The Hairy Little Oogie Man by Mr. Doren Martin - HTML preview

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h Chapter Nineteen g

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            “Shhhhhhh! Alaysia warned the others as they entered the house.”  “If grandpops finds out that we were outside in the middle of the night- we are gonna be in trouble, Big time! She said, quietly closing the door behind them after they were all inside.”

            “Alaysia, asked Izayah- do you think grandpops is still asleep, like he was when we went outside?”

            “Ohhhhh, I hope he’s still asleep!”  “I don’t want him to be mad at us for sneaking out; she answered with a hint of worry in her voice.”

            “What time is it anyway?” asked Shaylah as they were entering the kitchen.

            Shaylahs’ question made everyone turn to look at the clock that hung on the wall above the stove.  Every single child, unmoving, as if in a daze- stood there, just gazing at the clock.

            “No way that’s right!” said Izayah.  “It can’t be!”

            “Is that clock reading 5:30 am, or are my eyes lying to me?” asked Alaysia.

            “Nope- it definitely says 5:30 am alright!” answered Shaylah.

            “Quick you guys, but be really really quiet!” Alaysia told them as it dawned on her that her grandfather always got up around this same time every morning.

            “We have to get in bed, right now- before grandpops gets up!” she said frantically, shooing them with her arms, trying to get them moving.

            Instantly grasping onto the meaning of what their sister was saying, suddenly- the kids no longer needed to be shooed, but quickly picked up their pace, moving quietly to their rooms, all of them being extra careful not to wake their grandfather.

            Once they’d made it into their rooms, the girls quickly began peeling off their clothes. Just as fast as they came off, the pieces of clothing were flying through the air, landing wherever they fell.  Alaysia was all over the place, running around, grabbing this nightshirt for one of her sisters, another nightshirt for the other one, her only thought to get them both tucked into bed as fast as she could before her grandfather awakened.

            After Alaysia got her tucked in, Shaylah laid her head back into her pillow and closed her eyes.  I wonder where I’ll fly today when I get up? she was thinking to herself, smiling.