Thuggin in Miami (the Family Is Made : Part 1) by R. A. Robinson - HTML preview

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Chapter 17

Richard walked out of the shower and headed back towards his bunk, passing by Bam on his way. “Ay, fam.”

Bam  followed Richard back to their bunk. “You hear what everybody say happened at the Rolex night before last?” Bam asked.

“Yeah,” Richard chuckled. “That some shit I would have done if a nigga would have made my girl get naked and walk out the club.” Richard tossed his wet towel over the edge of his bunk so it could dry and turned to face Bam’s shaking head.

“Fam, I believe you would do that shit,” Bam grinned. “You ‘bout one crazy mother fucker.”

Richard’s face turned contemplative as he stared back at Bam. He held his chin held in between his thumb and index finger. He was trying to think of a way that he could use Bam on his team. He’d proven himself time and again, and he could be a great asset to The Family. Raw niggas like that didn’t come around too often. That thought sparked another one. “Ay Fool,” Richard said finally breaking his silence. “I ain ‘t calling you Fool no more.” A smile played on Richard’s lips as he spoke. “I’m gone call you Raw from now on. How you like that?”

Bam cocked his head to one side, as if he were listening to the name in his own head. “I like that,” he said, smiling. “I should have thought of that when I was a young nigga. That’s a hard ass name!” A crease formed on Bam’s brow. ”But why you changed it up all of a sudden?”

“’Cause you keep it gutter,” Richard stated, matter-of-factly. “You don’t hold shit back. You give it to a nigga raw.”

“That’s the only way to be! Niggas can’t sugar coat nothing in these streets.” He swatted the air with his hand. “If you do, the street’s gone come eat you like a black ant.”

Richard nodded his head slowly, considering Bam’s analogy. He decided that he liked it. Then another thought popped into Richard’s head: a thought that would help him further test Bam’s trustworthiness with secrets. “Ay Raw, when Ms. Jackson come back to work?”

“She should be here tonight. Why?”

“Cause I want to ask her something.” Richard intentionally raised an eyebrow at Bam. “You know she went out with my girl them the other night, right?”

“Damn,” Bam replied, shaking his head. “You aint’ tell me nothing ‘bout that.”

“Yeah, I ain’t been thinking ‘bout that shit.” Now with the bait set, Richard moved on to other topics. “You know, I been calling my lawyer for the past two days?”

“What he been talking ‘bout?”

“He say he might have some good news for me when I go to court tomorrow,” Richard answered, although what that news could be was still a mystery to Richard.

“Well, I hope he do, fam.” Bam smacked Richard’s upper back in brotherly love, a sympathetic expression on his face. “’Cause a good nigga like you shouldn’t be locked up ‘cause another nigga can’t do they time.”

“Well, that’s the game,” Richard shrugged. “That mother fucker don’t love nobody.” His jaw set in steel as he thought about how he still had no idea who’d put him behind bars. But as quickly as the anger set in, it disappeared as he thought about how his time might almost be up. “If I jump though, just chill ‘cause I got you,” Richard told Bam. “Everything gone be a’ight. Trust me.”


“Girl, I ain’t gone be in this mall all night,” Skinny said, tapping her foot in irritation as Kita stood in the doorway of yet another department store.

“How you got all them clothes in your closet if you don’t like shopping?” Kita asked, pulling her attention away from the department store window.

“Rich Kid know bitches that sell clothes.” Skinny flicked her wrist, dismissing the idea of spending so much money in a mall. “That’s how.”

“Well,” Kita replied, furrowing her brow as she thought about how much she’d already spent on clothes. “You need to call them for me ‘cause that would save me money. I know they don’t charge no full price.”

Kita reluctantly walked away from the department store entrance, resisting the urge to reap the rewards of the 25% off advertisement.

A sigh of relief escaped Skinny’s lips as she caught up to Kita. “Trust me, I would. But when they kicked in our door--” she shoved one of the large glass doors to the mall and stepped out onto the entrance walkway, “--they took Rich Kid’s phone and that’s where all the numbers were at.”

Kita stopped as they reached the curb of the mall walkway and looked around the large parking lot before turning to Skinny. “Where we parked at?”

Skinny pointed over towards the fourth row marked with a big sign displaying the letter “D.” “Over there, I think.”

Skinny’s stomach growled as Kita started loading her bags into the back of the Charger. “Girl, put that shit in there. You ain’t got to put it in there like you gone hurt them clothes,” she laughed.

“What? You want me to throw them in?” Kita asked, voice dripping with sarcasm as she shot Skinny a look over her shoulder.

“You good,” Skinny smiled and shrugged. “I’m just fucking with ya’.”

With Kita’s bags now fully secured, Skinny tossed Kita the keys. Climbing into the passenger seat, Skinny looked over at Kita. “Let’s go get something to eat. I’m hungry as fuck.”

Keys already in the ignition, Kita pulled the gear into drive. “Where you want to eat?” she asked before pressing on the gas pedal.

“Go to Burger King.”

Kita laughed. “Why you ain’t get that in the mall? They had a Burger King there.”

“I ain’t trying to be in the mall all night,” Skinny shook her head. “Besides, if I would have ate there, you know you would have thought of another store to go in.”

“We gone go eat inside?” Kita asked as she pulled the car into the Burger King parking lot. “I don’t like to drive and eat.”

“It don’t matter,” Skinny said, flicking her wrist.

Kita pulled into a parking space. After placing the car in park, Skinny reached in between Kita’s legs. Kita gasped with nervousness and shock. “I know you ain’t taking that in there.”Her forehead wrinkled with concern.

Skinny tucked one of the 45s in her purse, and bobbled her head back and forth as she spoke. “Hell I ain’t! Watch me.” With that, she shoved the passenger side door open and headed for the restaurant’s entrance.

“Why you always take that with you?”

“Just a habit,” Skinny shrugged, pulling open one of the restaurant doors. “I can’t leave home without it.”

After ordering their food, Kita followed Skinny over to a window booth and sat down. “Kat, you got a boyfriend?” Skinny asked, chewing on a bite of her hamburger.

Kita stopped dipping her french fry and looked across the table at Skinny. “I had one.” She placed her elbows on the table, her french fry suspended in mid-air. “Why? What took you so long to ask and does it matter?”

Skinny shrugged, “’Cause I wanted to know.”

“Well, now you know,” Kita replied, popping the soggy french fry into her mouth.

Neither of them talked while they finished their food. Kita wondered why Skinny was all of a sudden interested in whether or not she was seeing anyone. Skinny was devising a plan in her head. Now finished with their food, they tossed their trash into one of the trashcans along the way and headed for the door.

Kita and Skinny hadn’t really paid any attention to the guys coming into the restaurant as they were going out until one of them grabbed Skinny by the elbow. “Ay lil’ mamma,” he said, trying to pull Skinny closer. “Check this out.” A grin that was probably meant to be seductive, but ended up being more repulsive than anything, crossed his lips.

Skinny’s ears turned hot, but she kept her composure. “Kat, I know this nigga ain’t just grab me.” Her tone remained cool, but it carried a deadly undertone. Only Kita noticed or cared.

“Look, we got a man,” Kita said, her eyes bouncing from Skinny to the man who held Skinny’s arm. A chill ran down Kita’s spine as she thought of what might happen if he didn’t let go soon. “Please just leave us alone.”

“She say that like they got the same nigga,” one of the other guys from the group said as he smacked the shoulder of the guy holding Skinny’s arm. “How can one nigga share both y’all?” he asked, turning his attention to Kita.

“He can’t share shit.” Skinny yanked her arm away forcefully, and shoved the guy who had just been holding her arm. Using her shoulders to shove the men out of her way, Skinny pushed her way towards the door, pulling Kita along by the wrist as she went. “Now excuse us.”

“Man, fuck them hoes,” said the man who had grabbed Skinny’s arm. He dismissed the girls with his arm and was the first to turn his back and walk towards the counter. The other two men followed. “Pussy ass hoes wanna act like that.”

Skinny spun around quickly. Now facing the backs of the retreating men, she fished the 45 from her purse. “Hoes?” Her eyes narrowed as she spoke in a vengeful whisper. “Who you calling hoes fucking nigga?” She charged at the group of men, gun aimed straight for the group leader  - the man who had grabbed her arm.

“Pussy ass bitch, I’ll slap yo….”The man turned to find the barrel of Skinny’s gun in his face.

Skinny wore a cocky grin as she watched the eyes of the man in front of her fill with terror. “Slap who fuck nigga?”

“Lil mamma, pl-pl-please don’t shoot me,” he stuttered. A warm sensation filled the front of his pants and trickled down his leg.

Skinny started to laugh so hard that her stomach cramped and her eyes filled with tears. “Kat!” she said, holding her waist with one arm, the gun with the other. Despite her laughter, the gun’s barrel remained level with the leader’s head. “This bitch ass nigga done pissed on himself!”

“Girl, let’s go,” Kita said, both nervous and angry as she pulled Skinny away from the men standing in the Burger King lobby. As they made their way towards the car, Kat searched frantically for the flashing lights she knew had to be coming. “Baby girl! You crazy!” Kita yelled, marching for the driver’s side door. Opening the door, she took one last look to see if there were any signs that might indicate whether the police were on their way or not. She didn’t see any, but she did notice the Burger King girl behind the counter smiling and waving good-bye.

Now in the car, Kita slammed her foot down on the gas pedal and sped away from the restaurant. Even though she hadn’t seen any signs of police coming, she couldn’t help but think that they would be on their way at any moment. Switching her gaze frantically between the road and Skinny, she asked, “How you know them people ain’t call the police on us?”

Rolling her eyes, Skinny dismissed the question. “I know they didn’t. Don’t worry about that.” Skinny’s focus drifted downwards until it honed in on the back of Kita’s legs. The power she’d just felt inside the restaurant had made Skinny hot with lust.

“Why you looking like that?” Kita asked when she finally noticed Skinny staring at her.

“Can you use your left food on the gas and brake when you drive?” Skinny asked, acting as though she hadn’t heard Kita’s question.

Kita’s face contorted into a confused stare, but her eyes remained focused on the road in front of her. She had slowed down a little, but was still driving a little faster than usual. “Yeah, why?”

Skinny shot Kita a pretend look of disbelief, “Put your right foot up on the seat then,” she said, sitting back in the passenger seat, waiting.

Still confused as to why Skinny was asking such an odd question, Kita moved her left foot over to the gas pedal and then lifted her right leg up onto the seat of the Charger. The movement forced her skirt up around her hips. “See, I told you I could do it.” Her eyes still focused on the road, but a tug at her panties forced her to look down. When she did, she found Skinny’s face just inches from her snatch. “Skinny, why you doing me like this for?” She returned her eyes to the road and tried to focus on her driving as Skinny gently licked her folds, but she was failing miserably.

“Just drive,” Skinny commanded in a low, sexy voice. Returning to Kita’s inner folds, Skinny listened to Kita’s deep, throaty moans. “You like that?” Suddenly, Skinny thrust her tongue into Kita, making her gasp in surprised pleasure.

Kita struggled to keep the car on the road as Skinny gently stroked Kita’s clit with her tongue. “Yes! Yes! Please don’t stop,” Kita screamed as she veered the car back to the right, barely missing the car next to them. “You gone make me crash,” she yelled as one hand involuntarily came away from the steering wheel.

Skinny pulled back. “I thought you could drive with your left foot,” she taunted, a sly grin on her face. Saliva and juices dripped down her chin.

“I can,” Kita breathed heavily, “but not with you going down on me.” She leaned over towards Skinny, her right foot now back on the gas pedal. “Kiss me,” she whispered. Their lips met briefly. Kita licked the outsides of Skinny’s mouth when the kiss ended.

“Now you gone be hooked,” Skinny said as she smiled. “This shit just like when a pit bull taste blood.”

“Next time I’ll be ready,” Kita replied, returning her full attention back to the road.