The Secret of Toni by Molly Elliot Seawell - HTML preview

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Three Speeds Forward.

Uniquely illustrated with full-page illustrations, head and tail pieces and many sketches by Karl Anderson and H. D. Williams. Ornamental Cloth, $1.00.

“‘Three Speeds Forward’ is an amusing automobile story by Lloyd Osbourne, in which the ostensible teller of what happened is the girl heroine. A little runabout is the important factor in the love romance. The book is prettily bound and printed and is illustrated.”—Toledo Blade.

“‘Three Speeds Forward,’ by Lloyd Osbourne, is a very brief and most agreeable novelette dealing with modern society and the chug-chug wagon.”—Philadelphia Inquirer.

“The climax of this story is original and most humorous. The action is rapid and consistent with the subject in hand. Altogether it is a most enjoyable little volume, well illustrated and attractively bound.”—Milwaukee Sentinel.

“It is a bright and sprightly little story, very strongly flavored with gasoline, but quite readable. It is attractively and characteristically illustrated.”—New York Times.

Wild Justice.

Illustrated. Ornamental Cloth, $1.50.

“Lloyd Osbourne’s stories of the South Sea Islands are second only to Stevenson’s on the same theme. ‘Wild Justice’ is a volume of these short stories, beginning with that strong and haunting tale, ‘The Renegade.’ These are stories which will bear reading more than once. They have an atmosphere that it is restful to breathe, once in a while, to the dwellers in cities and the toilers of these Northern lands where life is such a stern affair.”—Denver Post.

“Mr. Lloyd Osbourne’s nine stories of the South Sea Islands (‘Wild Justice’) are told with a Kiplingesque vigor, and well illustrate their title. All are eminently readable—not overweighted with tragedy, as is the wont of tales that deal with the remote regions of the earth.”—New York Times.

“Mr. Osbourne in ‘Wild Justice’ has given us a series of stories about the Samoan Islands and their islanders and their white invaders, visitors and conquerors which are vivid with humor and pathos.”—New York Herald.