The Reincarnation of J. D. Salinger by John Ivan Coby - HTML preview

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Losing my son broke my heart. I loved my Jerry more than life itself. He was the most honest, affectionate boy. He never lied and never raised his voice, and he always obeyed his father.

I knew that what the detective said about the girl, Phoebe, not being real could not have been true because Jerry never made things up. He never lied. She proved that I was right when she came to the funeral. I told Vincent that she would come. I told him to wait, and thank God he did. He told me that maybe she wouldn’t come because of what all the witnesses said. But I said,

‘Wait, Vincent, wait, hold back the priest because she will come.’

I knew it in my heart because I knew she was real, because Jerry never lied. He was a good boy.

She came up to me and gently lifted my veil. Then she kissed my cheek and whispered, crying, ‘I loved your son more than my own life. He was the most wonderful boy. I will never forget him and I will never stop loving him. You have been a wonderful mother. I am sorry for the loss of your son, and your daughter, Vesna, before.’

I have no idea how Phoebe knew about Vesna. She died when she was two years old and Jerry was only four. We were all devastated. Jerry rarely spoke about Vesna, so I have no idea how she knew. Then she said things that to this day mystify me and make me think that she was a gift from God, an angel. She put her hand on my tummy, looked into my eyes through her mirror glasses and whispered, ‘Jerry and Vesna wish to return to you and Vincent. They are waiting.’ Then she rubbed my tummy in little circles and said, ‘You are pregnant with your children, Nadia. I must leave now, but remember, my love for your son will never die.’

Then she kissed my other cheek, let my veil down again and walked over to the grave. There she removed her red cap and placed it on top of the coffin. Vincent instructed them to leave the cap where it was when they lowered the coffin into the ground.

Two weeks later, I found out that I was pregnant with twins.
