The Oak Tree by Julie Judish - HTML preview

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Chapter 21


As the small group exited the elevators, a tall, distinguished looking gentleman approached them. Jo looked up at Roberts, to see his reaction. She knew that if he were frowning then the man would be considered a threat. Roberts had no expression at all. He noticed Jo watching him, however, and spoke. “That is Mr. Masterson. He was Mr. Hartford’s attorney.”

Jo looked back at the man who had almost reached them. He seemed very businesslike. He was not smiling.

“Roberts, nice to see you again,” the man said. He saw Roberts’s stance and realized Jo was the person the agent had to be protecting. “Miss Becker, I presume?” He held his hand out to Jo. She shook it and nodded. The man was intimidating.

“I am Mr. Masterson. I was Mr. Hartford’s personal attorney and confidant. He discussed everything with me before he implemented it, and I was his sounding board for new projects he wished to pursue. I would be happy to help you in this transition phase to settle into your new life. Since I know all about the company, from its inception, I would be honored to help you achieve the same success he obtained.” He handed her a business card. “I will be at the ten o’clock meeting Monday morning, and look forward to resuming my role at BeckFord. I could even take the meeting for you, if you were to find the business aspect too dull, my dear. Just let me know. I am at your beck and call.”

Jo thanked him politely, and breathed a sigh of relief when he was gone. “Roberts, who is he in the company, and do I really have to work with him? He seems creepy.”

“He was Mr. Hartford’s right hand man. He labored alongside Mr. Hartford for the past six years at least, giving suggestions and guidance. He is an astute businessman, to be sure. However, I’m not so sure he would be the best match for your personal attorney.” Roberts put Jo and the Turners into the waiting limousine, and sat in back with them for the ride to the Allen’s motel.

“I have to have a personal attorney?” Jo asked once they were on their way.

“Yes. BeckFord, of course, has a team of lawyers working in their legal department, but you will need one that works just for you, that makes sure that when decisions are made, they are in your best interest, not just the company’s.”

“And that is what Mr. Masterson did for Mr. Hartford?” Jo asked.

“Among other things, yes. Mr. Masterson oversaw the purchases of all the homes, the jet and the yacht. Basically, anything that involved money or power, Mr. Masterson advised him on.”

Alex looked at Jo. “The yacht?” she exclaimed.

Jo just shrugged. There was too much to take in.

“Why do you think he wouldn’t be a good personal attorney for me, Roberts? Was he inefficient?”

Roberts shook his head. “No, quite the contrary, he did his job well. I wonder, however, if he would be willing to let you do yours.”

Jo looked at him puzzled. “What do you mean?”

“Mr. Masterson was so good at advising that the last few months Mr. Hartford didn’t even go into the office very often. He let Mr. Masterson run the company. I’m wondering if the power and prestige he gained from that position would make Mr. Masterson bully you into letting him continue as the head.”

“You mean like the comment he said before he left, that I can skip the meeting and let him handle it?”

“Yes, exactly like that,” agreed Roberts. “He commented to Director Johnson that he was sure you would be open to letting him head up the meetings once you realized how little there was to do at the office. He hinted that your time would be best served spending money and enjoying your newfound wealth.”

Jo pondered that information. “I see. He’s good at his job and knows it, and doesn’t think anyone else can do it as well as he does.”

Roberts nodded. He liked this girl. She truly understood the complex adult interactions that most people her age still insist do not exist.

“Thank you for your opinion.” She hesitated. “How hard would it be to fire him and get a different attorney?” she asked.

Roberts smiled. “Impossible, since he is not hired.”

Jo grinned. “He isn’t currently my lawyer?”

Roberts shook his head. “Mr. Masterson’s contract was with Mr. Hartford, not BeckFord Corporation. Correct me if I am wrong, but the last time I checked, you already had a lawyer, Miss Becker.”

Jo’s eyes lit up, and she smiled. “Yes, yes I do!” She sighed relieved. “Now if only I can convince him to stay.”

Alex laughed. “Jo, you don’t know Mindy very well, do you? By now, she has the drape colors picked out for their new New York apartment she has yet to convince her husband to buy. There’s no way she would let Charlie move here permanently without a plan to join her. She has always wanted to live in New York, so letting Charlie move here was part of her long-term goal. I bet she already found a school for Kyle.”

Jo glanced at Alex puzzled. “I never got any indication from them that they wanted to move here, Alex. Are you sure?” she asked hopefully.

“I could tell from our talks yesterday at the condo and the mansion that she wished with all her heart they were moving instead of Charlie,” Kendra interjected. “She loved the mansion especially. She talked about how wonderful it would be to entertain there.”

“Wow,” Jo sat back in the limo seat, stunned. “I was so involved in the newness of everything that I was totally oblivious to everyone else.” She looked up at Alex’s parents. “Which home did you like best?” she asked, grinning.

Kendra looked at Sam, but answered cautiously. “We haven’t agreed to move here yet, Jo, but both the other penthouse and the mansion are too much for us. We would prefer something much simpler.”

Roberts couldn’t help overhearing the conversation, since he was sitting in the back with them, and told Jo, “If you like, I can arrange a house tour for both the Turners and Allens tomorrow, or even this afternoon. We can visit the other two homes and the six condos that you have not yet seen all in one day, and show the Allens the other penthouse of course, since they had not yet toured it,” Roberts offered.

Jo looked at the Turners, and Kendra nodded. “Okay, Roberts, we accept, and, thank you.”

 When the limo pulled up to the motel where the Allens were staying, they saw a second limo was already parked outside. Charlie came out and giddily jumped into the vehicle with Jo and Alex. Sam got out going with the men.

“Wait!” Jo stopped him. “Before you leave let’s all figure out where to meet somewhere for lunch.”

“Good idea,” Mindy agreed as she got into the limo with the other females. “Let’s meet at the ‘Le Train Bleu’ inside Bloomingdale’s at one o’clock. Just tell the driver, he will get you there.” She smiled and climbed into the limo. Alex and Jo looked at each other and grinned. Mindy was definitely in her element. Moving the Allens to New York was going to be a piece of cake!

Jo was taken from one department store to the next, forced to try on an army of outfits, and honestly cared for very few of them. Charlie and her mother picked out things Jo considered flashy and fake. They were dressy and businesslike, but she tried on whatever they handed her, with Alex’s help. Kendra found more sensible items, the everyday things that Jo also needed to replace. Designer jeans, sensible tops, comfortable shoes. Those she enjoyed trying on, and kept many of them.

By noon, Jo was exhausted. Charlie and her mom were chattering nonstop about where to go next as they all piled in the limo. Since it was close to the time they were meeting the men, they headed for Bloomingdale’s. Jo was herded to the ladies business section where once again she tried on outfit after outfit. She kept a close eye on her watch. Once it was a quarter to one she called it quits and suggested they head to the sixth floor for lunch. Both Mindy and Charlie were surprised that time had passed so quickly. They were having such a good time!

The five women entered the restaurant not sure what to expect. Jo hadn’t considered making a reservation, and when she saw the host at the door with a book, she wondered if it was a bad idea.

“Becker party of nine,” Jo said, including Roberts who was walking with them. Roberts touched her shoulder and shook his head. He couldn’t properly watch the people in the room at her table, he whispered in her ear, and would stand at the side of the room. “I’m sorry, party of eight,” she corrected to the maitre’d.

“Yes, I have your table ready,” he replied. Astonished, Jo looked at her friends and saw Mindy’s smile.

“I remembered that we needed a reservation, so I made the call while we were shopping,” she explained.

“I should have thought of that,” Alex commented. She had a lot to learn if she was going to take the assistant’s position for Jo.

They were led to a table where Kyle and the two men were already seated. They all quickly sat and began browsing the menu. Kendra looked at the price list and whistled. “Expensive place,” she whispered to Alex. Jo heard her though, and spoke up.

“This is my party, so lunch is on me. Order whatever you want.” Jo beamed. She had always wanted to be able to say that, so on impulse, she did. There were advantages to having money, she decided.

Their waiter came around and took their orders. Once he left, Jo asked the men how their day had been so far.

“There were no games playing today that looked interesting. We will have to catch one another time.”

“So what did you do all morning?” she asked curiously.

“We went on a ferry to the Statue of Liberty,” Kyle told them excitedly. “It was awesome!” He went into some details of the history of the landmark that he had learned from his tour.

“I’m so glad you got to do that, honey,” Mindy ruffled Kyle’s hair. He frowned. He hated it when she did that. Charlie, Jo and Alex giggled. His expression was priceless.

Jo cleared her throat. “There’s something I need to talk about,” she began. She looked directly at Charlie’s dad. “Brad, you are my attorney, right?”

Brad looked up, startled. “I was, yes, Jo. I helped you finalize everything I could back at home. Is there something else you need; some advice perhaps? I would be happy to help if I can.”

Jo grinned mischievously. “Are you positive you are still willing to help me?”

Brad nodded. “Of course, Jo. I will do anything I can for you.”

Jo’s eyes twinkled. “Great!” She handed him a list of properties she owned that she had gotten from Roberts. “These are all the homes and condos I own currently. I was wondering if you could check them each out, with the exception of the home and condo you’ve already seen, and of course the penthouse that us girls are sharing. Since you three men have nothing to do this afternoon, Diaz will accompany you with keys to all the homes.”

Brad looked puzzled. “Okay, Jo, I can do this, but why do you want them checked out?”

Jo tried hard to keep a straight face as she answered, “So that you can choose one of them to live in.”

Jo heard Charlie and Mindy gasp. Brad just stared. “I’m not sure I follow you, Jo.”

“You agreed to help me, and give me advice right?” she asked.

“Yes,” he nodded. “I assumed you needed help with something we could discuss now.”

Jo held her breath. This was the moment of truth. “I’ve been informed that I am required to retain the services of a lawyer to manage my personal affairs; someone I would trust to look after my interests and advise me on company matters as well.” Jo paused. “Brad, you were my lawyer in California, and I would like you to continue in that role, here in New York.”

Kyle whooped Mindy and Charlie stood up and hugged each other, jumping up and down. Attorney Bradley Allen looked at his family, and at his friends. He looked into Jo’s face and saw both the hope and the vulnerability she was openly displaying, and he realized she was serious.

He sighed heavily. “I can see my family is thrilled with your offer, Jo, but I need to think before I make a decision. I have my practice back in California to consider, and all my clients there.”

“You know good and well you can transfer those clients to your partners, Dad,” Charlie reprimanded him. “I remind you that Jo is your client, too, and she needs you.”

Brad was taken aback by that remark. He hadn’t considered the matter in that way, but his daughter was right. Jo needed him.

“And I know for a fact that you are accredited in New York as well as California, because of that large firm you handled two years ago that was headquartered in New York,” his wife reminded him.

“All right. We accept,” he stated blankly. He was still in shock, but knew it was the right thing to do. It was obvious by the way his family was celebrating at his statement that they were one hundred percent behind the decision, but he didn’t see Jo until she was at his side.

Jo put her arms around his shoulder and gave him a sideways hug. Very quietly, she said, “Thank you. This means so much to me.” There were tears in her eyes.

“How can I say no to my favorite client?” He smiled and stood up. He gave her a proper hug. “When do I report for work, Miss Becker?”

Jo frowned. “I’m not sure I like you calling me that. I have to put up with it from a lot of people already.”

Brad smiled. “How about Jo away from work, and Miss Becker at the office? Will that work for you?”

Jo grinned. “Perfect!” she exclaimed as she went back to her seat. “I met my Board of Directors yesterday, and our first meeting is Monday morning at ten o’clock. That is when I need you. It will be nice to know I have a friend in the room. From what I understand, Mr. Hartford had his lawyer with him in the meetings most of the time. It would be great for you to be there from the start.”

Brad nodded. “I will be there.” He picked up the list of properties. “Now about this; I’m sure from the amount you will be paying me that I will be able to afford my own place very quickly,” he winked.

“But why bother? Let Mindy spend all your money like she does now.” Jo smiled and everyone at the table laughed, Mindy included. “They are all empty, ready for occupancy. You can even keep your home in California as it is. I personally recommend the other penthouse. It’s very close to the business area, and very nice

Mindy glanced quickly at her husband. “Why don’t I go look at the homes with you this afternoon? Charlie can handle helping Jo with the shopping,” she suggested.

Kendra added, “Actually, I need to come, too, since we are most likely moving as well.”

Brad and Mindy looked at the Turners in pleasant surprise. “Well I see our Jo is moving her entire support system to New York with her,” Brad laughed.

Jo grinned. “That was the idea!”

Just then their lunch was served. Each guest raved about the wonderful food as they dined.

Jo looked around the table at her wonderful friends. She was bursting with happiness to see how much they cared for her, willing to change their lives to help her along with hers. Jo missed her mother terribly just then, but she carried her mother in her heart, and knew that her mother would be thrilled with all of her decisions thus far. Having both the Allen and Turner families close would have been exactly what her mother would have wanted for her inexperienced daughter.

Jo thought back to the oak tree in the park back home. She remembered the vision from far away; when all the beautiful green leaves hid the twisted ugly scarred branches beneath it. She felt as if she were popping leaves out all over her body today, displaying her character. She had the Turner and Allen families to thank for it. Yes, she was happy. As much as she missed her mother, she had to admit that life was good.

Suddenly Jo saw Roberts headed quickly towards her. He got to the table seconds before a tall thin woman, dressed flashily and with an extraordinary amount of makeup on, accosted the group.

“I heard that Miss Becker of BeckFord Financial was at this table,” she rudely stated. She looked each one over, disdain apparent in her glance. Her gaze settled on Mindy, who was the best dressed in the group. “You are Miss Becker, correct?”

Mindy laughed. “No, I am Mrs. Allen. I believe you have the wrong table.”

The woman seemed perturbed. “I was told by the Maitre’ D himself that Miss Becker was at this table. Which one of you is Miss Becker?”

Roberts spoke up. “What business do you wish with Miss Becker?”

The astute woman noticed Roberts for the first time. He was unimportant to her before he spoke, so she had ignored him. However, she saw the protective manner he had toward an average looking girl in dull clothing. She sighed.

“I have much to do, Miss Becker, to get you ready for your position in the company.” The woman walked around the table toward Jo. She reached for Jo’s arm, to pull her up from the table. “Come, we have work to do.”

Before she could touch her, however, Jo jumped up away from the woman. “Who are you, and what do you want?” she asked frightened. She was standing halfway behind Roberts now, with the woman on the other side.

The woman glared back at Jo, stunned. “You do not know who I am? How could you not know me? I am Maricela Zayden, premier shopper to all the rich and famous of New York. No one moves in the city without being attired in something I selected, and now I must make you over into a woman of wealth and power. Come, come. Let us get started.” The woman held out her long slim arm and gestured to Jo.

Jo looked at the arm reaching for her as if it were a snake. She moved further back, and Roberts’ stance became solid. The bold woman tried to step around Roberts, but he did not let her pass.

“I do not need your help Ms. Zayden, thank you. My friends are very efficient in choosing my wardrobe for me. If I ever need your help I will have my assistant call you.” Jo gave a frightened look toward Alex and Alex made a mental note to never ever need this woman’s assistance.

“Miss Becker, Mr. Hartford always had me select his wardrobe. In fact I was at his penthouse once a week to instruct him on which outfit to wear for each event on his schedule. You cannot honestly think that your--,” the woman paused and looked around at the people at the table as if they were leprous. “It is not possible for your simpleton friends to do what I will do for you, Miss Becker. Come, you are wasting my time.”

Again the woman tried to get around Roberts to Jo, and again, Roberts blocked her progress. By this time, Diaz was at her side, and Michaels and Davis were behind the intruder.

“I do not require your services, Ms. Zayden. I will contact you if I do, however I do not expect in the remotest corners of my mind that that will ever happen.” Jo dismissed the rude, obnoxious woman.

Maricela Zayden turned with a huff to leave the table, and ran into the two security agents. “This way to the exit,” Davis informed her, and firmly took her arm. Michaels took the other arm, and the woman was escorted out of the restaurant, loudly demanding to be released. Jo smiled at her discomfort.

Mindy turned to their waiter standing nearby and requested that he bring the Maitre’ D to the table. The gentleman appeared as requested, and Mindy spoke.

“Are you in the habit of giving out the names of customers who are dining in your establishment?” she demanded angrily. “Is this something you do on a regular basis, or is Miss Becker the only one to have received your total lack of professionalism?”

The startled restaurant manager hastened to apologize. “I am so sorry, ma’am. I had no idea she was not a friend of Miss Becker’s. Madam Zayden was with Mr. Hartford many times at my humble restaurant. It was an honest mistake, ma’am, I assure you. I did not know that Miss Becker had not yet hired Madam Zayden as her wardrobe consultant.” The manager was stumbling over his words by this time.

Jo, though frightened by the experience, suddenly lit up. She smiled broadly, “It’s all right. Apology accepted.” He left bowing, and thanking her.

“What are you smiling about, girl?” Alex asked her puzzled. “I didn’t see anything funny in what just happened.”

“Nothing funny, Alex. I just got an answer to a riddle I had been trying to solve.”

“What was the answer?” Alex asked.

“What was the riddle?” Charlie on the other side asked at the same time.

Jo looked from Alex to Charlie. “It’s quite simply, really,” she said to Charlie. “I had been trying to find a position for you, Charlie, to work for me, and now I have it. You started already; I just didn’t know it was a paid position until now.”

“What are you blabbering about, Jo? Spit it out in plain English.” Charlie demanded exasperated.

Alex gasped. “Yes! It’s perfect! You are right, Jo. That is the ideal position for Charlie.”

Charlie glared at Alex. “Just tell me!” She ordered.

Jo turned to Charlie and said, “You are my Wardrobe Consultant, Charlie, and I didn’t even know that job existed!”

Charlie’s face lit up and she gasped. “Do you mean it? I get paid for helping you shop and pick out which outfit to wear?” Charlie hugged Jo. “Yes, I accept! It is the most perfect job in the world!”

Jo and Alex laughed. Charlie was ecstatic. Jo looked around. She was surrounding herself with her friends, forming a tight-knit group that she could depend on. She sighed happily. She knew it was selfish to want them all to be near her, but she couldn’t help it. She needed these wonderful friends to help her get through each frightening new experience and she was very glad that they had all agreed to be there for her.

Jo sighed. Now if only she wasn’t constantly aware that someone was trying to kill her…