The Life and Deaths of Crispin Lacey by Barbara Bretana - HTML preview

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Chapter 63

When I woke up, I knew where I was. Or at least, what kind of place I was in. A hospital. There weren’t any police standing outside my door and I could see both Matt and Jake sleeping in chairs next to my bed. There were other rooms around a central desk, the soft murmurs of adult voices and kids’ complaints, whimpers and cries echoing around the floor. A PEDs unit in a small hospital from the view out the window. I saw a four-story brick building next to the one I was in, from my window I could see the roof laid out with air-conditioning and heating units on a flat tarred roof.

I was hooked up to an IV on a pole and there was a big plastic bag of fluids and a smaller one of antibiotics. I couldn’t see what kind; my eyes weren’t focused right. Everything looked blurry and dull.

“Ma…Dad?” I whispered. He woke up instantly, his eyes brilliant and scared.

“Cris. How are you feeling?” Getting up, he took my hand, the one without the IV line. My right.

“Okay. Told you that I wasn’t that bad,” I grumbled.

“Cris, it’s been three days since you were awake last,” he said gently. “You had a massive infection in your system. The doctors put you on high-powered antibiotics and you turned the corner last night, but this afternoon is the first time you’ve been lucid. Your temperature climbed up to 105.2°.” He looked terrified.

“Anyone know who we are?” That was all that I was worried about, not my health but whether the cops were after us. Is top notch.”

“There are no warrants out for Cris or Matt Lacey nor Jake Lacey,” Matt said. “And our insurance cards are good‒my employer paid health insurance through the St. Louis Arch Trust is top notch.”

“I take it Uncle Jason has our backs?” I asked. Matt nodded. “Did the doctor say how long I have to stay here?”

“Twenty-four hours after your temp stays @ 98.6°. Give or take a degree,” said a strange voice.

The doctor breezed in‒ a young dude that looked a lot like a twin to Prince Harry only not going bald. “I’m Dr. Scott, the ER physician that saw you when you presented in the ED.” He picked up my wrist and took my pulse, checked my chart and my vitals. “How are you feeling, Mr. Lacey?”

“Uh, okay,” I said cautiously. “I’m hungry. My bones ache.”

He had me sit up and bent my arms at the elbow, my knees and my ankles. “That hurt?” he asked as I winced. I nodded. “You might have some fluid build-up in the joints. From the high fever. Getting up and moving will take the swelling and pain down. You had a severe case of blood poisoning and high fever. That can affect the joints. Luckily, your lungs weren’t compromised, and the paramedics got you here fast. I think we can put you in a semi-private room, get you out of the ICU. Sound good?”

I nodded again. “Can I go home?” I asked.

“In a couple of days. When your temp goes down and stays down to 98.6° for at least 24-48 hours.” He looked at Matt and Jake. Shook their hands and left as quickly as he had come.

“Take me home now, Matt. Please,” I said and sat up. Throwing the sheets back, I started to pull out my IV line, but Matt stopped me cold. And my head felt funny, as if I were far away from them.

“No. You disappear now, and it will trigger a red flag. Uncle Jase called. He said that there are several inquiries about a certain boy’s whereabouts and our government cousins have a BOLO out on three males.”

“If we stay here, won’t the docs be curious about us? About my burns and breaks?” I asked settling back in the bed. I gave the covers a disgruntled kick.

“All our papers are legit. Checks out if they run them. No one is curious about the Laceys. Besides, we’ll be moving on by tomorrow night.”

“Where are you staying?”

“The hospital let us camp out in an empty room near the PEDs wing. A lot of parents need to stay close to their sick kids in case‒ One of the nurses likes Jake.”

I looked at him. Raised an eyebrow. “Over you, Matt? What, is she blind?”

“Hey!” Jake protested. “I’m as pretty as he is any day of the week!”

“Maybe,” Matt returned. “But I’m rich and have a kid, a chick magnet. More responsible and mature. Settled down, all the things a woman looks for in a man.”

I couldn’t help myself. I snickered as Jake snorted just in time for a pretty red-haired nurse with green eyes to come into my room with a tray. Of food. She blushed as she saw Jake, but he turned beet-red as she had clearly heard his snort.

“Hi, Jake,” she cooed, giving me a smile. “Hi, Cris. Mr. Lacey. I brought your son some lunch. Although, it’s really closer to dinner.”

She batted her lashes at Matt, and I asked her if she had something in her eye. She patted my cheek after she set the tray onto the bedtable, so I could inspect the food. Sandwich, pudding. Cake. The usual bland crap that you found in a hospital cafeteria. I was hungry enough not to care.

“You need any help?” she asked me. I shook my head. My hands merely looked red, the blisters and white skin all but gone. All I really felt still were the aches from what had been broken bones.

“Nah, I’m good. I think Uncle Jake needs some help with his nose, though,” I said seriously. I grinned when she giggled.

“You boys are a hoot.” She handed me that line with the square remote. “Lights. TV. Nurse call button. Ring if you need anything. Even a bathroom visit.”

“Dad can help,” I said unwrapping the turkey and bacon sandwich with lettuce and Swiss. Chocolate pudding. Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Chicken noodle soup. Soda and a carton of milk. Two chocolate chip cookies. Not bad.

“Be better if you call me, Cris. You don’t need to risk a fall.”

“Yeah. Whatever.” I waved her away and fell to eating. Rightly, I devoured the stuff, my manners went out the window. Nobody said anything. They watched me eat everything, their concentrated stare made me self-conscious. Finally, when I couldn’t take it anymore, I looked back at them.

“What? You guys hungry? Why don’t you go out and get some real food? I’m gonna go sleep after this huge meal. Have you even remembered to eat while I’ve been in here, Matt?”

“You called me Dad,” he said.

“You are my dad. In every way but DNA between these two bodies. I’d like to call you that all the time if it’s okay.”

“I’d be honored, son,” he said softly. He hugged me, then stepped back. “Jake. How about we hit up a Chicago style steak house?”

“Hey!” I complained. “No fair! I want steak, too!”

“We’ll bring you a doggie bag,” he grinned. Kissed me on the forehead and left me with a full stomach and drowsy complaints.