Thuggin in Miami (the Family Is Made : Part 1) by R. A. Robinson - HTML preview

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Chapter 15

“Wuz good, Lil’ one?” Skinny asked as she swung out of the driver’s seat and headed towards the front of E’s apartment building.

“Wuz good, ma?”

Skinny searched around the yard, but E wasn’t anywhere to be found. “Where E at?” she asked.

Lil’ B motioned over to the apartment. “He inside counting money I just brought from the trap.”

Skinny nodded in understanding. “You know where we going yet?”

“Naw, why?”

“I got the officer that work in yo’ Paw’s cell in the mornings to go out with us,” Skinny answered, grinning and nodding.

Lil’ B figured that Skinny and Richard must be up to something, but he had a hard time believing that one of the correction officers actually wanted to accompany their group. “Which one?” he asked.

“This bad ass bitch named Kita,” Skinny’s smile grew wider. “They call her Ms. Jackson at the jailhouse.”

Knowing that Richard and Skinny both had good taste, Lil’ B couldn’t’ wait to see what Kita looked like. “Tell her to get out the car Ma,” Lil’ B said, smiling.

“A’ight, hold up.” Skinny walked back towards the car and opened up the passenger side door. “Kita, get out the car. My son wants to meet you.”

Sliding out of the car, Kita stood on the sidewalk and looked around for a young child, but saw a man not much younger than her. She glanced over at Skinny, quizzically. “Okay, but where he at?”

”Who I was just talking to.” Skinny pointed towards Lil’ B. “That’s the one I was telling you ‘bout.”

Kita looked at Skinny in disbelief. “That ain’t no boy,” she whispered, eyes wide, as if she were telling Skinny a secret that no one else knew. “That’s a man.”

Skinny laughed and started walking forward expecting Kita to follow. Right on cue, Kita followed behind, looking hesitantly at Lil’ B.

Kita, Ms. Jackson, really was a bad ass bitch. He could just imagine those round curves in between his hands as he pounded her from behind. “Wuz good lil’ mamma?” he asked, his voice low and seductive. Of course, he already knew that Kita was off limits, but looking and fantasizing until she became a full-fledged member of The Family couldn’t hurt.

“I’m good. How ‘bout you?” Kita asked. Despite the fact that Lil’ B was practically undressing her with his eyes, and despite the fact that she barely knew any of these people, she realized that she felt strangely safe with them.

“So I’m gone tell you straight up, my ol’ boy…”

“Hold up, who is your ol’ boy?” Kita asked, interrupting Lil’ B.

“Rich Kid, you know? Richard Gary,” Lil’ B chuckled.

Kita placed her hands on her voluptuous hips and turned her head to the side in thought. This just didn’t make any sense to her. “How is that your daddy and you look like you’re a grown man yourself?”

Lil’ B shook his head. “Let’s just say, it’s a long story. But Rich Kid adopted me when I ain’t had nobody.” There’d be plenty of time for catching up, later.

Skinny laughed and redirected Kita’s line of questioning. “Kita, you ask too many questions.” She wrapped her arm around Kita’s waist.

Kita looked around, embarrassed and nervous. “I’m gone go sit in the car, a’ight?”

Kita started to turn towards the car to walk away, but Skinny was already ahead of her. Slightly tightening her grasp around Kita’s waist, she pulled Kita forward, moving her in the direction of the E’s apartment. At just that moment, E came walking down the stairs, holding an AK47. “Hold up,” Skinny said, pointing in E’s direction. “You got one more person to meet.”

Kita peered at E nervously. Her heart raced. “What he doing?" she asked. She turned her head slightly to address Skinny, but never fully took her gaze off of the large gun in E’s hand.

“Nephew!” E yelled as he stepped down from the last step onto the ground. “Get off the trunk so I can put this shit in!”

Lil’ B swatted E’s comment away. “Just put that shit in the back seat.” His butt remained firmly planted on the trunk of the car.

Almost missing Kita altogether, E did a double take passing her and Skinny. The new face suddenly registered and he took a few steps backwards. Pursing his lips, E shot Skinny a silent question. Who the new eye candy?

“Bro,” Skinny said, smiling as she hugged Kita’s hips a little tighter. “This is Kita. Kita, this is E.”

E smiled politely, “Wuz good, Kita?” He couldn’t’ help but notice how nervous she looked with her eyes darting back and forth between him and the gun in his hands. Then suddenly, her eyes dropped to the ground and she took off at the speed of lightening, calling, “I’m going to the car,” over her shoulder. E watched her speed walk to the car and climb in before turning to Skinny. “Wuz good, lil’ mamma?” his tone questioning.

“She probably ain’t use to being around people like us,” Lil’ B piped up from behind them.

“Whatever, Lil’ one.” Skinny rolled her eyes. Richard never would have sent Kita to them if he’d had any doubt that she could handle all of this. Sure, she needed some breaking in, but the effort would be worth it. “Where we going?” Skinny asked, turning her attention back to E.

“I was thinking Coco’s,” E answered and then shrugged. “Or the Rolex one.”

“I’ll follow you,” Skinny replied, already walking back towards the charger. Climbing in the driver’s seat, she turned the key in the ignition then glanced over at Kita to see how she was doing. “You act like you ain’t never seen that big ass gun he had.” Skinny looked on as Kita continued to watch E through the passenger window.

Kita’s heart was still beating wildly in her chest as she watched E place the gun in the back of the car. She held her arms over her chest tightly as if she were cold. “Skinny, I ain’t never saw one of those in real life, only in the movies.” She watched as E placed another gun in the back of the car. Without taking her eyes off of him, she asked, “What’s that he putting in there now?”

“That’s what you call a hundred round drum,” Skinny answered matter-of-factly.

Kita finally turned her gaze towards Skinny. Her eyes were glazed with fear. Her face was at least five shades paler than it should be. “And what they going to do with that?” She was now biting her lip, using the pain to keep her from screaming at Skinny. “I thought we was going to the club, not a shootout.”

“Calm down,” Skinny said, expression stone. “It’s just for our safety. It’s better to be prepared then get caught slipping.” Skinny started to wonder if breaking Kita in was going to be harder than she had originally thought, but just as the thought formed in her mind, Kita started to look as though she was starting to relax a little.

“Skinny, I don’t know why, but I trust you,” Kita said, turning and giving Skinny a small smile. “So please don’t let nothing happen to me tonight.”

 Skinny returned the smile, satisfied with Kita’s response. “Kita, I got you. Now give me a kiss.” Skinny leaned over the console towards Kita a little.

Kita’s heart raced again, only this time, it was a different fear. She could feel her hands shaking and hoped that Skinny couldn’t see it. Hesitantly, she leaned over towards Skinny. As she slowly neared Skinny’s lips, Kita’s own lips started to quiver – with fear or anticipation, she wasn’t sure which. Finally making contact, Kita closed her eyes and concentrated on breathing. She blanked out the fact that she was kissing a woman at first, but then Skinny touched the side of her face and pulled Kita in further. Skinny’s soft hands forced Kita’s eyes wide open. Skinny was staring right back at her.

Out of nowhere, yet somewhere deep inside, a tingling sensation started to ignite between her legs. Kita leaned in further and allowed Skinny’s tongue into her mouth. The soft, warm caressing of Skinny’s tongue sent her into overdrive. She was now thrusting her own tongue into Skinny’s mouth, hungrily, but Skinny slowed the kiss down and started pulling gently on Kita’s lower lip, so Kita stopped moving and just enjoyed the feeling. Closing her eyes, she breathed in Skinny’s scent. And then the kiss suddenly stopped.

Slowly, Kita opened her eyes. Skinny’s nose was still just inches away. “And what was that for?” Kita asked, trying to slow her breathing, fighting the urge to pull Skinny’s mouth back to hers.

“That was to tie you into The Family.” Skinny smiled and sat back in her seat. “Now roll down the window and call your brother E over there.”

“You serious?” Kita asked, her face crumpled in disbelief.

“You think I’m playing?” Skinny’s brow furrowed and her lips thinned as she waited for Kita to follow direction. Watching Kita reluctantly roll the passenger side window down, Skinny added, “And tell Lil’ B he yo’ nephew now, so stop calling you lil’ mamma.”

Kita turned her head back towards Skinny for a moment, looking for a change in expression, but there wasn’t one. Kita really had meant what she said; she did feel safe around Skinny, and her fear of E had diminished some, but now she was a little afraid that she might have hurt his feelings. Finally, admitting defeat, Kita yelled out the window, “Ay bro, come here.” Her voice wavered, making her statement sound more like a question.

E looked up to see who had called his name. It hadn’t sounded like Skinny. Seeing it was Kita, he turned to Lil’ B. Quickly, Lil’ B gave E the run down, letting him know who Kita was and how it might benefit them. Finally realizing that there was a plan behind inviting Kita into The Family, E walked towards the red Charger. “Wuz good, Sis.” E smiled at her warmly, officially welcoming her to the family.

“I..uh..I didn’t mean to walk off on you like that.” Kita looked down at her hands, a little ashamed at how she’d behaved earlier. “I just ain’t never been round guns like that.” Suddenly, she lifted her gaze back to E’s face, her eyes pleaded for forgiveness and understanding. “I’ll come around eventually, trust me.”

E looked past Kita at Skinny, a shocked look on his face. “You told her to say that, Sis?”

Skinny shook her head, “I ain’t told her to say shit.” A prideful smile crossed her lips. “I don’t know where that came from.”

E shrugged. “It don’t matter. She family now. I know she cool if Rich Kid trust her round us.” After giving Kita one last courteous smile, he turned and walked away.

Skinny was right!  Kita thought to herself. Seeing Lil’ B out in the yard, Kita put the next part of Skinny’s command into play. “And, Lil’ B!” Kita yelled out the window. “Stop calling me lil’ mamma ‘cause you my nephew.”

“I got you, Auntie,” Lil’ B replied, smiling and nodding in Kita’s direction. “Say no more.”