The Port of Missing Men by Meredith Nicholson - HTML preview

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Come, sweetheart, let us ride away beyond the city's bound,
 And seek what pleasant lands across the distant hills are found.
 There is a golden light that shines beyond the verge of dawn,
 And there are happy highways leading on and always on;
 So, sweetheart, let us mount and ride, with never a backward glance,
 To find the pleasant shelter of the Valley of Romance.

Before us, down the golden road, floats dust from charging steeds,
 Where two adventurous companies clash loud in mighty deeds;
 And from the tower that stands alert like some tall, beckoning pine,
 E'en now, my heart, I see afar the lights of welcome shine!
 So loose the rein and cheer the steed and let us race away
 To seek the lands that lie beyond the Borders of To-day.

Draw rein and rest a moment here in this cool vale of peace;
 The race half-run, the goal half-won, half won the sure release!
 To right and left are flowery fields, and brooks go singing down
 To mock the sober folk who still are prisoned in the town.
 Now to the trail again, dear heart; my arm and blade are true,
 And on some plain ere night descend I'll break a lance for you!

O sweetheart, it is good to find the pathway shining clear!
 The road is broad, the hope is sure, and you are near and dear!
 So loose the rein and cheer the steed and let us race away
 To seek the lands that lie beyond the borders of To-day.
 Oh, we shall hear at last, my heart, a cheering welcome cried
 As o'er a clattering drawbridge through the Gate of Dreams we ride!