Thuggin in Miami (the Family Is Made : Part 1) by R. A. Robinson - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

Dwayne pulled up outside of Richard’s trap in his beat up Coupe de Ville. His eyes bounced wildly from one side of the street to the other as he looked for any sign of Richard. Seeing none, he relaxed just a little, but his eyes didn’t slow down. “Go get us a hundred pack,” he told his girlfriend, slumping down into his seat, trying to avoid being seen.

She eyed one of the men walking into the house in front of them. “Baby, I think you know one of them boys over here,” turning her gaze back towards him. “I done saw you talking to one of them when Wine used to live with us.”

An exasperated sigh left his lips. ”Just do what the fuck I said ‘fore I beat your ass,” he sneered, shooting her a hateful glare before turning his attention back towards the street.

“Okay baby.” She opened he car door. “I’ll be right back.”The creaky door shut behind her. As she made her way through the grass up towards the house, she couldn’t shake her certainty that Dwayne knew that man who’d been standing outside. Maybe we can get some extra. Having made up her mind about the conversation she was about to have, she knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.

“What you want?” Lil’ B asked as he opened the door. His eyes fell on one what he thought was probably one of the sorriest looking crack heads alive. Her hair was thinning and oily looking. Her cheekbones jutted out of her face. Her collarbone was noticeable, even under the dirty, ratty t-shirt she was wearing. It was hard to keep the disgust in the pit of his stomach at bay. In an attempt to hide the fact that he felt like vomiting, he forced a small smile.

“Let me get a hundred pack,” she answered, eyes bouncing around widely as she handed over the money.

“A’ight, hold up.” He turned to grab one of the pre-made bags of crack. “Here ya go.” It took an insurmountable amount of effort to keep his hand steady as she took the bag from his fingertips. He quickly snatched his hand back away from her, grateful that his hand hadn’t touched her scaly looking skin.

Almost reconsidering her plan, she turned to walk away, but the idea of making Dwayne proud of her for getting more crack kept her situated on the front stoop. “Ay, you know a man name Dwayne, right?” she asked, her eyes still bouncing wildly.

Lil’ B’s brow furrowed, “Yeah, why?”

Rather than noticing Lil’ B’s change of expression, she leaned towards him and whispered, as if someone else might hear them. “Well, that’s who this is for. He told me to tell you to look out for us this time.”

Lil’ B smiled as he fought to keep the anger out of his voice. Knowing that he needed to keep her talking to find out where Dwayne was, he answered her nonchalantly. “I know I saw you from somewhere. Where Dwayne at now?”

Still oblivious to what she had done, she pointed over to the car.“He out there in the car waiting on me.”

“Ay Maybay,” Lil’ B called into the house, “Check this out.”

“Wuz up, Lil’B?”

“I’m gone look out for somebody right quick.” He winked before stepping out around the sickly-looking woman on the front stoop.

Her eyes grew large with excitement. He must be makin’ sure it’s Dwayne.

As if to confirm her thoughts, Lil’ B turned to her and said, “Let me see if that’s the right person first.”

Lil’ B, Maybay and Dwayne’s girl walked through the grass over to the parked Coupe. Through the window of the car, Lil’ B could see Dwayne’s face, hovering parallel to the steering wheel. Reaching into his pocket, Lil B’s fingers closed around his 357. He pulled it from his pocket and charged towards the Coupe.

Dwayne’s girlfriend watched in shock as Lil’ B pulled the gun from his pocket. No longer thinking about the extra crack, her stomach lurched. “Hold up, what you gone do with that?” She ran up to Lil’ B and grabbed his arm.“Don’t…” Lil’ B’s elbow met her forehead and her world went black. Her unconscious body slumped to the ground. Finally reaching the car, Lil’ B yanked the car door open.

An alarmed Dwayne turned towards the looming figure trying to pull him from the car. He only saw the gun pointed right at his head. His hands rose up in defense. “What’s going on? Please, don’t kill me man.” Through his fingers, he recognized Lil’ B’s face. “Balle, what’s going on? I’m sure we can straighten this out.”

Immune to his pleas, Lil’ B yanked Dwayne from the car. “Fuck boy, we gone straighten this shit out a’ight.” In one forceful motion, Lil’ B threw Dwayne to the ground. Turning his pistol, he brought the butt of the gun down, smashing Dwayne in the back of the head.

Dwayne’s hands rose up to the injury. Instantly, a warm, sticky substance covered his fingers. He brought his hand back towards his face to examine it. Just as he caught sight of the blood, another blow pierced the side of his head. His head throbbed with pain. A crippling jab from the gun came down on the back of his neck.

Maybay watched the whole scene play out, at first complacent, but then the thought of how Richard would react popped into his head. He’d probably be pissed, especially if he found out that Maybay did nothing to try and stop it. “Lil’ B! Chill before you kill his ass, man,” he said, taking a hesitant step towards Lil’ B.

Lil’ B turned and looked over his shoulder, then turned back towards Dwayne. “Man, fuck this nigga! This nigga robbed my granddaddy before he died.” Lil’ B gave Dwayne’s unconscious body a final kick to the ribs. Just before walking away, he spit on Dwayne in disgust.

Lil’ B and Maybay walked back through the grass, stopping just next to Dwayne’s girlfriend, trying to think of how to handle the two unconscious bodies. Just as they’d decided to simply pull the bodies into the house, she started to stir.

A painful groan left her lips as she tried to sit up. Her head felt as though it weighed ten times its normal weight and her vision was blurred. “What happen?” She looked around, trying to place where she was and what had just happened. Finally able to focus on the faces standing above her, she suddenly remembered. “Don’t kill him, please!”

Lil’ B reached down, hastily grabbing her under the armpits. He pulled her to a standing position. “I’ll tell you what,” he said, keeping his voice calm, hoping to keep her from screaming, “I’m gone give you ten rocks. You gone put this nigga in the car, drive away and get yo’ ass outta here.” He reached in his pocket and produced the bag of rocks. He shoved them in her hand, completely forgetting how repulsed he had been by those same hands just moments before, placed his hands on her shoulders and walked her towards the car. .

“Okay, just don’t kill us,” she said. The worry of how Dwayne would react when he woke up, sadness for causing so much trouble and intense fear of the men now hoisting Dwayne into the car flooded over her. The feelings were so intense that they had an almost numbing effect. As if entranced by all the thoughts and emotions running through her mind, she slowly walked to the driver’s side of the car. After stepping over the puddle of blood on the ground, she climbed in and drove away.

With the car now driving away, Maybay turned towards Lil’ B. “What was all that shit about?” he asked, hoping to get the full story now that Lil’ B was a little calmer.

“Nigga, that’s my Paw’s cousin I told you ‘bout.” Lil’ B pointed to the fleeing vehicle. “He stole a whole lotta money from Big Wine.”

Glaring at the car as it rounded the corner, Maybay considered what to say next. Knowing that Lil’ B was like family to Richard and Big Wine, he figured it would be best to not say anything. Kicking the ground, he simply replied, “Well, fuck that nigga then,” before turning to walk back towards the house.

Following behind, Lil’ B started to worry about how Richard would feel if he heard about this incident. He had just reprimanded Lil’ B for the crack head he’d beat down in the street. “Don’t tell Rich ‘bout what happened,” he said, knowing that Maybay would have his back as long as Richard didn’t find out some other way.


“Know what? Fuck you, Rich Kid,” Skinny yelled, emphasizing his street name. She followed behind him as he walked through the front door towards the living room. Her now prominent baby bump made her walk look more like a waddle. “All you want to do is run the streets!”

Sitting down on the couch, Richard took a deep breath and looked over at a very pregnant Skinny, one hand poised behind her back for support, the other resting on her hip, a scowl on her face. “Baby girl, you been real emotional since you been pregnant.” Skinny’s scowl only deepened, but Richard ignored it. “So I’m gone let that shit slide, but you need to stop tripping, for real.”

“I won’t have to trip if you spend some time with me.” She waddled closer to Richard. Tears of overwhelmed emotion welled, but she fought them with all of her might. She was supposed to be mad, not sad. Waving her hand in the air, “I be here all by myself every day…”

Irritated at her behavior, Richard cut her off before she could continue. He knew if he didn’t stop her now, it would only be a matter of time before she turned into a big bawling mess. He was making money for her and the baby. He wondered what she had to complain about. “Listen baby girl, go count some fucking money or something. Tell me, how much money I told you to put in the safe last week?”

“Fuck that money in the safe,” she yelled, hand swatting the air, her tears now spilling over, despite her best efforts to hold them back.  “Who you think I am? One of them gold digging ass hoes?”

Richard stood, walking towards the front door. “Know what? I’m just gone go. I’ll be back tonight,” was the last thing she heard from him, other than the sound of the large metal door slamming shut.

Blood hot from anger, hot, stinging streams of tears flowed freely down her cheeks. She didn’t even bother to wipe them away. She simply stood in the kitchen, watching through the metal bars of the burglar door as he climbed in the car . She wanted to run after him. She wanted to scream. But she knew better than to put their business out on the street. So instead, she watched him drive away.


“Where you at, baby girl?” Richard called through the house after walking through the front door. He had cooled off now and he hoped that she had, too.

“I’m in the back room, baby,” he heard her call from the bedroom. As he walked down the hall, he wondered if he’d heard a hint of seduction in her voice; he didn’t have to wonder for long. The moment he walked through the bedroom door, his wonder turned into confirmation.

The sight of her instantly sent a rush of blood to his groin. Surrounded by piles of money, she wore nothing but an emerald green thong and push up bra. Crouched in a cat-like pose, she looked as though she were ready to pounce on him.

Looking towards the radio, he tried to play off how well her seduction attempts were working. “Why you up here playing this bullshit ass Fantasia shit?”

An over-pronounced pout crossed her lips. “Cause I’m mad at you,” Richard was already making his way to the bed, slowly, as she spoke. “But I counted all the money in the safe and it’s eighty-two thousand, twenty-three dollars.”

“Well, I tell you what,” Richard said as he crawled onto the bed, raising an eyebrow. “Open your legs and let Daddy see that pussy.” He placed his hands on her knees and tried to separate them gently.

Yanking her legs towards her chest as best she could, Skinny scooted further up on the bed and turned her body away from Richard. “No! Don’t touch me.” She pretended to be angry, but a smile tried to pull at her lips. She had to bite her lower lip to keep a smile from surfacing. Her eyes sparkled with playfulness.

Richard shrugged his shoulders and started to unzip his pants. “A’ight,” he said, pulling out his growing flesh. “You just lay there and look sexy while I jack my dick.” Slowly, he glided his hand up and down the shaft. He watched her intently as she writhed with desire.

Skinny’s entire body tingled as she watched Richard slide his hand up and down his prominent erection. Between her legs felt like a dripping wet inferno. It didn’t take long for him to reel her in. “Baby, you doing it all wrong.” She climbed across the bed to him. “Let me show you how to do it.”

As Skinny started stroking him, Richard leaned over and started to lick the outside of her folds. A gentle moan escaped his lips as her sweet taste filled his mouth. “Damn baby girl, you wet as fuck.” He buried his face deeper into her, caressing her clit with his tongue. Moaning in ecstasy, she wrapped her lips around his dick. He could feel the warm wetness of her mouth and it pushed him closer to explosion.

On the brink of an earth-shattering orgasm herself, Skinny pulled her mouth away, no longer able to continue pleasuring him, “Ooohhh yes! Daddy I love you! Please Daddy, fuck me!”

Richard’s voice was deep and throaty as he spoke. “Tell Daddy how you want it.”

“I don’t care! Just please put it in!”

Gently, Richard rolled her onto her back. Careful to avoid her belly, he started off with slow, deep strokes until she begged him to go faster.

“That’s what I’m talking ‘bout. Beat this pussy up!” she called out, legs locked around Richard’s torso. “Ooooh Daddy, don’t stop! I’m cumming!”

Skinny’s body stiffened and shook. She screamed and clawed into Richard’s arms. When her body finally relaxed, indicating that her orgasm had taken its course, Richard stopped. “Come on. I want you to make me cum now.” He lay down on the bed and pulled Skinny on top of him. The moment he was in her, she started rocking. Faster and faster, she bounced on top of him. Already, she was on the verge of another orgasm. Grabbing her hips, Richard pushed himself deeper inside.

“Yes Daddy! I love you!” Skinny picked up the pace.

Between strokes, Richard spoke, “Then ride…that dick…and tell me…ya ain’t gone act crazy…when…streets.”

“I ain’t Daddy, I ain’t,” she said, cumming for the second time.

Richard rolled Skinny off gently, placing her on her side, lifting one of her legs into the air. From the side, he pounded her harder and harder until together, they released. Richard let out several grunts. Skinny’s eyes rolling into the back of her head as she screamed.

Out of breath and exhausted, he curled up next to her, stroking her forehead. “That’s all ya’ had to do was tell Daddy you wanted this dick,” he said softly, kissing her shoulder. Hearing no response from her, he lifted his head, only to find she was already sound asleep.