The Hairy Little Oogie Man by Mr. Doren Martin - HTML preview

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h Chapter Eleven g

K Finally- To Sleep K



            Izayah, after motioning to his sisters to be quiet by placing a finger to his lips, was being very careful as he pulled open the screen door to the house.  He winced as the hinges slightly squeaked, sounding a hundred times louder than they actually were.  Once they were all inside, Izayah quietly pushed the door closed behind them.  In single file, with their brother in the lead- the children followed closely behind each other.  Together, they tip-toed through the kitchen, moved extra quiet as they went down the hall, and after opening the door- all of the kids quietly slipped into the girls room.

            Shaylah and Micaiah were very tired and groggy, moving as slow as snails.  Most certainly not wanting their grandpops to grow suspicious because he found them asleep in the morning with their clothes still on- Alaysia and Izayah helped their sisters to get their jackets off, then dressed them for bed.  The moment that Shaylah and Micaiah’s heads fell into their pillows- they were out like a light.

            After Alaysia and her brother had pulled a blanket over each of their sisters- together, they quietly snuck down the hall to their grandfathers’ bedroom.  Slowly, ever so carefully, Alaysia inched the door to their grandfathers’ room open until there was just enough of a gap for her and her brother to see into the room.  Though the room was dark, there was still just enough moonlight coming through the window for them to see their grandfather laying there in his bed, and, even if they hadn’t been able to actually see- they could certainly hear him, he was snoring so loudly.  Alaysia thought to herself that her grandfather had been sleeping an awfully long time, and of how unusual it was for him to do that.  But, because she was so tired, the thought left as quickly as it came.

            Relieved that their grandfather was still sleeping, they quietly backed away, pulling the door shut.  Without saying a single word to each other, Alaysia and Izayah both went directly to their rooms.  Overwhelmingly tired from the nights events, they sluggishly began undressing themselves.  Neither of them even bothered to pick their clothes up after kicking them off.  They hurriedly slipped into their bedclothes and dropped back onto their beds.  Before the chance of a thought could even enter their minds, now- they too were sound asleep.

            Outside by the tree, hidden in the dark of night- stood the Ogre- watching and waiting.