The Lost Clipper by Michel Poulin - HTML preview

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Golden Globe Awards ceremony

Hollywood, California

‘’Ladies and gentlemen, it is now my pleasure to present to you two outstanding actors who unfortunately had to wait a very long time to receive their awards. Despite all that time, however, nobody wil dispute the true talent shown by those two actors, whose fame has only grown with the years. Please applaud the 1960 recipients for respectively the best actor and best actress in a comedy movie, for their work in ‘Some like it hot’.


The huge crowd of spectators and guests facing the large stage applauded with enthusiasm as Jack Lemmon and Marilyn Monroe appeared from one side of the stage, waving happily at the crowd while walking towards the presenter and the two young women carrying the two prizes. Once in front of the presenter’s microphone, the couple accepted their prizes from the presenter and shook hands with him or, in the case of Marilyn, exchanged kisses on the cheek. Jack Lemmon then took the microphone and spoke in it while throwing a faked look of annoyance at Marilyn.

‘’Gee, Marilyn! I know that you are always late for your scenes, but being 56

years late?’’

Marilyn, like the crowd of spectators and the presenter, burst into laughter at Lemmon’s joke. She then approached the microphone and spoke in her sensual voice.

‘’Well, at least you are wearing a suit instead of a dress for this scene, Jack.’


There was more laughter around the hal . When it died down, Jack Lemmon spoke again in the microphone, this time while facing the spectators.

‘’I can’t say how happy receiving this prize makes me, ladies and gentlemen. I am however also sad to see that so many talented actors and actresses, giants of Hollywood that me and Marilyn knew, are now dead. I was particularly sad to learn of the death in 2010 of our costar in the film ‘Some like it hot’, Tony Curtis. These men and women will always live in our hearts and I thus dedicate my prize to their memory.


As the crowd applauded again, Lemmon gave the microphone to Marilyn but also spoke in a low voice that was amplified by the speakers.

‘’You do remember your line, Marilyn?’’

Marilyn pul ed out her tongue at him, causing more laughter before she spoke to the crowd, a smile on her beautiful face.

‘’Don’t mind him, folks: he’s just a grumpy old man.’’

This time, Jack Lemmon laughed with the crowd. When she spoke again, Marilyn had become serious, holding her prize in front of her.

‘’I must thank you all for making this possible, ladies and gentlemen. This is like a dream come true for me and your love and support has helped me become what I am now. Be assured that I wil work hard to produce more films that you can enjoy. I LOVE


The true emotion and happiness on Marilyn’s beautiful face, caught by the cameras zoomed on her as she said those four last words, sent shivers of desire down the spine of most male television viewers. She then left the stage with Jack Lemmon under thunderous applauses.