The Secret of Mara by I May End Soon - HTML preview

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One day, it was in the afternoon, Mara was not at home. At her friend’s place was she; she had gone to pay her a visit. Both were in the house chatting when Mara’s phone rang. Mara looked at the screen; it was Kelvin!

“Hello, Kelvin!” said Mara.

“Hello, Mara! How are you?” said Kelvin.

“I am fine, thank you. And you?” said Mara.

“I am cool, thanks. Where are you?” said Kelvin.

“I am at my friend’s place. Why did you ask?” said Mara.

“Actually, I was thinking we should go out tonight. Do you mind going out for dinner with me tonight?” said Kelvin

“Urmm! I don’t think I will make it. I am not coming.” said Mara.

“Mara, why? Is it that you are keeping away from me?” said Kelvin.

“Kelvin, I don’t have the time. I am not even interested in going out for a dinner tonight. I am not coming.” said Mara.

“But, it is more than a dinner. I also want to talk to you.” said Kelvin.

“Talk to me? About what? If you want to tell me something, why don’t you say it now on phone?” said Mara.

“Mara, No! I like it to be personal. The experience is different, you know. I want to look into your eyes. I want to…” said Kelvin.

“Hey! Stop! If you know you have something to say, say it here please. What is it?” said Mara.

“Okay, it is still on the same matter. Mara, why don’t you consider me? When are you going to say yes?” said Kelvin.

She laughed. “I knew that is what you want to talk about. So you are still on this matter?” said Mara.

“Mara come on, don’t you think I am serious? I am really serious about this. I want you as my wife. I need you in my life. Mara, please!” said Kelvin.

“Kelvin, I have told you I will think about it.” said Mara.

“But Mara, have you not thought about it? What have you been doing?” said Kelvin.

“I am still thinking about it?” said Mara.

“Ah! Mara it is taking long! What is taking you so long? Are you not done with thinking? Mara, please help me. Help my life. My life is going sour (he was going emotional now). My life is need of you! Please, Mara come! Come into my life and fill it the sweetness of your love; so that the bitterness can disappear. Mara, there are a bevy of ladies; ladies of different characteristics; ladies of different qualities. My hearts wants only one. And so did it go! It went on the search; saw different personalities on the way. It came across different qualities. But my heart knew what it wanted! It knew what it was looking for. And so did it continue to search until it singled you out of the millions of lady in the crowd! Mara, my heart wants you and only you does it want. Please consider me!” said Kelvin.

All of a sudden, Mara burst out laughing! Kelvin could hear her laugh. Was she making fun of him? Mara continued to laugh and Kelvin was waiting, perhaps she would say something. After awhile of laughter, Mara eventually spoke!

“Kelvin, please tell me. Is there something you have not told me about you? Do you do stage play or you are into theatre arts? It is just amazing that you could speak like that. (She laughed again)”

Kelvin did not like that. It seemed to him like she was making fun of him. Mara did not fall for that! Kelvin was disappointed! He was hurt! He was feeling embarrassed. He then began to speak like he was near tears or was going to cry.

“Mara, why are you acting like this? Is it because I am trying to show you love; to show you that I love you. And you toy with my love! It really hurts! What you are doing to me is hurting me. It is hurting my heart. Why is it going this way when you love is involved? Why is it this sour when your love is in the picture? Is your love that sour? Is it a crime for me to love you? Mara, I love you. Consider me, please.” said Kelvin.

Those words were driven by emotions and passion! They were intended to make Mara moved! Kelvin wanted to win her love. Did it move her? Was she moved? Perhaps, she was going to start crying; start weeping. Or she was going to say I am sorry for what I have done. Or she was going to make Kelvin happy and say I have agreed! What happened?

Laughter! Laughter!! Laughter!!!. Kelvin felt embarrassed and hurt. He did not want to continue. Kelvin ended the call. Mara had laughed again and it seemed to Kelvin like she was making fun of him. Mara had not yet agreed!

Mara saw that the call had ended and she placed the phone beside her on the couch she was sitting on; still laughing.

“Who were you speaking with?” asked her friend Adele.

“Don’t mind the lover boy oo. It is one unserious guy like that; wants to be in a relationship with me.” said Mara.

“Have you agreed?” said Adele.

“Agreed? No! I have not and I don’t even think I will. He should leave me alone.” said Mara.

“Why? Is the guy not good enough for you? Don’t you have feelings for him?” said Mara.

“Adele, it not really about this guy; not about who he is or if I like him or not. I don’t just want any relationship. I don’t want that experience I had had in the past to repeat itself. I have had enough! It happened twice; two different times did it happen. I don’t want to suffer a third one. I am tired already!” said Mara.


Mara entered into a house. She met with a guy in the living room and she smiled. She was happy seeing him. Mara was smiling at him but the guy was not. Mara was happy seeing him but the guy was not. But Mara could not make out that something was wrong. She was just delighted seeing this figure that she felt like hugging him. And so did she move towards satisfying her feelings. Arms spread out; smiling face; footsteps after one another. She was going to hug him! Close to achieving her aim, Mara was intercepted by a voice that sounded from somewhere in the house.

“Hello! What are you trying to do?”

Eh! Who was it? Mara looked at her left and she could see; she could see this lady dressed like she was going to the bathroom. What? Is there a public bathroom in the house? What was happening? Mara brought down her arms and moved backwards. She was going to address the lady.

“I am sorry, who are you and what do you want here?” said Mara.

The lady laughed. “Look at this lady. I should be asking you that question. Who are you and what do you want here? Besides, what is that that you were trying to do with my fiancé?” said the lady.

Mara was shocked! Her own boyfriend was somebody’s fiancé? How come? Mara turned to the guy in the house who was just looking on and haven’t said a word all that while.

“James, what is happening here? Did you hear what she said? She just called you her fiancé!” said Mara.

“And she was right.” said James.

Mara was taken by shock! Did she just hear that?

“James, are you serious? Is this for real or this is a prank? James, this is Mara before you. What did this start? When did you start with this lady?” said Mara.

“It started someday.” said James.

“James, please if this is a joke; stop it! Stop it! Oh! I see. Is it because of this whore that you have not been picking my calls?” said Mara.


SLAP! SLAP!! What? Look at that! Striking! Unexpected! Shocking! Mara held the spot in pain. Two hits; one after the other. Man, this lady is fierce!

“How dare you? Are you crazy? Are you mad? Do you know who I am? Why don’t you go and ask after me? I can make you suffer!” said the lady.

“Nancy, please take it easy. Please calm down.” said James.

“James, look at this lady. She called me a whore!” said Nancy, the other lady.

“I heard it and I don’t even condemn the hits. In fact, I like it. That is good for her! But let us avoid trouble! Just leave her.” said James.

“Okay!” Nancy said and moved backwards. She folded her arms and looked sternly at Mara who was already in tears. It was a painful moment for her. A slap from a stranger; in how own boyfriend’s house; and the boyfriend did not condemn it. Man, what was happening?

“James, did you not see that she slapped my face! And you said that is good for me? James, what is happening? Why is this lady here and what is she doing in our lives? What is she doing in our relationship?” said Mara.

“Mara, you know I was not picking your calls. I deliberately chose not to. Let me get straight to the point. Mara, it is over between us! There is no more love; no more relationship. Now, get out of here!” said James.

Mara was shocked! She could remember being familiar with the experience. That was the second time!

“James, you must be joking! What have I done? Why calling it over all of a sudden? What have I done wrong?” said Mara.

“If the reason why I did that is what you want to know, I am telling you that I don’t want someone like you in my life. With those things you had done in the past, I don’t want to continue with you. I have moved on. And this is my fiancée; my present love! I don’t want you anymore!” said James.

And again, similar thing being said. Her past! Mara could relate with that! What was it about her past that both men (John and James) were referring to?

“James, what are you talking about? What is it about my past? Please, explain to me.” said Mara.

“Look here, I have no further explanation to give. Why don’t you search your heart? Search you past for that thing that you have done! I don’t even care if you don’t get it. But I have already resolved in my mind. It is all over! Please, get out! Leave my life!” said James.

“Haa! Baby, please don’t do that! Please! Don’t call it over. Let us keep our love moving. Don’t let it stop!” said Mara.

“Mara, get out! It is over and that is it! Get out! Get out! Get out!” said James.

(Flashback ends) (Back at Adele’s place; remember)

“I am afraid it may happen again. I don’t like such experience where one guy would just leave me all of a sudden! And if it happens again, that will make it the third time. I am already tired of the experience.” said Mara.

“But, Mara, all men are not same. This guy may be different. Why don’t you give him a try? It may be different this time.” said Adele.

“Adele, I will think about it. But for now, I don’t want any relationship. Anyways, back to our discussion. So…” said Mara.

After being with her for some time, Mara left her friend Adele and headed home.

One day. Mara had gone out to get something and she was headed home after she gotten it. It was in the afternoon on a weekday, Wednesday. She had boarded a cab and she was dropped at a point before the building in which she lived. Mara was dropped and she was going to move in. There was a gate. She was going to use the handle. Holding unto the handle and wanting to push forward, Mara heard a voice behind her. Someone was calling on her.

“Young lady! Young lady!”

Who was it? Kelvin already knew her name. Would he call her young lady if he was the one? And the voice did not sound like Kelvin’s. Mara looked back and it was someone she did not know. Who was he and what was he calling her for?

“Young lady, I am sorry I want you to give me some of your time. I want to talk to you about something, if you would not mind.” said the guy.

Mara’s eyeballs were moving up and down as she was beholding and examining this figure from top to bottom and back. Afterwards, she spoke.

“Okay, go ahead!” said Mara.

“Actually, my name is Jimmy. May I know your name?” said the guy.

“I am Mara.” said Mara.

“Oh! What a nice name! The thing is (clears throat), I have been seeing you around here for some time now and I feel something go on in my mind and heart whenever I see you.” said Jimmy.

“Ehn ehn? Like seriously?” Mara said interestingly. (You know who Mara was; she was going to make fun of him)

“Yes! Like seriously, I have been watching you since over two weeks now and I have been having feelings; feelings for you. And now I have concluded that you are the kind of lady I want to spend the rest of my life with.” Jimmy said with his grinning face. Hmm! Was she going to fall?

Mara clapped her hands in applause unexpectedly. She was at it again. Jimmy was somewhat confused.

“Oh! Bravo! Bravo! So you mean since over two weeks, you have been watching a lady? Are you that jobless? Is it that you have never had a job in your life or you had one but you lost it and you now thought the next thing is for you to go watching a lady?” said Mara.

“No. I do have a job. In fact, I am a manager at company where I work and I receive a good pay.” Jimmy said revealing his teeth.

“Really? Do you own that company or you were appointed a manager there?” said Mara.

“Actually, I was appointed.” said Jimmy.

“Haaa! I pity whoever it is that owns that company. Yes! It looks like that company where you manage will soon run down. It looks like your workplace will soon cease to continue operations or make progress! Yes! A company that will have someone like you as its manager will not stay for long. Because, you are not serious with your work! If you are serious with your work, you will not be going after a lady at this time of the day. Look here, I understand what you are driving at and I am telling you now that it is not going to work. Get it straight! I am not interested!” said Mara.

Mara said those words and turned to go inside through the gate. She had held the handle and was going to push it when she felt something on her left arm. Ahn Ahn? From where?

“Young lady, please don’t just go like that. At least, let me have your number. Okay, if you won’t marry me, let us be friends. Please!” said Jimmy in a more softened tone.

Mara looked at him and some thoughts went through her mind. Was she going to give in to that? Was it worth it? Mara decided!

“Friends and nothing more?” said Mara.

“Yes, friends! If you want it to stop at friends, then I will try to be fine with that.” said Jimmy.

“Try to be fine? You better be fine because it is not going to go further than that!” said Mara.

“Okay! Can I have your number?” Jimmy said as he stretched out his phone to her.

Mara collected his phone and input her digits. She then gave it back to him.

“Oh! Thank you! I will give you a call. Good day!” said Jimmy.

“Good day!” said Mara.

Mara went inside and the guy went off.

One afternoon, Mara received a call.

“Hello, baby girl!”

“Hello, Adele! What’s up?” said Mara.

“Actually, I want to see you. Can you please come to my house?” said Adele.

“Hope no problem? What is the matter?” said Mara.

“Baby girl, come. When you get here, you will know what’s up.” said Adele.

“Okay, I am on my way!” said Mara.

“For real? You are coming now?” said Adele.

“Yes! I am not doing anything and I am dressed also. I will start coming now.” said Mara.

“Okay! Will be expecting you. Bye for now!” said Adele.

“Bye” said Mara.

Why was she calling her? Mara did not know and her mind could not even arrive at what it actually was. Mara eventually arrived at Adele’s house.

“S why have you called?” Mara said. She was already seated on a couch.

“Mara, I have a surprise for you!” said Adele.

“Surprise, what is that?” Mara said seeming interested and somewhat excited.

“Mara!” a voice called out.

Shock! Mara paused! Familiar voice it was. Who was it? She did not have to turn to look here. Before her was a mirror and she could view who it was that was standing behind her and had called her. How come? Mara was curious!

“Adele! How did this guy get here?” said Mara to Adele.

“Calm down, Mara. Actually, I invited him.” said Adele.

“You invited him for what? And how did you guys connect by the way?” said Mara.

“Calm down, Mara. I am sorry if it angers you, but I actually sneaked into your phone to get his number.” said Adele.

“What? For what?” said Mara.

“Mara, please calm down. I did it for you. I want you to get back in it again. Mara, if a horse knocks one down, one would mount it again. Please, try to understand that this young man here loves you dearly. Why don’t you consider him? I have told him what you have had in the past with men leaving you and he told me he is different. He said he would never do that to you. He really loves you. He loves you dearly. All men are not the same. Mara, please try again.

The story may be different this time. Please!” said Adele.

“No!” Mara said as she stood on her feet. She moved forward and folded her arms, keeping a stern look on her face. Adele signaled to Kelvin; Kelvin understood! He moved closer to where Mara was standing and went on his knees. And he brought it out! Yes, that round object! He had brought it for her finger; just for Mara’s finger. He hoped she would accept it. Kelvin went passionate as he spoke.

“Mara, please, give me your love. I promise I won’t betray it. Mara, have I not worked hard enough? Have I not tried? Does it not seem convincing to you by now? Does it not seem like I really love you? Mara, you have made my heart hurt. You have acted in some ways that have seemed off putting to me. But here I am – still pushing on. Still striving to get your love! If I

don’t really love you, would is still stay on the race at this stage? Mara, please consider me!” said Kelvin.

Was she going to laugh? Or do something embarrassing? That was going through Kelvin’s mind. How would he feel if it happened?

“Kelvin, I am afraid! I am afraid you may leave me someday. It has happened to me in the past and I am tired of the experience. I don’t want it to repeat itself.” said Mara.

“Mara, I can never do that to you. In fact, for you to know I am serious, here is a ring for you. If you accept this ring and accept me, trust me, it will not be long before I take you home to mama! I really love you and I want to marry you! Mara, please consider me. I love you! Mara, will you marry me?” said Kelvin.

Hmmm! What was going to be the reply? Yes or No? If she said No, would Kelvin faint? Or would he kill himself? Perhaps, he was going to cry! Eventually, Mara turned and so did it appear – that smiling face! Perhaps, it was going to happen again. Was she going to laugh at him again? Mara smiled as she gazed at Kelvin’s face.

“Yes! I will!” said Mara.

“Mara, are you for real?” Kelvin said getting excited.

“Yes, I am. For real! I will marry you!” said Mara.

“Oh! Great!” said Kelvin.

Kelvin asked for her hand and she stretched it forward. And it went! It went and went! Afterwards, Mara’s finger was in the ring! She had agreed! Kelvin was happy! He rose on his feet and then………. THE END OF CHAPTER TWO