The Hero's Chamber by Ian A. Newton RPh - HTML preview

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My Team of Heroes

The following brave souls rolled up their sleeves and cleared more than a few nights and weekends to edit, proof read and generally mark up what use to be a difficult to read collection of ideas and visualizations. Through this process, each of them has brought something to me that I did not or could not see at the time.

The difficult, frustrating, humbling and ultimately very rewarding journey from dream to written story would not have been possible without their help.

Thank you all, I am forever grateful to each of you.

Molly Spurgeon

Lynn Bryant

Elizabeth Meith

James Hoover


Sonya Joynes

Gwynn Newton

Amy Ramm

Suzie Bottjer

Jim Ramsey

Michelle Meith

Elana Memke

Dennis Stephenson

The Book Club

Duncan “The Book Guy”

Marcia Adams Ho

Special thanks to Mrs. Wilson’s 4th grade class, 2013-2014, Blakely Elementary.