The Incredible Journey by Kundai Pfumayaramba - HTML preview

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Like in the fairy tales I found my snow white in Thandie and she found her prince charming in me and to cap it off like in the fairy tales we lived happily ever after but alas life is not a fairy-tale. A few months after our wedding Thandie is pregnant and we are expecting twins, a boy and a girl. Even with a huge baby bump Thandie is still beautiful. “Tina baby, I think my water has broken.” Shouted Thandie. Tina is how Thandie refers to me. The day is rather a laid back Saturday afternoon as I am sipping some Amstel lager, whilst watching the highly charged up and emotionally filled North London derby between Arsenal and Tottenham. I instantly jump up from where I am sitting as I run to the kitchen where Thandie is. “Relax, Thandie. I will rush you to the hospital.” I said as I entered the kitchen. Okay let me spare you all the gory details of the labour room, that’s a story for another day. The only thing I can say about the whole labour and hospital trip, is the feeling I felt as I held my son and daughter in my hands, the feeling I had on that day was just priceless, no amount of money can buy it. We named the boy Jabulani, and the girl Mufaro, Jabulani is a Zulu word which means happiness, and Mufaro on the hand is a Shona word meaning happiness. Thandie has just being promoted as the new Chief Financial Officer of Murray and Crusoe Construction plc. I was also climbing the corporate ladder, I had been appointed the as the head of department for the Business Economics section. In a weeks’ time I will be graduating from the University of Johannesburg with a Master’s degree in Business Administration. As part of Thandie’s improved work benefits we are relocating to a double storey house in Sandton, not even in my wildest dreams did I dream that I would be calling a place like this home. My story is the original rags to riches story. Maybe if I was in control of the things that occur in my life I would conclude my story here and say this is the end of the story but there is still more to tell. As the months passed the twins were growing up quickly, by the time there were 8 months old there could both walk. As I entered the lounge I could see something was bothering my better half. “You look all stressed up. What is bothering the mother of my children?” “Just some work staff.” “I hope it does not affect your mental well-being.” I said as kissed Thandie on the forehead. “You don’t have to worry my love.” “You know if you continue stressing about work you will have a heart attack before you are forty.” “I am stronger than you think, no amount of workload will get me down.” “I suggest a weekend getaway with the twins to relive your work stress, and also to celebrate the twins’ first steps.” “That would be great my love, Time flies in a few months’ time there will talking non- stop.” replied Thandie as she removed her reading glasses. “The twins are fast asleep. I am so tired I never knew raising up children is this hard.” I said as cuddled Thandie. Drawing her face closer to me, Thandie ran a warm hands on my face after which she took a deep gaze at my eyes. Like swimmers in synchronised swimming we engaged in a full on tongue kiss. I could feel my heart beat increase as my eyes lit up, I could feel all that tiredness been lift of me. Without a second invitation I started unbuckling her floral beige blouse, with my right leg folded on the sofa and my left leg firmly placed on the carpet I adjusted my sitting posture as I raised my left leg before I knelt on the sofa, by now I had removed Thandie’s blouse exposing her brown bra. Thandie started unbuttoning my shirt, as she rushed her fingers on my chest, looking teasingly at me with those seductive hazel eyes, I could feel a certain part of my body growing numb and numb. The worst thing that could happen occurred, the twins started crying. “We have to check on the twins, something could be wrong” said Thandie. “Well parenting comes first before anything I guess.” I replied looking all frustrated. For the next two and half hours we struggled to get the twins to sleep when they finally went to sleep, we were both tired. The twins lay fast asleep in their crib as Thandie and I retreated to sleep. The twins’ room was next to our bedroom so as to minimise the distance covered for up and down trips to see if all was okay with the twins. We had recently installed baby monitors into the twins’ room. The irritating sound of my alarm abruptly cut short my dreams as I reluctantly got out of bed. I kiss Thandie’s forehead after which I creep quietly out of the sheets. I check on the twins first before I go to bath. I was the first one to bath all the time, Thandie was a firm believer in long undisturbed beauty sleeps, so most of the times when the twins started to cry I was the one who would wake up and try to make the twins quiet. In most cases they cried simultaneously it was quite rare for one of the twins to be quiet whilst the other was crying especially during night time. As I emerge from the bathroom, with my drying towel wrapped around me from waist height downwards, I see Thandie slowly opening her eyes. The door to the bedroom ensuite lay direct in front of our bed. “Morning, sleepy head.” I said as I closed the ensuite door. “Morning my love. How are the twin?” “The last I checked there were sleeping peacefully.” “Let me check up on them before I bath.” Whilst I change into clean and fresh clothes, Thandie checks up on the twins. Beeping sounds emanate from my phone, I has forgotten to put my phone on the charger before going to bath. Picking up my phone which lay next to an opened container of Vaseline lotion both which are on top of a small wooden cupboard. Picking up my phone I walk out of the closet which housed mine and Thandie’s clothes, barefooted, wearing a blue formal trousers and white formal short sleeved shirt. The closet is huge enough to house two double sized beds. After placing my phone on the charger, I walk back to the closet so that I can finish wearing my clothes.  After finishing dressing up I head to the kitchen where I eat a warm breakfast that had been prepared by Thandie before she went to bath, she had prepared scrambled eggs, bacon and a salami sandwich. I pour tea into my favourite cup after which I Place my food in the microwave to warm it up. I hear the sound of the intercom as I am eating. Standing up from where I am sitting in the dining room I attend to the intercom receiver. As I press the button I see that it’s Jessica the nanny who had come to look after the twins. Jessica is 37 year old divorced mother of four who currently resides in Newton in Johannesburg. Our current agreement with her is that she looks after the twins from 7 in the morning until seven in the evening. This was a temporary arrangement since at the end of the month Jessica would moving into the 3 bedroomed cottage which was part of the house we were staying on. The house Thandie and I lived was a company house which was part of Thandie’s fringe benefits, the money for the nanny was paid for by Thandie’s company as part of her non cash benefits.  The cottage was currently under renovations and the renovations where scheduled to finish a week before the end of the month. Jessica has been our nanny since Thandie returned to work after her maternity leave. I press the button to open up the gate, as Jessica enters the premises I walk up to the front wooden sliding door to open up the door for Jessica. “Morning Jessica.” I said as I opened up the door. “Morning Mr Mushayabasa, how’s the Mrs?” “She is fine. Right on time as usual.” “Like my late mother always said, it’s always best to be always on time.” “How far are you coming with the moving preparations?” “I really can’t wait to move into my own space because my children and I, are currently leaving under a crammed environment at my sisters who already has a large family of her own.” “As I earlier said you don’t have to worry about costs of movement, I will pay for the full fee of transportation cost of your property.” “God bless you, I don’t know how to thank you.” “You don’t have to think me.” “Let me go and start my work, Sir.” “Okay, Jessica, I am in the dining room, the Mrs is currently bathing, shout if you need anything.” Jessica showed a great sign of maturity not only in looks but by the way she carried herself. As per my usual routine I read the newspaper via the internet on my laptop after I had finished eating. My eyes I stuck on my laptop as I immerse myself in a sports article I am reading about, I feel the warm hands of Thandie as she closes my eyes, after which she releases them, I quickly grab her right hand drawing her closer to me and then  engaging in a passionate kiss. “I love you Tinashe.” said Thandie sitting on my lap. “I love you too. I have to say with your dressing today, you have killed it.” “Don’t I usually dress to kill?” “Yes you do but today, how can I say it. I am even running out of superlatives to describe how you are looking.” “Thank you my love.” said Thandie as she stood up from my lap. “You are welcome.” “Tinashe there is something I would like to talk to you about.” “You can say it right now before I leave for work.” “I have to say these, you are the first person I am telling you this.” “You are now getting me worried, Thandie. What’s bothering the mother of my children?” “Yesterday you noted that there was something that was bothering me.” “So I was correct.” “Yes, you were.” “Then spit out.” “Its work related.” “Are they thinking of retrenching you.” “No. no it’s far from that, my job secure.” “So then what is it?” “I don’t know how I can say this.” said Thandie as she took a deep breath before continuing. “I heard you speaking, with Jessica. I think it will more appropriate if we discussed this in the bedroom, the information I want to tell you is a bit confidential.” “Okay if you say so let us go and talk in privacy.” As we entered our bedroom my mood changed from one of great delight to a one of confusion and anxiety. “I am going to be blunt with you my love. Ever since I was promoted at work I discovered something which seemed amiss.” “Amiss!” I said looking worried, as wrinkles appeared on my faces. “As I was reconciling financial statements I discovered that someone in the company was reaping of the company millions of rands.” said Thandie before taking a break to breathe in deeply, after which she continued. “I discovered that they were inflating the actual cost of sales figure so as to pay lower tax, then the money saved from this strategy is then transferred to international accounts which are hard to trace.” “Then how did you manage to connect the missing money to these international accounts?” “I enlisted the services of an IT expert, who was able to trace the paths through which the money moved through.” replied Thandie. “I don’t see any problem you have the evidence. You can trace the movement of the money which means you trace it back to point of origin and find the person who is defrauding the business.” “I already know who it is.” replied Thandie. “Then report the issue to your superior.” “That’s where the problem is.” “Your, superior, what’s wrong with him.” “Mr Khumalo, is my superior, he is the managing director and he is the one defrauding the company.” “Then report to the board.” “The, problem is I received a message on my phone. The person who sent the message was hiding their number. The message wasn’t that cryptic, let me show you my phone.” said Thandie as she opened up her message folder. So the message read as follows

“Wise words from the wise, the deeper you dig the more likely you are to drown inside the whole. Don’t act foolish, leave things as there are, or you will get burnt.”

“From this message as you can see my love, it’s a warning from Khumalo, he knows I know about his shoddy dealings.” “You should report this to the police, can’t you see your life is in danger.” “Don’t worry I have set up a private meeting with chairman of the board today in Pretoria at his office.” “You are running late my love, its best you go to work now, I am sorry for delaying you.” said Thandie as she kissed me on the right cheek. “Not to worry, your safety is more important than my work. I will call in sick today I think it will be safer if I drive you to work.” “There is no need for that my love. Today there justice will be made and Khumalo will be behind bars. I just have to transfer this evidence that I have in my PC to this flash drive” “Are going to present your flash drive to the chairman of the board.” “No I am taking my PC and I am leaving this flash drive here in case my computer is somewhat hacked into by Khumalo’s goons and crashes deleting all its memory.” “Wise move.” I said. “I guess that since he knows I know he has covered his tracks and I have to safeguard this evidence.” “I hope you keep yourself safe.” “Don’t worry I will keep safe.” “If you say so then I will see when I come back.” I said as walked out of the room waving Thandie goodbye. By the time I left home I was 10 minutes behind schedule and I was bracing myself for the morning traffic jams into town. I left the twins still sleeping as Jessica did her household chores and Thandie was tying up some loss ends before heading out to work some of the loss ends included transferring the evidence into the flash drive. I arrive at work 15 minutes late, as I head to the office I receive a message from my personal assistant that there is going to be an emergency meeting to discuss the way forward for the company by the ever falling of value of the rand against US dollar which had grossly affected the company profits. The emergency meeting was going to be held at 4:30 pm, with my knowledge of how sometimes these meetings run for marathon lengths, I know today I will be late for dinner. I decide to call Thandie to tell her that I will be late for dinner. “Hello, Thandie.” “Hello” for a moment I am surprised to her Jessica’s voice on Thandie’s phone. “Jessica, where is the Mrs?” “She left for work about 30 minutes ago and she forgot her phone in the kitchen.” “Okay, I will try to contact her on her work number, if I fail tell her when she comes back from work that I am coming in a bit late, I have an emergency meeting to attend to.” “I will pass on the message, Sir.” “Thanks, Jessica, have a blessed day. Bye.” I replied as I hung up the phone. An hour after this phone call I decided to get in touch with Thandie via her work number. “Hello may I speak, to Mrs Mushayabasa.” “Good morning sir, Mrs Mushayabasa has not yet arrived. She is coming in late today. Is there a message you would like delivered to Mrs Mushayabasa.” “Just tell her, her husband called.” I then remembered that Thandie had told me she was going to Pretoria to meet up with the chairman of the board. A few minutes before 10 am my phone starts to ring. I flip it up to see who it is but the number is not put of known contacts, I answer the phone. “Hello.” “Hello, am speaking to Mr Tinashe Mushayabasa?” “Yes, Tinashe speaking, who am I speaking to?” “This is Sergeant Mpho Kekana and I have some bad news for you. Your wife Mrs Thandiwe Mushayabasa was hijacked in Pretoria.” “What, is she fine?” I said as I rose from my chair like an irrupting Icelandic volcano. “She was shot several times, she is currently at Pretoria Medical Centre, fighting for her life.” I instantly slam my phone into the wall before dramatically falling down like a deck of cards. Tears start to trickle down my cheeks. “Not again” I say to myself. Without further wasting time I leave my office I notify my personal assistant about what has happened as I rush out. I have to buy a new phone now after breaking the one I had in fits of rage that had descended upon me. Before I leave I call Thandie’s parents as well as my mother to inform them of what had happened. I sped along the N1 highway upon arrival at Pretoria Medical Centre I slam the door of my car as I run almost outpacing my own shadow. I am almost ran over by an ambulance but that doesn’t deter me from running. Huffing and puffing I arrive at the reception. “I, I, I” I say as I try to catch a breath. “I am looking for the room Mrs Thandiwe Mushayabasa’s is admitted to. She is my wife.” I said as sweat dripped off my body as my face exhibited exasperation. “She is currently in Intensive Care Unit, and there are preparing her for emergency operation. There is Dr Smits, he will fully explain, to you the extent of the injuries.” Just from looking at Dr Smits I estimate his age to be around the late forties early fifties. So Dr Smits explains to me the extent of the injuries, Thandiwe was shot five times, four bullets were lodged in her lower abdomen and the other bullet was lodged in her right leg. She had lost a lot of blood as result. So I signed consent forms so that the surgery could be performed before I signed the forms, Dr Smits told me it the surgery that there were to carry to try and save Thandie’s life is a high risk one, with minimal chances that Thandie would survive, not undertaking the surgery meant that Thandie was surely going to die in a matter of minutes. So it was worth taking the risk of carrying out the surgery. “Doc, can I see my wife for a few seconds before you start the operation?” “Okay, just a few seconds, because we need to start operating as soon as possible.” replied Doctor Smits. It was like de javu, it seemed what was happening had happened before. It just felt like I was relieving the moments that occurred when Bongani was shot. To make it all worse this was the same hospital that Bongani was admitted to and subsequently lost his life after the tragic shooting, to make my life more miserable Thandie was admitted in the intensive care unit in the same room that Bongani was admitted to, just like when I came to see Bongani, Thandie was laying almost lifeless, with drips pipes lodged to her body as the heart monitor made its distinct sound, at least its sound gave me hope knowing that Thandie’s heart was still beating. I kiss her on the forehead before leaving the room looking more hysterical than ever with my shirt three upper buttons unbuttoned and my tie loosely tied hanging way below my waists. I sit alone in the waiting room, waiting for the Doctor Smits to come out of the Two hours later the Doctor Smits still wearing his white surgeon’s jacket emerges from the operation. He tells me that Thandie is in a medically induced coma and that they had removed all of the bullets. Her condition is stabilising and I can see in the next two hours. Doctor Smits tells me that Thandie is not out of the dark, he tells me there is chance, like he had earlier told me that Thandie may not make it. I wait patiently for the hours to pass, for me the time seems not to be moving fast enough. I just want to see how Thandie is doing, I am really a mess inside out, and will Thandie make it. All of my hopes are hanging by a thread, Thandie please don’t leave me alone, and I know you are a fighter. Maybe I am destined never to be really happy, for how long will this misfortune strike me. What have I done to deserve such? Why me, why is it always me? Sadness, sorrow shadow me like a vultures in-circling around a dead caucus. Dear lord for how long will people that I love continuing getting hurt. I know I have failed you numerous countless times but, please, please hear my pleas, don’t take Thandie away from me. Why give her to me for a few moments and then take her away. I plead with all my heart Dear Lord, don’t take her away from. Tears start to trickle down, as my left hand start to shake uncontrollably, it feels like someone is choking me, I start to pant heavily, my eyes which are now red are now firmly stuck out, and more veins become visible on my forehead. As I struggle to breath, I fall from where I am sitting, head first. Some nurses who are walking through the waiting room, attend to me. “Sir, are you okay?” one of the nurses, who is wearing glasses ask me as the three female nurses help me to my feet. “Where am I?” I ask looking all lost. “You are at Pretoria Medical Centre.” replies the older looking of the three nurses. “What am doing here? I think I am dreaming.” I say as stagger to stand up, with the three nurses acting as my balancing sticks. “Take a sit, Sir. Laura this man needs help.” says the older looking nurse in reference to the nerdish nurse. “No, no, I remember know what’s happening. I don’t need any help.”  “But sir, you look.” says the nerdish looking nurse, before she can finish speaking, I cut in, with all the anger inside I shout at the nurses “I said I don’t need your help, no one can help me, leave me alone.” “Lower your voice sir.” “She laying in there I don’t even know if she will make it and someone is asking if I need help. How are you going to help me?” I say as I take a sit.  Rubbing my right hand gently the older looking nurse, who is now sitting next to me, with Laura and the other nurse standing in front of me, Speaks to me in soft and calming tone “Sir calm down, if there is anything I could do to help your loved one I would do but there isn’t. Look at yourself what you are doing to yourself, won’t make your loved one better or worse.” Her voice is full of this motherly love. Her words seem to have a calming effect on me. “I am sorry for raising my voice at you. I am just going through a rough patch in my life. My wife’s life is hanging by a thread.” “Don’t overthink, it’s not good for your health. It won’t be a good sight for you to also be admitted here.” said the older looking nurse before taking a break after which she continued “I guess you have children, and those children still need you, so please sir don’t stress yourself to the grave. Your wife is still alive, have hope in knowing that.” Her words hit me hard, what she is saying is true. The fight is far from over. Why should I give up now? Thandie is still breathing albeit even though she has to rely on artificial means but at least she is still here. I see that the older looking nurse’s name tag is written. Her name is L. Zungu.  “Thanks for calming me down Mrs Zungu, I now have to go and see my wife.” I say as I stand up. “Don’t despair sir, everything works out in God’s time.” replied nurse Zungu. When I open the door to the room in which Thandie is in my heart, almost stops, I can’t control my emotions, I am overwhelmed by the sight of seeing Thandie lying in that bed. It still feels like a bad dream, I just need someone to pinch, this is not happening. I hold Thandie’s right hand as I sat on the chair lying next to the bed. Today just hours ago, she kissed me on the cheek, she assured me that she would be safe. Why Thandie do you go and try be heroine, look now you are lying here. The person who did this to you will pay. If it means turning vigilante and going against the law, I will do it. “I don’t know if you can hear me, but I want to tell you that I love you. You are a fighter, you can fight this and together we can bring to book the person who did this.” “Thandie, I have this gut feeling, I think I know who is behind this. Khumalo did tis hired some goons to kill you and he made sure it looked like a hijacking gone wrong.” I close my eyes as I lose consciousness only to be awaken an hour later as I feel a tight squeeze on my hand. Thandie seems to be regaining consciousness as right hand is firmly squeezing my hand. All I can hope for is that it’s not an involuntary action a person does when there are in a coma. Thandie’s eyes blinker slowly, as the heart monitor starts to beat at a more increased rate. Slowly opening her eyelids, I adjust my sitting position. “Thandie, I am here.” I say looking all fired up. Her mouth slowly moves, “Ti, Ti, Ti, Ti.” Mumbles Thandie in sedated voice. “Tinashe, take care of the twins for me, tell them mommy loves them. I will always be there for them.” “Don’t speak, like you are dying today. You are a fighter, you made this far it shows how strong your will power is” “No Tinashe, I am hearing other voices calling me, I don’t believe I will be with you today in flesh.” “No, don’t say that.” “Tinashe Mushayabasa, I love you.” “I love you too Thandie, the mother of my children.” “We shall meet again. I love you my love.” said Thandie as her hand slipped from hand, “Nooooooooooooooooooooo, don’t leave me, Nurse, nurse, nurse, nurse, nurse, help.” I shout on top of my voice. “To-to-to-to-to-to-to-to” sounded the heart monitor as Thandie’s heart beat falls dramatically, until that point when it stopped. My Thandie is gone, why Lord, why is it always me? Doctor Smits and a nurse come rushing into the room, Dr Smits checks Thandie’s vital signs to see if there is life, I see the Doctor shake his head sideways, I am sorry sir. She is gone.” “She can’t leave, like this, Thandie, why Thandie.” I say as I fall to my feet, tears pouring down my checks at that moment Thandie’s parents come rushing into the room. Thandie’s parents had flown from Port Elizabeth to Pretoria, they had bought airplane tickets for the earliest flight leaving for Pretoria, when I told them that Thandie had been shot and was fighting for her life. Thandie’s father comes to console, me as he sits down on the floor before embracing me. “Don’t despair, I know it hurts and as father I am hurting inside, but don’t let yourself go like this.” “I don’t know what to do, now Thandie is gone. I just don’t know what to do Father.” is gone l “My son, don’t be like that. With time you will recover from this heartache.” said Thandie’s father. I can see tears trickle down Thandie’s mother’s cheeks as she stands beside the lifeless body of Thandie. “Just take my soul dear Lord, I don’t deserve to live” “Don’t say that Tinashe, If you die, who will take care of the twins.” said Thandie’s father. I had only be married with Thandie for exactly twenty months. It felt like death had handed me a knockout blow this time around. It seems everyone who tries to get near me dies in a tragic manner, from Andrew’s horrific death, to the untimely death of my old man, to Bongani dying in the most heart stopping manner now to the love of my life losing her life in a similar way to Bongani, maybe I should never get near people, because they will get hurt which in the end will also leave me aching inside. As the day wears on, I get in touch with reality, the denial is gone that Thandie is gone. I know immediately that I have to present the evidence that Thandie had gathered to the police, I had to rush back and find that flash drive that Thandie had transferred the evidence to as backup. I only tell Thandie’s parents that I have an import errand that I have to run before day end. Arriving at home I check on the twins, who are playing in the lounge under the watchful eye of Jessica, who I tell the sad news about Thandie’s death. The bedroom, resembles a pigsty as I have turned everything upside down in search of that flash drive, after almost twenty minutes of searching I find it in the cupboard which houses Thandie’s jewellery. Without further delay, I leave the house, I ask Jessica if she stay a bit longer with the twins and she agrees. I make my way to the local police station in Sandton where I get in contact with the officer in charge, who identifies herself as Assistant Inspector Fiona Daniels. I tell her everything I had being told by Thandie and I hand the officer in charge the evidence. I also Assistant Inspector Daniels, the threatening message Thandie received. I leave Thandie’s mobile phone with the Assistant Inspector Daniels who tells me that there are going to try and trace the person who sent the message. She assures me that if Khumalo is guilty then justice would take its course. Four days later as I prepare to lay to rest Thandie, I hear the intercom sounding, and I respond to and I see that it is Assistant Inspector Daniels in VW golf police car. I open the gate for them, after which I meet up with her in the parking lot adjacent the quad lock up garage. As I approach the parking lot I notice that Assistant Inspector Daniels is disembarking out of the car with three other male police officers. Two of the police officers who were sitting at the back of the car look a bit familiar. The VW golf car almost instantly regains its normal position as the front body which was almost touching the wheels. Both of these police officers are not fat there are way over weight, and there is no thief that there are going to run after in such physical conditions. “Good morning Mr Mushayabasa. To my right are Detective Inspectors Gaxa and Bhebhe and to my left is Sergeant Mpho Kekana who works in Pretoria, he is the one investigating your wife’s hijacking.” “I know you, guys, Gaxa and Bhebhe went you the officers who were investigating the death of my friend Bongani Nkosi?” “Yes there are.” replied Assistant Inspector Daniels. Bhebhe and Gaxa had been promoted from ranks of constables to know Detective Inspectors. Not only had these guys got promoted they had gained weight substantially since the last time our paths crossed. “Yes there is good news for you Mr Mushayabasa.” said Assistant Inspector Daniels. What I was about to be told was going to shake my life, there was a twist of fate. So I thought to myself, what is the relationship between the deaths of Thandie and that of Bongani, to think of it they did not know each other as far as I am concerned? “We had a ballistic test which showed that the bullets which were removed from your wife’s body were of the same calibre as those which shot Bongani.” said Detective Inspector Bhebhe. “There is link, so in shot my friend and my wife where shot with same person.” “Unfortunately, it’s not only your wife and friend who lost their lives. About fifteen people were shot with this same gun. What were are not sure of though is if the person who killed your wife, your friend and the other fifteen victim is same.” said Detective Inspector Gaxa. “We managed to trace the origin of the threatening message sent to your wife.” said Assistant Inspector Daniels. “So who wrote it?” I asked. “We traced the phone to number and found out the sim card was registered to a Mr Smith.” replied Assistant Inspector Daniels. “So who is this Smith guy?” “Mr Smith also happened to be the owner of the phone, however, two days prior to the message been sent, Mr Smith filed a police report stating that his phone as well as his wallet had been stolen.” said Assistant Inspector Daniels. “So where is this Mr Smith?” “Be patient Mr Mushayabasa. There is a twist to the story.” chipped in the cool looking Sergeant Kekana. “What’s the twist?” “We managed to trace the phone and it was wrapped in paper bag and it had been disposed of at dump site South of Rustenburg.” “So Sergeant Kekana, how sure are you that this Smith guy is not involved in these murders?” The story was getting more complicated, Sergeant Kekana then told me that they ran fingerprints on the mobile phone, and there was high probability they could not pick up any prints due to the condition of the phone. But in the end there were able to establish a positive id of two sets of fingerprints one of the set of fingerprints was that of Errol Smith and the other set was Wayne Ndaba. The story still had a twist, Wayne Ndaba, matched the description of the person who shot Bongani, the witness who saw Bongani shot noted that the guy had visible laceration on his right hand, and was tall, both of these physical appearances matched the physical appearance of Wayne, the police then made a raid at Wayne’s home in Pretoria, where they a gun in his home, and its bullets matched the calibre of

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