The Hoodwinked by Harry Prince Inemeawaji - HTML preview

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On Friday morning as early as 9:00 AM, all fresh students assembled at Pius Anyim Auditorium for their Orientation Programme. For several minutes they waited for the speakers of the day as they are been entertained by the Student Union Government. Every one of them were conversing with each other trying to make new acquaintances. Amara and Laura and some first year roommates of hers were sitting together in the auditorium. The moment for the orientation finally came, when a gorgeous looking lady with eye brows carved in an artistic manner mounted the platform. Her lips were very pink as a result of the lipstick she applied. As she picked up the microphone on the podium to speak, every one of the student became calm and the woman began to speak.

“Good morning, my fresh students, welcome to the 21st Orientation Programme of Michael Okpara University, of Agriculture. My name is Prof. Agu Chidinma Emerald.” She paused and looked at the fresh students as if she want them to digest her last statement before she continued. “This school became a Federal University in 1991 and has more than Nine Colleges with several Departments under it,” she said as she continued to talk to them, giving them the chronology of the institution. She was a good orator, during the speech the hall was quite even a pin can be heard when it falls or a lady on high heels will be heard when she walks, the entire students were captivated by her speech and body movement as she made the most explicable statement. “Education is the only way out of ignorance, the way out of darkness, into the glorious light of intellectual illumination,” she said as she looked towards the direction where the Academic staff of the institution were seated, she said to them “Teach the students, that they must do what they have to do, in order to do what they want to do. Thank you everyone for your keen attention,” As she stepped down from the podium. There was a standing ovation, as the student clap continuously until the next staff stepped onto the podium. As they walked home, Amara and her friends were all happy discussing on how splendid the orientation was. “Laura, that first lady that spoke with us did so well in her speech,” Amara said. “Yes, I seem to like her. I loved her statement and quotes. They were educative and inspiring as well,” Laura said. The group of girls dispersed to their various destination as they approach the hostel. Amara and Laura went into their room to have their shower and a short nap, before they went for their night classes.

The weekend went on well as both girls get to know each other very well. They spent time together at church service and read throughout the day.


Monday morning everyone is preparing for their first lectures in campus. Amara and Laura woke up as early as 5:30 AM to prepare for lectures. After they are through with their breakfast, both girls left the hostel for the lecture hall. They were early enough to the lecture hall, that they got a spot at the front roll. Thirty minutes later after their arrival in the hall, a tall, dark skinned man with an Afro hair walked into the hall.

“Good morning everyone, sorry for being late. My name is Dr. Halim Mutiu and am the one handling you on GSS 111 (Use of English). Here is the synopsis of the course,” he said as he wrote on the white board with a marker and projected the

synopsis on the projector screen hung at the corner of the hall for those that were unable to see the writing on the board clearly.

Amara was unable to meet up with the lecture and she was able to grasp little knowledge about what was been taught. The man after his lecture gave an assignment on the “forms of distraction.”

“This should be submitted in the next lecture, I’m I understood?” he said looking towards the Lad that presented his self as the general course representative. “Yes Sir!” he replied.

It was two hours after the end of the lecture and Laura was not comfortable with Amara’s mood. She wondered what the problem was that have subjected her friend to such a depressed mood. “Amara, what has eaten you up? I know you too well to know when there is a problem. Tell me what the problem is, I might be of help,” Laura inquired as she tapped Amara on the shoulder.

“Laura, I’m okay. Don’t worry I’m very well,” Amara said putting up a deceitful look. “I am very sure that all is not well with you,” she insisted. “Okay, I am unable to understand anything during the English lecture and I hope that other Lecturers won’t have the same modus operandi that he had,” Amara said.

“That is not a problem, I can help you to explain the lecture note later,” Laura said, crossing her arm over Amara’s neck and drew her closer to herself to comfort her.

Two weeks has past and Laura and Amara has been punctual to lectures. It was Monday of the third week, and every student went for their various lectures. At the end of the day’s lectures, both girls retired to their hostel.

In the hostel Amara sat at the edge of her bunk and was lost in thoughts. “How do I cope here, I never expected the lecturers to be speaking at a fast rate. How do I understand when they never pause to explain further than what they are dictating in their note and a little explanation of what they dictated. Why not relate each topic with a realistic example. Dear Lord, I don’t want to fail, most especially I don’t want to fail my parents by not doing well. Help me to find a way to understand my lecture notes.” She was pondering over her school activities when Natasha dabbed her on the shoulder and she became conscious of what is happening around her.

“What is the problem roomie?” Natasha asked.

“Sorry, am fine,” Amara said.

“No, you look pale, what is the problem,” she asked Amara with curiosity to know what the problem truly is.

“I’m in a terrible situation, I need help with my academics,” Amara said. “How, what is the problem,” she insisted to get the full detail of the problem at stake. “I don’t understand my lecture notes and I don’t follow up when the lecturer is teaching. It seems that I’m not fitting into the