Thuggin in Miami (the Family Is Made : Part 1) by R. A. Robinson - HTML preview

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Chapter 20

“Why you ain’t take that uniform off before you got here?” Skinny asked as she approached Kita. The crowd pulsated around them, every person filing in or out of the courthouse for one reason or another.

Kita rolled her eyes and dismissed the question with a swat of the air. “You think they give a fuck about me wearing this?”

Skinny laughed and wrapped her arm around Kita’s shoulders. “That’s why I name you, Kat. ‘Cause you wild as fuck.” Releasing Kita’s shoulders, Skinny grabbed Kita’s hand and pulled her towards the courtroom doors. “Come on, girl. He might be in the courtroom when we get there.” As she stepped forward, Skinny glanced behind her, signaling to E and Lil’ B that it was time to go inside.

After finishing security checks, the group went into the large courtroom and took a set of seats as close to the front as they could find. Kita sat on one side of Skinny and Lil’ B sat on the other. E sat on the other side of Lil’ B.

“You think Paw gone be mad ‘cause we came?” Lil’ B whispered to Skinny, his lips turned downward in a worried frown.

“Boy, he gone be happy to see ya’ll,” Skinny said as she patted Lil’ B’s knee. “So stop worrying.”

Sitting back in his seat, Lil’ B let out nervous sigh and looked up at the ceiling and waited anxiously. Kita pulled at the white fuzz balls on her slacks with one hand and held one of Skinny’s hands with the other, desperately trying to ignore the knot growing in her stomach. E stared down at the ground, tapping his foot. They were all waiting for Richard to appear, but only Skinny noticed him when he walked into the room, hands cuffed to five other inmates. Skinny squeezed Kita’s hand tighter. Gently, she elbowed Lil’ B. E took notice quickly of everyone else’s anxious expressions and looked around the front of the room. His eyes found Richard in only a matter of seconds. They all waited in silence for the proceedings to start.

A deep, loud voice came from the very front of the crowd. “Your Honor, I’d like to speak with my client in jury room, please.” Skinny looked to the front of the room, but couldn’t see who was speaking.

“And who’s your client, Mr. Black?” the judge asked, seemingly more interested in the papers in front of him.

“Mr. Gary, your Honor.”

Skinny shot straight up in her seat. She listened and watched intently, curious as to what it was Mr. Black wanted to talk to Richard in private about.

“Bailiff?” The judge turned his glance over towards the correction officer standing with the inmates. “Is there a Mr. Gary there?”

“Yes, he’s right here your Honor.”

“Send him with his lawyer, please,” the judge replied, returning to the papers in front of him.

The officer unlatched Richard from the other inmates and replaced the former chains with a plain pair of handcuffs. Silently, Richard walked alongside the correction officer to the jury room. Mr. Black followed behind.

For the next fifteen minutes, Skinny waited nervously. She kept eyeing the door to the jury room, waiting for Richard to emerge, but she only saw the correction officer standing there, staring blankly ahead. Could he hear what was going on inside the room. Just as the suspense level had finally reached a point that she thought she might scream, the door to the jury room opened.

Richard was the first to exit the room. Skinny saw the downtrodden look on his face and her heart sunk. Watery pools formed in the corners of her eyes. But just before the first tear fell, she saw something. Quickly, she looked around, trying to determine if anyone else had noticed. No, she didn’t think they had. They all seemed to have had their attention focused on Mr. Black.

Standing at the judge’s pulpit, Mr. Black leaned forward. The conversation was inaudible. The judge nodded his head. Mr. Black nodded his and then walked away. Shuffling his papers and shoving them to the side, the judge looked over at Richard. “Mr. Gary, your case has been continued to June 28th.” Then, averting his gaze back to something on his desk, he called out, “Next case!


Bam sat on his bunk, a little sad knowing that he might have lost his bunkmate. He’d really enjoyed sharing a cell with Richard. While he was sure Richard would keep to his promise, Bam had no idea how long he would have to wait to see Richard again. Kicking his shoes off, he lay back on his bunk and stared at the bottom of the empty bunk above him. A sigh of boredom and exasperation escaped his lungs. He closed his eyes, toying with the idea of taking a nap, but a scuffing of shoes brought him out of his depressed daze.

Quickly, his eyes shot open, darting to where he’d heard the sound. “Fam!” A smile crossed Bam’s lips. “What happened at court?”

“They reset me for two weeks,” Richard replied evenly.

Glad to have Richard back, but sad that Richard hadn’t been successful at getting out, Bam sat up. “That’s cause them crackers ain’t got shit.”

“Yeah,” Richard replied, looking over to the phone.

Bam noticed Richard’s distracted demeanor, but chalked it up to disappointment. “You want me to put your stuff by your bed?”

“Naw, just hold it,” Richard replied absentmindedly. “Ay, I’m ‘bout to get on this phone real quick.” He took a step back towards the exit of the cell and motioned to the phone with his thumb.

Bam nodded his head and settled back down in his bunk. “A’ight, fam. I’m gone let you clear yo’ mind,” he replied, adding, “I’m here if you need me.”