The Giants- A New Species by L.Lavender - HTML preview

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Sal was at the drinking fountain when he felt a hand on his back as he slurped the water. He turned to face Robin and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Robin. Hi.” He felt a sudden electricity running through his body.

“Hey, listen, Sal, there's something I need to say: I've found another tutor, so I won’t need you anymore. I hope that’s okay. You're cool and all that, it's just that Eugene lives closer to me and you're always so busy.”

“Eugene?” was all he could muster.

“Yeah, from the chess club. Are we all right, Sal? It would mean more free time for you.” Robin’s smile was crooked, like she couldn’t wait to get the hell out of there.

“Whatever, Robin. Do what you want.” Sal looked past her. He turned his attention back to the drinking fountain. When he finished drinking water, Robin was gone.

Rosie was leaning against the wall across from him. “That was painful to watch.

“Look at it this way, Sal. The only thing you and Robin have in common is breathing.”

“I knew I could count on your support, Rosie.”

“I suppose I am a cheerleader—a cheerleader from Hell. Now, come on: we don’t want to be late for computer science. Mrs. Schreyer might be disguised as a cat.”

He couldn’t concentrate in class. Robin was on his mind the whole time. Why did he care? Why did it bother him that Robin had found another tutor? There would be no more Wednesdays to look forward to.

Suddenly, his computer started to blink, and then the screen turned all staticky. What the hell? Did someone hack his computer?

A message appeared on the screen.

Hello Sal.

I have been following you for a long time, and I must say that I am impressed. You have used your talents well.

Who is this? Sal typed.

Humans are such losers, are they not? So ill-mannered and weak, but this is not news to you. You exploit these weaknesses so well.

Oh, well. Mrs. Schreyer is growing suspicious.

The computer stopped its blinking and went back to normal. Sal looked around the room, but everyone was busy. No one seemed to have noticed anything. Was he going crazy?

His clothes felt sticky on his skin, and his black hair felt glued to his face.

The newbie from the hallway smiled at him from across the room. Her mouth turned into a wide Cheshire grin, as if she'd intended to eat him up rather than say, hello. He hadn’t noticed her until then, and he forgot about the message on the computer for a moment.

The bell sounded, and the blushing newbie handed Sal a piece of paper. Sal ran his fingers over her hers as he took the note “Call me!” she said, giggling as she rushed out of the room.

“Let’s go, Romeo. I’m hungry.” Rosie pulled him by his arm. “What’s up with you, anyway? I thought you had a policy of never dating anyone from your own backyard.”

“I did. I mean, I do.” He felt a little foggy as they made their way to the cafeteria.