physician have seven such life saving divine pills that can even bring back the dead. But he treasured it more than his life, so how would he have given it to just anyone!”
Suddenly there was a knock and a voice outside said. “Respected guests! It is time for the afternoon meal!”
Mei Yinxue replied, “You can come in!” And a waiter entered with two large dishes enough for three people.
Long Bushi said. “Maiden Mei, you have not slept for the whole of last night and you even have to toil the whole of the morning. Return to your room for a good rest, I will take care of Pinger!”
Mei Yinxue was feeling very tired so she did as what was advised and walked back to her own room.

Just when Long Bushi was about to close his eyes for a rest, a person barged in from the window! He looked up and saw that it was Sima Zhongtian of the Red Flag Escort Agency, a long time friend of his!

He was very happy and shouted. “Brother Sima how are you? How did you know that I am here?”
Sima Zhongtian sighed. “Alas! It is a long story! Ever since you have disappeared from the Huashan meet, there were all sorts of rumors on why you had disappeared in the Pugilist. Some said that you have been defeated by Danfeng, some said you have gone into recluse, some even said you had gone to the Divine Creator island! Anyway, where did you exactly go?”
Long Bushi then explained what happened in the simplest and direct way.
Sima Zhongtian sighed. “If this matter is made known, the entire Martial Fraternity will surely be in an uproar!”
Long Bushi asked. “What brings Brother Sima here?”
Sima Zhongtian sighed. He then proceeded to relate everything on his side as well. Finally he sighed. “The Nangong Aristocracy Family is also finished! Nangong Changshu and his lady are now residing at the Taihu Lake now. Mistress Nangong has asked me here to gather news of Nangong Ping whereabouts. On the way here, Wan Da, a former honorary guest of the Nangong Aristocracy Family told me that Nangong Ping could be here so I come in a hurry!”
Long Bushi sighed as he shook his head. “Who will expect that in two short years, there will be so many changes in the Pugilist realm!”
Sima Zhongtian lowered his voice and said. “When I was here, I saw many pugilists heading here. I think something is going to happen here very soon!”
Suddenly some one laughed outside the window and the two of them turned ashen!
Sima Zhongtian shouted. “Who dare