The Motor Boys on the Pacific; Or, the Young Derelict Hunters by Clarence Young - HTML preview

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“Isn’t this perfectly delightful,” remarked Nellie, as she reclined on some cushions in the little cabin. “I just love to be on the water!”

“Well, it’s better than being out in the fog,” admitted Jerry, as he adjusted the oil feed on the engine, and glanced over the moonlit waves.

“There don’t seem to be many boats out tonight,” observed Olivia.

“Maybe the owners are afraid of a storm,” suggested Rose. “Sometimes a storm will follow a fog. I wonder if it’s safe for us to go out?”

“We’re not going far, and we’ll keep near shore,” replied Jerry. “It does act as if it was going to blow a bit, but I guess it will not amount to much.”

There was quite a swell on as they got further out, and the Ripper rolled some, but the boys and girls were too good sailors to mind that.

“I wonder if we’ll meet Mr. Blowitz again,” came from Nellie, after a period of silence. “He’s always turning up most unexpectedly.”

“I don’t believe we’ll see him to-night,” said Ned. “What do you think he wanted of us? Shall I tell ’em, Jerry?”

“Might as well, I’m going to tell Mr. Seabury as soon as I see him.”

Thereupon Ned related the interview with Carson Blowitz, and the latter’s desire to have the boys search for the derelict Rockhaven.

“I hope you don’t go,” spoke Nellie.

“Why not?” asked Bob.

“Because—well, because,” and she laughed a little uneasily.

“That’s just like a girl,” remarked Jerry, good-naturedly. “They don’t want you to do a thing, but they can’t tell you why.”

“Well, it’s just an uneasy feeling I have toward Mr. Blowitz, that’s all,” went on Nellie. “I can’t explain it, but I feel, whenever I am near him, that he is planning something mean, or that he is up to some trick.”

“Well, it’s just how I feel,” declared Rose, and Olivia admitted that she, too, did not trust the man.

“Well, we haven’t decided to go,” said Jerry, “and we’re going to have a talk with your father about it. I admit I’d like to make the trip and find the brig, but, as you say, I don’t quite trust Blowitz.”

“Oh!” suddenly exclaimed Rose, as a wave, larger than any that had preceded it, sent a shower of spray over the boat. “Don’t go out any farther, Jerry. It’s getting quite rough.”

“Yes, I guess it is,” admitted the steersman, as he put the boat about. “There’s quite a swell on. Wouldn’t wonder but we’d have a storm by morning, though it’s bright enough overhead. I don’t believe Ponto is a good prophet.”

There were only a few clouds in the sky, and the moon was shining down like a big silver disk, making objects unusually bright, for the southern moonlight is wonderful.

Jerry put the boat over near shore, and steered along the coast, which, at that point was quite rocky, cliffs rising here and there to a considerable height above the water.

“Look out you don’t run her on the rocks again,” cautioned Ned.

“I’ll be careful,” replied Jerry. “Maybe you want to run her a while. I don’t want to be the whole show.”

Ned was glad of the chance to take the wheel, and he and Jerry changed places. They were proceeding at slow speed, the girls occasionally humming the chorus of a song, and the boys joining in when they knew the air. The beauty of the night, the fine boat, and delight of moving along with scarcely a sound, had them all under a sort of magic spell, and they felt they could thus go on forever.

It was when they came opposite a range of low cliffs, close to the water’s edge, that Bob suddenly called out in a low voice:

“Look at the men on the rocks!”

“Where?” asked Jerry.

“Over there,” and Bob pointed. Ned steered the boat nearer to where two black figures, sharply outlined in the moonlight, could be seen in bold relief on the cliff.

“They are men, sure enough,” replied Jerry, “but you needn’t get excited over it.”

“I’m not,” went on Bob. “Only one of them is Mr. Blowitz, that’s all.”

“Mr. Blowitz?” queried Jerry sharply.

“Hush! He’ll hear you,” cautioned Rose. “Sounds carry very easily over water.”

“It is Mr. Blowitz,” admitted Jerry. “I wonder what he’s doing out here.”

“Probably getting some more information about the brig Rockhaven,” suggested Ned. “Maybe that’s a seaman who has some news of her.”

By this time the motor boat was quite close to the two men, who, however, did not seem to notice the Ripper. There was no question about the identity of Mr. Blowitz. The other man was a stranger to the boys and girls. The two were apparently talking earnestly, and, occasionally Mr. Blowitz could be seen to be gesticulating violently.

“He’s mad about something,” declared Ned.

“It does look so,” agreed Rose.

All at once the boys saw Blowitz take a step toward the other man, who retreated, as if afraid. Blowitz raised his hand as though to give a blow.

“Look out!” cried Ned involuntarily, as if the man could hear him. “You’ll go over the cliff!”

With a quick motion he turned the boat, steering toward the foot of the rock, above which the men stood.

At that instant a black cloud came over the moon and the scene was plunged in darkness. It was just as if it had been blotted out, and a murmur of surprise, at the suddenness of it, came from those in the Ripper.

At the same instant a cry rang out—a man’s cry—and it seemed to be one for help.