The Oak Tree by Julie Judish - HTML preview

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Chapter 19


The first glimpse the group got of the house was breathtaking. The drive leading up to the actual house was quite long, well tended, with beautiful trees and a line of delicate flowering bushing along the drive. By the time they reached the house, Jo was beginning to wonder if they had made a wrong turn since it had taken so long, but there it was, in all of its majesty.

The mansion was encased in marble pillars. Jo couldn’t tell whether it was a two or three story structure from the outside. She could see it was imposing. The others in the car were gasping and commenting on the magnificent splendor in front of them.

“Jo, why are we here?” Charlie demanded. “We are supposed to be looking at affordable apartments. What’s the big idea?”

“Well, I was getting hungry, so Roberts suggested we visit this house and eat here.”

Charlie eyed the house dubiously. “This isn’t a restaurant, is it?”

Jo laughed. “No, but a friend of Roberts owns it, and told him he could bring his New York guests to dine this evening.”

“I must say, Jo, that I’m a bit concerned about this job you are taking on,” Brad spoke softly so that Roberts in the front of the limo wouldn’t hear. “He brings you to New York to celebrate accepting a job? Then he takes you in a limo to see expensive homes and apartments that even I couldn’t afford? Jo, are you sure this job is a good idea? It seems, well, how do I put this,” he looked away, as if embarrassed to bring up something that might be painful. “Jo, I think it’s out of your league.”

Alex, hearing the caution in Brad’s voice, decided to join in. “I told her that already, but you have to give Jo credit for trying. Yes, she is taking on a big responsibility, and attempting new things. Yes, she will be swimming with big fish, but it’s her life. Jo needs to live it.”

He nodded in agreement. “I understand all of that, and I am proud of you for getting a job so quickly. What I don’t understand is what kind of job it is. You never really told us, Jo. What kind of employer hires a novice fresh out of high school for a job in New York that takes them from home the day after being hired? It just feels fishy, Jo. Can you go into more details about the job?”

“Yeah, Jo. What is the job anyway?” Charlie seconded her father.

“Brad, Mindy,” Alex spoke, “It really is all right. My parents and I were in the room with Jo for the job interview. Roberts is above board. We accompanied her to New York to visit, not to chaperone. I believe Roberts to be a fine person, and you will discover that too.” She was careful not to give anything away. Alex knew that Jo would tell them when she felt she was ready.

Jo felt bad about worrying the Allens. There hadn’t been a chance to tell Charlie and her family the news of her inheritance, so of course they would all be affected by her total lack of concern regarding the unusual circumstances of her job, but she knew it would take hours to explain everything, and she had no intention of launching that conversation in the vehicle.

“I promise I am listening to you, to all of you. I will get into all the details as soon as we get to the final apartment we will be visiting tonight.” Jo looked at Charlie. “It’s the one I like the best for both its closeness to work, and its luxury. I think you will love it too.” Jo looked out the window at Roberts patiently waiting for them to exit the limo. “But first lets go see this house that Roberts has graciously gotten permission for us to visit. I promise you that I will satisfy all of your concerns before the evening is over.”

Jo looked at Brad steadily. He nodded, accepting her promise. “Now let’s go check out this house!” Jo opened the door, and everyone got out.

A man and woman were waiting at the front door to welcome her. “Miss Becker?” The woman asked. Jo nodded at her. “I am Mrs. Standon, and this is Mr. Standon. Welcome to BeckFord House. We are so glad to see you so soon! We didn’t expect it. Mr. Hartford only visited the house on holiday weekends, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. He had no time to take in its loveliness.”

Brad whispered to Sam, “Who is Mr. Hartford?”

Sam whispered back, “It’s a long story, but you will hear about him tonight, too.”

Jo smiled at Alex, who had caught up with her. Charlie and Kyle weren’t far behind.

“Would you like a tour of the house first? Or would you like to eat?”

“The food is ready?” Jo was stunned. It hadn’t been more than twenty-five minutes since she had placed the call to Tammy.

“Yes, Miss Becker. The delivery came just before you arrived. I left it warming until you are ready for it.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Standon. That was very kind of you.” The woman seemed to glow at Jo’s words of praise. “I think we would like the tour first, if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all, Miss Becker. This way.”

Mrs. Standon led the group of eight into the front room. Roberts didn’t come in with them, preferring to stay outside. The gated driveway to the home, and a twelve-foot wall surrounding the property as well as the high-tech security system gave Roberts some breathing room. He wished the girl would live here. It would be more secured than most of the other places.

The home was grand, and Jo caught her breath. There was a beautiful staircase leading upstairs, and a crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling in the center of the room. Exquisite detail and workmanship were displayed in the furnishing. Obvious antiques, obviously expensive. Mrs. Standon told the history of several of the pieces, and then moved them all to another room.

The library was well stocked with close to one thousand volumes, was the proud declaration Mrs. Standon gave as they entered the next room. Jo saw row after row of books. Some were modern, but most were ancient. She assumed many were priceless first editions. On the wall of the library were also several one-of-a-kind tapestries. One depicted a war, another famine. Each had delicate detail.

There was a living room, or ‘sitting room’ Mrs. Standon called it. Besides a large entertainment system equivalent to the one in the penthouse, it had several deep sofas, recliners, and a fireplace that took up an entire wall. “Magnificent!” Jo exclaimed.

From room to room their efficient guide escorted them. Each room depicted a life of luxury and fulfillment. The twelve bedrooms, each with its own private bathroom, had been appointed different themes. Jo loved the tropical room; Alex preferred the lake room. Charlie fell onto the bed in the beach room, and declared “I’ve come home. I’m not leaving.” Everyone laughed at that. There was also a room with an Aztec theme, and some plain, modern accessories in two. Overall, the whole group was impressed by the home.

The gardens outside were equally impressive. There were roses in every color under the rainbow. Jo was thrilled; she loved roses. A large deck led to a beautiful swimming pool fed by a waterfall that cascaded over rocks. There was a gazebo with an outdoor grill and picnic tables as well. A room off the deck was discovered to be a sauna. There was nothing missing from this luxury home, Jo realized pleasantly.

“This is a beautiful home, Mr. Roberts,” Mindy told him when he joined the party once more. “Please give your friend our thanks for the pleasure of seeing it.”

Alex covered her mouth with her hand to stifle the smile, and Roberts involuntarily glanced at Jo. Then he remembered that the Allen family wasn’t aware of Jo’s role, and graciously agreed to the request. “I will give your thanks.”

The tour ended at the kitchen when, after inspecting each cupboard and appliance, the group was escorted into the dining room to be seated. The efficient Mrs. Standon quickly served a hot meal to the guests.

Mindy, knowing that Jo was without the benefit of motherly advice since her mother was just buried the day before, was troubled over the entire evening. Since the moment Jo had come to get them in a limo, she had been anxious over the new job. Although she had heard Jo’s promise to her husband just an hour earlier, she was unable to let it go. She looked at Mr. Roberts, sitting at the table near Jo.

“It was so kind of you to get your friend to let us see the house,” she told him once she had his attention, “and provide this wonderful meal for us, but I’m still wondering why. Why is our Jo being given the red carpet treatment, Mr. Roberts? What are you planning on doing with her?” Roberts didn’t answer.

“Mindy, I told you I would explain everything tonight. I realize it looks incriminating from where you sit; the whole thing looks like I might be being set up. Sam and Kendra both tried to dissuade me from accepting this position, but I know I need to do this for myself.” Jo stood up. It was time to explain everything.

“Look, I wanted to wait until we got to the penthouse to tell you what was going on--”

“The penthouse?” Charlie and Kyle both interrupted Jo. Alex smiled. This was getting fun.

“Roberts is my bodyguard, not my employer,” Jo began. She decided to jump in with both feet.

“Bodyguard?” Charlie sat up, astounded. “Jo, what’s going on?”

“This is my house, Charlie. I own it, and several others, including the condo on the beach, and the penthouse I wanted to take you all to.” Stupefied, the Allens sat dumbfounded as Jo continued. “I wanted to wait until I had time to get into the whole story before I told you anything. The limo is mine, too. I own four, or twelve, or something. I forget how many.”

            “Twelve, Miss Becker,” Roberts interjected.

            “Thank you.” Jo realized she was getting ahead of herself. “Let’s go sit in the living room where we can see each other, and I can tell you from the beginning.”

“Good idea, Jo, because I’m totally lost,” Charlie quickly stood up and grabbed Jo, propelling her to the living room. Once everyone was seated, Charlie sat down and demanded, “Take it from the top, Jo. I want to hear everything!”

Jo smiled. “Roberts came to California not to offer me a job, but to protect me until I was able to take my position at the company he works for. He is one of their lead security agents. They had been informed that there was a threat on my life. The arsonist who burnt my home down was a hired assassin, Charlie. I was supposed to die in the fire.”

“That’s what Officer Peters told us that day at the Police Station,” Charlie remembered.

“But what the police didn’t know, and what I found out from Roberts, is that my father left me an inheritance.”

“An inheritance?” Brad looked shocked. “I found no record of anything from him. I searched for life insurance policies for him as well as your mother while I was processing the other claims.”

“Jo, wait. This house is yours?” Charlie asked. Jo nodded. “You’re filthy rich, aren’t you?” Charlie asked accusingly.

“Yes, Charlie,” Jo laughed. “And that’s where you come in.”

“What do you mean?” Charlie asked.

“I need help picking out a new wardrobe,” Jo told her helplessly.

Charlie sucked in a deep breath, and then whooped loudly. “Now we are talking!”

“Hold it, hold it! I want to know about her father and the inheritance!” Mindy interrupted. “Jo, can you please start at the beginning? I will tape Charlie’s mouth shut so I can hear you.” Mindy glared at the exuberant Charlie who was dancing all over the room. Shopping was Charlie’s favorite pastime. Jo, Alex and her parents.

Jo started from the beginning. She told the Allen family everything that had transpired since the day before. She answered every question the cautious attorney, Brad, asked her, and smiled at every whoop and holler from Charlie. It was obvious that Charlie was thrilled that Jo was rich.

“So this morning, Roberts and the rest of my security team brought me to New York on my private jet.” Jo continued the story.

“You have a jet?” Charlie asked, astonished.

“You have a jet?” Kyle bounded out of his seat.

Alex and Jo both laughed. That had been their exact response. “That was what I asked, too, when Roberts told me,” Jo commented.

Jo told them about the penthouses and visiting the company headquarters for the first time. She described the board members she’d met that day, and explained Tammy the best she could. Jo herself was still unsure what Tammy’s role in her life would be.

“So then, I knew you were here in New York as well, so Alex and I decided to come kidnap you, and force you into my world.”

“Jo, what was the company name? I don’t recall you mentioning it.”

“BeckFord Financial Corporation,” Jo replied.

Brad quickly stood at the news. “BeckFord Financial? ‘The’ BeckFord Financial that runs the economy?” Jo nodded, and he slowly sat back down as if in a daze.

“Jo, do you have any idea what this means?”

“I can afford a new wardrobe?” She cheekily responded. Everyone laughed. “Yes, I am coming very quickly to understand what it means, and after consideration, I decided yesterday that I would do this for my father. I would take on the responsibility he left me, and I will become the woman he would have wanted me to be, had he lived.”

“But Jo, that means you are worth millions of dollars.”

“Billions,” Alex corrected Brad. “About $150 billion, and now we know why someone is trying to kill her.”

“We do?” Charlie asked. “How would killing Jo help anyone? Jo, do you have someone named in your will?”

“I don’t even have a will!” Jo exclaimed. “No, it’s a complex story. Roberts, can you explain?” Jo requested. Roberts picked up the story, explaining about the division of assets if no heir had been found.

“So it’s all about the money then. It’s always about the money,” Brad sighed. “So you are her bodyguard?” He asked of Roberts.

“There are six agents assigned to Miss Becker’s team. Two will be with her at all times, and if she chooses to live in the penthouse we have extra security measures in place at that location.”

“Jo, I’ve got to see the penthouse. It’s in the business district, right?” Charlie asked.

“Yes, and its absolutely perfect. I wanted to show it to you all tonight if you weren’t too tired. And Charlie,” Jo hesitated. She was unsure of her friend’s reaction to Jo’s newfound wealth, but Charlie’s eyes were bright, excited. Jo rushed on, “Charlie, I want you to live with me in New York. Wherever you want is fine, but I really like the penthouse best. Although this place is not bad.” Jo looked around the room at the elegance. It was a perfect mix of modern and antique. The home was lovely, but not practical for just one or two people to live in.

“Yes, Yes!” Charlie jumped up and gave Jo an enthusiastic bear hug. “Let’s go see your penthouse then, Jo. I’m sure Daddy would love for me to be living with someone instead of on my own.”

“Forget Daddy, Mommy is thrilled!” Mindy stood up and hugged Jo. “I am so happy for you, little girl. Forgive me for doubting you for even a moment. This couldn’t have happened to a nicer person, sweetheart.” She stood back to look Jo in the eyes. “And thank you for wanting Charlie. I have been worried sick about her being so far from home, alone. This is the best present you could give me, Jo. Thank you.” Mindy wiped a tear that had escaped.

Charlie was a little stunned by her mother’s words. “Mom, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. You should have told me.”

“No, honey, you need to be able to grow up without me holding you back. I was willing to let you do it, too, but now I feel so much better knowing you are surrounded by top notch security and a best friend to lean on. I will be able to sleep at night.”

Charlie hugged her mom. “Maybe Jo and I can come home on weekends in her private jet,” Charlie laughingly suggested.

“I already planned on it,” Jo replied.

“You did?”

“Yep. I knew we would both need to see our friends and families still. I’m just glad I have the means to make it happen.” Jo smiled.

“And I want to come visit as often as you come home,” Alex declared. “Once you are familiar with New York, of course.”

“And once they find out who hired the assassin and Jo is safe again,” Kendra cautioned. “It will be hard enough for the security team to keep Jo safe, let alone three girls.

“I assure you, Mrs. Turner, that Miss Becker and her friends, however many she chooses to entertain at a time, will be completely secure. If we doubt our ability to contain three excited girls, then we call for reinforcements. I’m sure it will be quite impressive for Miss Becker and her friends to be escorted by eight security agents at once. No one would dare come near them, frankly,” Roberts interrupted

“No one?” Charlie seemed sad. “What if a guy wants my phone number?” she pouted. The room rang with laughter.

“After the gentleman’s credentials are acquired, and a background check thoroughly completed, then the young man would be allowed to have your phone number,” was Roberts’ straight-faced response.

“I’m sold!” Charlie’s dad stood up and, laughing shook Roberts’s hand. “I’m sure the girls are in good hands with you.”

Charlie was still pouting, but followed the rest as they left for the penthouse.

The drive was filled with last minute things that Jo had forgotten to mention in the rest of the story. She told them how many homes she had, and showed Charlie her checkbook. Charlie came out of her funk very quickly after that, since she realized she would be shopping without having to look at price tags. It was her favorite way to shop, even if the items wouldn’t be hers. The pleasure was in the purchase, she believed, and once Jo informed them of the probable luncheon with the President, Charlie could barely be contained.

They pulled up to the apartment building where the favored penthouse was located, and piled out of the limo. Roberts led the way to the private elevator. He met Diaz just coming down.

“Roberts, I just tried to contact you,” Diaz urgently but silently pulled Roberts aside. He whispered something to Roberts, but Jo couldn’t hear what was being said.

“What’s going on, Jo,” Charlie walked up next to her. “Do we go up in this elevator?”

“Yes, but I don’t know what’s wrong. The man with Roberts is Diaz, his partner.”

“Can you hear what they are saying?” Alex asked as she, too, came closer to Jo.

Jo gave Alex a puzzled look. “Your ears work as well as mine do. Can you hear?” Jo laughed, and Alex smiled back.

“No, I suppose not,” she replied.

Just then, Roberts walked over to them, Diaz right behind him. His face was unreadable, but Jo could sense he was unhappy.

“Miss Becker, I don’t know how to tell you this,” he hesitated, as if trying to decide whether to go on. “Someone tried to break into the penthouse.”