The World of Nicholas Mallet by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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Dunning called up the stairs and Peter came down slowly, every bit a gentleman.

“Well Sergeant how can we help you.”

“Have you got two massive live dogs running free in the woods?”


“Big ones, huge teeth, boys say they taking a walk in the woods and were attacked.”

“Sergeant when I was upstairs I heard you tell Dunning here that the boys were on their lawful business. Its not lawful to be loitering in my cousin Nick woods, would that not be so?”

“Nevertheless its illegal to attack trespassers regardless sir.”

“Oh really then it would be illegal for two boys to attack a smaller boy in these self same woods, would it not, and perhaps this small boy whom you shall presently see beat them off.”

“Knowing the lads I think that would be far fetched sir.”

“Yes sergeant you do know the lads, perhaps they be related to you, a Father or more likely an Uncle.”

‘You’re reading his mind.’

‘Shush Nick’

‘Don’t forget my stolen phone.’

‘Thank you, now be quite you two.’

“Right sir I do happen to be the lads Uncle, and that makes it much harder since I’m family involved.”

“And presumably Sergeant Ferguson, you know these lads to be caring and honest with their fellows?”

“I’m sure they be, but my brother is willing to settle out of court so as not to embarrass the manor.”

“That’s very considerate, but alas my cousin is prepared to sue for considerable damages, but we are talking at cross purposes what we have is a crime which still needs proving. Do you have any chance an officer of the law at the boys house?”

“I have one of my constables there now taking a full statement.”

‘Nick got your cell phone, come on out now.’

“Are here comes my cousin now, Nick just take the Sergeant down to the kitchen to see our young cousin.” Nick showed the Sergeant where Ash was. The Sergeant was obviously shaken to see Ash’s blood shot eye and welts on his back and hands where he had tried to parry the blows, Alice tuned Ash gently in his chair and pointed to his stomach. It was purple with bruising.

“What happened?”

“I was set upon by two older boys who throwing stones at a vole on the river bank, our bank. I asked them to stop and they said it was a rat and began to pummel me, they took my cell phone then chased me into the woods as I tried to escape. They caught me and beat me with sticks. I could not take any more and lost my temper and one fell over a root of a tree so I gave the other a walloping, he ran away, the other rose and I grabbed him with my fingers and scratched his back and tore his shirt, as you can see some of my nails are broken.”

“And of course you can this?”

“Of course Sergeant, the sticks in the hall are those used to beat young Ash and most certainly will have the DNA of the perpetrators, these are to collected by my solicitors for laboratory testing as a basis for substantial damages from your brother.”

“These are evidence,”

“No the evidence is elsewhere, please telephone your constable and ask him to wait to listen?” Peter eyed the Sergeant.

“To what?”

“Pick up the phone and ring your policeman, Ash told you he had his cell phone stolen did he not?”

The sergeant rang through to his brother’s house.

“Put PC Pearson on Bert will you, no I haven’t yet, just put him on.” The sergeant sat on a chair and waited, “Pearson are my nephews with you, OK.” He nodded to Peter.

“Nick has an identical cell phone, show him Nick and the Ash’s telephone cell number, and now ring it. Can PC Pearson hear anything his end Sergeant?”

The sergeant asked the constable, and nodded.

“Ask the constable to take the cell phone from the boys with his gloves, but do not allow the boys to re-handle it, we want the fingerprints intact. Now Nick give the sergeant your phone and Sergeant you ask Pearson if he would take in the cell phone.” Both officers commenced to talk.

“I suggest Sergeant you prepare your paperwork, my Father, Ash’s Great Uncle is a magistrate and would be keen on some prosecution even though he cannot take the case.”

“I’ll remind sir that I am a police officer and I will do my duty to see the offenders are brought to the juvenile court if that is the complainants wish?” The Sergeant looked hopefully at Ash.

“I believe some punishment is necessary though I’m sure I gave as good as I got, but stoning animals and stealing and bullying on our land is beyond a joke. I believe if we left this matter in the hands of the Sergeant and his family might be best. A term of community work such as cleaning out the ditches in and around the village, and a ban ever to enter the Malling land might be sufficient.”

“Nicely spoken young man but you have the right to proceed in law and I would carry out your instruction.”

“The return of my mobile phone rather than having it kept in evidence would be appreciated.”

“Pearson leave my brother and those two cretins, and bring master Ash’s cell phone to the manor. Tell those bullies they are on work duty at the watch house toilets for the next three months. No pay. Since the little fellow here has already given them a thrashing being a tough magical little kid, tell Fred no thrashing, they already had a good one.” The Sergeant shook Ash’s hands gently.

“I’m right sorry Master Ash, if ever I can be of service to you or your cousins let me know. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and I will tell Bert he could have a summons hanging over his boys heads if they continue their stupidly.” He patted Ash’s hands, bowed to those he could see in the room and walked out a chasten man. Ash was to find him a useful ally at a later time.


Nick took Ash up to the bathroom, ran a bath and lowered him in.

“What no bubbles this time?”

“Last time most of them were sloshed on the floor.” Nick poured the bubble bath liquid in and Ash worked his hands and feet to get more bubbles.

“And no Joan to wash me down either, Nick why aren’t you tall like Peter is?”

“I expect I was the last child in line and missed out on any height, I'm happy with my five foot five, it seems a nice round figure, but what about my little squirt?”

“That’s not nice after all I’ve been through, remember Molly’s advice?”

“I do indeed and I know what you are going to ask me and it’s a yes until you get better, now I’m off to bed and come when you are finished.” Nick went and fetched Ash’s towel and draped it over a chair.

When eventually Ash did come into the bedroom he put the light off and climbed into Nick’s bed where he laid his head on Nicks chest.

“No height and no chest hairs”, as he moved his limp hand over Nick.

“OK you little imp, we do this for your security and no insults please. Now which side does it hurt the most, do you need me to make a tent over your right side.”

“No I’m comfortable.” Ash’s voice started to waver. “Nick I was so frightened they would kill me, I could hardly shout aloud when I called Ben, it was almost a hoarse stifled cry I made, I’m sure those louts did not hear me, yet Bill and Ben came charging in.”

“Perhaps the dogs had been following you and came to your rescue.”

“That cannot be, as I was first hit by the river bank in the fields, no somehow they heard me.”

“Ash do you remember when Peter and I were doing mind speak, you heard every word.”

“And when Peter told you to hush up.”

“So you are a natural at mind speak and tomorrow we’ll try it over ever increasing distances and see how we get on”

“So we won’t need mobile phones any more.”

“We most definitely will and you have it for my well being.”

“Ah I wondered whether you worried about me.”

“Ash, my boy I will always worry whether you safe or not, like about now. By the way how’s your tummy”

“Still throbs but the stinging inside has gone. Why now?”

“ Because I’ll give your unmarked backside a whack, now  go to your own bed.”

Ash snuggled right into Nick strong arms as he carried him back to his own bed. The boy slept fitfully still dreaming of the chase, but Nick found it difficult to sleep, worried about the bullies attack. But Alex came into his mind,

'Bill and Ben will stay close when he goes in the morning and comes back in the evening, so don't fret to much'.










Chapter Ten. Reconstruction and a lady arrives.


Spring arrived with the final destruction of the old pier when the boys finally got their wish and dragged the old piles out using Nick’s car trailer ball. Tom had them stack all the timbers to dry out ready for bonfire night. Since they were old oak and not ground treated they could be burnt. That is until Peter came down to see them and said the old piles would be better cut, dried and used in the manor fireplaces. The rotten planks could be used for a bonfire. They all agreed and proposed Peter to do the sawing up.

“No, what we need is a chainsaw, and Tom being a forester, therefore I propose Tom to go and buy a good one to be used on the estate.”

“We can also use clearing the drive to the three cottages. Tom the boys and I will go to a hardware place and buy all the necessary.” Nick said as he finished stacking up his four  piles against one another.


On the drive to the city, Tom turned around to Nick who was driving.

“I can never really feel comfortable with Alex and Peter, there’s something cool around them. I was standing close to Peter when he came down and rested his hand on the spade, his thumb seemed to glide through it.”

The boys behind laughed.

“Dad”, said Jack, “Mum was partly right about the weird folk in the manor, excusing Nick and the Dunnings.”

“You mean they aren’t all there?”

“No Tom, my adopted relatives are all there, well most of the time, they just live in a different zone. Think of it this way, pick up a piece of paper and look along the edge, that’s only one dimension, lay the paper flat out and you see two dimensions, go outside your cottage and you see three dimension. Peter Alex and the others live in the fourth dimension.”

“They are ghosts.”

‘Spirits if you please but very much alive still, that a problem Tom Trent?’

Tom swung around and saw the boys well apart in the back.

“Which one of you devils copied Peters voice?”

 “No one did because the boys know who and why we are.” Peter appeared his arms around the boys’ shoulders.

“You best put your seat belt on then Peter!” Tom saw the boys smiling.

“Would you prefer not to see us at all Tom?”

“I would find it difficult talking to thin air though, I prefer to see you in the flesh.”

‘Only because you would worry what other people thought of you speaking to nobody they could see.’

Tom nodded, and turned to Ash,

“I’m glad Peter’s got a sense of humour, I just realised about the seat belt. I always reckoned there were wood sprites in the forest, so you are believable Peter, welcome to the real world.”

‘And to show you that I am in your real world I suggest we look at more equipment. I found a small tractor cum digger with grass cutting attachment in a magazine Jack had brought over to read yesterday. If we need one lets buy one, all those in favour please vote.’ Four hands leapt up.

“And presumably you discussed this with the accountant.” Nick put his hand down.

“Which accountant.” Peter suddenly appeared in the full.

“ Your Father.”

“No, but we just took a vote and your hand was up dear cousin, however in the interest of family unity I will pop back and have a word with the old man. I shall say it was Ash’s idea then he’s bound to agree, I’ll be back soon, so  Ash mind think so I can track you down.” Peter vanished and Ash gave a sigh, wonder how Uncle Horace would take it, anyhow it wasn’t his idea!  Still, a tractor to ride about on around the estate!

‘He’s approved, I told you so.’


So a few days later the small tractor and all its implements, including a snow scraper and post hole digger arrived safely and was immediately commandeered by the boys until Tom Trent tossed them off, until they took proper lessons at driving it. Meanwhile Nick had been in touch with a local Public school and had found a place for Ash to attend as a boarder after the summer holidays.

“But why Nick do I need to go the this place Ashdown College, I’m perfectly happy here and at the village school.”

“Well for one thing you need a better education, for a second you were bullied at the village school, you’ve been there two years now and I can’t remember you ever bringing a friend home.”


“Meaning, you really don’t seem to get along with the village kids. Give it a try Ash, that’s all I ask, if you don’t like it we’ll think of something else.”

“Like home study?”

“Well I guess even that would be possible, so you agree. Listen its HE's old college so if he survived the rigours of Ashdown so can you, its even named after you!”

Ultimately Ash agreed to give a try after the summer break, as Nick knew he would. Ash had adventure deep in his soul and was brave enough to try anything. Nick had counted on this and had not discussed his plans with anyone other than the Dean of Ashdown.


The working party split into two once the driveway to the cottages had been gravelled and the tractor had rumbled along pulling a massive rusty roller that Dunning had found hidden in creepers behind the manor. They then selected the cottage each pair would tackle, Nick and Ash the first one, Tom and Jack the second one and these were allocated for them to live in ultimately. The third cottage would be a joint effort. Nick had arranged for a surveyor to visit, so the locks were cut away and they all clambered into the first cottage. It was covered in cobwebs but empty of any furniture. They left the surveyor to do his work and they dashed into the second and then the third. All apparently seemed in reasonable order but the had to await the surveyors report.

Back at the manor they congregated in the kitchen to await the surveyor. When he did arrive he seemed amazed that the condition of the buildings were reasonable. The walls had been built on granite foundation blocks with the floors set well above the ground and with adequate ventilation. The staircases to the attic rooms needed to be replaced, as did the thatch.

“You can work in the cottages at the same time you get them thatched with new reeds. I suggest after thatching the reeds be covered with mesh wire as they are very close to the woodland.” The surveyor promised to send along a local thatcher to give Nick a quotation.


The last week of summer saw both the completion of the thatching and the rebuilding of the internal staircases. It also saw the arrival of a young vibrant dark haired lady, who screeched to a standstill in front of the manor in her dark green MG. Running up the steps she collided with Nick who was on his way to the cottages.

“Can I help you?”

“Are you by chance Mr Malling Mallet.” She asked looking him up and down. Mostly up as he wasn’t wearing a shirt.

“Most people round here call me Nick, what can we do for you?”

“Some time ago you put a notice down in the village about procuring furniture for the house.”

“Indeed, I think you’d better come in and have a seat.”

“Oh I would much prefer to sit over there amongst the roses, as I do believe I spotted a garden seat.”

The seat the dark haired one pointed to was a fine oak and beech seat that Sir Horace had bought for Lady Celia. The rose garden was a gift from the other inhabitants of the manor.

“Oh gosh, I must introduce myself, I’m Cassandra Acton, Lord Acton’s daughter, I believe we have a chair of yours and my father has ask me to bring it over.”

Nick looked across to the MG, and indeed there was an old library chair with torn fabric sticking up in the rear seat.

“That’s very kind of you, and what sort money did you father want for the chair?”

“Nothing at all. He rang months ago and a rather rude man answered the phone and said father could keep it. Might have been your servant, not a nice person, though I’m sure you are fully cognisant with your staff.”

‘More likely Uncle I would have said’ thought Nick.

“Rather hot this summer, a drink wouldn’t go amiss Nick.” Her eyes sparkled as she looked directly at him.

“Of course I will unload the chair and we can go inside, I’m sure you came to look over the place as well as to bring the chair back.”

“Oh how did you guess, you are so clever, I’d love to see around it, people have said you’ve done marvels with the place.” She twittered, then leading the way she marched up the stairs and pushed open the doors nearly knocking Ash over as he held two large brushes.

“Well little man help your master with the chair, put those things down, can’t you see him trying to lift it from the car. Mind you don’t scratch the car. Now quick be off with you.”

Ash thought the same but he was too well mannered to say, Alex who was behind him was not.

‘Pushy little lady, better drop the brushes on her brand new suede’s Ash and go and help Nick.’

Ash dashed down and between them they to prise the chair from the open roofed car, it took some time as some oaf had clamped it in tightly.

“Who’s the chair from Nick?” He was tempted to add who is the autocratic girl.  

“Its from a Lord Acton apparently.”

“Oh, I don’t think Uncle Horace wanted this back.”

“Well it would be impolite Ash, to refuse after all she’s bought it a long way.”

When the carried it in and set it down on the floor, they saw Cassandra Acton had found herself a seat and a drink which Dunning was serving. Ash picked up his brooms and disappeared towards the cottages.

“I’m sorry we took so long, the chair was fairly well wedged in the back.”

“But of course Nick I asked my brother to do that so it wouldn’t fall out.”

“Now would you like to see the rest of the house, once you’ve finished your drink.”

“Oh no I must fly, may I come another day and lets do it together. I can see you spent a fortune, we had heard the house had been totally divested of all its furniture, word is you own an opal mine and I expect you have oodles. But lovely meeting you Nick, we’ll make a date for you to come and see ours, might help you in your setting out next time I come. Do you work in town?”

“No I’m here most of the time, I’m retired.”
”You are so young, and so fortunate. I love to travel. I must be away, how old are you if you are retired?”

“Twenty eight.” Nick was intrigued with this dark haired raven of a lady with her rapid questioning, but before he could say another word she was running down the steps into her car and gunning the car so half the drive showered over the steps. And Ash had taken the brooms so he shook his shoulders looked up the beech drive as the MG drove straight through the gates.

‘She’ll kill herself or someone else one of these days the way she drives, come on lets give Ash a hand with the sweeping.’ Alex closed the door and pushed Nick gently down the steps now laden with grit.

‘A message from my Father, burn that dam chair Nick.’

“Why, it could be refurbished?” Nick disliked throwing perfectly good items out, in Australia they would have fought over a chair such as this.

‘He was sitting in that chair when he learnt of Peter’s death, and later of mine. He considered it a bad omen chair for our family, he