The Universal Sign by Siamak Akhavan - HTML preview

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pointed to the ‘⊕’ emblem on its chest.
The Source Is Destiny

I and the Father are one. The Truth shall set you free. Jesus Christ

I am god.
Sufi mystic Hallaj (858-922 AD), executed by Muslim religious authorities for refusing to renounce that statement.

God is an infinite sphere, whose center is everywhere, and whose circumference is nowhere.
Hermes Trismegistus

S hortly after our friends reached their mountaintop cave, intense discussions resumed.
“Humans aspire for heaven.” Helium commented. “Wouldn’t you want your soul to live among those great beings? Who knows? Maybe one day we can get this hole to send us there too.”
“Given everything that has happened since that era, it’s no wonder the world is full of troubled human souls,” Sodium opined. “Theirs is the sadness Buddha felt from the “specks of light” trapped in Earth’s astral regions, reincarnating continuously, living miserably.”
Carbon initiated: “Civilization re-emerged after the flood through the efforts of the Guardians’ disciples. Those instructed by the ancient gods. The benevolent Azhi Dahaka, Osiris, Viracocha, Quetzalcoatl, Vishnu, and countless other merely mythical dragon/serpent gods, wearing large elaborate crowns, and possessing magical powers.”
Calcium added: “By Noah, Manu, and over 600 other global flood heroes.”
pagan gods, who later become tall, shining, blue-skinned,
“Survivors that saved many crops and animal and plant species. Descending from the highlands, they settled and cultivated the nearby fertile river valleys in Egypt, Sumer, Elam, Chinese river deltas.”
“Pay attention embedded in the epic of Gilgamesh. A “demigod”, Gilgamesh civilizes Enkidu, a savage “ape-man”, perhaps a reference to the primitive post-cataclysmic humanity. Together, they embark on a journey to find the source of immortality, a reference to hidden wisdom being protected by a serpent guardian. Throughout this epic, one is also introduced to the sacrificial heavenly bull, the multiple stages of danger and disillusionment confronting a seeker, as well as the flood hero.” Silicone highlighted.
“Quite similar to many ancient spiritual myths that describe some ancient cataclysms, a Tree of Life or knowledge, garden of Eden, the elixir of immortality, various godly guardians, evil breaking through the sky, a final ‘day of renovation’, and the returning god that will make humanity immortal.”
Phosphorus speculated. “The fabled buried double pillars of sacred knowledge may have reincarnated as the twin obelisks, the twin pillars of Greek, Jewish, Templar, and Masonic temple entrances, or the twin minarets of Muslim mosques.”
“The ancient Egyptians typically represented these sacred pillars with serpents coiling around them. The winged version of this later became the Caduceus, the symbol of sacred sciences.” Silver added.
“Ironically, the Canaanite reference for the sacred poles, ashereh, means sacred tree in Hebrew.” Silicone prompted.
“Friends,” Mercury interposed, “the sun will come out soon. We must get ready.”
the Indian subcontinent, and

to the historic symbolism

“For another uncontrolled journey to yet another unknown era and destination?” Uranium sighed.
Hydrogen proposed. “I’ve been wondering about that. After all, we’ve learned much about humanity, the world, the universe and its source. Was it random? There must be a way to direct ourselves through the Transportal.”
After a minute’s silence, Helium turned to the meditating Sodium and Chlorine, and said, “Okay, you two, snap out of it. You’re really beginning to resemble Buddha.”
Suddenly, Sodium and Chlorine jubilantly embraced. “Of course!” Sodium let out. “How could we have missed it all this time?”
“Yes”, Chlorine acknowledged. “Teacher was showing us the way, but we hadn’t understood.”
“What are you two talking about?”
Everyone tuned in to the unexpected exchange.
“Do you guys remember what Buddha said just before we parted?” Sodium asked.
Chlorine rushed a response. “He said, ‘Never lose heart in your chosen path. Remember this carefully: once you have learned to focus your hearts to the wisdom of creation, then you shall find the way to your destination.’”
“What if the Transportal responds to some hidden wisdom? If that’s so, Buddha gave us the answer with that advice. We have never lost our desire to find the Source, right? Maybe if we focus all of our senses, we can interact with the Transportal,” Sodium optimistically suggested.
“The first people I saw using the Transportal seemed to know exactly what they were doing,” Calcium confirmed. “They knew all about their journey and their destination, but I don’t have an idea how they got there.”
“If,” Silicone mused, “Earth is an intelligent conscious god, it interacts with worthy earthlings.”
“Let’s try to focus our consciousness,” Mercury urged, “and see if we can guide the Transportal.”
“It’s certainly worth a try,” Silicone concluded.
The dawn began to light the mouth of the cave. Our friends wondered and hoped excitedly. Once again, they all embraced, and this time they focused on the time before the flood, more than twelve thousand years earlier—and the Giza complex. After signaling their readiness, they joined the Transportal. When the brilliant flash cleared, they found themselves gazing at three pristine pyramids covered in mirror-like polished white stone, reflecting the sun’s light like glowing gems. They were flawless, breathtaking. Just then a small flying craft similar to the Guardian’s vimana flew swiftly by.
“We did it! We’re here!” They shouted and leaped for joy.
“These Calcium said.
“No humans could have done that,” Titanium ventured.
“Aren’t they aligned with the earth’s cardinal directions after the pole-shift?” Mercury asked.
“You’re not wrong,” Silicone corroborated. “The margin of error in that alignment is 0.015%. And their sides are equal in length (755 feet), with a margin of 0.1%, and they meet at an almost exact ninety degrees. With its thirty plus foot high capstone, the Great Pyramid rises 481 feet, and its apex projects precisely over the center of its base. Some of the inner stone blocks weigh more than fifteen tons. Even in our era, few cranes can handle such weight. How could men have quarried and perfectly cut such giant blocks with bronze tools? How did they haul them hundreds of miles and raise them hundreds of feet with such accuracy? The pyramids are beyond imagination,” Great Pyramid alone required over two million giant blocks. The polished white casing, vandalized to build Cairo, would have covered twenty-two acres. The joints between the layers are so tight you could barely insert a piece of paper into them.
“But wait,” Silicone added, “there’s more. The Great Pyramid is a perfect scaled-down version of the northern hemisphere. Many other mathematical, geographical, and astronomical data are encoded within its properties. The thing is perfectly proportioned to the planet. We could discuss them for hours. Whatever they are for, they were built precisely in tune with the planet.”
“How can people believe they’re just tombs?” Oxygen asked.
“The world’s most elaborate stone coffins that never held corpses!” Helium humored.
“I spot the Sphinx and a couple of other structures to the right,” Nitrogen reported from aloft.
The group followed Nitrogen’s lead. They noticed that the landscape was no arid desert. It was a savannah of green grass, shrubs, wildflowers, and trees.
Soon they stood before the Sphinx.
“My goodness, Copper marveled.
“Evidently, its point,” Silicone said.
“And look. No veneer stones on the body.”
The Sphinx’s appearance did not surprise them. It had the body of a lion and a head that resembled the Guardian’s—the same eyes and facial features, the same crown. The Sphinx sat in the middle of a pond where swans, geese, and other birds swam.
“Check out the other structures over there,” Calcium said. “Have you ever seen such perfection?”
Our friends turned to see two buildings, oneit looks so different now,”

head was reshaped at some story structures with walls and roofs of large monolithic stone slabs perfectly cut and interlocked. They lacked windows, but each had two doors opposite the Sphinx. One also had an entrance that opened to the right of the Sphinx that opened onto a causeway that led to the Great Pyramid. Through the openings an intense light pulsed from inside the structures. Even from a distance, the friends felt its oscillatory energy on their tiny bodies.

“Given the circumstances, I suggest you all wait here while I try to get some answers.” Silicone assumed the lead.

“I’ll come along,” Calcium offered.

They embarked on a fact-finding foray. The rest stayed behind, silently admiring the majestic perfection about them. Some wondered what the planet would have been like had the flood not deprived it of the Guardians.

As Silicone and Calcium approached the structure at the end of the causeway, the pulsation affected everything around them. The structure vibrated silently, though not mechanically. Every part, every atom of the place, seemed to resonate in unison. As they got closer, the radiated energy became more evident.

“Was your old library like this?” Calcium asked. “No. This is altogether different.”
They went straight in and walked down a long

corridor to a T-shaped hall supported by two rows of rectangular columns. A quick glance confirmed what they anticipated. The stone masonry was featureless, flawless, and immense, perfect monoliths weighing several tons. Around the perimeter, stone pilasters separated niches carved into the solid rock wall. In each was a smooth slab of clear crystal that dimmed and glowed with the same pulsating frequency.

“Well,” Silicone said, “We both see our own kind. Let’s get busy.” Calcium went for a stone masonry wall, and Silicone approached one of the pulsating crystals.

After a while they returned to their friends, waiting anxiously near the causeway. “So, where to?” Helium asked.

“Every piece of stone in this area,” Calcium said, “was cut, shaped, transported, and lifted into place by harnessing the power of energy fields, either light or acoustic. Sophisticated mathematical knowledge, of unknown levels to earthlings, was used in their design. They are tuned to the planet’s harmonic heartbeat.”

“Different types of crystals,” Silicone continued. “As well as the whole complex perform specific tasks.”
“What complex?” Nitrogen called down. “I see three pyramids, the Sphinx, and these two structures here. That’s the complex?”
“Just like the Guardian said, there is a big underground compound,” Calcium said.
Hydrogen turned to Silicone. “Can you find your old library from here?”
“It’s a few hundred kilometers north.”
“Great!” Helium hooted. “Does that mean we need to hitch a vimana?”
“Well, not tonight,” Silicone replied.
“I propose we spend our time exploring the place,” Titanium said.
Krypton agreed. “If we can find a way inside the complex, maybe we’ll find information for our next journey.”
“But how do we find our way around the place?” Phosphorus asked.
“The structure next to this one,” Silicone said, “houses a technical archive containing the blueprints of the entire complex.”
So the group trekked to the second complex in the dark, with only the crescent moon, the symbol of Thoth, illuminating their way. Once there and inside, Calcium and Silicone investigated and hurried back. “In the back!” Silicone hissed.
They went down the central hall to the rear of the building where they found a long, narrow room, its walls covered from floor to ceiling with monolithic crystal panes. Silicone approached them, and one of the panes slowly emerged from its slot and lit up. Everyone drew near and saw an intricate diagram of lines, geometric shapes, and symbols.
“It’s an overview of the whole complex,” Mercury observed.
“That’s what I asked for,” Silicone said. “Referencing the general plan, I can then ask for specific maps. It’s the old way of doing things that I haven’t forgotten.”
“There are the pyramids and the other structures,” Mercury said. “Not much else above ground. But down here there’s an extensive construction. Do you see?”
“Yes,” Silicone said, “it’s the underground complex. It’s huge.”
Phosphorus interjected. “Wait. Look. Over there to the west, near the Great Pyramid below that little hill.”
“It’s . . . ” Mercury spluttered, “I can’t believe it. You’re right!”
“I see it,” Silicone said. “It’s the Guardian’s insignia, ‘⊕’.”
“Is that why he pointed at it? Could it be…?”
“I know what you mean,” Hydrogen said. “It’s certainly worth a try.”
“Even if the Chamber of Destiny is there,” Silicone cautioned, “getting there won’t be easy. But let’s go.”
And so our friends rushed to view several different map panels, and studied the way to the subterranean location marked with the Guardian’s insignia. On their way back to the central hall, Silicone and Mercury stopped at the hall’s exact center, puzzled. Mercury pointed at a circular kryptonite plate embedded in the masonry floor tiles. “It must be right here.”
“The entrance to the underground passage!”
Krypton approached the plate and merged into it for a few seconds. Moments later the plate began to turn and slid beneath the stone floor tiles to reveal the entrance to a dark tunnel. Phosphorus was first in, whereupon he began to shine. Everyone followed before the metallic plate closed behind.
Our friends entered the Giza underworld. Masonry blocks of exquisite workmanship lined the tunnel. They followed past large intersections where Mercury and Silicone conferred and selected the next route. Once in a while, they heard the sound of an underground stream.
“I feel like Gilgamesh,” Silicone said.
“When he and Enkidu went looking for the lost city of the gods, they searched for tunnels beneath a Mt. Mashu in some mythical desert.”
“Does anyone in our time know about this underground labyrinth?”
“Well, perhaps. Since the 1970s archeologists have been using ground-penetrating radar here and lots of places. Underground networks have been detected. In the 1990s, they entered tunnels under the Sphinx, but the Egyptian government stopped the work.”
Rounding a bend, they reached a huge cavernous space where a large subterranean lake, fed by underground springs, filled water canals that disappeared from view in many directions. At several places, sculptures of strange looking symbols, figures, and landscapes adorned the cavern walls. Light-emitting crystals provided brilliant illumination.
They figured they were about halfway to their destination. Sulphur asked Silicone what else he knew about the Giza complex.
“Much of it remains unexplored. One can still see a hole near the Sphinx’ tail where a ladder leads underground to a chamber underneath. Officially, it’s sealed cavity that leads nowhere. The two structures next to the Sphinx are called as the Valley Temple and the Sphinx Temple.
“As I mentioned before, the most interesting stuff is scientific. In various places, the Great Pyramid encodes the earth’s mean surface temperature, the center of the world’s land mass, the cardinal directions, the dimensions of the planet, the mean distance between Earth and the sun, the seasonal equinoxes, and the number of days in a solar year. The Great Pyramid identifies universal mathematical constants like pi and the golden ratio. It also refers to the duration of Earth’s precessionary cycle, 25,920 years.
“Both the King and Queen’s Chamber contain sloped shafts, a few inches wide, that run all the way up to, but not through the Great Pyramid’s exterior surface. Also, the facing stone layer is missing, so the official theory that they are ventilation shafts is not very convincing. Building horizontal channels opening to the outside would have been easier and more useful. Inside the Queen’s Chamber, they were hidden behind several inches of stone. When 19th century English explorers found them, they could only insert an expandable rod into them. Not until 1993 did somebody design a machine to penetrate and explore them—but ran up against a limestone hatch with copper fittings. So much for the ventilation shaft theory! Ten years later, a hi-tech robot drilled a one-inch hole through the door and put a camera through. With the whole world watching, it met another stone blockage further up. Seems like the shafts were purposefully designed to be inaccessible to the technologically unworthy.”
“Well, what are these shafts all about?” Lead asked.
“Well,” Silicone went on, “suppose they were meant to channel, aim, and project an energy beam, some kind of signal or beacon. Beams powered by the earth’s energy fields, and focused and channeled by the Great Pyramid, would go right through a bunch of thin stone layers, probably meant to keep animals and debris out.”
“What were they aimed at?”
“One shaft in the King’s Chamber points to the stars of Orion’s belt, and the other, at Thuban, the star that stood above the north pole before the pole shift, the brightest star in the constellation Draco. The shafts in the Queen’s Chamber aim at Sirius and Ursa Minor, though the constellations have shifted a little over so many years.”
Silicone, Mercury, and Phosphorus stopped and scanned the surroundings. “As I figure it,” Mercury said, “whatever the Guardian’s insignia marked on the map must be right around here somewhere.”
“There is nothing obvious here. But, having come all this way together, I’m certain we are not lost.”
“I am sure of it,” Mercury persisted. “It must be here somewhere.”
Helium humored. “Well, something as significant as the Chamber of Destiny would not have a flashing sign hanging above it!”
Meanwhile, Calcium edged up to the tunnel’s wall and disappeared.
While waiting for their friend, Krypton recalled Guardian’s comments. “The Guardian said that only the worthy could find this complex hidden in the mountains of stone. And that you need wisdom to reach them.”
Krypton had barely finished when Calcium reemerged through a tiny opening between two blocks in the wall. “This way. Hurry! I have arranged for a path to the Chamber of Destiny.”
Everyone sprinted to pass through the solid blocks of granite. They began to feel a mixture of eagerness, ecstasy, and tranquility. They were about to confront the Universal Sign. Would it be a sign of the Source? Or perhaps a way to the Source? If there was a way to learn about the Source of all Universal Sign was the key.
They emerged in the Chamber Phosphorus quickly illuminated the space, but they saw nothing. Constructed of masonry blocks, the room was empty, barely large enough to hold a few humans. Near the top of a wall, they spotted a tiny hole that pierced through to the rocky hillside in which the Chamber of Destiny was embedded. A narrow beam of moonlight peered dimly through the hole. And that was it!
“That opening faces east,” Mercury said.
“Ventilation?” Nitrogen suggested.
“Maybe for the rituals the Guardian spoke of?” Silicone ventured.
“Look over here.” Calcium pointed to a barely visible feature in the room, carvings on a section of the wall, a hieroglyphic text, unrecognizable except for Krypton.
“It’s a really old writing system I can barely understand. It must be quite ancient,” Krypton concluded.
“Can you make sense of it?”
“Here is what I can make out.” And Krypton read, “Behold the mighty Sign. Obey this to seek enlightenment. To seek eternal existence as a star. creation, the

of Destiny. Withdraw the veil of darkness. Partake the high vibration. Bound are you in a plane. A vibratory trap of the heavenly bodies. The Sign reveals the key to freedom, the highest truth. By the sun, see the Sign. Embrace the light. For the light reveals the Source.”

“I knew we weren’t lost,” Lead crowed. “The

Universal Sign is here somewhere!”
“Yes, but where? Is there anything else on this
“No,” Krypton said, “nothing else.”
“It is not readily visible. We have to look as the
enlightened see.”
“I believe there’s another clue,” Silicone said.
“‘By the sun, see the Sign.’ Maybe it’s visible only in
sunlight or maybe when the sun comes up.”
“But that’s when we have to leave,” Oxygen
“The Transportal has taken us to so much
wisdom, and it got us here. Maybe, we’ll get a glimpse
of the Universal Sign just before it takes us back.” “Hopefully still in one enlightened piece!”
Helium smirked.
“We’ll face our fate together. How much time
do we have left?”
“The sun will rise in a little over thirty-three
minutes,” Mercury answered precisely.
Calcium returned from an investigative foray.
“I’ve been looking around to see if we’re missing
anything. This place is bare other than this carving. But
there’s a plain small blue crystal pane in the western
wall. It is so perfect it seems otherworldly. Everyone
here says the Guardians brought it and installed it when
they built the chamber. Supposedly, it has a special
purpose but nobody knows what, even though they’ve
been here since the place was built.”
“Remember,” Oxygen said, “the Guardian said
the pyramids’ secrets are not visible to the unworthy.” “The guardians are more advanced in those
special ways. They understand the harmony of the
cosmos. That’s why they glow and have psychokinetic
“Some invisible energy interacts with matter,”
Lead said. “That could explain the Transportal’s power.” “Divine fire, divine light, universal mind, cosmic
soul,” Hydrogen recited the past journeys’ encounters.
“What do you guess it all means?”
“It must be what the soul is made of,” Copper
“The soul of the universe?” Gold asked. “I
remember the way the Guardian described the Source—
the highest truth, the origin, destination and destiny,
everything about everything, and our nothingness in that
“But what about us? Are we worthy to have a ka
or soul like humans? Can we perceive the Source of all
“The last lines tell us to comprehend the
Universal Sign. For only then will the source of all
become visible. We must embrace the light, for the light
reveals the Source.”
“We have to follow those instructions exactly,”
Silicone said. “Try to embrace whatever light we find.
Understand the Sign by remembering everything we’ve
learned together. The true understanding of the
Universal Sign and the mysterious light reveal the
As always, Helium tried to help everyone relax
“This blue tablet may just be our philosopher’s stone. If
we can comprehend the elixir of life or light or whatever
it is, we may have our own alchemical awakening.” “Friends,” Mercury warned, “the time is near.
Only a few minutes.”
Then there was silence. What did they feel? They
felt so strongly . . . what? Respect, friendship, love, all
of those, or perhaps a sense of boundless connection?
They felt they were all part of the same body. Did they
not all belong to Mother Earth? Did they not all come
from the same source? They would have wept if they
could. Did that mean they felt the love and compassion
Sodium saw in the teardrop on Buddha’s face? They
realized they could not have come so far without each
other, without their combined
Hydrogen, Oxygen, Silicone,
Calcium, Carbon, Gold, Iron, Copper, Tin, Silver,
Sulphur, Potassium, Lead, Sodium, Chlorine, Mercury,
Phosphorus, Titanium, Uranium, Krypton: how far
would they have reached without each other? Not as far
as they had, to be sure.
They had shared the same destiny all along—the
Source. The Source is destiny. Perhaps that is the highest
truth. Only if the complex humans could understand that
all earthlings share the same source and destiny, then
more earthlings would become worthy and take part in
the next apocalypse, end days, or a transformation and
Through the small east-facing opening of the
perfect masonry wall, dawn’s purplish-orange light
beamed through to announce the sun’s rising, the god of
the solar system. That messiah of Earth appeared to
illuminate all earthlings and dispel the darkness. Had our friends become worthy? Would they see
the Universal Sign? Could they understand its meaning
and power? And if so, would they get a glimpse of the
Source before returning to their world? They felt neither
fear nor anxiety, only intense anticipation.
The dawn twilight grew stronger. They could see
the Chamber of Destiny more clearly. No décor, no
colorful designs, no egotistical declarations, no natural strengths. Nitrogen, Helium, pretentious ornamentation. Just an unassuming humble room. In the brighter light, they studied the blue crystal in the western wall a smooth crystalline plaque without symbol, engraving, or carving. Where was the Universal Sign? Then they remembered: through the sun, see the Sign. Should they wait for the sun to guide them? They were only worried about the Transportal’s brilliant white
light arriving too soon.
Then all at once a narrow beam of light shone
through the orifice in the wall and cast a small circle of
light onto the northern wall. The circle was near the
plain blue crystal and getting nearer. Some closed their
eyes, maybe hoping to delay the Transportal.
But not Hydrogen. “Look!”
The narrow sunbeam lit the blue crystal, and the
unassuming tablet began to radiate a brilliant blue light
throughout the room.
“Look up.”
At last, the Universal Sign appeared, a blue
holographic image hovering in mid-air at the center of
the Chamber of Destiny. Our friends immediately