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For School Exhibitions and Home Entertainments.

Nos. 1 to 21 inclusive. 15 to 25 Popular Dialogues and Dramas in each book. Each volume 100 12mo pages, sent post-paid, on receipt of price, ten cents.

Beadle & Adams, Publishers, 98 William St., N. Y.

These volumes have been prepared with especial reference to their availability for Exhibitions, being adapted to schools and parlors with or without the furniture of a stage, and suited to SCHOLARS AND YOUNG PEOPLE of every age, both male and female. It is fair to assume that no other books in the market, at any price, contain so many useful and available dialogues and dramas of wit, pathos, humor and sentiment.



Meeting of the Muses. For nine young ladies.

Baiting a Live Englishman. For three boys.

Tasso’s Coronation. For male and female.

Fashion. For two ladies.

The Rehearsal. For six boys.

Which will you Choose? For two boys.

The Queen of May. For two little girls.

The Tea-Party. For four ladies.

Three Scenes in Wedded Life. Male and female.

Mrs. Sniffles’ Confession. For male and female.

The Mission of the Spirits. Five young ladies.

Hobnobbing. For five speakers.

The Secret of Success. For three speakers.

Young America. Three males and two females.

Josephine’s Destiny. Four females, one male.

The Folly of the Duel. For three male speakers.

Dogmatism. For three male speakers.

The Ignorant Confounded. For two boys.

The Fast Young Men. For two males.

The Year’s Reckoning. 12 females and 1 male.

The Village with One Gentleman. For eight females and one male.



The Genius of Liberty. 2 males and 1 female.

Cinderella; or, The Little Glass Slipper.

Doing Good and Saying Bad. Several characters.

The Golden Rule. Two males and two females.

The Gift of the Fairy Queen. Several females.

Taken In and Done For. For two characters.

The Country Aunt’s Visit to the City. For several characters.

The Two Romans. For two males.

Trying the Characters. For three males.

The Happy Family. For several ‘animals.’

The Rainbow. For several characters.

How to Write ‘Popular’ Stories. Two males.

The New and the Old. For two males.

A Sensation at Last. For two males.

The Greenhorn. For two males.

The Three Men of Science. For four males.

The Old Lady’s Will. For four males.

The Little Philosophers. For two little girls.

How to Find an Heir. For five males.

The Virtues. For six young ladies.

A Connubial Eclogue.

The Public meeting. Five males and one female.

The English Traveler. For two males.



The May Queen. For an entire school.

Dress Reform Convention. For ten females.

Keeping Bad Company. A Farce. For five males.

Courting Under Difficulties. 2 males, 1 female.

National Representatives. A Burlesque. 4 males.

Escaping the Draft. For numerous males.

The Genteel Cook. For two males.

Masterpiece. For two males and two females.

The Two Romans. For two males.

The Same. Second scene. For two males.

Showing the White Feather. 4 males, 1 female.

The Battle Call. A Recitative. For one male.



The Frost King. For ten or more persons.

Starting in Life. Three males and two females.

Faith, Hope and Charity. For three little girls.

Darby and Joan. For two males and one female.

The May. A Floral Fancy. For six little girls.

The Enchanted Princess. 2 male, several females.

Honor to Whom Honor is Due. 7 males, 1 female.

The Gentle Client. For several males, one female.

Phrenology. A Discussion. For twenty males.

The Stubbletown Volunteer. 2 males, 1 female.

A Scene from “Paul Pry.” For four males.

The Charms. For three males and one female.

Bee, Clock and Broom. For three little girls.

The Right Way. A Colloquy. For two boys.

What the Ledger Says. For two males.

The Crimes of Dress. A Colloquy. For two boys.

The Reward of Benevolence. For four males.

The Letter. For two males.



The Three Guesses. For school or parlor.

Sentiment. A “Three Persons’” Farce.

Behind the Curtain. For males and females.

The Eta Pi Society. Five boys and a teacher.

Examination Day. For several female characters.

Trading in “Traps.” For several males.

The School Boys’ Tribunal. For ten boys.

A Loose Tongue. Several males and females.

How Not to Get an Answer. For two females.

Putting on Airs. A Colloquy. For two males.

The Straight Mark. For several boys.

Two ideas of Life. A Colloquy. For ten girls.

Extract from Marino Faliero.

Ma-try-Money. An Acting Charade.

The Six Virtues. For six young ladies.

The Irishman at Home. For two males.

Fashionable Requirements. For three girls.

A Bevy of I’s (Eyes). For eight or less little girls.



The Way They Kept a Secret. Male and females.

The Poet under Difficulties. For five males.

William Tell. For a whole school.

Woman’s Rights. Seven females and two males.

All is not Gold that Glitters. Male and females.

The Generous Jew. For six males.

Shopping. For three males and one female.

The Two Counselors. For three males.

The Votaries of Folly. For a number of females.

Aunt Betsy’s Beaux. Four females and two males.

The Libel Suit. For two females and one male.

Santa Claus. For a number of boys.

Christmas Fairies. For several little girls.

The Three Rings. For two males.



Dat’s wat’s de matter,

The Mississippi miracle,

Ven te tide cooms in,

Dose lams vot Mary haf got

Pat O’Flaherty on woman’s rights,

The home rulers, how they “spakes,”

Hezekiah Dawson on Mothers-in-law,

He didn’t sell the farm,

The true story of Franklin’s kite,

I would I were a boy again,

A pathetic story,

All about a bee,


A dark side view,

Te pesser vay,

On learning German,

Mary’s shmall vite lamb,

A healthy discourse,

Tobias so to speak,

Old Mrs. Grimes,

A parody,

Mars and cats,

Bill Underwood, pilot,

Old Granley,

The pill peddler’s oration,

Widder Green’s last words,

Latest Chinese outrage,

The manifest destiny of the Irishman,

Peggy McCann,

Sprays from Josh Billings,

De circumstances ob de sitiwation,

Dar’s nuffin new under de sun,

A Negro religious poem,

That violin,

Picnic delights,

Our candidate’s views,

Dundreary’s wisdom,

Plain language by truthful Jane,

My neighbor’s dogs,

Condensed Mythology


The Nereides,

Legends of Attica,

The stove-pipe tragedy,

A doketor’s drubbles,

The coming man,

The illigant affair at Muldoon’s,

That little baby round the corner,

A genewine inference,

An invitation to the bird of liberty,

The crow,

Out west.



Poor cousins. Three ladles and two gentlemen.

Mountains and mole-hills. Six ladies and several spectators.

A test that did not fail. Six boys.

Two ways of seeing things. Two little girls.

Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. Four ladies and a boy.

All is fair in love and war. 3 ladies, 2 gentlemen.

How uncle Josh got rid of the legacy. Two males, with several transformations.

The lesson of mercy. Two very small girls.

Practice what you preach. Four ladies.

Politician. Numerous characters.

The canvassing agent. Two males and two females.

Grub. Two males.

A slight scare. Three females and one male.

Embodied sunshine. Three young ladies.

How Jim Peters died. Two males.



Patsey O’Dowd’s campaign. For three males and one female.

Hasty inferences not always just. Numerous boys.

Discontented Annie. For several girls.

A double surprise. Four males and one female.

What was it? For five ladies.

What will cure them? For a lady and two boys.

Independent. For numerous characters.

Each season the best. For four boys.

Tried and found wanting. For several males.

A boy’s plot. For several characters.

The street girl’s good angel. For two ladies and two little girls.

“That ungrateful little nigger.” For two males.

If I had the money. For three little girls.

Appearances are deceitful. For several ladies and one gentleman.

Love’s protest. For two little girls.

An enforced cure. For several characters.

Those who preach and those who perform. For three males.

A gentle conquest. For two young girls.



A test that told. For six young ladies and two gentlemen.

Organizing a debating society. For four boys.

The awakening. For four little girls.

The rebuke proper. For 3 gentlemen, 2 ladies.

Exorcising an evil spirit. For six ladies.

Both sides of the fence. For four males.

The spirits of the wood. For two troupes of girls.

No room for the drone. For three little boys.

Arm-chair. For numerous characters.

Measure for measure. For four girls.

Saved by a dream. For two males and two females.

An infallible sign. For four boys.

A good use for money. For six little girls.

An agreeable profession. For several characters.

  • The above books are sold by Newsdealers everywhere, or will be sent, post-paid, to any address, on receipt of price, 10 cents each.



1 Hawkeye Harry.

2 Dead Shot.

3 The Boy Miners.

4 Blue Dick.

5 Nat Wolfe.

6 The White Tracker.

7 The Outlaw’s Wife.

8 The Tall Trapper.

9 Lightning Jo.

10 The Island Pirate.

11 The Boy Ranger.

12 Bess, the Trapper.

13 The French Spy.

14 Long Shot.

15 The Gunmaker.

16 Red Hand.

17 Ben, the Trapper.

18 Wild Raven.

19 The Specter Chief.

20 The B’ar-Killer.

21 Wild Nat.

22 Indian Jo.

23 Old Kent, the Ranger.

24 The One-Eyed Trapper.

25 Godbold, the Spy.

26 The Black Ship.

27 Single Eye.

28 Indian Jim.

29 The Scout.

30 Eagle Eye.

31 The Mystic Canoe.

32 The Golden Harpoon.

33 The Scalp King.

34 Old Lute.

35 Rainbolt, Ranger.

36 The Boy Pioneer.

37 Carson, The Guide.

38 The Heart Eater.

39 Wetzel, the Scout.

40 The Huge Hunter.

41 Wild Nat, the Trapper.

42 Lynx-cap.

43 The White Outlaw.

44 The Dog Trailer.

45 The Elk King.

46 Adrian, the Pilot.

47 The Man-hunter.

48 The Phantom Tracker.

49 Moccasin Bill.

50 The Wolf Queen.

51 Tom Hawk, Trailer.

52 The Mad Chief.

53 The Black Wolf.

54 Arkansas Jack.

55 Blackbeard.

56 The River Rifles.

57 Hunter Ham.

58 Cloudwood.

59 The Texas Hawks.

60 Merciless Mat.

61 Mad Anthony’s Scouts.

62 The Luckless Trapper.

63 The Florida Scout.

64 The Island Trapper.

65 Wolf-Cap.

66 Rattling Dick.

67 Sharp-Eye.

68 Iron-Hand.

69 The Yellow Hunter.

70 The Phantom Rider.

71 Delaware Tom.

72 Silver Rifle.

73 The Skeleton Scout.

74 Little Rifle.

75 The Wood Witch.

76 Old Ruff, the Trapper.

77 The Scarlet Shoulders.

78 The Border Rifleman.

79 Outlaw Jack.

80 Tiger-Tail, Seminole.

81 Death-Dealer.

82 Kenton, the Ranger.

83 The Specter Horseman.

84 The Three Trappers.

85 Kaleolah.

86 The Hunter Hercules.

87 Phil Hunter.

88 The Indian Scout.

89 The Girl Avenger.

90 The Red Hermitess.

91 Star-Face, the Slayer.

92 The Antelope Boy.

93 The Phantom Hunter.

94 Tom Pintle, the Pilot.

95 The Red Wizard.

96 The Rival Trappers.

97 The Squaw Spy.

98 Dusky Dick.

99 Colonel Crockett.

100 Old Bear Paw.

101 Redlaw.

102 Wild Rube.

103 The Indian Hunters.

104 Scarred Eagle.

105 Nick Doyle.

106 The Indian Spy.

107 Job Dean.

108 The Wood King.

109 The Scalped Hunter.

110 Nick, the Scout.

111 The Texas Tiger.

112 The Crossed Knives.

113 Tiger-Heart.

114 The Masked Avenger.

115 The Pearl Pirates.

116 Black Panther.

117 Abdiel, the Avenger.

118 Cato, the Creeper.

119 Two-Handed Mat.

120 Mad Trail Hunter.

121 Black Nick.

122 Kit Bird.

123 The Specter Riders.

124 Giant Pete.

125 The Girl Captain.

126 Yankee Eph.

127 Silverspur.

128 Squatter Dick.

129 The Child Spy.

130 Mink Coat.

131 Red Plume.

132 Clyde, the Trailer.

133 The Lost Cache.

134 The Cannibal Chief.

135 Karaibo.

136 Scarlet Moccasin.

137 Kidnapped.

138 Maid of the Mountain.

139 The Scioto Scouts.

140 Border Renegade.

141 The Mute Chief.

142 Boone, the Hunter.

143 Mountain Kate.

144 The Red Scalper.

145 The Lone Chief.

146 The Silver Bugle.

147 Chinga, the Cheyenne.

148 The Tangled Trail.

149 The Unseen Hand.

150 The Lone Indian.

151 The Branded Brave.

152 Billy Bowlegs.

153 The Valley Scout.

154 Red Jacket.

155 The Jungle Scout.

156 Cherokee Chief.

157 The Bandit Hermit.

158 The Patriot Scouts.

159 The Wood Rangers.

160 The Red Foe.

161 Beautiful Unknown.

162 Canebrake Mose.

163 Hank, the Guide.

164 The Border Scout.

165 Wild Nat.

166 Maid of Wyoming.

167 The Three Captives.

168 The Lost Hunter.

169 Border Law.

170 The Lifted Trail.

171 The Trader Spy.

172 The Forest Specter.

173 The Border Foes.

174 Border Vengeance.

175 Border Bessie.

176 The Sons of Liberty.

177 The Lost Bride.

178 Keetsea.

179 The Tonkawa Spy.

180 The Prairie Scourge.

181 Red Lightning. By W. J. Hamilton. Ready May 31st.

182 Brave Heart. By James L. Bowen. Ready June 14th.

183 Night-Hawk Kit. By Joseph E. Badger, Jr., Ready June 28th.

184 Mustang Sam. By Joseph E. Badger, Jr. Ready July 12th.

185 Hurricane Bill. By Joseph E. Badger, Jr. Ready July 26th.

186 The Red Outlaw. By W. J. Hamilton. Ready August 9th.

187 The Swamp Scout. By W. J. Hamilton. Ready August 23d.

188 The Shawnee’s Foe. By W. J. Hamilton. Ready September 6th.

189 Mohawk Nat. By W. J. Hamilton. Ready September 20th.

190 Old Jupe. By Mrs. Orrin James. Ready October 4th.

191 The Prairie Rifles. By Henry J. Thomas. Ready October 18th.

192 Old Kyle, the Trailer. By Henry J. Thomas. Ready Nov. 1st.

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